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C++ Tutorial
Data Types 254 codes
C++ Tutorial
Data Types
1 %c specifies the standard time and date pattern
2 A bool value can control the if statement
3 A cast to float
4 A Demonstration of Enumerated Constants
5 A set class for characters
6 A stack as a class
7 A template queue class
8 A union is created with several data types
9 A union with method
10 Add square root of two complex numbers and print the result
11 Adding Too Large a Number to a signed short Integer
12 After setting the showpos and showpoint flags
13 Ambiguous function call when data type casting from int to char and unsigned char
14 Ambiguous function call when data type casting from int to double and float
15 An anonymous union
16 An enumeration static_cast
17 An enumeration variable
18 An example of a union
19 Assign value to a reference-return
20 Bitwise operator
21 Bitwise operators
22 Bool values
23 Calcluate Exponents of a double value
24 Calculate the future value
25 Calculate the product of three integers
26 Calculate the value of product and quotient
27 Calculation based on pointer
28 Calculation by double variables
29 Cast int to long
30 Cast parameter with const_cast
31 Change reference value
32 Change width as you output
33 Char and unsigned char
34 Char array buffers
35 Check the value of a double read from keyboard
36 Cin handles double and float type values
37 Cin Handles unsigned int Data Types
38 Class for counted reference semantics
39 Compare double base on precision
40 Compare double in if statement
41 Compare enum elements
42 Compare wide character string ignoring the case
43 Comparing integers using if statements, relational operators and equality operators
44 Complex + integer
45 Complex conjugates
46 Complex number
47 Complex number + float number
48 Compute the average of a set of values
49 Compute the regular payments for a loan
50 Computing an Impedance with Complex Numbers
51 Const_cast char type
52 Const_cast int value
53 Constant floats, floating point variables
54 Constant integer value
55 Constant references
56 Controlling the printing of trailing zeros and decimal points for floating-point values
57 Convert a string to uppercase
58 Convert between ordinary strings and class String
59 Convert feet to meters using doubles
60 Convert gallons to liters
61 Convert hex number to integer
62 Convert now to tm struct for local timezone
63 Convert now to tm struct for UTC
64 Converting lowercase letters to uppercase letters using a pointer
65 Copies one string to another with pointers
66 Copying a string using array notation
67 Copying a string using pointer notation
68 Create a string base on the start and end of another string
69 Create an unsigned short and initialize with result of multiplying two unsigned short variables
70 Create an unsigned short and initialize with result of multiplying Width by Length
71 Create complex numbers based on double value
72 Creates a safe array class
73 Creating and Using References
74 Custom pattern displays hours and minutes followed by the date
75 Declare your own class stack
76 Define an int variable
77 Define and assign int variables
78 Define and output an enumeration
79 Define and use a string class
80 Define function whose parameter and return value are both float
81 Define your own array class
82 Demonstrate an enumeration
83 Demonstrate bitwise left shift
84 Demonstrate bitwise right shift
85 Demonstrate register variables
86 Demonstrates an object-oriented approach to linked lists
87 Demonstrates arithmetic operations with unsigned int variables
88 Demonstrates declaring and initializing short variables
89 Demonstrating the use of the ctime( ) function
90 Demonstrating the use of the gmtime( ) and asctime( ) functions
91 Demonstrating the use of the localtime( ) and asctime( ) functions
92 Difference between signed and unsigned integers
93 Differences between int and double during divide
94 Display decimal and float with format
95 Display the bits within a byte
96 Display value of char , then display value of char static_cast to void
97 Displaying Leading Zeros
98 Displays a string with pointer notation
99 Displays the current date and time
100 Do bit operation on integers
101 Do calculation in cout
102 Do while loop
103 Fill space with
104 Find the minimum and maximum of a set of values
105 Float number array
106 Float point constant number
107 Generic stack
108 Generic stack implementation
109 Get address of an int variable
110 Get line with buffer size for char array reading
111 How many rolls of wallpaper are required for a room with double type variables
112 Implementation of a safe array type vect
113 Initialized string
114 Initializing char pointers with strings
115 Int array declaration
116 Iscntrl
117 Isgraph
118 Islower
119 Isprint
120 Ispunct
121 Isspace
122 Isupper
123 Left rotate functions for byte values
124 Line up columns of data with cout width
125 Linked list
126 List of integers
127 Lists cubes from 1 to 10
128 Local Float Variables and Parameters
129 Logical operators
130 Manage list of employees based on STL
131 Multidimensional char arrays
132 Outcome of a relational operator is a truefalse value
133 Output boolean variable as boolean literal or number
134 Output decimal to hexadecimal, octal and align the output
135 Output pointer value using cout
136 Pad the field width with spaces and set the internal and showpos flags
137 Plus two complex numbers together
138 Pointer to long value
139 Precision of double
140 Print sum of two complex numbers
141 Printing a string one character at a time using a pointer
142 Printing an unsigned integer in bits
143 Printing the address stored in a char variable
144 Put int and float into a union
145 Putting Too Large a Value in an unsigned short Integer
146 Queue class
147 Read and output float
148 Read float number from console
149 Read float numbers and assign them to an array
150 Read float point numbers from keyboard and save them to a float array
151 Read from keyboard and output char array
152 Read int and char array from keyboard
153 Read int and do the calculation
154 Read integer from console using cin
155 Reads multiple lines, terminates on $ character
156 Reads string with embedded blanks
157 Reassigning a reference
158 References must be initialized
159 Reinterpret_cast operator
160 Return a reference to an array element
161 Return enum from a function
162 Return to default format
163 Returning a reference
164 Reverse a string in place
165 Reverse case using array indexing
166 Reverse string case using pointer arithmetic
167 Right rotate functions for byte values
168 Safe array class
169 SArray
170 Set and clear the showpoint flag
171 Set cout for hex number output
172 Set precision for float number output
173 Set the locale to Germany and get the time_put facet for Germany
174 Set the locale to Germany, Show standard time and date string
175 Set the locale to US and get the time_put facet for US
176 Setiosflags(ios
177 Setw manipulator is useful when repeated field
178 Shift left
179 Shift right
180 Show a custom time and date string
181 Show decimal point field when displaying double and set filler
182 Show square roots of 1 to 99
183 Show standard time and date string
184 Show the base in hexadecimal
185 Simple FOR loop controlled by int type variable
186 Simple string variable
187 Stack implementation with constructor
188 Strcpy, strlen, strcmp, strcat
189 Strings defined using array and pointer notation
190 Tests signed and unsigned integers
191 Tests whether two floating-point numbers are approximately equal
192 The !(Exclamation mark) Operator
193 The && Operator (amplifier)
194 The and operators are overloaded relative to complex numbers
195 The Operator
196 The strftime( ) Format Specifiers
197 Toupper and tolower
198 Treating character arrays as strings
199 Type Conversion
200 Unions and Classes Are Related
201 Unsigned int
202 Unsigned int and unsigned long
203 Unsigned long
204 Unsigned short int
205 Use a field width of 20
206 Use an independent reference
207 Use arithmetic operator to get the product of two integers
208 Use bool value to control a while loop
209 Use cin get() to read a string based on char array
210 Use const_cast on a const reference
211 Use const_cast to cast parameter before passing it into a function
212 Use double value as the while loop counter
213 Use long as function parameter and return type
214 Use masks to select or set a particular flag bit
215 Use of the strftime( ) function
216 Use polar to create complex number
217 Use reference as a return type
218 Use reference to swap value
219 Use References operator &
220 Use relational operators to compare int type variables
221 Use the Pythagorean theorem to find find the length of the hypotenuse
222 Use typedef to define new type for unsigned short
223 Using a nested if with char type
224 Using an anonymous union
225 Using an array of pointers to char
226 Using atof
227 Using atoi
228 Using atol
229 Using cin to read a string from the keyboard
230 Using consts and enums in Arrays
231 Using Explicit Casts
232 Using functions isalnum
233 Using functions isalpha
234 Using functions isdigit
235 Using functions isxdigit
236 Using gets() to read a string from the keyboard
237 Using int pointers
238 Using strcat and strncat
239 Using strcmp and strncmp
240 Using strcpy()
241 Using strlen
242 Using strncpy()
243 Using strrchr
244 Using strtod
245 Using strtok
246 Using strtol
247 Using strtoul
248 Using various padding characters
249 Variable size of bool
250 Vector with raised exceptions
251 Wctype
252 Write Charset To File
253 Your Complex Number
254 Your own string class