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Map Multimap 71 codes
C++ Tutorial
Map Multimap
1 A multimap can store duplicates
2 A phone list in which a persons name is the key and the phone number is the value
3 Assign value directly to first and second
4 Change all value in a map and output all elements
5 Clear the content of a map with clear() function
6 Clear the content of a map with erase(Map begin(), Map end())
7 Compare two maps
8 Computing an inner product of tuples represented as maps
9 Const_iterator for map
10 Const_iterator for multimap
11 Count keys in multimap
12 Create a pair object that holds the result of insert()
13 Create a pair object that will contain the result of a call to insert()
14 Create another map that is the same as the first
15 Create int string map and print all element pair
16 Create string float map
17 Cycle through the map in the reverse direction
18 Declare a char int map
19 Declare a reverse iterator to a mapstring, itr
20 Declare an iterator to a mapstring, int
21 Default constructor for pair
22 Define string-string map and loop through the value key-pair
23 Demonstrating an STL map
24 Determine the lexicographical relationship between two maps
25 Display the first element in map
26 Display the last element in map
27 Duplicate keys are not allowed in a map
28 Erase a found pair from map
29 Erase a range from the multimap
30 Erase an element given an iterator from the multimap
31 Erase an element with key as -1 from the multimap
32 Exchange the contents of two maps
33 Find value by key
34 Insert a pair object directly
35 Insert a pair using function make_pair
36 Insert characters into map
37 Insert into multimap with key-value pair
38 Insert into multimap with make-pair function
39 Insert key-value pairs into the map using value_type
40 Insert using an array-like syntax for inserting key-value pairs
41 Insert value pair to int, double multimap
42 Insert value pair to map
43 Instantiating an STL map and multimap (Key Type
44 Loop through map and print all the keyvalue pair
45 Loop through multimap and print out value key pair
46 Make a dictionary out of a multimap
47 Map
48 Map comparison
49 Map find demo
50 Map with comparator(functor)
51 Multimap can return the number of pairs with the same key
52 Multiple map
53 Remove an entry from a map
54 Reverse_iterator from map
55 Sort a vector of pairs
56 Store objects in a map
57 Update a key value
58 Usage of the find Member Function in a multimap
59 Use find() to find an entry in a map
60 Use insert() to add an entry
61 Use iterator to loop through map and print all elements
62 Use make_pair() function to create a pair
63 Use operator of equal (=)
64 Use operator of less than ()
65 Use string as the key and value in a map
66 Use subscript operator to write value to a map
67 Use subscript to change the value in a map
68 Uses a multimap to store names and phone numbers
69 Using a Pair to store int and string
70 Using copy constructor to create another pair
71 Vector of pair