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Console 74 codes
1 A Closer Look at the IO Operators
2 A input manipulator
3 A manipulator
4 A simple output manipulator
5 Bell manipulator (using escape sequence a)
6 Boolapha
7 Call function in cout
8 Cin and cout work with char array
9 Cin Objects getline Function
10 Cin to read
11 Cin to read float in C++
12 Concatenate get() with Parameters
13 Cout
14 Cout fill()
15 Cout flags
16 Cout setf(ios
17 Cout unset
18 Create a table of log10 and log from 2 through 100
19 Create an output manipulator
20 Create custom output format
21 Custom cout output manipulator
22 Define function to set cout
23 Define operator for cout
24 Defines your own terminate( ) handler
25 Demonstrate an IO manipulator
26 Demonstrate boolalpha format flag
27 Demonstrate flags() and unsetf()
28 Displays the status of the format flags
29 Displays the value 100 with the showpos and showpoint flags turned on
30 Do while loop with a input manipulator
31 EndLine manipulator (using escape sequence n and the flush member function)
32 Enters a character and outputs its octal, decimal, and hexadecimal code
33 Filling an Array with a Maximum Number of Characters
34 Left-justification and right-justification
35 Override ostream
36 Pcount()
37 Predefine format for cout
38 Redirecting Standard Input And Output
39 Ret manipulator (using escape sequence r)
40 Set cout
41 Set cout format
42 Set cout length
43 Set fill() for string output
44 Setiosflags()
45 Sets both the uppercase and scientific flags and clears the uppercase flag
46 Show time and date
47 Skip 10 characters
48 Store cout flags, set to new ones and restore
49 Tab manipulator (using escape sequence t)
50 Turn on hex output with uppercase X
51 Unformattwd InputOutput
52 Use function in cout
53 Use setiosflags()
54 Use the getline function to read the users input and assign that input to the character array
55 Uses IO manipulators to display the table of squares and square roots
56 Uses ios member functions
57 Using fill() and width for string output
58 Using fill() and width setting for string output
59 Using fill() to set filler for extra space
60 Using get() with a Character Array
61 Using get() with no parameters
62 Using get() with No Parameters to read single char
63 Using get() with parameters
64 Using get() with Parameters to read single char in
65 Using getline() to read char array
66 Using getline() to read string in
67 Using ignore() setting during char array reading
68 Using ignore() with string output
69 Using Manipulators to Format IO
70 Using the cin and cout Objects with Arrays
71 Using the cout Object with Numeric Arrays
72 Utility function for cin
73 Write Output sing an ostream iterator
74 You can OR together two or more flags