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List 82 codes
C++ Tutorial
1 Accessing a Containers Elements in Reverse
2 Accessing the Front and Back of a List with for loop
3 Accessing the Front and Back of a List with while loop
4 Add elements in a multiset to a list
5 Add elements in a set to a list
6 Add some data by push_front
7 Assign a list to a vector
8 Combine insert and begin to add element to the start of a list
9 Combine insert and end to add elements to the end of a list
10 Constructing One Container from Another
11 Create an empty vector of ints and assign a list of doubles to it
12 Demonstrating the difference between push_back() and push_front()
13 Demonstrating the STL list erase function
14 Demonstrating the STL list unique functions
15 Difference between push_back() and push_front()
16 End() is the pointer to the end of a list
17 Erase from begin()
18 Erasing Elements in a list
19 Find element in a list
20 Find the maximum element in a range in a list
21 Finding and Erasing the First or Last Matching Element
22 Finding Size Information of a Container
23 Four constructors of list
24 Good way and bad way to remove elements in a list
25 Insert 3 fours
26 Insert all elements of list1 before the first element with value 3 of list2
27 Insert an array in there
28 Insert another list
29 Insert elements of array into a list
30 Insert one at a time
31 Inserting elements from another list at the beginning
32 Inserting elements from another list at the end
33 Inserting Elements in the List Using push_back
34 Inserting Elements in the List Using push_front
35 Iterator of list integers
36 List
37 List begin and list end
38 List iterator for certain type list
39 List pop_back()
40 List pop_front()
41 List sort()
42 ListAnother erase(listAnother begin(), listAnother end())
43 Loop through list back and forth
44 Loop through list using listchar
45 Make a list from a list with list_copy()
46 Make a list of floats from a list of ints
47 Make a vector from a list with vector_copy
48 Merge list with user-defined objects with greater
49 Merge one list with another list
50 Merge two lists
51 Move first element to the end
52 Move list iterator using ++
53 Pass list to a function
54 Populate a new list with the elements of list2
55 Print all elements in a list with copy function
56 Print out each element in a list
57 Remove all elements with the same value
58 Remove duplicates
59 Remove duplicates from list with unique()
60 Remove element from a list
61 Reversing Elements in a list
62 Sort a list
63 Sort list with user-defined objects with greater
64 Sort objects in a list
65 Sorting a List of Integers in Ascending and Descending Order
66 Sorting user-defined objects in list by its properties
67 Splice one list into another
68 Store class objects in a list
69 Swap values between two lists
70 Transfer vector to a list and remove all negative numbers with bind2nd and less
71 Use generic list to create a list of chars
72 Use generic list to create list of strings
73 Use iterator to change all elements in a list
74 Use iterator to loop through all elements in a list
75 Use list assign to replace contents of a list with elements of another list
76 Use list splice() to remove elements in a list and insert at end of values
77 Use ostream_iterator and copy to display collection content
78 Use reverse function on list
79 Use reverse_iterator and iterator with list
80 Use std
81 Uses ostream_iterator and copy algorithm to output list elements
82 Vector of list of strings