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File 91 codes
1 Adaptation of the class File to add some usefull functions
2 Allocate Float Buffer
3 Allocate Int Buffer
4 Allocate Short Buffer
5 An utility class for java nio Buffers
6 Byte Buffer Stack
7 CharSequence from File
8 Compute the SHA-1 hash of the bytes in the given buffer
9 Context getFileStreamPath
10 Copies a directory from a jar file to an external directory
11 Copy chars from a large (over 2GB) Reader to a Writer
12 Copy File
13 Copy File and Directory
14 Copy File Thread
15 Copy Stream
16 Copy two files
17 Create a Uri for files on external storage
18 Create a Uri for files on internal storage
19 Create an output file from raw resources
20 Create Buffer
21 Create Path and file under External Storage
22 Creates a floatbuffer of the given size
23 Delete a file and create directory
24 Delete Directory
25 Delete Directory 2
26 Delete Directory 3
27 Demonstrate the Frame Buffer Object OpenGL ES extension
28 Determines the MIME type for a given filename
29 Direct Buffer
30 Extract File Name From String
31 Fast Float Buffer
32 File Cache
33 File Copy Util
34 File Manager
35 File Name Extension Utils
36 File read and write
37 File Upload
38 Format File Size
39 Get a list of filenames in this folder
40 Get Buffer From Array
41 Get File Contents as String
42 Get File Extension Name
43 Get File Name With Extension
44 Get File Name Without Extension
45 Get readable folder size
46 Get Resource As Stream, Loads the resource from classpath
47 Get the filename of the media file and use that as the default title
48 Ini File Stream Reader
49 InputStream that notifies listeners of its progress
50 InputStream to byte array, copy Reader and Writer
51 Loads a file to a ByteBuffer
52 Loadsave Int Map Data
53 Make a direct NIO ByteBuffer from an array of bytes
54 Make a direct NIO FloatBuffer from an array of floats
55 Make Float Buffer
56 Make Float Buffer From Array
57 Make Float Buffer with ByteBuffer allocateDirect
58 Move a file stored in the cache to the internal storage of the specified context
59 Playing Back Audio Streams
60 Read Config ini file
61 Read File and return CharSequence
62 Read InputStream fully to a string
63 Read InputStream with BufferedReader
64 Read InputStream with ByteArrayOutputStream
65 Read stream Fully
66 Read Stream to byte array
67 Read String From Stream
68 Read the created file and display to the screen
69 Read Write File Manager
70 Reads a file from rawres and returns it as a String
71 Readwrite From FileSystem, browse Account
72 Returns a canonical line of a obj or mtl file
73 Save Exception to a file
74 Save to Android local file system
75 Static methods used for common file operations on Android
76 Stream Proxy
77 Stream To Bytes
78 Stream To String
79 String to InputStream
80 To convert the InputStream to String we use the BufferedReader readLine() method
81 To Float Buffer Position Zero
82 To Short Buffer
83 Transfers required files to the the private file system part in order to be access them from C Code
84 Trims down obj files, so that they may be parsed faster later on
85 Using Ini file to manage Preferences
86 ViewListen to media file
87 Write and append string to file
88 Write InputStream into a StringBuilder
89 Write String to file
90 Write String to File with BufferWriter
91 Your own float buffer