Mega Code Archive
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Data Type 163 codes
Data Type
1 A bit shift example
2 A function to output double values in a given width
3 A function to return a string representation of an integer
4 A function to return a string representation of an integer with a given width
5 A simple dictionary
6 A simple student grades database
7 A simple Tic Tac Toe game
8 A very simple text editor
9 Adds up 5 numbers
10 Allocate memory for int array
11 An example of how to initialize a matrix
12 An example of using an array for two tasks
13 Applying sizeof( ) to determine an arrays size
14 Array
15 Array initialization
16 Arrays of strings
17 Assign a value to an element inside a char array
18 Assign int value reference to int array
19 Assign int value to three int variable
20 Assign value to short int
21 Assing int value to a char type variable
22 Average the items in a 5 element array
23 Averaging ten numbers - storing the numbers the hard way
24 Back to the start of the line
25 Bitwise calculation
26 Calculate a discounted price
27 Calculating average hourly pay rate
28 Calculating the area of a room
29 Calculating volume price of alternative products
30 Calculation
31 Calculation between int and float
32 Cannot assign value to a constant variable
33 Char
34 Char array
35 Char to lower case
36 Characters and numbers
37 Check a char
38 Choosing the correct type
39 Compute the total of a list of numbers
40 Computes the accuracy of the floating point numbers in storage and calculations
41 Contiguous array storage
42 Convert an integer to words
43 Convert double to int
44 Convert float to int
45 Convert inches to yards, feet, and inches
46 Convert integer to string
47 Convert long to short int
48 Declares a 100-integer array
49 Define a constant value
50 Define and use enum
51 Define and use int
52 Define and use static variable
53 Define array and use it
54 Define int and initialize it
55 Define int array and assign value
56 Define int variable and output
57 Define new data type
58 Define static variable inside function
59 Demonstrate the use for permanent and temporary storage
60 Display a table of squares and cubes
61 Display binary representation
62 Display string
63 Displaying a String with line separator
64 Displaying String
65 Divide the first number by the second
66 Do calculation in printf
67 Do calculation on int
68 Double calculation
69 Double check before erasing
70 Encrypting a password
71 English to German Translator
72 Find element inside a two dimensional array
73 Find out the address of a static variable in a function
74 Floating Point Input
75 For and sum
76 For loop
77 For loop a char array
78 For loop a char array using pointer
79 For loop with char as the loop condition
80 Get char and change it to float
81 Getting the values in a two-dimensional array
82 Handling monetary values as integers
83 How array addressing andpointer arithmetic are linked
84 How to define variable and use them
85 How to use arrays with functions
86 Int array and its pointer
87 Int variable
88 Is a char alphanumeric
89 Is a char punctuation
90 Is char a control char
91 Is char a letter
92 Is it a digit
93 Is it a hexadecimal digit
94 Is it a lowercase char
95 Is it a space char
96 Is it a uppercase char
97 Is it printable
98 Long value array
99 Loop and output a char array
100 Map enum to char and output with for loop
101 Map enum to char array
102 Map enum to string array
103 Maximum and minimum value of char
104 Maximum and minimum value of int
105 More special chars
106 Multi-dimensional arrays and pointers
107 Output array address
108 Output char to the console
109 Output control character
110 Output float
111 Output float and hexadecimal
112 Output Hex
113 Output new line character
114 Output the address of char array
115 Output the short and unsigned short int
116 Perform a logical XOR operation using the two arguments
117 Print i and i2 with fractions
118 Print the decimal equivalent of each character
119 Printf and scanf pair for int value
120 Prints out numbers and their doubles
121 Read and output Signed octal
122 Read long from keyboard
123 Read user input
124 Reading hexadecimal and octal values
125 Reference element in array
126 Reference enum value by int
127 Register variable
128 Reverse bit pattern
129 Save calculation result into a float variable
130 Shift bitwise and display the result
131 Shift statement in for
132 Show how bitmapped graphics may be used
133 Shows two ways an array can be cleared
134 Simple int calculation
135 Simple union
136 Static versus automatic variables
137 Store value into two dimensional char array and output it
138 Summing 100 data values
139 Summing integers - compact version
140 Summing reciprocals of five values
141 Table of reciprocals, squares, cubes, and fourth powers
142 The operation of a union
143 The use of a two-dimensional array
144 The use of strings
145 The xor() function
146 Tic-Tac-Toe
147 Two dimensional char array and for loop
148 Two dimensional int array
149 Two-Dimensional arrays
150 Use bit shift to calculate
151 Use bitwise and
152 Use bitwise or
153 Use data type
154 Use float as for loop control variable
155 Use for loop to calculate the square and save it to array
156 Use nested if to analyze numbers
157 Use register int in function
158 Use scanf and printf to read and write float value in console
159 Using a 2-dimensional array of doubles
160 Using a variable
161 Verifying array initialization
162 Work with int and float
163 Working with float