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File 107 codes
1 A dynamic output array
2 Accessing Data in a File
3 An array-based output stream
4 Another example of read() and write() and illustrates the use of gcount( )
5 Appending to the End of a File
6 Basic file operations
7 Binary Files
8 Binary input and output with integers
9 Change file content
10 Check file status
11 Check status
12 Checking if open function is NULL and ifstream objects fail
13 Concatenate files
14 Connect ofstream and streambuf and operations with streambufs
15 Construct a table of circular areas
16 Convert spaces to s
17 Copy a file and display number of chars copied
18 Copy a file and reverse case of letters
19 Copy a file and reverse case of letters with error checking
20 Copy a text file and display number of chars copied
21 Copy and convert tabs to spaces
22 Copy files
23 Copy files with char buffer
24 Count letters
25 Create a file comparision utility
26 Create output file
27 Create string stream for inputoutput
28 Demonstrate File random access
29 Demonstrate gcount()
30 Demonstrate peek() in ifstream
31 Demonstrate rename() and remove()
32 Demonstrate seekg()
33 Demonstrate string streams
34 Display a file backwards on the screen
35 Display contents of specified file in both ASCII and in hex
36 Display the contents of strin via calls to get()
37 Displays the contents of a file beginning with the location you specify on the command line
38 Eat the newline after the file name
39 End of file sign
40 File input with characters
41 File Stream Objects as Function Arguments
42 Freeze dynamic buffer and return pointer to it
43 Fstream seekp
44 Get Third Type
45 Ifstream ignore
46 Ignore( ) reads and discards characters from the input stream
47 IO Status
48 Ios
49 Obtaining file size
50 Ofstream
51 Ofstream fail() Demo
52 Opening Files for Read and Write
53 Output file with ofstream
54 Perform both input and output
55 Put( ) to write all characters from zero to 255 to a file called CHARS
56 Read and display a text file line by line
57 Read file content
58 Read formatted data from a file
59 Read from file
60 Read the contents of any type of array
61 Read( ), write( ) and gcount( )
62 Reading a complete binary file
63 Reading a text file
64 Reading from a File
65 Reads information from the file and outputs it onto the screen
66 Reads strings entered at the keyboard and writes them to disk
67 Reads the inventory file created by the previous program and displays its contents on the screen
68 Reverse file content
69 Reverses the first N characters within a file
70 Save and read class back and forth to a file
71 Save object to file with customized operator
72 Search file
73 Seeks particular person in file
74 Sequential Files
75 Serialize object Demo
76 Setting the locale to German_Germany
77 String stream classes in action
78 Swap characters in a file
79 Swap characters in a file with error checking
80 The ignore( ) Function
81 The string pointed to by mode determines how the file will be opened The following table shows the legal values for mode (Strings lik
82 The use of both checking if the ifstream object used to call the open function is NULL and whether the ifstream objects fail member f
83 To read or write to a file, you include fstream
84 Use eof() to read and display a text file
85 Use exceptions to watch for and handle IO errors
86 Use get() and getline() to read characters
87 Use getline() to read a string that contains spaces
88 Use istream_iterator
89 Use ostream_iterator
90 Use the contents of strout to create strin
91 Use the getline function with the C++ string class
92 Use while loop to read file content
93 Uses put() to write all characters from zero to 255 to a file
94 Using Binary IO with Array-Based Streams
95 Using Command-Line Arguments to Get a Filename
96 While it is not the end of a file, output file line by line
97 Word count for input file
98 Write char to a file
99 Write numbers to a binary file and read them back
100 Write string to a file
101 Write strings to disk
102 Write to file
103 Write unsigned char to a file and read it back
104 Writes formatted output to a file, using
105 Writes information inputted to a file
106 Writing on a text file
107 Writing to a File