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C# Tutorial
Development 202 codes
C# Tutorial
1 A timer demo
2 A Timer that fires once at the specified time
3 Access the command-line arguments directly through Environment CommandLine
4 Accessing Environment Settings
5 Add Console Out to TextWriterTraceListener
6 Add ConsoleTraceListener to Trace
7 Add DefaultTraceListener to Trace
8 Add EventLogTraceListener to Debug Listener
9 Add TextWriterTraceListener to Debug Listener
10 Adds a total of 4 blank lines (then beep again!)
11 All current running processes
12 Annonymous event handler based on Timer
13 Application AddMessageFilter
14 Application Exit event
15 Application Startup Path
16 Assign a lambda expression to an Action(Of (T)) delegate instance
17 Async Callback Delegate
18 BitConverter
19 Calculate the radius of a circle given its area using Math function
20 Change console title
21 Change priority for current process
22 Change the Console Foreground and Background color
23 Change the Console Foreground and Background color and clear
24 Clean up gen 0
25 Clear a Console
26 Clear Trace Listener and Add EventLogTraceListener
27 Concatenate string in Console WriteLine
28 Conditional Attribute
29 Console IO
30 Console Out is a TextWriter
31 Context Manipulator
32 Contextual info
33 Contextual information
34 Convert a bool to a byte array and display
35 Convert a byte array to a bool and display
36 Convert a byte array to an int and display
37 Convert an int to a byte array and display
38 Convert different data types to byte array and convert byte array back
39 Create a custom uninstaller that inherits the Installer class
40 Create a PerformanceCounterCategory then displays its properties
41 Create a text writer that writes to the console screen and add it to the trace listeners
42 Create a Timer that runs twice a second, starting in one second
43 Create customized format for Complex
44 Create ProcessStartInfo
45 Create the delegate that the Timer will call
46 Create TraceSource and SourceSwitch
47 Create TraceSource and trace events
48 Create TraceSource and Trace Information
49 Create your own timer event handler
50 Custom Format Specifiers
51 Custom Object Formatting
52 Debug and Trace Output
53 Debug Assert
54 Demonstrates debug output
55 Demonstration of predictability (always prints the same thing)
56 Detecting Process Completion
57 Disable compiler warning
58 Display 4 mandatory and 3 optional arguments using the Console WriteLine method
59 Display all command-line information
60 Display all installed printer name
61 Display arguments in non-sequential order
62 Display current generations
63 Display the process statistics until the user closes the program
64 Displaying a Triangle Using a Verbatim String Literal
65 Enumerate all special folders and display them
66 Enumerate over mods in a given PID
67 Enumerate over threads in a given PID
68 Environment NewLine
69 Escape Characters
70 EventArgs Demo
71 Evidence
72 Expand Environment Variables
73 For programmatic access to NET config files
74 Forced garbage collection
75 Format
76 Format as currency
77 Format as custom
78 Format double value
79 Format in lowercase hex
80 Format in uppercase hex
81 Format the same argument three different ways
82 Formatting flags
83 Formatting Using System Console WriteLine()
84 Garbage collection type
85 Generate random number
86 Get a process on a remote computer, using the process id
87 Get a process on the local computer, using the process id
88 Get all processes on local machine
89 Get all processes running on the local computer
90 Get all processes running on the remote computer
91 Get CompanyName, ProductName and StartupPath from Application
92 Get GUID
93 Get name of current AppDomain and context ID
94 Get processes by name
95 Get the drives on this box
96 Get total memory
97 How to read a character entered using the keyboard
98 How to read a string entered using the keyboard
99 Implement a TextWriterTraceListener write to the console screen
100 Input from the console using ReadLine()
101 Instantiating Action(Of (T)) delegate rather than defining a new delegate
102 Is AppDomain Finalizing For Unload(), Environment HasShutdownStarted
103 Iterate over command-line arguments and print them out
104 Launch kill a process
105 List all process threads in current running processes
106 Listing processes on a remote machine
107 Load config file
108 Log File by FileStream, StreamWriter and StreamReader
109 Math Cos()
110 Math defines several standard mathematical operations
111 Math functions in action
112 Math Sin()
113 Math Tan()
114 Numeric formatting specifiers
115 Open Serial port and read
116 Output an int to console
117 Play a beep with default frequency and duration (800 and 200 respectively)
118 Play a beep with frequency as 200 and duration as 300
119 Play a wav file by using SoundPlayer
120 Play the sound associated with the Asterisk event
121 Post-deployment tracing
122 Printer settings
123 Process Window Style
124 Property of current Process
125 Read a character from the keyboard
126 Read a string from the keyboard, using Console In directly
127 Read input from console
128 Read keystrokes from the console by using ReadKey()
129 Read user input from command line and change the console color
130 Read user selection from keyboard
131 Reading Console Input
132 Redirect Console Out
133 Redirecting Process Output
134 Remove event handler
135 Reset console color, window size, buffer height and width
136 Retrieve a named environment variable
137 Retrieve all environment variables targeted at the process
138 RuntimeHelpers GetHashCode generates a hash code
139 Sample for the Environment GetEnvironmentVariables method
140 See if arguments are present
141 Set cursor left, size, top and visible
142 Set up a TraceListener to a file
143 Set up serial port and write string to it
144 Stack frames
145 StackTrace and StackFrame
146 Start a Process by using ProcessStartInfo
147 Start a Web page using a browser associated with html and asp files
148 Start Internet Explorer and display the contents of the Favorites folder
149 Starting a new process
150 Starting Processes by using ProcessStartInfo
151 Store ConnectionStringConfig solution
152 Substituting Values
153 Substituting Values twice
154 Swapping the Indexed Placeholders and Corresponding Variables
155 The Methods Defined by Math
156 The value 99999 in various formats
157 This example demonstrates Math Max()
158 This example demonstrates Math Sign()
159 Threads in Current Process
160 Timer based action firing
161 Timer based application
162 Timer start in detail
163 Trace Assert
164 Trace to a file
165 Trace to console
166 TraceWriteLineIf
167 Tracing To Debugger
168 Tracing To EventLog
169 Unload the appdomains and check the working set
170 Upper or lower casing for hex determines if letters are upperlowercase
171 Use Action(Of (T)) delegate with anonymous methods
172 Use AppSettingsReader to load settings from app config
173 Use ConsoleKey to get input
174 Use format commands
175 Use GetFolderPath method to return and display the path associated with the folder parameter
176 Use OpenStandardOutput method
177 Use QuartzTypeLib to play Media file
178 Use the C format specifier to output dollars and cents
179 Use the Timer to trigger event
180 Use Timer
181 Use Trace Switch
182 Use Trace Switch defined in config file
183 User-Defined Switch
184 Uses the ProcessStartInfo class to start new processes, both in a minimized mode
185 Using an IP address to specify the machineName parameter
186 Using Boolean Switch
187 Using ElapsedEventHandler and your own delegate
188 Using Switches to Control Debug and Trace
189 Using System Threading Timer
190 Using System Timers Timer
191 Using the computer alias (do not precede with )
192 Using the n Character to Insert a Newline
193 Variable index
194 Wait a Process For Exit
195 Weak references
196 Working with Thread Exceptions
197 WorkingSet change After loading System dll into 10 AppDomains
198 WorkingSet change after loading the DLL
199 Write to Console Out and Console Error
200 Write Trace based on the BooleanSwitch
201 Write without new line
202 WriteLine