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C Tutorial
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Language Basics 130 codes
Language Basics
1 ( ) operator
2 A flag
3 A for loop inside main function
4 A free-standing block statement
5 A simple 4 function calculator
6 A simple example of the if statement
7 A simple for loop
8 A while loop nested in for loop
9 Add function to the Ternary operator
10 Assign value to global variable
11 Bitwise operator
12 Block if else statement
13 Break a infinite loop
14 Calculation
15 Calculations
16 Comma expression
17 Comments in C
18 Compute the area of a triangle, given its width and height
19 Console menu
20 Const function in all c programs
21 Count spaces in string
22 Define and use global variable and function
23 Define and use Global variables
24 Define block inside a function
25 Define local variable for a function
26 Define variable in a block
27 Demonstrate multiple loop control variables
28 Demonstrate the use of variables
29 Display Hello
30 Display Hello and your name
31 Division with float values and output it
32 Do while loop
33 Do while loop for your selection
34 Do while loop with continue
35 Do while with char value as condition
36 Finding the size of a type
37 For
38 For and scanf
39 For loop
40 For loop condition
41 For loop with continue
42 For loop with init value, stop condition and incr
43 For loop without first part
44 For loop without the third part
45 For statement
46 Get three input at the same time
47 Global variable and function
48 How to use extern
49 How to use goto in c
50 How to use switch
51 If command
52 If else
53 If else if and else
54 If else statement inside a for loop
55 IF statement 3
56 If statement for different choice
57 If statement inside for loop
58 Indefinite loop and break
59 Infinite for loop with break
60 Logical operator
61 Main function
62 More calculation in the for statement
63 More complex for loop
64 More if else
65 More statement in if else
66 Move more statements into if and else
67 Nested for
68 Nested for Demo
69 Nested for loop and break
70 Nested for loop demo
71 Nested for loop inside a do while loop
72 One line comments
73 Operator for int value
74 Operator sequence
75 Operator which accepts three value
76 Our own power function with parameters
77 Output float
78 Plus operator
79 Prime number tester
80 Program starts with main function
81 Relational and logical operations
82 Reverse order of for loop
83 Reversing the digits
84 See the for loop terminating condition
85 Self increase and decrease operator
86 Self increase operator
87 Self operator
88 Set the init value for a for loop
89 Simple string ouput
90 Simple Ternary operator
91 Simplest for loop
92 Switch
93 Switch demo
94 Switch inside for loop
95 Switch with char case
96 Switch with default
97 Switch with int case
98 Ternary () operator
99 Ternary operator inside if else
100 Testing letters using and
101 The variable limits
102 This program produces a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion chart for the numbers 0 to 100
103 Three level nested for loop
104 Two condition for ending a for loop
105 Use and
106 Use break in for loop to exit
107 Use break to terminate a for loop
108 Use calculation in if statement
109 Use char as int in a for loop
110 Use for loop as the user selections controller
111 Use function as for loop control variable
112 Use getchar inside while loop
113 Use global variable in function
114 Use global vars
115 Use if else
116 Use int as if condition
117 Use int as the while loop controller
118 Use integer as the for loop controller
119 Use result as the if condition
120 Use statement inside if else
121 Use ternary operator in printf
122 Use two if statements
123 Use user input as the if condition
124 Using ifs to decide on a discount
125 Using the ;amp operator
126 Variable scope
127 While loop to print char
128 While to sum integers
129 Work with global variable
130 Write expression inside Ternary operator