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String 122 codes
C# Tutorial
1 A string can control a switch statement
2 A two-dimensional rectangular string array
3 Add formatted string to StringBuilder
4 Append string and insert string to a StringBuilder
5 Append strings using Concat()
6 Append(A ) Append(B ) Append(C )
7 Basic String functionality
8 Case Comparison
9 Change element in a string array
10 Change String case according to CultureInfo
11 Compare for equal
12 Compare string
13 Compare string case sensitively
14 Compare string with start index and end index
15 Compare string with String Compare(string str1, strng str2)
16 Compare strings using StringComparison enumeration
17 Concat method with a String array
18 Concatenate string with integers
19 Concatenate string with non-strings
20 Construct string from char array
21 Copy a string
22 Create upper and lowercase versions of a string
23 Creating Strings from char array
24 Declaration of string
25 Demonstrates the String Normalize method and the String IsNormalized method
26 Display a string, one char at a time
27 Display all the characters in myString using a for loop
28 Display the contents of StringBuilder
29 Displaying a Single Quote Using an Escape Sequence
30 Effects of StringBuilder capacity
31 Empty string
32 Error; string Is Immutable
33 Escape characters
34 Find the index of the last occurrence of any character in the string is within another string
35 Formatting Using the R Format Specifier
36 Get string length and output string
37 Getting a char[] from a string
38 If two string are equal
39 Initialize string arrays
40 Is String Interned
41 Joining strings
42 Make changes to string
43 Mix string and integer in string cancatenation
44 NET String Format Characters
45 Reading from a string
46 Reading from a string one line at a time
47 Regular String Constants and Verbatim (@) String Constants
48 Replace characters
49 Replace string
50 Replace substring
51 Reversing a String
52 Reversing Characters
53 Sample for String Equals(Object), String Equals(String), String Equals(String, String)
54 Sample for String ToCharArray(Int32, Int32)
55 Search a character in a string
56 Search a string from the start or from the end
57 Search a sub string in a string
58 Search any characters in a string
59 Set Length property of StringBuilder
60 Split string with
61 Split strings by three tokens
62 Splitting strings by
63 String
64 String and WriteLine Format Specifiers
65 String are immutable
66 String comparisons
67 String concatenation
68 String Contains a string
69 String CopyTo
70 String equality
71 String escape
72 String format
73 String Inserting
74 String Interning
75 String is object
76 String joins
77 String Literal Escape Characters
78 String PadLeft and PadRight
79 String removes from start index to end index
80 String Split
81 String starts with and ends with
82 String Substring(int index)
83 String ToUpper(CultureInfo)
84 StringBuilder
85 Tokenize strings
86 Trimming a string
87 Use == to compare two string objects
88 Use Indexer to reference chars in a string
89 Use LastIndexOf(Char) to find the last directory separator character in a string and to extract the file name
90 Use String Format() to format a value
91 Use StringBuilder to reverse a string
92 Use Substring()
93 Use the addition operator (+) to concatenate strings
94 Use the Append() method to append a character to StringBuilder
95 Use the Append() method to append a substring to StringBuilder
96 Use the Append() method to append two strings, an int, and a bool to StringBuilder
97 Use the AppendFormat() method to add a formatted string containing a floating point number to myStringBuilder
98 Use the Compare() method to compare strings
99 Use the Concat() method to concatenate strings
100 Use the Copy() method to copy a string
101 Use the Equals() method and equality operator to check if two strings are equal
102 Use the Format() method to format a string
103 Use the IndexOfAny() and LastIndexOfAny() methods to search for character arrays in a string
104 Use the Insert() method to insert strings into StringBuilder
105 Use the Insert(), Remove(), and Replace() methods to modify strings
106 Use the Join() method to join strings
107 Use the PadLeft() and PadRight() methods to align strings
108 Use the Remove() method to remove part of StringBuilder
109 Use the Replace() method to replace part of StringBuilder
110 Use the Sort() method to sort the elements in a string array
111 Use the Split() method to split strings
112 Use the Substring() method to retrieve substrings
113 Use the ToString() method to convert StringBuilder to a string
114 Use the Trim(), TrimStart(), and TrimEnd() methods to trim strings
115 Use ToString to format double
116 Using StringReader
117 Using strings Length Member
118 Verbatim literal strings
119 Verbatim Strings
120 Whether a string is successfully normalized to various normalization forms
121 Working with Strings
122 Writing to a string