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XML Tutorial
XML LINQ 300 codes
1 A More Concise Example of Calling the First Ancestors Prototype
2 A Simple XML Query Using LINQ to XML
3 Accessing All of an Elements Attributes with the Attributes Method
4 Accessing an Attribute with the Attribute Method
5 Accessing an Elements Attributes Using the Attributes Method
6 Accessing an Elements Child Elements Using the Elements Method
7 Accessing an Elements First Attribute with the FirstAttribute Property
8 Accessing Named Child Elements Using the Elements Method
9 Accessing the First Child Element with a Specified Name
10 Accessing the Last Attribute with the LastAttribute Property
11 Accessing the Next Attribute with the NextAttribute Property
12 Accessing the Previous Attribute with the PreviousAttribute Property
13 Accessing the XML Document from an XElement Object via the Document Property
14 Add a comment to XDocument
15 Add an attribute to the root node
16 Add an element that uses the namespace
17 Add namespace to attribute
18 Add namespace to element
19 Add the CData to XDocument
20 Add the processing instruction
21 Add to First to XDocument
22 Add XAttribute array to XElement
23 Adding a Node in a Specific Location of the Specified Nodes Child Nodes with AddAfterSelf
24 Adding a Node in the Specified Nodes Child Nodes with AddBeforeSelf
25 Adding a Node to the Beginning of the Specified Nodes Child Nodes with AddFirst
26 Adding a Node to the End of the Specified Nodes Child Nodes with Add
27 Adding Processing Instructions After the Document and Element Have Been Constructed
28 Adds an object to the annotation list of this XObject
29 Adds the specified content immediately after this node
30 Adds the specified content immediately before this node
31 An Example of Calling the First Ancestors Prototype
32 An Example with a Single Book
33 Attribute with namespace
34 Calling the First AncestorsAndSelf Prototype
35 Calling the First Attributes Prototype
36 Calling the First Descendants Prototype
37 Calling the First DescendantsAndSelf Prototype
38 Calling the First Elements Prototype
39 Calling the Only DescendantNodes Prototype
40 Calling the Only DescendantNodesAndSelf Prototype
41 Calling the Only InDocumentOrder Prototype
42 Calling the Only Nodes Prototype
43 Calling the Remove
44 Calling the Second Ancestors Prototype
45 Calling the Second AncestorsAndSelf Prototype
46 Calling the Second Attributes Prototype
47 Calling the Second Descendants Prototype
48 Calling the Second DescendantsAndSelf Prototype
49 Calling the Second Elements Prototype
50 Calling the Second Remove Prototype
51 Calling the ToString Method on an Element Produces the XML Tree
52 Cast the value of this XAttribute to a Boolean
53 Cast the value of this XAttribute to a DateTime
54 Casting a Node to a Different Data Type Than Its Values Original Data Type
55 Casting an Element to Its Values Data Type Outputs the Value
56 Changing an Attributes Value
57 Check the specific events
58 Combines an XNamespace object with a local name to create an XName
59 Converts a string containing a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to an XNamespace
60 Converts the DateTime to a String
61 Converts the supplied DateTimeOffset to a String
62 Converts the supplied DateTimeOffset to a String in the specified format
63 Converts the supplied String to a DateTimeOffset equivalent
64 Count the node with whitespace
65 Create a new instance of the XAttribute class from the specified name and value
66 Create a new instance of the XDocument and add XComment and XElement
67 Create a new XElement class from another XElement object
68 Create an XDocument class with the specified XDeclaration and content
69 Create an XElement class from an XStreamingElement object
70 Create an XElement class with the specified name
71 Create an XElement class with the specified name and content
72 Create an Xml document in a Xml Linq way
73 Create an XML tree in a namespace
74 Create an XML tree in a namespace, with a specified prefix
75 Create an XML tree with nested namespaces
76 Create Where an XName Object Is Created and Specify Namespace
77 Create XAttribute with namespace
78 Create XDocument from XmlReader
79 Create XDocument with XDeclaration and XElement
80 Create XElement with namespace
81 Create XML document from object list
82 Creates an XmlReader for this node
83 Creates the XML Tree
84 Creating a Comment and Adding It to Its Element
85 Creating a Comment with Functional Construction
86 Creating a Declaration
87 Creating a Declaration and Setting the Documents Declaration Property to It
88 Creating a Document Type
89 Creating a Document Type and Adding It to a Document
90 Creating a Processing Instruction at Both the Document and Element Levels
91 Creating a Text Node and Passing It As the Value of a Created Element
92 Creating an Attribute and Adding It to Its Element
93 Creating an Attribute with Functional Construction
94 Creating an Element Using the First Prototype
95 Creating an XCData Node and Passing It As the Value of a Created Element
96 Creating an XML Document with XDocument
97 Creating an XSD Schema by Inferring Itfrom an XML Document
98 Decodes a name This method does the reverse of the EncodeName and EncodeLocalName methods
99 Deferred Execution of the XML Tree Construction by Using the XStreamingElement Class
100 Define the namespace
101 Deleting a Sequence of Nodes with Remove
102 Deleting a Specific Node with Remove
103 Determines if the current node appears after a specified node in terms of document order
104 Determines if the current node appears before a specified node in terms of document order
105 Different Node Value Types Retrieved via Casting to the Node Values Type
106 Display the second namespace on screen
107 Display XDocument
108 FirstNode and LastNode give you direct access to the first or last child node
109 Generates an Empty Element
110 Get Attribute with namespace
111 Get Encoding, Version and standalone from XML declaration
112 Get line number and line position
113 Get Node by type with OfType
114 Get parent element
115 Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this XObject
116 Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this XObject
117 Gets an XNamespace for the specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
118 Gets the base URI for this XObject
119 Gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this XObject
120 Gets the next sibling node of this node
121 Gets the node type for this XObject
122 Gets the previous sibling node of this node
123 Gets the XNamespace object that corresponds to no namespace
124 Gets the XNamespace object that corresponds to the XML URI (http
125 Gets the XNamespace object that corresponds to the xmlns URI (http
126 Handling Multiple Peer Nodes While Maintaining a Flat Structure
127 Hard coded namespace for attribute
128 Has elements and has attributes
129 Immediate Execution of the XML Tree Construction
130 Intentionally Exposing the Halloween Problem
131 Is an element empty
132 It is easier to use casting when the attribute might or might not exist
133 Load xml document with XDocument
134 Loading a Document with the XDocument Load Method with LoadOptions
135 Loading an Element with the XElement Load Method
136 Obtaining Elements Without Reaching
137 Obtaining Restricted Elements Without Reaching
138 Obtaining Restricted Elements Without Reaching While Ordering and Using Query Expression Syntax
139 Parsing an XML String into an Element
140 Passing XComment and XElement to XDocument
141 Prevents an Empty Element
142 Query an XML document with Linq
143 Query attributes with namespace
144 Query Descendants And Self
145 Query string array by its element length
146 Query XML document by attribute
147 Query Xml document by node type with Linq
148 Query XML document with Ancestors and First
149 Query XML document with where clause
150 Query XML with Descendants
151 Query XML with namespace
152 Querying XML with XPath Syntax
153 Raise event when this XObject or any of its descendants are changed
154 Raise event when this XObject or any of its descendants are changing
155 Removes this node from its parent
156 Removing a Nodes Content with RemoveAll
157 Removing All of an Elements Attributes
158 Removing an Attribute
159 Rename element
160 Replaces this node with the specified content
161 Represents elements in an XML tree that supports deferred streaming output
162 Returns a collection of the ancestor elements of this node
163 Returns a collection of the sibling elements after this node, in document order
164 Returns a collection of the sibling elements before this node, in document order
165 Returns a collection of the sibling nodes after this node, in document order
166 Returns a collection of the sibling nodes before this node, in document order
167 Returns a filtered collection of attributes of this element
168 Returns a filtered collection of the ancestor elements of this node
169 Returns a filtered collection of the sibling elements after this node, in document order
170 Returns a filtered collection of the sibling elements before this node, in document order
171 Returns a value indicating whether two instances of XNamespace are equal
172 Returns a value indicating whether two instances of XNamespace are not equal
173 Returns an XName object created from this XNamespace and the specified local name
174 Returns the indented XML for this node
175 Returns the XML for this node, optionally disabling formatting
176 Save the document where you need it
177 Saving a Document with the XDocument Save Method
178 Saving an Element with the XElement Save Method
179 Select tags by name
180 Specifying a Namespace Prefix
181 Successfully Validating an XML Element
182 Suppressing Node Construction with null
183 The Elements method returns just the child nodes of type XElement
184 Transforming an XML Document
185 Traversing Backward from an XElement Object via the PreviousNode Property
186 Traversing Backward from the Current Node
187 Traversing Down from an XElement Object via the Descendants Method
188 Traversing Down from an XElement Object via the DescendantsAndSelf Method
189 Traversing Down from an XElement Object via the Nodes Method
190 Traversing Down from an XElement Object via the Nodes Method with Additional Node Types
191 Traversing Forward from an XElement Object via the NextNode Property
192 Traversing Forward from the Current Node Using the ElementsAfterSelf Method
193 Traversing Forward from the Current Node Using the NodesAfterSelf Method
194 Traversing Up from an XElement Object via the AncestorsAndSelf Method
195 Traversing Up from an XElement Object via the Parent Property
196 Two namespaces
197 Updating a Nodes Value
198 Updating a Processing Instruction
199 Updating the Document Type
200 Use AddFirst to add an element to xml document
201 Use hard coded xsl to convert xml document
202 Use Linq query to get XML document elements
203 Use Linq to create XElement
204 Use Linq to create XML document with a Namespace Specified
205 Use Linq to query an XML document
206 Use XDeclaration,XElement, XAttribute to create an XDocument
207 Use XElement Parse to parse an element document
208 Use XProcessingInstruction
209 Using ReplaceAll to Change an Elements Subtree
210 Using SetAttributeValue to Add, Delete, and Update Attributes
211 Using SetElementValue to Update, Add, and Delete Child Elements
212 Using the LINQ to XML API to Create an XML Document
213 Using the LINQ to XML API to Create an XML Document and Adding Some Structure
214 Using the OfType Operator to Return Just the Comments
215 Using the OfType Operator to Return Just the Elements
216 Validating an XML Document
217 Validating an XML Document with a Lambda Expression
218 Validating an XML Document with Default Validation Event Handling
219 Verifies that the name is a valid name according to the W3C Extended Markup Language recommendation
220 Verify Xml Chars
221 Without Calling the Ancestors Operator
222 Writes this node to an XmlWriter
223 XAttribute Class represents an XML attribute
224 XAttribute IsNamespaceDeclaration Property tells if this attribute is a namespace declaration
225 XAttribute Name Property returns the expanded name of this attribute
226 XAttribute NextAttribute Property returns the next attribute of the parent element
227 XAttribute NodeType Property returns the node type for this node
228 XAttribute PreviousAttribute Property returns the previous attribute of the parent element
229 XAttribute Remove removes this attribute from its parent element
230 XAttribute SetValue sets the value of this attribute
231 XAttribute ToString converts the current XAttribute object to a string representation
232 XAttribute Value gets or sets the value of this attribute
233 XDocument Class represents an XML document
234 XDocument Declaration gets or sets the XML declaration for this document
235 XDocument DocumentType gets the Document Type Definition (DTD) for this document
236 XDocument Load (TextReader) creates a new XDocument from a TextReader
237 XDocument Load (TextReader, LoadOptions) loads an XDocument from a TextReader with option
238 XDocument Load (XmlReader) loads an XDocument from an XmlReader
239 XDocument Load loads a XDocument from a file
240 XDocument Load(String, LoadOptions) loads an XDocument from a file with option
241 XDocument Load(XmlReader, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from an XmlReader with option
242 XDocument NodeType Property returns the node type for this node
243 XDocument Parse (String) parses a string to create a new XDocument
244 XDocument Parse(String, LoadOptions) parse a string to create a new XDocument with option
245 XDocument Root Property returns the root element of the XML Tree for this document
246 XDocument Save (String) serializes this XDocument to a file, overwriting an existing file, if it exists
247 XDocument Save (String, SaveOptions) serializes this XDocument to a file with option
248 XDocument Save (TextWriter) serializes this XDocument to a TextWriter
249 XDocument Save (TextWriter, SaveOptions) serializes this XDocument to a TextWriter with option
250 XDocument Save Method (XmlWriter) serializes this XDocument to an XmlWriter
251 XDocument transformation demo
252 XDocument WriteTo writes this document to an XmlWriter
253 XElement AncestorsAndSelf returns a collection of elements
254 XElement AncestorsAndSelf(XName) returns a filtered collection of elements that contain this element
255 XElement Attribute returns the XAttribute of this XElement that has the specified XName
256 XElement Attributes returns a collection of attributes of this element
257 XElement Class Represents an XML element
258 XElement DescendantNodesAndSelf
259 XElement DescendantsAndSelf returns this element and all descendant elements
260 XElement DescendantsAndSelf returns this element, and all descendant elements of this element
261 XElement FirstAttribute gets the first attribute of this element
262 XElement GetDefaultNamespace gets the default XNamespace of this XElement
263 XElement GetNamespaceOfPrefix gets the namespace associated with a particular prefix for this XElement
264 XElement GetPrefixOfNamespace gets the prefix associated with a namespace for this XElement
265 XElement HasAttributes gets a value indicating whether this element as at least one attribute
266 XElement HasElements gets a value indicating whether this element has at least one child element
267 XElement IsEmpty gets a value indicating whether this element contains no content
268 XElement LastAttribute gets the last attribute of this element
269 XElement Load (TextReader) loads an XElement from a TextReader
270 XElement Load (XmlReader) loads an XElement from an XmlReader
271 XElement Load loads an XElement from a file
272 XElement Load Method (TextReader, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from a TextReader
273 XElement Load(Employee xml)
274 XElement Load(String, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from a file
275 XElement Name gets or sets the name of this element
276 XElement NodeType gets the node type for this node
277 XElement Parse (String) load an XElement from a string that contains XML
278 XElement Parse (String, LoadOptions) loads an XElement from a string that contains XML
279 XElement RemoveAll removes nodes and attributes from this XElement
280 XElement RemoveAttributes removes the attributes of this XElement
281 XElement ReplaceAll replaces the child nodes and the attributes of this element
282 XElement ReplaceAttributes replaces the attributes of this element with the specified content
283 XElement Save (TextWriter) serializes this element to a TextWriter
284 XElement Save (TextWriter, SaveOptions) serializes this element to a TextWriter
285 XElement Save (XmlWriter) serializes this element to an XmlWriter
286 XElement Save serializes this element to a file
287 XElement Save serializes this element to a file, optionally disabling formatting
288 XElement SetAttributeValue sets the value of an attribute, adds an attribute, or removes an attribute
289 XElement SetElementValue sets the value of a child element, adds a child element, or removes a child element
290 XElement SetValue sets the value of this element
291 XElement to Boolean Cast
292 XElement to DateTime Cast
293 XElement Value gets or sets the concatenated text contents of this element
294 XElement with namespace
295 XElement WriteTo writes this element to an XmlWriter
296 XmlSchemaObject represents the root class for the Xml schema
297 XName Namespace Property returns the namespace part of the fully qualified name
298 XNamespace Class represents an XML namespace This class cannot be inherited
299 XObject Event Handling
300 XObject Event Handling Using Lambda Expressions