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XML Tutorial
Core Class 188 codes
Core Class
1 A comprehensive UI for exploring and operating the DevicePolicyManager api
2 A custom preference type The preference counts the number of clicks it has received and storesretrieves it from the storage
3 Access the Internet
4 Add Link
5 Adding data bundle to Intent
6 Alarm Activity
7 Alarm demo
8 Alarm system
9 An example of how to use the NFC foreground dispatch APIs
10 An example of how to use the NFC foreground NDEF push APIs
11 Application Widget
12 Assets Helper
13 Audio Browser
14 Backup restore
15 Browser Launch
16 Cancel the notification that we started
17 Capture Image with Intent
18 Check Handset Locale
19 Check Internet for Context
20 Check Network Type with TelephonyManager
21 Check System Feature
22 Check Text To Speech Engine Status
23 Clipboard Sample
24 Configuration changed event
25 Contact Intent
26 Contact Intent and Options Menu
27 Contact list demo
28 Contact Manager
29 Contacts Demo
30 Context Delete File
32 Context Open file
33 Context openFileOutput
34 Create a new directory on external storage
35 Create Intent to open a Uri
36 Creates a file storing a UUID on the first application start This UUID can then be used as a identifier of this specific applic
37 Debug Util
38 Demonstrates adding notifications to the status bar
39 Demonstrates launching the contacts app to pick a contact
40 Demonstrates text-to-speech (TTS)
41 Demonstrates using -wNNNdp and -hNNNdp resource configs
42 Demonstration of hiding and showing fragments
43 Demonstration of loading resources
44 Demonstration of PreferenceFragment, showing a single fragment in an activity
45 Demonstration of styled text resources
46 Demonstration of using ListFragment to show a list of items from a canned array
47 Dynamically defined), space efficient event logging to help instrument code for large scale stability and performance monitorin
48 Edit Preferences
50 Example of scheduling one-shot and repeating alarms
51 Example of various Intent flags to modify the activity stack
52 Example that shows finding a preference from the hierarchy and a custom preference type
53 Extends Application
54 Extends AsyncQueryHandler
55 Extends BroadcastReceiver
56 Extends ContentProvider
57 Extends Fragment
58 Extends Fragment to display result
59 Extends IntentService
60 Extends IntentService to create your own Intent
61 Extends IntentService to upload a file
62 Extends ItemizedOverlay
63 Extends SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider
64 Factory class for generating various intents
65 Finish When Expired
66 Fragment Stack
67 From Raw Resource File
68 Get Android Info
69 Get Application File Path
70 Get child element, inner element, outer element, parse Fragment
71 Get Content Name
72 Get Display Metrics
73 Get Distance between two GeoPoint
74 Get External Storage Directory
75 Get Path from Uri and ContentResolver
76 Get Permissions For Package
77 Get Pixel From Dpi
78 Get TelephonyManager getSubscriberId()
79 Get Unique ID from android provider Settings Secure ANDROID_ID
80 Get User name
81 Handler different languages
82 Handles all calling, receiving calls, and UI interaction in the WalkieTalkie app
83 How to use Notification
84 IME Demo 1
85 IME Demo 2
86 Implementation of the android app Instrumentation class, allowing you to run tests against application code
87 Implementing an application service that will run in response to an alarm, allowing us to move long duration work out of an int
88 Increment Access Count
90 Is Intent Available
91 Is package installed
92 Is Storage ReadableWritable
93 Latitude longitude math
94 Launch browser
95 Launch web browser
96 List Contact phones
97 Load Activity with Intent
98 Load Heap
99 Load library Activity with Intent
100 Load resource
101 Load resource from raw folder
102 Loads the list of installed applications in mApplications
103 Location Update Demo Activity
104 Log a list of objects
105 Log events
106 Log Exception trace
107 Log Utility
108 Log your action
109 Logger and Logger Listener
110 Look up the notification manager service
111 Manage Contacts
112 Map Intent
113 Market Intent
114 May crash when External-Media is not mounted
115 Media activity
116 Multiple Resource
117 My Position Overlay
118 Need the following import to get access to the app resources, since this class is in a sub-package
119 NetworkDetector
121 Notification event
122 Open file with AssetManager
123 Open Web Page Intent
124 Pdf viewer
125 Performing common form field validation tasks
126 Phone Dialer
127 Phone Intent
128 Platform Checker
129 Preference Dependencies
130 Private and debugging Binder APIs
131 Progress of AsyncTask
132 Provider criteria
133 Proximity Alert Demo
134 Read Asset Files
135 Reads all text from asset with specified path
136 Resources Management
137 Resources width and height
138 Responsible for delegating calls to the Android logging system
139 Responsible for wrapping calls to PackageManager to ensure that they always complete without throwing RuntimeExceptions
140 Return True if the external storage is availablewritable
141 Returns the DeviceId according to the TelephonyManager
142 Returns whether the context is running on the android emulator
143 Rotation One Demo
144 Sample code that invokes the speech recognition intent API
145 Save value to preference
146 Scan SDReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver
147 Send Message
148 Send Notification
149 Service
150 Set and get tag
151 Set user permission in AndroidManifest
152 Show Installed App Details
153 Start Intent with Utility class
154 Start MMS Intent
155 Store information into Preference
156 Store your information into SharedPreferences
157 Street view map
158 Street view map pinch zoom
159 Structured Preferences
160 Text to speech demo
161 This animated wallpaper draws a rotating wireframe cube
162 This application demonstrates the seeking capability of ValueAnimator
163 Timer Table
164 Use Fragment to propagate state across activity instances when an activity needs to be restarted due to a configuration change.
165 Use Intent to open a browser
166 Use log
167 Using AccountManager
168 Using Android Config class
169 Using android os Handler
170 Using Contact
171 Using ContentResolver
172 Using DoBackgroundTask
173 Using Geocoder
174 Using Google Map
175 Using Intent to make another phone call
176 Using Intent to open other Activity
177 Using Intent to record audio
178 Using Intent to show other Activities
179 Using MapActivity
180 Using NotificationManager
181 Using PreferenceCategory
182 Utility class used to deal with SD card cache
183 Utility log tool
184 Video Capture Intent
185 Video Player Intent
186 Voice recognition demo
187 Write an activity that looks like a pop-up dialog with a custom theme using a different text color
188 Write Exception Stack to Log