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2D Graphics 121 codes
C# Tutorial
2D Graphics
1 1224 hour clock
2 A custom dashed Pen
3 A purple dashed Brush
4 A purple dashed Pen
5 A rectangle with some text
6 Add point and size and copy to point
7 All in the font family
8 All LineCap Demo
9 Basic Paint Form
10 Brush Example for filling shapes
11 Brushes
12 Change Renderer Origin
13 Clock animation
14 Close a figure and Create another figure
15 Concert Point to Size
16 Configure graphics unit
17 Create a PointF from Point
18 Create a Region object, cut a rectangular hole in it, and fill it
19 Create a Region whose boundary is the above GraphicsPath
20 Create an irregular Region add a circle to the region
21 Create and offset a point
22 Create Color from R, G, B value
23 Create Color object from string
24 Create Graphics from Form object
25 Create HatchBrush
26 Createing Point
27 Createing PointF
28 Dashed pen
29 Disposal Errors
30 Double Buffering Example
31 Draw a rectangle
32 Draw along with the Tab
33 Draw an ellipse
34 Draw BMP images
35 Draw centered text
36 Draw Font Families
37 Draw Font Families Formatted
38 Draw left justified text based on font size
39 Draw Path and get mouse click
40 Draw Pie
41 Draw right justified text based on font size
42 Draw String
43 Draw string along a circle
44 Draw string along a circle 2
45 Draw string with Brush and Rectangle
46 Draw string with HatchStyle
47 Draw string with Texture Brush
48 Draw Strings Hotkey
49 Draw two lines with one pen
50 DrawEllipse
51 DrawImage with Graphics
52 Fill a pie with solid brush
53 Fill a rectangle Linear Gradient Brush
54 Fill a Rectangle with a blue Brush
55 Fill a rectangle with different HatchBrush-Styles
56 Fill a rectangle with Texture Brush
57 FontStyle Bold
58 FontStyle Italic
59 FontStyle Regular
60 GDI+ Coordinate
61 Get an array of available Image Encoders
62 Get Font Height
63 Graphics DrawIcon
64 Graphics DrawImage
65 Graphics DrawLine
66 Graphics DrawLines
67 GraphicsPath CloseFigure
68 GraphicsUnit
69 GraphicsUnit Display
70 GraphicsUnit Document
71 GraphicsUnit Inch
72 GraphicsUnit Millimeter
73 GraphicsUnit Point
74 Hatch Brush Array (HatchStyle minimum and maximum values)
75 HatchBrush Style
76 HatchStyle LargeConfetti
77 HatchStyle Plaid
78 HatchStyle ZigZag
79 Image FromFile
80 Intersects With Clip Rectangle of Graphics
81 Linear Gradient Brush
82 LinearGradientBrush and LinearGradientMode
83 LineCap ArrowAnchor
84 LineCap Round
85 LineCap RoundAnchor
86 LineCap SquareAnchor
87 LineCap Triangle
88 Load a gif file
89 Load a jpg file
90 Load a tif image file
91 Load an ico file
92 Load bmp image from file
93 Load Picture from Internet
94 Make a big blue pen
95 Make a blue SolidBrush
96 Measure String
97 New HatchBrush
98 New HatchBrush(HatchStyle Cross,Color White,Color Black)
99 No Double Buffering Example
100 Overloaded Point operators
101 PathGradient CenterPoint
102 Pen start and end cap
103 PenAlignment Inset
104 Pens
105 Point Ceiling, Round, Truncate
106 Rectangle contains a point
107 Region IsVisible
108 Resize a bitmap in drawing
109 Set clipping region
110 Set quality of rendering
111 Set SmoothingMode
112 SolidBrush with color
113 Subtract point and size
114 Texture Brush based on Image file
115 Texture Brush with Image
116 TextureBrush for drawing string
117 Thumbnail Image Creation
118 TranslateTransform a Graphics
119 Use Brush directly
120 Use Pen directly
121 Use Pens to draw Lines