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Reflection 80 codes
C# Tutorial
1 A second form of GetMethods() lets you specify various flags that filter the methods that are retrieved
2 Analyze method parameters using reflection
3 Assembly makes internal types and internal members visible to the assembly called your_assemblies
4 Assembly Tree Viewer
5 Call parent constructor from abstract class
6 Call string method with reflection and Expression
7 Cast And OfType
8 Code Generator and ILGenerator
9 Commonly used methods defined by Type
10 Create Delegate using reflection
11 Create new instanceo with Activator CreateInstance
12 Create StringBuilder
13 Deeper Reflection
14 DefineDynamicAssembly method and AssemblyResolve event
15 Dynamically constructing types
16 Dynamically Invoking A Method
17 Dynamically invoking constructors
18 Execute Assembly
19 Find matching constructor
20 Finding Particular Members
21 Generic parameter information
22 Get all fields from a Type
23 Get all implemented interface and their methods
24 Get all methods from a Type
25 Get an array of nested type objects in MyClass
26 Get Assembly Description Attribute
27 Get BaseType, Name, FullName and Namespace for a type
28 Get constructor information
29 Get Custom Attributes
30 Get event from Type
31 Get the ConstructorInfo object matching the specified binding flags, and displays the signature of the constructor
32 Get the method that matches the specified binding flags
33 Get the type associated with the CLSID and specify whether to throw an exception if an error occurs while loading the type
34 Get the Type representation
35 Get Type full name and base type and its members
36 Get Type with typeof
37 Getset a field using a FieldInfo
38 Getset a property using a PropertyInfo
39 Getset private field using InvokeMember
40 Getset property using invoke member
41 Getting generic type definition information
42 Inspecting a methods body
43 Invoke member method with created instance from reflection
44 Invoke method with parameter type int
45 Invoke methods using reflection
46 Is object a type
47 List Fields
48 List Methods
49 List Properties
50 Load Assembly from Dll
51 Map Interface Methods To Class Methods
52 Obtain the handles
53 Obtain the metadata tokens
54 Obtain type information using the Object GetType method
55 Obtain type information using the Type GetType method(Case insensitive, throw TypeLoadException if not found)
56 Obtain type information using the Type GetType method(Case sensitive, return null if not found)
57 Obtain type information using the Type GetType method(Case sensitive, throw TypeLoadException if not found)
58 Open and constructed generic types
59 PropertyInfo Reflection
60 Reflect Attribute
61 Reflect the Property
62 Reflecting An Assembly
63 Reflecting On A Type
64 Reflecting On Members Of A Type
65 Reflection
66 Reflection with Generics
67 Retrieve a type by passing a ProgID, specifying whether to throw an exception if the ProgID is invalid
68 Return Type Inference
69 Search member method in Assembly
70 Type
71 Type identity
72 Use DefinePInvokeMethod method to create a PInvoke method
73 Use reflection to invoke methods
74 Use the file name to load the assembly into the current application domain
75 Use Type and PropertyInfo to manipulate the indexer
76 Using a ConstructorInfo to create new instance
77 Using Reflection to get Custom Attributes
78 Using Reflection with Generic Types
79 Using Type GetProperties() to Obtain an Objects Public Properties
80 Utilize MyClass without assuming any prior knowledge