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ASP.Net Tutorial
Page Lifecycle 109 codes
ASP.Net Tutorial
Page Lifecycle
1 Add a control to a page dynamically
2 Adding a cache dependency in ASP NET
3 ASP NET Page Directives
4 Aspx page inherits from a Page class (C#)
5 Aspx page inherits from a Page class (vb net)
6 Call Page Validate to validate groups
7 Client target
8 Controls Count
9 Convert FromBase64String and view state encoding
10 Cross-page post (VB net)
11 Debugging ASP NET Pages
12 Determine the current URL
13 Display all controls on a page
14 Displaying a localized Calendar control
15 Displaying additional path information in ASP NET
16 Displaying the HTTP headers collection in ASP NET
17 Displaying the Request FilePath property in ASP NET
18 Displaying URL information in ASP NET
19 EnableViewState=True
20 Error event example
21 Expose the control through a page property
22 Exposing the values of the control from a Property
23 Filtering the HTTP Request body using InputStream
24 Fundamental properties in The Page Class
25 Get browser information
26 Get previous page (C#)
27 Get Request UserLanguages
28 Getting cookie values
29 Gif image
30 Grab Browser Info
31 Here is the sequence of events that are raised whenever you request a page
32 In page derivative, set trace to true
33 Is page valid
34 JPeg image
35 Master page
36 Metadata class (C#)
37 Metadata class (VB net)
38 New Cross-Page Posting
39 Page ClientScript RegisterStartupScript (C#)
40 Page ClientScript RegisterStartupScript (VB)
41 Page ErrorPage
42 Page events firing sequence (VB net)
43 Page flow tracing
44 Page HasControls
45 Page IsCrossPagePostBack
46 Page IsPostBack (C#)
47 Page IsValid (VB net)
48 Page level property (VB net)
49 Page life cycle events
50 Page ResolveUrl
51 Performing Cross-Page Posts
52 PreviousPageType directive
53 Register Startup Script (C#)
54 Remapping URLs in your applications web configuration file
55 Request Cookies
56 Request Headers
57 Request QueryString
58 Request RawUrl
59 Request ServerVariables
60 Request UrlReferrer
61 Response AddCacheItemDependencies
62 Response AddFileDependencies
63 Response AddFileDependency
64 Response AppendHeader
65 Response AppendToLog
66 Response ApplyAppPathModifier
67 Response BinaryWrite
68 Response BufferOutput
69 Response Charset
70 Response ClearContent
71 Response ClearHeaders()
72 Response ContentEncoding
73 Response ContentType
74 Response End()
75 Response Expires
76 Response ExpiresAbsolute
77 Response IsClientConnected
78 Response Output
79 Response PICS
80 Response RemoveOutputCacheItem
81 Response StatusCode
82 Response SuppressContent
83 Response Write
84 Response WriteFile
85 Save string variable to ViewState
86 Save value to view state (VB net)
87 Server side call back (C#)
88 Server side call back (VB)
89 Session State - Disabled
90 Session State - Readonly
91 Set the mime type
92 Setting a Culture Manually
93 Showing Parameters via the Params Collection in ASP NET
94 Showing QueryString values via the QueryString Collection in ASP NET
95 Submit a named parameter via POST
96 Take advantage of page-level tracing
97 The script block holds a subroutine named Page_Load, which is triggered when the page is first created (C#)
98 Tracing using Page Trace
99 Track Your Viewstate
100 Unload event example
101 Use PreviousPage FindControl to get a control in Previous Page (VB net)
102 Use Response Redirect to transfer to another aspx file (C#)
103 Use Response Write to output data from a database
104 Use the input focus capability of ASP NET 2 0 and superior
105 Use ViewState to create a simple counter (C#)
106 Use ViewState to store random data
107 Using the RegisterClientScriptBlock method (C#)
108 Using the RegisterClientScriptBlock method (VB)
109 Visualize the current Base64-encoded contents of the view state