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XML Tutorial
C# Tutorial
XML 169 codes
C# Tutorial
1 Add attribute to Xml document
2 Adding a new comment node to the document
3 Adding an element to the document
4 Append child from XPathNavigator
5 Append element
6 Append new node to XPathNavigator
7 Append to xml file
8 Assign XmlArrayAttribute to two arrays, and serializes a class instance that contains those arrays
9 Chaining an XmlReader to an XmlWriter
10 Check for different Xml validation error level
11 Check for Xml node name
12 Compile XPath to create XPathExpression
13 Converts data types to string and then writes the information out to the console
14 Copy one xml document as a sub element into another xml document
15 Create Data with DataSet and DataRow and save to xml
16 Create Node and append to XmlDocument
17 Create Stylesheet
18 Create the validating reader
19 Create XML document by specifying the elements
20 Create Xml schema
21 Create XmlReader from Stream
22 Create XmlTextReader from StringReader
23 Create XNodeDocumentOrderComparer
24 Create XNodeEqualityComparer
25 Create XPathDocument from xml file
26 Create XPathNavigator
27 Create XPathNavigator object by calling CreateNavigator of XmlDocument
28 Creates an attribute and adds it to an XML document
29 Datagrid Xml
30 Display XML Tree
31 Extends XmlReader to wrap Sql statement
32 Extract member elements for types
33 Fast select by ID using DOM API
34 Fast select by ID using XPath
35 Fast select by ID using XPathNavigator API
36 Fill DataSet with the data from XML
37 Find nodes by name
38 Generate Xml Document
39 Generate XML Document with attributes
40 Get child count
41 Get current value and depth during the XML document reading process
42 Get element by tag name
43 Get member elements
44 Get Namespace URI, Prefix and LocalName
45 Get node children count
46 Get Node information by using XPathNavigator
47 Get value from selected node
48 Get XML BaseURI and Local Name
49 Helper method for generating the Xml document
50 If it is an Attribute
51 Insert after
52 Load xml data from a string
53 Load XML data from string and output
54 Load xml document in XmlTextReader to XmlDocument
55 Load Xml document to DataGrid
56 Load xml from xml file directly
57 Load XML to DataSet
58 Load Xml to TreeView
59 Load XmlDocument Sample
60 Loop Through XmlDocument Recursively
61 Move to a child with XPathNavigator
62 Move to first child in XPathNavigator
63 Navigate Xml with XPathNavigator
64 Output child node inner text
65 Output DataSet to Xml
66 Output XmlDocument to Console
67 Process RSS
68 Read an XML file and displays each of the nodes
69 Read and write with XmlReader and XmlWriter
70 Read and write XML document
71 Read one xml to write it to another xml
72 Read sub tree from XPathNavigator
73 Read Write Xml
74 Read XML content as double
75 Read XML document by node type
76 Read XML from URL
77 Read Xml output from database
78 Read xsl in an XmlTextReader
79 ReadData As Xml
80 Reading XML with DataSet
81 ReadWrite Xml document with FileStream
82 Recursively display XmlNode
83 Register Schema validation event
84 Remove child from XmlDocument
85 Removes an attribute from the document
86 Replace Children
87 Root Node
88 Save Data As Xml
89 Save data in a DataSet to xml document
90 Save XML document to console and through XmlTextWriter
91 Save XML transformation result to XmlWriter
92 Schema Validation
93 Select a node
94 Select All Author Nodes
95 Select All Books
96 Select All Child Nodes
97 Select By Specific Author Node
98 Select node by node text
99 Select node with asterisk
100 Select Nodes By Namespace
101 Select Nodes By Namespace from XmlDocument
102 Select nodes from XmlDocument
103 Select nodes in RSS
104 Select Root
105 Select XPath from XPathNavigator
106 Selecting single Node with SelectSingleNode as XmlElement
107 Serialization of an object marked with XmlAttribute and XmlIgnore
108 Serialize a list of object to Xml with Linq
109 Serialize an object using an XmlWriter
110 SerializeDeserialize Xml
111 Set Book As Current
112 Set new value through XPathNavigator
113 Set up XmlReaderSettings
114 Show innter xml and outer xml from XPathNavigator
115 Sorting XPathExpression with XmlSortOrder Ascending, XmlCaseOrder None
116 Specify format and indentation for object XML serialization
117 Specify the XmlRoot and XmlAttribute for XML serialization
118 The following example adds an attribute to an element
119 Three ways to load Xml to XmlDocument
120 To read from an XML file
121 Transform Extension
122 Transform XML document to a html document
123 Update DataTable and output Xml
124 Use different XmlReadMode to read xml
125 Use MemoryStream to hold the XmlTransform result
126 Use the SetContext method to provide an XmlNamespaceManager object for namespace resolution
127 Use the XPath return type to determine how to process the XPath expression
128 Use XmlTextReader to load xml document from file
129 Using DataTable to read Xml
130 Using ValidationEventHandler
131 Using XmlAttributeOverrides with XmlSerializer
132 Using XmlReader to read Xml result set from database
133 Using XmlSerializer to Serialize a Linq object
134 Using XPath to filter data from Database
135 Using XPathExpression to sort by first name
136 Using XPathNavigator to loop through code
137 Using XPathNodeIterator
138 Using Xsl to transform data from Database
139 Validate Xml
140 Write attribute value
141 Write types to the console
142 Write value to Xml
143 Write whole xml document as a node
144 Write XML to file
145 Xml Node List
146 Xml Serialization for DateTime value
147 Xml Serialization for Enum
148 XML Serialization Sample
149 XML serialization with namespace setting
150 XML transformation with XPathDocument
151 XmlDocument Event
152 XmlNode
153 XmlReader
154 XmlReaderSettings and XmlWriterSettings
155 XmlTextAttribute with type string informs the XmlSerializer that strings should be serialized as XML text
156 XmlTextReader
157 XmlTextReader in Action
158 XmlTextWriter
159 Xpath Demo
160 XPath Navigator
161 XPath Node Iterator
162 XPath Select Nodes
163 XPath Selecting
164 XPath XSLT transformation
165 XPathNavigator
166 XPathNavigator and TreeView
167 XPathNodeIterator from a select-node statement
168 Xslt Argument List
169 XSLT Transformation