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User Control And Master Page 63 codes
User Control And Master Page
1 A content page that can work with more than one master page
2 A master page that creates a GUID on the first request (C#)
3 A master page that creates a GUID on the first request (VB)
4 A master page that exposes a custom property (C#)
5 A master page that exposes a custom property (VB)
6 Add control to page in code behind (C#)
7 Bindable user control (C#)
8 Bindable user control (VB)
9 Change user control style (VB net)
10 Clear textbox in a user defined control (VB net)
11 Code behind and master page
12 Control title in master page with content page code
13 Creating ViewState-Enabled Control Properties (C#)
14 Creating ViewState-Enabled Control Properties (VB)
15 Data exchange between user control and master page (VB net)
16 Define and use control
17 Define page controls in code behind (VB net)
18 Exposing a server control from a master page as a public property (C#)
19 Exposing a server control from a master page as a public property (VB)
20 Get and set data to a user defined function (VB net)
21 Give one user component different tag names (VB net)
22 Header user component (VB net)
23 Implementing a User Control on an ASP NET Page (VB net)
24 Link content page with master page
25 LoadControl user control
26 Master for print
27 Master in page derivative
28 Master page with Default Content
29 Master page with trace (C#)
30 Master pages exposing an object model for content pages to programmatically modify elements on the master
31 Nested master
32 Nested master page
33 Nested master page (C#)
34 Overriding some default content in the content page (C#)
35 Overriding some default content in the content page (VB)
36 Put site navigation in the master page
37 Reference two different user control (VB net)
38 SimpleControl extendsing System Web UI WebControls WebControl
39 SimpleControl extendsing System Web UI WebControls WebControl (C#)
40 Simplest user control (VB net)
41 Specifying master page in Web config causes every content page to inherit from the master page
42 Specifying the master page for a specific folder in the Web config file
43 Two Master Pages (C#)
44 Two pieces of contentplaceholder
45 Update the page properties in master page
46 Use control in Assembly
47 Use image to fill the filler in master page
48 Use LoadControl to add user defined control (VB net)
49 Use master page (C#)
50 User control
51 User control based on System Web UI WebControls Label (C#)
52 User control based on System Web UI WebControls Label (VB)
53 User control for page header
54 User control with asp control
55 User control with code behind (VB net)
56 User control with event
57 User control with event (VB)
58 User Control with Events (VB net)
59 User control with functions (VB net)
60 User control with no user interface (VB net)
61 User control with readonly properties
62 Using Page_PreInit to assign the master page programmatically (C#)
63 Using Page_PreInit to assign the master page programmatically (VB)