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File Stream 126 codes
C++ Tutorial
File Stream
1 A file comparision utility
2 A simple file-comparison utility
3 Append to a binary file
4 Appending to the End of a File
5 Attempt to read from empty stream
6 Change a file at specific position
7 Change a file by offset
8 Change file at given position
9 Check file status
10 Check how many characters are stored in ostrstream
11 Check ofstream current marker position
12 Checks for errors opening file
13 Copying one file into another
14 Count number of lines of all files passed as argument
15 Create a sequential file
16 Create istream_iterator for reading int values from cin
17 Create ostream_iterator for writing int values to cout
18 Creating a randomly accessed file
19 Data buffer for stream
20 Deal with istream exceptions
21 Define your own istream type
22 Define your own ostream variable
23 Demonstrate peek(), unget(), and ignore()
24 Demonstrate string streams
25 Demonstrating input from an istringstream object
26 Detecting EOF
27 Display a file from a given starting point
28 Display a file using ifstream get()
29 Display how many chars in ostrstream
30 Extends std
31 File descriptor out buffer
32 File input with strings
33 File output with characters
34 File output with strings
35 Freeze dynamic buffer and return pointer to it
36 Get file content at given position
37 Get file information
38 Handle basic exception
39 Handles errors during input and output
40 Hex out stream
41 How to read the contents of any array that contains text
42 Ifstream
43 Ignore up to 10 characters or until first space is found
44 Input stream buffer iterator for cin, end-of-stream iterator,output stream buffer iterator for cout
45 Make ostringstream work with decimal, hexadecimal value, floating value, bitset
46 Move to position 2 in the stream and output a 0 in position 2
47 Obtaining file size
48 Oct Input stream
49 Ofstream
50 Open a binary file
51 Open a binary file and read
52 Open a file as binary file and get its size
53 Open a file for appending and append
54 Open a file for input and read in its content
55 Open a file for output then write to that file
56 Open file example dat for reading and writing
57 Opening files for read and write
58 Opening text Files for Read and Write
59 Ostrstream with format
60 Output a binary file in hexadecimal
61 Output a text file character by character
62 Output of several data types to an ostringstream object
63 Output string and decimal in hexadecimal format to a file with ostrstream
64 Output to file line by line
65 Perform both input and output
66 Perform both input and output with strstream
67 Read a file in try catch block
68 Read a text file line by line
69 Read and display a text file line by line
70 Read and display binary data
71 Read char array from a file
72 Read class data from file
73 Read from file
74 Read integer from a text file
75 Read person object from disk
76 Read string and float value from a file
77 Read text file line by line
78 Read text file token by token
79 Reading a text file
80 Reading and Writing Text Files
81 Reading binary file
82 Reading numbers from a file
83 Reads and writes several objects to disk
84 Redirect ouput into the file
85 Reverse a file
86 Save and read double array in a binary file
87 Save and read structure
88 Save char array to a file
89 Save chars to a binary file
90 Save class to a file
91 Save string double pair to file
92 Save string with ostringstream
93 Saves person object to disk
94 Seek 0 to reset the file pointer
95 Seek and Skip
96 Seekg( ) moves the pointer offset number of characters from the specified origin
97 Show a file from starting offset
98 Stream for hexadecimal standard output
99 Stringstream
100 Switch between decimal and hexadecimal output
101 Tell the current position
102 Test File Position
103 Throw exception in function cascading
104 Transform algorithm with ostream_iterator
105 Unformatted and Binary IO
106 Use fstream to read and write a file
107 Use ifstream and ofstream to copy file
108 Use ifstream read() and ofstream write()
109 Use istream_iterator
110 Use istream_iterator and ostream_iterator to read from cin and write to cout
111 Use istreambuf_iterator, ostreambuf_iterator, and replace_copy() to filter a file
112 Use istrstream to read int, float and char
113 Use ofstream to write text to a file
114 Use ostream_iterator
115 Use ostream_iterator and copy to display collection content
116 Use put() to write to a file
117 Use read() to input blocks of binary data
118 Use stringstream to parse a number
119 Use write() to output a block of binary data
120 Uses both seekp( ) and seekg( ) to reverse the first num characters in a file
121 Write formatted output to a text file
122 Write to file
123 Write Unformatted Binary Data to a File
124 Writing a Class to a File
125 Writing numbers to a file
126 Writing on a text file