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ASP .Net
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XML Tutorial
Language Basics 95 codes
Language Basics
1 Assign Date and Integer value to asp
2 Assign date in form of #362003# to asp
3 Block-level variables (C#)
4 Call function (C#)
5 Catch Page Exception
6 Char compare (C#)
7 Constructor with parameter (C#)
8 Convert Current date to Long Date String and set to asp
9 Convert Current date to Long Time String and set to asp
10 Convert Current date to Short Date String and set to asp
11 Convert Current date to Short Time String and set to asp
12 Convert date to string (C#)
13 Convert double and date to string (C#)
14 Convert int to String (C#)
15 Convert int value to string (VB net)
16 Convert Now (current date) to string (C#)
17 Convert selected date from asp
18 Convert string to double (VB net)
19 Convert String to int and decimal (C#)
20 Convert string to upper case and switch it (C#)
21 Convert text in asp textbox into Date (C#)
22 Convert value from asp
23 Convert value in asp
24 Date calculation
25 Date Comparison (C#)
26 Date time Format
27 DateTime constructor
28 DateTime format
29 Define a class and display its value (C#)
30 Define a class inside page
31 Define and call function (C#)
32 Define and call function in a page (VB net)
33 Define and use class
34 Define and use constructor
35 Define and use Interface (C#)
36 Define and use properties (C#)
37 Define function to change HR length (C#)
38 Define Overloads method
39 Define page level variables (VB net)
40 Define Shared variables
41 Define two classes (C#)
42 Define two classes inside a page
43 Do Loop Until to append string to asp
44 Do Loop Until with integer value as condition
45 Do while loop (C#)
46 For each loop
47 For each loop for string (C#)
48 For each loop to reverse a string (VB net)
49 Function Level variables (C#)
50 Function local variable (C#)
51 Function Parameter passed by Reference (C#)
52 Function Parameter passed by Value (C#)
53 Get Hour, Second and Minute from Current time (VB net)
54 Get Time Of a Day (VB net)
55 Get Today date (VB net)
56 If else Demo (C#)
57 If statement the check the input value from asp
58 If then Demo (C#)
59 Inherit a Class (C#)
60 Inherits class (C#)
61 Inherits class (VB net)
62 Int value calculation (C#)
63 Int, String and date variables (C#)
64 Local variable inside a function (VB net)
65 Logical AND Example (C#)
66 Logical Operators in C#
67 More Case Less actions (C#)
68 Multiple conditions in If statement (VB net)
69 Nest Do Until loop inside For loop (VB net)
70 Nested if statement (C#)
71 Nested if statement (VB net)
72 New DateTime() (C#)
73 Output ASCII Code (C#)
74 Page component with namespace (C#)
75 Page level procedure (VB net)
76 Page Level Variable (C#)
77 Page level variable and function level variable (VB net)
78 Properties for read and write (C#)
79 Read string from asp textbox and format it to DateTime (C#)
80 Read TextBox input, convert to double and do calculation (C#)
81 Select the value of asp
82 Simple For loop (C#)
83 Simple function without parameters (C#)
84 String concatenation (C#)
85 String format (C#)
86 Sub a string value (VB net)
87 Switch is Case Sensitive (C#)
88 Throw Exception in Property setter (VB net)
89 Time limit validation (C#)
90 Use Constant (C#)
91 Use Double to calculate Tax (C#)
92 Use try catch to handle error (C#)
93 Using out Parameters (C#)
94 While Loop Demo (C#)
95 Year() function (VB net)