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MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
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XML Tutorial
C# Tutorial
Network 139 codes
C# Tutorial
1 A simple HTTP echo server
2 Accepting a socket connection (simple file-server)
3 Access the Internet
4 Asynch Network Server
5 Binary Udp Server
6 Binary UdpClient
7 Bind Socket with an IPEndPoint
8 Broadcast Socket and broadcast IP address
9 Call Soap service
10 Catch Socket exception
11 Create a NetworkStream from a Socket
12 Create a Socket server from TcpListener
13 Create BinaryWriter and BinaryReader from TcpClient
14 Create BinaryWriter and BinaryReader from TcpListener
15 Create IPEndPoint from IPAddress
16 Create NetworkStream from TcpClient
17 Create(parse) IP address from string
18 Creating Socket Connections
19 Declare a method to handle NetworkAdressChanged events
20 Declare a method to handle NetworkAvailabilityChanged events
21 Deserialize Soap type xml
22 Display the connected client IP address
23 Dns Lookup
24 DNS Name and Its IPHostEntry
25 Download Data
26 Download File
27 Download HTM files
28 Download image from a website
29 Download string from a website using the WebClient
30 Echo Client with UTF8 Encoding
31 Echo Client without message encoding
32 Email
33 Examine Cookies
34 Examine the headers
35 Get Address Family, address and port from an IPEndPoint
36 Get Address List from HostEntry
37 Get Alias from IPHostEntry
38 Get default gateway from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
39 Get DNS host name
40 Get Host by IP address
41 Get IP address from host name
42 Get IP address from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
43 Get IPAddress from IPHostEntry
44 Get IPHostEntry by host name
45 Get Network card description and Mac address from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
46 Get subnet mask from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
47 GUI based Tcp Client
48 GUI based Tcp Server
49 Handle network exceptions
50 HttpListener Demo
51 Invoke web service with Http Get
52 IPAddress Any
53 IPAddress Broadcast
54 IPAddress HostToNetworkOrder
55 IPAddress Loopback
56 IPAddress None
57 IPEndPoint
58 Is Loopback IP address
59 Listen for Socket Request in Thread
60 Listening for sockets
61 MiniCrawler
62 Minimum permission request for SocketPermission
63 Network Client and StreamReader
64 Network Client with TcpClient and NetworkStream
65 Network Streaming Client
66 Network Streaming Server
67 NetworkStream TcpClient
68 New UdpClient(5555) Receive
69 Object data senderReceiver
70 OpenRead Test
71 OpenWrite Test
72 Ping Demo
73 Read csv from finance yahoo com with TcpClient
74 Reading Web Page As HTML
75 Reading Web Pages from a Uri
76 Report information from NetworkInterface
77 Resolve a Host name
78 Response Headers
79 Save what you read from WebRequest to a file
80 Send an email out
81 Send data using Socket
82 Serialization of an object list in SOAP
83 Serialize a SocketAddress from a IPEndPoint
84 Serialize object to SOAP message
85 Serializes a class with Soap
86 Set download string for WebClient
87 Set Port for an IPEndPoint
88 Simple Tcp Client
89 Simple Tcp server
90 Simple Udp Client
91 Simple Udp server
92 Simple WebService
93 Simplest web method
94 Soap Custom Serialization
95 Socket
96 Socket connection
97 SocketPermission that allows the code to open a TCP connection to the specified host and port
98 Tcp Char 2
99 Tcp Chat
100 Tcp client
101 Tcp server
102 Tcp server based on Thread
103 TcpListener Sample
104 ThreadPool based Tcp server
105 Time Server
106 To see the date on which a web site was last modified
107 Udp
108 Udp client setup
109 Udp connection test
110 Udp Multi receive
111 UDP multi-cast
112 Udp Multi-send
113 Udp server setup
114 Udp time out option
115 UdpClient
116 Upload Data
117 Upload Values
118 Use a NetworkStream to read from a server
119 Use a regular expression to extract all fully qualified URIs that refer to HTM files
120 Use AsyncCallback event to resolve a host name
121 Use background thread to deal with the Server socket
122 Use NetworkStream to read and write to a server
123 Use NetworkStream to write to a client
124 Use SoapAttributeOverrides
125 Use SoapFormatter to Serialize an object to xml message
126 Use TcpClient to connect to a server
127 Use TcpClient to write toread from a server
128 Use TcpListener to create a Tcp server
129 Use UdpClient
130 Use Uri
131 Use WebClient to download information into a file
132 Use WebClient to read website
133 Use WebRequest
134 Use WebRequest and WebResponse to read a web page
135 Use WebRequest to create a StreamReader
136 Use WebRequest to read csv file from finance yahoo com
137 Web login
138 Web service client
139 Write string to server