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ASP.Net Tutorial
ADO Net Database 202 codes
ASP.Net Tutorial
ADO Net Database
1 A grid with an empty data source
2 Add the connection string to a web configuration file higher in the folder hierarchy
3 Asp
4 Asynchronous command processing using the callback approach (C#)
5 Asynchronous command processing using the callback approach (VB)
6 Attach SqlCommand to DataGrid
7 Automatically converts any connection string into its canonical representation
8 Avoid SQL Injection attack
9 Avoid SQL injection
10 Bind asp
11 Bind SqlDataReader with asp
12 Binding to a DataSet
13 Browser Snoop
14 Build a DataTable
15 Building a Data Access Layer with a User-Defined Type
16 Building a SQL Hierarchical Data Source Control
17 Building connection strings using ConnectionStringBuilder (C#)
18 Building connection strings using ConnectionStringBuilder (VB)
19 Building Data Access Components with ADO NET
20 Building Database Objects with the NET Framework
21 Bulk loading data from one table to another database (C#)
22 Bulk loading data from one table to another database (VB)
23 By changing the provider name and properly adapting the connection string and command
24 Caching Database Data with the SqlDataSource Control
25 Calculated Column
26 Call stored procedure and pass in parameters (VB net)
27 Call stored procedure to query data table (VB net)
28 Canceling Command Execution when Deleting, Filtering, Inserting, Selecting, Updating
29 Configure two asp
30 Connect to Oracle with OracleConnection
31 Connect to SQL server with integrated Authentication or SQL Authentication
32 Connecting to an Access Database
33 Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server
34 Connection String for MySQL database
35 Connection tester
36 Connection to a mdf file
37 Construct a SqlConnectionStringBuilder from user input
38 Create and display in-memory calculated fields
39 Create connection to csv text based database (C#)
40 Create connection to Excel data source (C#)
41 Create DataReader object from SqlCommand
42 Create DataSet by your own
43 Create OdbcCommand and execute it (C#)
44 Create OdbcDataReader object from OdbcCommand
45 Create OleDbDataReader object from OleDbCommand
46 Create SqlCommand from sql statement and connection
47 Creating a Customer class to demonstrate the ObjectDataSource control (C#)
48 Creating a Customer class to demonstrate the ObjectDataSource control (VB)
49 Creating Stored Procedures with the NET Framework
50 DataAdapter is the bridge between an in-memory table and a physical table
51 DataReader Multiple result set
52 DataRow States and DataRow Versions
53 DataSetRelation ships
54 DataView Filter
55 DataView Sort
56 DbProviderFactory
57 Declare each of the parameters used when executing the update command
58 Define data layer in a separate class
59 Displaying all provider statistics
60 Distributed Transaction
61 Encrypting Connection Strings with aspnet_regiis located in C
62 Execcute delete statement
63 Execuate insert command against MySQL database
64 Execuate select command by using the SqlCommand
65 Execuate select statement against MySQL database with OdbcCommand
66 Execute an insert statement on Access database
67 Execute an update statement against Access database
68 Execute database commands within a single local transaction You can test rollback and partial rollback
69 Execute Delete command against MySQL database with OdbcCommand (C#)
70 Execute delete command with SqlCommand against SqlServer
71 Execute insert command by using SqlCommand
72 Execute select statement against Access database
73 Execute update command
74 Execute update command against MySQL database with OdbcCommand
75 Executes a database asynchronously but uses code to poll the operation for completion
76 Executing a Command
77 Executing a Command with Parameters
78 Executing a NET Stored Procedure from an ASP NET Page
79 Executing Asynchronous Database Commands
80 Executing Stored Procedures
81 Fill a DataSet
82 Fill DataSet with SqlDataAdapter
83 Fill the DataSet by using the OleDbDataAdapter and connection to Access Database (VB net)
84 Filling Multiple DataTables
85 FillLoadOption property of the Fill method on data adapters
86 Filtering Database Rows
87 Filtering select data using SelectParameter controls
88 Fire a database asynchronous operation and then proceeds up to the point where results are required
89 For example, the following connection string enables you to connect to a Server database named MyData
90 Handle table relationship (C#)
91 Handle the exception at the level of a DataBound control
92 Handling Output Parameters from a Stored Procedure
93 Handling Return Parameters from a Stored Procedure
94 Handling SQL Command Execution Errors
95 Hard code connection string in DropDownList
96 How to load a DataTable from a DataReader (C#)
97 How to load a DataTable from a DataReader (VB)
98 Improving Performance with Connection Pooling
99 Inline binding DataSet
100 Insert, update and delete (C#)
101 Interfaces for Standard ADO NET Objects
102 Iterating Through A DataReader
103 Iterating Through A DataSet
104 Iterating Through A DataSet for Access database
105 Iterating Through A DataSet from MySQL database
106 Iterating Through A OleDbDataReader
107 Iterating Through An OdbcDataReader
108 Link asp
109 List Binding DataReader
110 List Binding To A DataSet
111 Load csv file to DataTable (C#)
112 Load csv file to DataTable (VB)
113 Local Transactions
114 MARS feature on the Employees table of the Northwind database
115 ObjectDataSource binds DataBound controls such as the GridView, DetailsView, and FormView controls to a component
116 ObjectDataSource Insert
117 ObjectDataSource Update
118 OdbcCommand and OdbcParameter
119 OleCommand and OleParameter
120 Paging, Sorting, and Filtering Data with the ObjectDataSource Control
121 Pass a CommandBehavior CloseConnection parameter to the ExecuteReader() method
122 Pass OleDbParameter to OleDbCommand (VB net)
123 Performing Batch Updates
124 Properties of OdbcConnection
125 Properties of OleDbConnection
126 Provider is characterized by an invariant name, a description, and a type that contains assembly and class information.tx
127 Pulling Single Values From Dataset Bounded Lists
128 Read data from SQL server and fill asp
129 Read image from database and send to client
130 Read scalar data by using SqlCommand
131 Read scalar data from Access database
132 Read scalar data from MySQL database by using OdbcCommand
133 Retrieves the records from the database by using a DataReader
134 Retrieving Provider Statistics about the database commands executed with the connection
135 Retrieving XML from SQL Server 2000 using FOR XML AUTO (C#)
136 Retrieving XML from SQL Server 2000 using FOR XML AUTO (VB)
137 Returning a Resultset
138 Returning a Single Value
139 Returning Multiple Resultsets
140 Run a query against a SQL Server database with an XML typed column It then displays results in a tree-view
141 Save image to database
142 Selecting DataRows
143 Serialization capabilities of DataSet
144 Set Connection to Access database (VB net)
145 Show Page Control Parameter
146 Specify column from asp
147 SqlDataSource with dynamic parameter
148 Storing Connection Strings in the Web Configuration File
149 System Data OracleClient for Oracle
150 The ADO NET Data Provider Classes
151 The ASPX Page and XSLT to style the XML from SQL Server (C#)
152 The ASPX Page and XSLT to style the XML from SQL Server (VB)
153 The DataSet object represents an in-memory database
154 The DataTable object represents an in-memory database table
155 The DataView object represents an in-memory database view
156 The method adds an output parameter to the SqlCommand object
157 The Poll approach of working with asynchronous commands (C#)
158 The Poll approach of working with asynchronous commands (VB)
159 The SqlConnection, SqlCommand, and SqlDataReader objects (C#)
160 The SqlConnection, SqlCommand, and SqlDataReader objects (VB)
161 The use of a parameterized SQL statement (C#)
162 The use of a parameterized SQL statement (VB)
163 The using statement forces the connection to close, regardless of whether there is an error
164 The wait approach of handling a single asynchronous process (C#)
165 The wait approach of handling a single asynchronous process (VB)
166 Usage of in-memory, disconnected readers
167 Use a SqlParameter to represent stored procedure return values and output parameters
168 Use a try catch statement to force a connection to close
169 Use connection string in asp
170 Use DataTable to read the result set from an OleDbDataAdapter and a DataSet (VB net)
171 Use Linq-to-DataSets to query against (typed) DataTables and DataSets using the LINQ syntax
172 Use Linq-to-Objects to query against NET collections using the LINQ syntax
173 Use OdbcDataAdapter to fill a DataSet
174 Use of the WaitAny method of processing multiple asynchronous processes (C#)
175 Use of the WaitAny method of processing multiple asynchronous processes (VB)
176 Use OleDBCommand to read data returned from a select statement (C#)
177 Use OleDbCommand to retrieve data from Excel data source
178 Use OleDbCommandBuilder to create command
179 Use OleDbDataAdapter to fill DataSet
180 Use SQL Server stored procedures to insert a new record and then retrieve the identity value
181 Use the SqlHierarchicalDataSource control when working with the TreeView control
182 Use transaction to group operations (VB net)
183 Using an object of SqlDataAdapter to fill a DataTable (C#)
184 Using an object of SqlDataAdapter to fill a DataTable (VB)
185 Using ASP NET Parameters with the SqlDataSource Control
186 Using Data Relations
187 Using Disconnected Data Access
188 Using Multiple ResultSets in a single DbDataReader
189 Using ObjectDataSource
190 Using the ASP NET ControlParameter Object to represent the value of a control property
191 Using the ASP NET CookieParameter Object
192 Using the ASP NET FormParameter Object
193 Using the ASP NET ProfileParameter Object
194 Using the DataReader Object
195 Using the QueryStringParameter Object
196 Using the SessionParameter Object
197 Using two ObjectDataSource controls in one page
198 Working with Multiple Active Resultsets
199 Write the changes in a DataSet using a DbDataAdapter
200 XML query
201 You can connect to a Local database named MyLocalData mdf by using the following connection string
202 You use SQLCMD by opening a command prompt and connecting to your database with the following command