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ASP.Net Tutorial
Development 256 codes
ASP.Net Tutorial
1 A Master Page enables you to share the same content among multiple content pages
2 A sample browser capabilities file
3 A Web service class that utilizes a SOAP header (C#)
4 A Web service class that utilizes a SOAP header (VB)
5 Abstract class
6 Add event handler to button
7 Adding an Assembly to the Global Assembly Cache
8 Adding Cascading Style Sheets to Themes
9 Adding comments to a component
10 Adding nodes to a Site Map dynamically
11 Adding Skins to Themes
12 Adding the HttpHandler configuration information to web config
13 An ASP NET Theme enables you to apply a consistent style to the pages
14 An XML Web service that exposes the Default table from Northwind (C#)
15 An XML Web service that exposes the Default table from Northwind (VB)
16 Application Add
17 Application AllKeys
18 Application Clear()
19 Application Count
20 Application Get
21 Application GetKey
22 Application Item
23 Application Keys
24 Application Lock() (VB)
25 Application Remove
26 Application RemoveAll()
27 Application RemoveAt
28 Application Set
29 Application UnLock()
30 Application-level error handling
31 Applying Skins Dynamically
32 Applying Themes Dynamically
33 Assign DateTime value to asp
34 Assign value to class public field (VB)
35 Assign value to class public fields (C#)
36 Associate different Master Pages dynamically with a content page
37 Asynchronous page downloading
38 Basic Application Events
39 Bind URL with property
40 Building Basic Components
41 Building Component Libraries by Using the C# Command-Line Compiler
42 BuildProvider must be compiled into a different assembly than the other code in the App_Code folder
43 Calculates the number of days until a given date
44 Call calss constructor to create new object (C#)
45 Call class constructor to create new object (VB)
46 Catch exception and display exception message, Source and StackTrace (C#)
47 Catch exception and log it (C#)
48 Catch exception and log it (VB)
49 Catch HttpException
50 Change master page in page init event
51 Common HTML Special Characters
52 Component with Property
53 Components and Dynamic Compilation
54 Configure specific controls so they opt out of the theming process entirely
55 Contents of the Service asmx file
56 Context AddError
57 Context GetConfig
58 Context IsCustomErrorEnabled
59 Context IsDebuggingEnabled
60 Context Items
61 Context SkipAuthorization
62 Context Timestamp
63 Context Trace IsEnabled
64 Context User Identity Name
65 Convert Exception to string
66 Create a URL based on the current URL (C#)
67 Create an image based on query string (C#)
68 Create read-only properties
69 Creating a Custom BuildProvider
70 Creating a Custom ExpressionBuilder
71 Creating a Custom HTTP Handler
72 Creating a custom navigation display using the CurrentNode property (C#)
73 Creating a custom navigation display using the CurrentNode property (VB)
74 Creating a Generic Handler
75 Creating Custom HTTP Modules
76 Creating Custom Site Map Attributes
77 Creating HTTP Handlers
78 Creating Named Skins with a SkinID property
79 Creating Partial Classes
80 Creating the AutoSiteMapProvider
81 Cryptography SHA1Managed
82 Csc target
83 DateTime and TimeSpan
84 DateTime Now ToShortDateString()
85 Deal with the relative path between master page and content page
86 Declaring Constructors
87 Declaring Fields and Properties
88 Declaring Interfaces
89 Declaring Methods
90 Declaring Namespaces
91 Decrypt Encrypt
92 Define and use class in asp net page (C#)
93 Define and use class in asp net page (VB)
94 Defining a Site Map
95 Deliberately throw an exception to simulate uncaught exception
96 Demonstration of Page_Error Handler
97 Disabling Themes
98 Displaying a count of user sessions
99 Displaying an automatically generated Site Map
100 Displaying an XML RSS blog feed
101 Divide By Zero With Exception
102 Dynamically change master page
103 Enable trace in Web config
104 Enabling Page Level Tracing
105 Error page
106 Exception Message
107 Exposing Master Page Properties
108 Extends System Web HttpApplication
109 Format DateTime
110 Format DateTime variable (C#)
111 Format DateTime variable (VB)
112 Format SiteMapPath
113 Forward the user to the information page, with the query string data (#)
114 Generate Image, paint string with font and draw image (C#)
115 Generate Keys
116 Generic error handler page
117 Get base exception
118 Get bytes or chars (C#)
119 Get bytes or chars (VB)
120 Get error message
121 GetHttpCode
122 Handling Theme Conflicts
123 HelloWorld HttpHandler (VB)
124 HelpLink
125 Hiding the starting node
126 How Master Pages and Content Pages Are Connected
127 How Themes Work
128 HTML encoding test (C#)
129 HttpContext (C#)
130 HttpContext (VB)
131 HttpContext GetAppConfig
132 HttpException(Threw an error from Page_Load, 100)
133 HttpModule Tester
134 HttpRuntime Tester
135 Implementing the IHttpHandler Interface
136 Inheritance and Abstract Classes
137 InnerException
138 List all event log entries (C#)
139 List based data binding
140 Load configuration with ConfigurationSettings GetConfig
141 Load server side assembly
142 Loading Master Pages Dynamically for Multiple Content Pages
143 Lock the Application object
144 Log user in HttpModule
145 LosFormatter (C#)
146 LosFormatter (VB)
147 Make an assembly available to an ASP NET application
148 Map structure based data binding
149 MapPath
150 Master page with default content
151 Merging Multiple Site Maps
152 Mixed drawing
153 Mixing Different Language Components in the App_Code Folder
154 Modifies the Master Page meta tags (the tags used by search engines when indexing a page)
155 Modify a control in a Master Page by using the FindControl() method in a content page
156 Multipart master page
157 Nesting Master Pages
158 OutputCache Duration=30 VaryByParam=true (C#)
159 Outputting an image from an HttpHandler (C#)
160 Outputting an image from an HttpHandler (VB)
161 Overloading is useful when you want to associate related methods
162 Override a property or method of a base class
163 Override Skin properties by applying a Theme to a page with the StyleSheetTheme attribute instead of the Theme attribute
164 Page-level error handling
165 Read page header
166 Removing the root node from the retrieved node collection
167 Retrieve web page
168 RSS Handler
169 Rss Reader
170 Save value to Application
171 Script Injection
172 Send an email out (VB net)
173 Send email from your page (C#)
174 Sending mail from a Web page (C#)
175 Sending mail from a Web page (VB)
176 Server Execute
177 Server GetLastError()
178 Server HtmlDecode
179 Server HtmlEncode
180 Server MachineName
181 Server MapPath
182 Server ScriptTimeout
183 Server Transfer
184 Server UrlDecode
185 Server UrlEncode
186 Server UrlPathEncode
187 Set Page Trace IsEnabled to true (C#)
188 Set the asp
189 Set VaryByParam (VB net)
190 Setting SiteMapDataSource Properties
191 Share the Theme among multiple web applications running on the same web server
192 Show Dynamic CSS
193 Simple Drawing
194 Simplest Master page
195 Single-value data binding is a different approach to dynamic text
196 SiteMapDataSource representd a Site Map declaratively in a page
197 Sleep a server thread
198 Source of exception
199 Source viewer Http Handler
200 Stack trace
201 Start a thread
202 Table layout master page
203 Target site
204 Text generated by Execute can be embedded in the main response or cached in a writer object
205 The IHttpHandler page template (C#)
206 The IHttpHandler page template (VB)
207 The MailDefinition class uses the email server configured by the smtp element in the web configuration file
208 The SiteMapPath control enables you to navigate to any parent page of the current page
209 Themes Versus StyleSheetThemes
210 ThumbmailViewer
211 To display different links to different users depending on their roles, enable the Security Trimming
212 Today Ticks
213 Trace IsEnabled
214 Trace to a file
215 TracingOutput aspx
216 Transfer to different page based on exception type
217 Trigger Batch Compile
218 Try to catch error when converting text value to number
219 Turning off conformance using the web config file
220 URL rewriting HttpModule (C#)
221 URL rewriting HttpModule (VB)
222 Use Global asax to log application level exception
223 Use Server HtmlEncode to encode HTML tags (C#)
224 Use Server MapPath() to load the file in the current directory (VB net)
225 Use Server Transfer to transfer action to another aspx file (C#)
226 Use Trace Write to write message (C#)
227 Using a template with the SiteMapPath control
228 Using an FtpWebRequest to download a file from an FTP site (C#)
229 Using an FtpWebRequest to download a file from an FTP site (VB)
230 Using an HttpWebRequest to post data to a remote Web page (C#)
231 Using an HttpWebRequest to post data to a remote Web page (VB)
232 Using an HttpWebRequest to retrieve a Web page (C#)
233 Using an HttpWebRequest to retrieve a Web page (VB)
234 Using ASP NET Intrinsics in a Component
235 Using the FileWebRequest to write to a remote file (C#)
236 Using the FileWebRequest to write to a remote file (VB)
237 Using the Output Cache (C#)
238 Using the Page Header Property
239 Using the SiteMap Class
240 Using the SiteMapNode Class
241 Using the StartFromCurrentNode property
242 Using the StartingNodeUrl property
243 Using the Title Attribute
244 Utilizing the CacheDuration property
245 WebMethod
246 WebMethod overloading in NET
247 WebServiceBinding
248 What is a Master page
249 What is going to happen if there is no exception handler
250 Working with the CurrentNode object (C#)
251 Working with the CurrentNode object (VB)
252 Write the exception information to the event log (C#)
253 Write the information to the event log Register the event source if needed (C#)
254 Write warning message with Trace Warn
255 Writing text to the serial port (C#)
256 Writing text to the serial port (VB)