Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
C# by API
C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
VisualBasic Script
Java Book
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Beginners 92 codes
1 A Calculator in C Using Graphics & Mouse Operations
2 A chat program in C
3 A program to implement Heap Sort
4 All types of Linked List Operations
5 Analog and Digital clock
6 Begginers of system programming
7 Bomber Fighter Plane simulation
8 Bubble Sorting Algorithm
9 Calendar of Thousands of Years
10 Calendar Program
11 Calender
12 Calender Program in C
13 Class with constructor ( for bank account )
14 Convert decimail nos to roman equivalent upto 10,000
15 Converting Roman letter to number
16 Convertion of number to letters
17 CPU Scheduling algorithm implementation
18 Decimal to Binary, Octal and HEX converter
19 Encryption and decryption of files
20 Factorial Function
21 Finding LCM and GCD
22 Frequency Based Histogram
23 Graphical Calculator Design
24 Guessing Game in C
26 Invoke function without main in C Language
27 Kite flying code in C
28 Merge sort
29 No guessing
30 N-Queens Problem
31 Prg. to convert upper case to lower case or lower case to upper case
32 Prg. to correct rudimentary syntax errors
33 Prg. to count no. of characters,no. of blanks,no. of words & no
34 Prg. to sort any no. of numeral i-p in ascending or descending order
35 Printint a double pyramid
36 Program for Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Conversions
37 Program for computing Area, Volume and Perimeter of Rrectangle using
38 Program for finding the prime numbers
39 Program for finding the sum of digits of a five digit number
40 Program for Prime Number Generation
41 Program for rotating circles using maths.(sin,cos,Phase defference,e.t.c)
42 Program Implementing the rot13 algorithm
43 Program of Falling Characters
44 Program to calculate frequency of vowels in a string
45 Program to Calculate the Pascal triangle
46 Program to calculate the sum of series
47 Program to calculate the Typing Speed
48 Program to compute difference between two dates
49 Program to construct a pyramid of any input numbers
50 Program to convert input decimal value to its hexadecimal equivalent
51 Program to Convert Numbers into Words
52 Program to copy its input to its output replacing string of one
53 Program to Count Blanks,Tabs and Newlines
54 Program to count the number of words in an input text file
55 Program to Delete Duplicates in Array
56 Program to display Binary equivalent of an input Hexadecimal Number
57 Program to display decimal equivalent of a input binary number
58 Program to display hexadecimal equivalent of a input binary number
59 Program to display the decimal equivalent of an input hexadecimal number
60 Program to find an input substring in an input main string
61 Program to find day when a date is given
62 Program to find Determinant of a Matrix
63 Program to find out if entered string contains a space character
64 Program to find out the rightmost occurence of an input character
65 Program to find the binary number has how many ones and zeros
66 Program to find the type of the triangle made by i-p values
67 Program to generate Fibonacci Series
68 Program to generate the priramid of numbers
69 Program to multiply two 3x3 matrices
70 Program to Multiply Two Matrices
71 Program to perform functions of a calculator
72 Program to pick & display the largest element of an input matrix
73 Program to print the ascii equivalent of all chararters in the entered string
74 Program to search for a palindrome
75 Program to sort an array in decending order
76 Program. to find & replace any desired character from the input text
77 Puzzle--finding the number
78 Pyramid of Numbers
79 Show the active computers in the lan
80 Showing Binary Equivalent of an Integer
81 Simple Account software
82 Sort an array in decending order
83 Square root of a number without using Built-In Function
84 System Clock and date
85 This program prints the Fibonacci series
86 To check whether a string is a palindrome
87 Understanding IVT table
88 UNIX cat like utility
89 Vertical Histogram
90 Virus like malicious program
91 Visual Bubble Sort in C
92 Write a program to find permutation