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C# Book
LINQ 158 codes
C# Book
1 0370 What is Linq
2 0371 Lambda and Linq
3 0372 Query expression syntax
4 0373 Chaining Query Operators
5 0374 Lambda Expressions and Linq Operators
6 0375 Lambda expressions and Func signatures
7 0376 The Take operator outputs the first x elements, discarding the rest
8 0377 The Skip operator ignores the first x elements and outputs the rest
9 0378 First, Last, ElementAt
10 0379 Aggregation operators
11 0380 Concat and Union
12 0381 Deferred Execution
13 0382 Reevaluation and Deferred Execution
14 0383 Captured Variables
15 0384 Subqueries
16 0385 Object Initializers
17 0386 Anonymous Types
18 0387 The let Keyword
19 0388 Aggregate
20 0389 Unseeded aggregations
21 0390 Any
22 0391 Average
23 0392 Cast
24 0393 Concat
25 0394 Contains
26 0395 Count
27 0396 Distinct
28 0397 ElementAt
29 0398 Empty
30 0399 Except
31 0400 First
32 0401 FirstOrDefault
33 0402 GroupBy
34 0403 Intersect
35 0404 Last
36 0405 LongCount
37 0406 Max
38 0407 Min
39 0408 OfType
40 0409 OrderBy
41 0410 OrderByDescending
42 0411 Range
43 0412 Repeat
44 0413 Select
45 0414 Indexed projection
46 0415 SelectMany
47 0416 Single
48 0417 Skip
49 0418 SkipWhile
50 0419 Sum
51 0420 Take
52 0421 TakeWhile
53 0422 ThenBy
54 0423 ThenByDescending
55 0424 Union
56 0425 Where
57 0426 Zip
58 0427 Sort
59 0428 Where - Simple 1
60 0429 Where - Simple 2
61 0430 Where - Simple 3
62 0431 Where - Drilldown
63 0432 Where - Indexed
64 0433 Select - Simple 1
65 0434 Select - Simple 2
66 0435 Select - Transformation
67 0436 Select - Anonymous Types 1
68 0437 Select - Anonymous Types 2
69 0438 Select - Anonymous Types 3
70 0439 Select - Indexed
71 0440 Select - Filtered
72 0441 SelectMany - Compound from 1
73 0442 SelectMany - Compound from 2
74 0443 SelectMany - Compound from 3
75 0444 SelectMany - from Assignment
76 0445 SelectMany - Multiple from
77 0446 SelectMany - Indexed
78 0447 Take - Simple
79 0448 Take - Nested
80 0449 Skip - Simple
81 0450 Skip - Nested
82 0451 TakeWhile - Simple
83 0452 TakeWhile - Indexed
84 0453 SkipWhile - Simple
85 0454 SkipWhile - Indexed
86 0455 OrderBy - Simple 1
87 0456 OrderBy - Simple 2
88 0457 OrderBy - Simple 3
89 0458 OrderBy - Comparer
90 0459 OrderByDescending - Simple 1
91 0460 OrderByDescending - Simple 2
92 0461 OrderByDescending - Comparer
93 0462 ThenBy - Simple
94 0463 ThenBy - Comparer
95 0464 ThenByDescending - Simple
96 0465 ThenByDescending - Comparer
97 0466 Reverse
98 0467 GroupBy - Simple 1
99 0468 GroupBy - Simple 2
100 0469 GroupBy - Simple 3
101 0470 GroupBy - Nested
102 0471 GroupBy - Comparer
103 0472 GroupBy - Comparer, Mapped
104 0473 Distinct - 1
105 0474 Distinct - 2
106 0475 Union - 1
107 0476 Union - 2
108 0477 Intersect - 1
109 0478 Intersect - 2
110 0479 Except - 1
111 0480 Except - 2
112 0481 ToArray
113 0482 ToList
114 0483 ToDictionary
115 0484 OfType
116 0485 First - Simple
117 0486 First - Condition
118 0487 FirstOrDefault - Simple
119 0488 FirstOrDefault - Condition
120 0489 ElementAt
121 0490 Range
122 0491 Repeat
123 0492 Any - Simple
124 0493 Any - Grouped
125 0494 All - Simple
126 0495 All - Grouped
127 0496 Count - Simple
128 0497 Count - Conditional
129 0498 Count - Nested
130 0499 Count - Grouped
131 0500 Sum - Simple
132 0501 Sum - Projection
133 0502 Sum - Grouped
134 0503 Min - Simple
135 0504 Min - Projection
136 0505 Min - Grouped
137 0506 Min - Elements
138 0507 Max - Simple
139 0508 Max - Projection
140 0509 Max - Grouped
141 0510 Max - Elements
142 0511 Average - Simple
143 0512 Average - Projection
144 0513 Average - Grouped
145 0514 Aggregate - Simple
146 0515 Aggregate - Seed
147 0516 Concat - 1
148 0517 Concat - 2
149 0518 EqualAll - 1
150 0519 EqualAll - 2
151 0520 Combine
152 0521 Deferred Execution
153 0522 Immediate Execution
154 0523 Query Reuse
155 0524 Cross Join
156 0525 Group Join
157 0526 Cross Join with Group Join
158 0527 Left Outer Join