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ASP.Net Tutorial
Validation 84 codes
ASP.Net Tutorial
1 A simple use of the RequiredFieldValidator server control (C#)
2 A validation group enables you to group related form fields together
3 Asp
4 Birthday range
5 Check birthday
6 Commonly Used Regular Expressions
7 CompareValidator compares the value of one form field against another form field
8 CompareValidator for number, text and password
9 CompareValidator performs a comparison against a fixed value
10 CompareValidator performs three different types of validations
11 CompareValidator with age field
12 Create a new validation control by deriving a new control from BaseValidator
13 Create user control based on CustomValidator
14 Custom validator with Javascript
15 CustomValidator for login page
16 CustomValidator for login page (VB)
17 Disable Client Validation
18 Disabling client-side validations in a validation control
19 Disabling Validation
20 EnableClientScript=false, Display=Static
21 Group based validation (C#)
22 Hard code error message
23 Highlighting Validation Errors
24 Important properties of ValidationSummary control
25 Making comparisons with the CompareValidator control
26 Making sure the text-box value is an e-mail address
27 Manual Validation
28 Metacharacters for Matching Single Characters
29 Metacharacters for Matching Types of Characters
30 Performing validation against no particular field
31 Placing values between nodes
32 Quantifiers
33 Quantifiers used to create patterns that match a variable number of characters at a certain position in the string
34 RangeValidator checks whether the value falls between a minimum and maximum value
35 RangeValidator for number and date
36 Regular Expression based validation (C#)
37 RegularExpressionValidator compares value against a regular expression
38 RequiredFieldValidator Dynamic Display
39 RequiredFieldValidator for login page
40 RequiredFieldValidator requires a user to enter a value into a form field before submitting the form
41 RequiredFieldValidator with server side validation
42 RequiredFieldValidatorSummary DisplayMode
43 ServerValidateEventArgs has two properties
44 Set DeleteParameters, InsertParameters and UpdateParameters for asp
45 Set focus on error
46 Set MinimumMaximum Value, ErrorMessage, ControlToValidate, EnableClientScript for asp
47 Six validation controls are included in the ASP NET 3 5 Framework
48 Specify ErrorMessage for asp
49 Text field of RequiredFieldValidator server control (VB)
50 The predefined character classes
51 To specify the data types
52 Two validation groups
53 Use asp
54 Use both client side and server side script to validate (VB net)
55 Use CompareValidator to check password field and confirm password field
56 Use Regular expression to validate a Phone number
57 Use the RequiredFieldValidators InitialValue to set a default value
58 Use ValidationSummary to display message box (C#)
59 Using images for error notifications
60 Using sound for error notifications
61 Using the CompareValidator to test values against other control values
62 Using the CompareValidator to validate against constants
63 Using the CustomValidator control to perform client-side validations
64 Using the CustomValidator control to perform server-side validations (C#)
65 Using the CustomValidator control to perform server-side validations (VB)
66 Using the RangeValidator control to test a string date value (C#)
67 Using the RangeValidator control to test a string date value (VB net)
68 Using the RangeValidator control to test an integer value
69 Using the ValidationGroup property (VB)
70 Using two RequiredFieldValidator controls for one form element
71 Validate a blank field
72 Validate a form
73 Validate email
74 Validate Name
75 Validate phone number
76 Validate URL
77 Validate Zip code
78 Validating Drop-Down Lists with the RequiredFieldValidator Control
79 Validation Groups Demo
80 ValidationSummary DisplayMode=BulletList
81 ValidationSummary displays a list of validation errors
82 What happens to asp
83 Working with the InitialValue property
84 You can associate a custom validation function with the CustomValidator control