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C# Tutorial
Data Type 301 codes
C# Tutorial
Data Type
1 A boxingunboxing example
2 A C# int is a shorthand for System Int32, which inherits the following members from System Object
3 A Checked Block Example
4 A nullable type
5 Age Calculation with nullable death date
6 An Unchecked Block Example
7 Assign enum value from a member and variable
8 Assign int value to all elements in an enum
9 Assign int value to enumerations
10 Assign int value to the first element in an enum
11 Assign value to a char type
12 Assign value to nullable int
13 Assign values to char array elements
14 Attempting to parse the string representation of either MinValue or MaxValue throws an OverflowException
15 Autobox and unbox long value
16 Automatic conversion from long to double
17 Automatic Conversions
18 Bit Flag Enums
19 Bitwise AND
20 Bitwise AND of Integer
21 Bitwise exclusive OR
22 Bitwise NOT for hexadecimal
23 Bitwise Operators
24 Bool
25 Bool values in if statement
26 Box and unbox for nullable value
27 Box int to object and unbox it back
28 Box the value type into a reference type
29 Boxing And Unboxing for nullable type
30 Boxing makes it possible to call methods on a value!
31 Boxing occurs when passing values
32 Boxing short
33 Byte overflow with unchecked
34 C#s Value Types
35 Calculate the radius of a circle given its area using Math function
36 Calculate with ulong
37 Cast a long into a uint, data lost
38 Cast a long into a uint, no data lost
39 Cast a uint into a short, data lost
40 Cast a uint into a short, no data lost
41 Cast an int into a byte, data lost
42 Cast an int into a byte, no data lost
43 Cast an int into a char
44 Cast an int into a double
45 Cast byte back for byte calculation
46 Cast int to long implicit and cast in to short explicit
47 Cast integer to a char
48 Catching an underflow
49 Change the value after boxing
50 Char
51 Char arrays
52 Char type Functionality
53 Character escape sequence
54 Character Escape Sequences
55 Comparing Enumeration Values with CompareTo()
56 Comparing integers
57 Comparing the Prefix and Postfix Increment Operators
58 Comparison between double values
59 Compute the area of a circle with double
60 Conversions of numeric types
61 Convert a decimal to a byte array and display
62 Convert a System String into a System Boolean using System Convert
63 Convert byte array to decimal
64 Convert ChangeType
65 Convert character to upper case
66 Convert enum to int
67 Convert nullable value to string
68 Convert numeric types explicit to smaller types
69 Convert ToBase64CharArray() Convert FromBase64CharArray
70 Convert value type to string
71 Convert value type to string in string concatenation
72 Converting an enumerated value to a string
73 Converting Numeric Strings to Their Internal Representation
74 Converts Decimal numbers to SByte values using the explicit Decimal to SByte conversion
75 Converts the bit patterns of UInt32 values to Byte arrays with the GetBytes method
76 CTS Types and Aliases
77 Custom Numeric Formatting
78 Data Conversion
79 Data Declarations
80 Data type convert
81 Data type default value
82 Data type Functionality
83 Data type parsing
84 Decimal literal
85 Decimal parse for currency
86 Decimal ranges
87 Decimal Types
88 Decimals and arithmetic operators
89 Declaration of enum data type
90 Declare 3 bools on a single line
91 Declare decimal variable
92 Default Value Comparison
93 Default values for primitive types
94 Define constants with const keywords and enum
95 Define enumeration base types
96 Define Enums
97 Determining the Character Difference between Two Characters
98 Display a percentage
99 Display a positivenegative SByte value using the standard numeric format specifiers and a number of specific CultureInfo objects
100 Display an SByte value using the default ToString()()() method
101 Display positive, negative, and zero values differently
102 Display the bits within a byte
103 Display using scientific notation
104 Display with 2 decimal places
105 Display with commas and 2 decimal places
106 Displaying Each Characters ASCII Value in Descending Order
107 Dividing a Float by Zero, Displaying NaN
108 Do calculation with double value
109 Does Nullable value has value
110 Double
111 Double base Fahrenheit and Celsius (Centigrade) Scales
112 Double const
113 Double format specifiers
114 Doubles and arithmetic operators
115 Enum based on byte
116 Enum based on byte, and convert enum variable back to byte
117 Enum elements compare
118 Enum IsDefined()
119 Enumerations
120 Enumerations Initialization with calculation
121 Enumerations Initialization with integer value
122 Enums as parameters
123 Escape Characters
124 Escape sequences in strings
125 Example of a Hexadecimal Format Specifier
126 Example of the BitConverter GetBytes( uint ) method
127 Explicit numeric conversions
128 Exponential Notation
129 Family of Integers
130 Float Literals
131 Float point value literal
132 Floating point ranges
133 Floating-Point Types
134 Floats and arithmetic operators
135 Format an enumeration
136 Format double value
137 Format number
138 Format ushort with
139 Formatting currency values
140 Formatting floating-point numbers
141 Formatting integers
142 Function for getting Nullable double value
143 Generic and nongeneric versions of the CompareTo method for Boolean type
144 Get all stats for an enum
145 Get an enums type, hex and value
146 Get characters in a string
147 Get hash code for nullable value
148 Get the Max Value in an array
149 Get Type Code after casting
150 Get underlying type of an enum
151 Get value or default value for nullable value
152 Hexadecimal Literal Value
153 If statement with bool variable
154 Illustrate automatic boxing during function call
155 Implement the Pythagorean Theorem
156 Implicit boxing from i to object
157 Implicit type conversions supported in C#
158 Initialize char arrays
159 Initialize int arrays
160 Int array with for loop
161 Int arrays
162 Int format
163 Int Parsing
164 Int variable assignment
165 Integer Autobox
166 Integer ranges
167 Integer Types
168 Integers and arithmetic operators
169 Left shift
170 Literals
171 Loop through an enum data type
172 Loop through the enum data type
173 Manually create a decimal number
174 Mark code block as checked
175 Mark expressions as unchecked
176 Methods Defined by Char
177 Modular calculation for int, double, decimal and
178 Most significant bits lost
179 Narrow With Convert
180 Narrowing int to byte
181 New and old way to parse an int
182 New-style (v2 0) try-parse pattern
183 Not Using the Cast Operator for an Implicit Cast
184 Null Coalescing Operator
185 Null unification
186 Nullable Class Members
187 Nullable integer Demo
188 Nullable long
189 Nullable Struct
190 Nullable Try Parse
191 Nullable Types Access
192 Nullable Types Assignment
193 Nullable value based vector
194 Numeric Addition overflow for a byte
195 Numeric Formatting
196 Operators
197 Output a boolean variable with Console WriteLine
198 Output char array
199 Output enum element value
200 Output enum values
201 Overflow Check for data type converting
202 Overflow the max value of a System Byte
203 Overflowing an Integer Value
204 Overflowing the Bounds of a float
205 Parse a string to an enum
206 Parse decimal from string
207 Parse Double with Exception handling
208 Parsing
209 Parsing strings to create data types
210 Partial Comparer for nullable value
211 Pass enum data to a method
212 Pass enum to function
213 Pass float to a function
214 Primitives in C#
215 Print out string version of an enum value
216 Print out the details of any enum
217 Provide default value for nullable value
218 Raises the OverflowException exception
219 Read double from console and do the calculation
220 Read double from keyboard and parse it
221 Readonly Fields with enum
222 Reference Compare for nullable value
223 Retrieving an Enumeration Name with GetName()
224 Returns the variable Area as a double value
225 Right shift
226 Scale the value by 1000
227 Shifting an integer value
228 Special characters
229 Specifying a Literal decimal
230 Specifying a Literal double
231 Specifying Literal Values
232 Switch with enum
233 System Int32 value
234 System Types and C# Shorthand
235 System UInt16 value
236 The bitwise NOT
237 The bool Type
238 The C# Value Types
239 The differences between int and double
240 The following string is printed verbatim thus, all escape characters are displayed
241 The Methods and Fields Defined by Decimal
242 The Methods and Fields Supported by Double
243 The Methods and Fields Supported by Single
244 The shift operators
245 The System Enum Type
246 The use of the cast operator
247 To format numeric data
248 To specify a decimal constant, begin the specification with a nonzero digit
249 To specify a long type, use either the l or L suffix For example
250 Type Conversion in Expressions
251 Type Conversion Using System Convert
252 UInt16 MaxValueMinValue
253 Ulong
254 Unbox the reference back into a short
255 Unchecked marker
256 Unexpected Inequality Due to Floating-Point Inaccuracies
257 Use a char to control the switch
258 Use a foreach loop through an int array
259 Use an enumeration to index an array
260 Use bitwise AND to determine if a number is odd
261 Use bitwise AND to make a number even
262 Use bitwise OR to make a number odd
263 Use enum data as flags
264 Use enum type categorize objects
265 Use enum value to mark BitArrays
266 Use is for int value type
267 Use long to compute the distance from the Earth to the sun in inches
268 Use nullable objects in expressions
269 Use Remainder Operator on float point data type
270 Use System Convert to convert string to Int16
271 Use the decimal type to compute a discount
272 Use the decimal type to compute the future value of an investment
273 Use the shift operators to multiply and divide by 2
274 Use the while statement to implement Newtons method for finding the square root
275 Use ToString() to format doubles
276 Use ToString() to format integers
277 Use TryParse from int
278 Use ushort as the parameter for overload methods
279 Use XOR to encode and decode a message
280 Ushort To Byte convert
281 Ushort value
282 Using
283 Using a base type of long when defining an enum
284 Using Binary Operators
285 Using Bit flags when declaring the enum
286 Using casts in an expression
287 Using checked and unchecked
288 Using checked and unchecked with statement blocks
289 Using enum as a member for a struct
290 Using float Parse() to Convert a string to a Numeric Data Type
291 Using new to create intrinsic data types
292 Using Operators with Enumerations
293 Using the Cast Operator for an Implicit Cast
294 Using the LegalDoorStates Enumeration
295 Using the Nullable Modifier
296 Using the Plus Operator with the char Data Type
297 Using ToString() to Convert to a string
298 Using TryParse() in Place of an Invalid Cast Exception
299 Using Unicode Encoding to Display a Smiley Face
300 Variable is assigned a value before it is referenced
301 White space is preserved with verbatim strings