Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
C# by API
C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
VisualBasic Script
Java Book
Java by API
Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Activex OLE 266 codes
Activex OLE
1 [] Delphi - excel
2 [] Excel ve delphi
3 [] Word dosyalarını iexplorerda gösterme
4 Access violations with vc++ created ocx controls
5 Activeforms not displaying in internet explorer
6 Activex olarak windows media playerın kullanılması
7 Add in for MS Office Applications (Revised)
8 An Iterative ASCII Export
9 Anagram Algorythm Challenge (Uses MS Word Dictionary)
10 Automate word with ole
11 Automate Word with OLE
12 Automating MS Word using Ole
13 Automating word 8 [word97]
14 Backup outlook attachments
15 Backup Outlook Attachments
16 Backup Your Outlook Attachments
17 Bir internet adresinin ulasilabilir olup olmadigini kontrol etmek
18 Bookmarks in WORD
19 Browser CopyCat
20 Calling MS Word to do a Mail Merge
21 Changeread the Document Properties for a specified Word Document
22 Check if activex is installed on a target machine
23 Check if the recycle bin is empty
24 Check if Word is installed
25 Check if word, excel, access, outlook, powerpoint is running
26 Check if Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Powerpoint is running
27 Client launching
28 COM OLE Automation FAQ
29 COMOLE Object Name Utility Procedure
30 Contact list in MS Outlook
31 Control excel with ole
32 Control Excel with OLE
33 Control mirc with dde
34 Control Powerpoint with OLE Automation
35 Control powerpoint with ole-automation
36 Control the internet explorer using ole
37 Converting MS Word DOC to RTF using OLE
38 Create a new outlook contact
39 Create a new Outlook Contact
40 Create a new outlook contact item
41 Create a new Outlook contact item
42 Create an access database
43 Create an ActiveX friendly TSplitter
44 Creating a descendant of a component to enhance functionality
45 Creating an ActiveX for ASP
46 Creating data in Excel and copying it to Word from MS Office 97
47 dax error access is denied error
48 dax error server execution failed error
49 dax error unexpected failure error
50 Dbgrid to excel
51 Dbgrid to excel form [dbgridden excel formuna kolay kayıt]
52 DDE Between Delphi and Excel
53 Delphi 6 - imported automation events bug
54 Delphi activex - midas development hints
55 Distributable com objects on remote machines
56 Enable the return key in a twebbrowser
57 eolesys operation unavailable error
58 error 0 rlink32 error opening file [typelibrary] tlb error
59 error saving i[interface]
61 Excel Automation
62 Excel dosyasindaki bir hucreye ulasmak
63 Excel ile uygulama
64 Excel kayit boyunu tespit etmek
65 Excel to txt
66 Excelde sütun ve satırları biçimlendirmek
67 Excelden dbgride import
68 Excelden stringride data aktarimi
69 Excele aktarma component
70 Exceli program içinden özelleştirmek
71 Export a ms word table to a tstringgrid
72 Export a MS Word Table to a TStringGrid
73 Export a stringgrid to an excel-file
74 Export a TDBGrid to excel without OLE
75 Export a TListView to a TStringGrid
76 Export a tstringgrid to a ms word table
77 Export a TStringGrid to a MS Word table
78 Export a TStringGrid to a TListView
79 Export ALL tables from MS jet to CSV via ADO
80 Export contents of DBGrid to Excel or ClipBoard
81 Export source code in any language in HTML
82 Exporting Access Tables and Queries
83 Exporting Grid to MS Word without using OLE&Components
84 Exporting Syntax Highlighted text to HTML
85 Fast data transfer to MS Excel
86 Fill in ms word form fields
87 Freeform Excel Worksheet (No OLE or EXCEL required)
88 Get a list of the registered win32 modules and their version[s]
89 Get address book of MS Outlook
90 Get all outlook contacts
91 Get all outlook contacts
92 Get selected text from ie window
93 Get the install-directory of a com- or webservice-dll
94 Get the installed word version
95 Get the installed Word version
96 Get the language of ms word
97 Get the language of MS Word
98 Getting data from MS Word without using the Clipboard
99 Handle OleExceptions
100 How do I know if my ActiveX control is in design or run mode
101 How do i automate word
102 How do i retrieve properties from an html page
103 How Protect Excel Sheet with Delphi
104 How to automate Word with OLE
105 How to Backup Outlook Attachments
106 How to changeread the Document Properties for a specified Word Document
107 How to check if Word is installed
108 How to check if Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Powerpoint is running
109 How to control Excel with OLE
110 How to control Powerpoint with OLE Automation
111 How to create a new Outlook Contact
112 How to create a new Outlook contact item
113 How to deal with OLE DB directly, using its interfaces
114 How to determine the start method of an OLE automation object
115 How to execute a document and wait for it to finish
116 How to export a MS Word Table to a TStringGrid
117 How to export a Table with all or selected Fields
118 How to export a TDBGrid to excel without OLE
119 How to export a TListView to a TStringGrid
120 How to export a TStringGrid to a MS Word table
121 How to export a TStringGrid to a TListView
122 How to export data from a query to Word
123 How to export data to Excel
124 How to fix the incorrect painting of an activex control, which occurs when a web
125 How to get all outlook contacts
126 How to get the html code for the parent of an activex form
127 How to get the language of MS Word
128 How to import an Excel Table to a TStringgrid
129 How to insert a text file in a word document
130 How to insert RTF Text into a MS Word document
131 How to insert text at a Bookmark (MS Word)
132 How to make an ADODB Connection using OLE Automation
133 How to OLE with the internet explorer
134 How to read a senders address for MailItem (MS Outlook)
135 How to read text from a PDF doc without using ActiveX
136 How to register an activex library at runtime and create the corresponding activex
137 How to register or unregister a OCXActiveX
138 How to replace text in a word document
139 How to retrieve real email addresses from Outlook From Inbox mails
140 How to retrieve real email addresses from outlook from inbox mails
141 How to retrieve the folder list from Outlook
142 How to retrieve the RTF text from an open MS Word Instance (without using the Clipboard)
143 How to retrieve the Text of all Text Boxes in a Word Document
144 How to save a Word Document as Rtf
145 How to save the Outlook calendar as a website
146 How to send an e mail through Outlook
147 How to send an email using ms-outlook
148 How to send an email with attachments by shellexecute to outlook express
149 How to transfer data from any database to excel using variant
150 How to transfer data from excel to a Database
151 How to transfer data from Excel to Word
152 How to use adobe acrobat [pdf] files in a delphi application
153 How to use webcam in delphi
154 How to write an Outlook AddIn
155 Implementing Drag Scrolling in a Grid (as Excel has..)
156 Implementing object persistence using streams
157 Import an excel table to a tstringgrid
158 Import an Excel Table to a TStringgrid
159 Import Data from excel
160 Insert popup-menu items for ms agent component
161 Insert RTF Text into a MS Word document
162 Insert rtf-text into a ms word document
163 Insert text at a Bookmark (MS Word)
164 Insert text at a bookmark [ms word]
165 Knowing run-time verses design-time mode in an active form
166 Load a stream containing html code into a twebbrowser
167 Make an ADODB Connection using OLE Automation
168 Master detail report using excel
169 Microsoft agent kullanımı
170 Microsoft outlookta tanimli mail hesaplarinin alinmasi
171 Microsot outlook ile programdan mail gondermek
172 Ms office antivirus api
173 Ms word file info [ doc ]
174 Ms word ile otomasyon
175 New methods not showing in code insight window
176 Ocx proplemleri
177 Ocxkullanımı
178 Ocxkullanimi
179 Old activeform information displayed
180 Ole ile ado bağlantısı kurulması
181 Ole kullanmadan dbgrid to excel
182 Ole kullanmadan excel dosyası yazma
183 Ole kullanmadan excel dosyasına kaydetmek !!!
184 Ole ve blob alanlar arasinda kayit
185 Ole with the internet explorer
186 Open a password-protected xls-file and save it without password
187 Open local files in a twebbrowser and start links directly
188 Opening Office Documents (Word, Excel) in TWebBrowser on Vista and Office 2007
189 Otomatik e-mail gönderme
190 Outlook
191 Outlook Automation Contactlist
192 Outlook Automation Scaning Outlooks Folders
193 Outlook Automation Scaning Outlooks Folders and reading Mail
194 Outlook kullanarak mail gönderme
195 OutlookExpress Directorie
196 Play flash-files in delphi
197 PowerPoint 2003 Presentation Crashes On Saving
198 Print an excel file
199 Print-preview ms access reports
200 Programdan bir internet adresini yeni ve istenilen ozelliklerde bir pencerede acmak
201 RAVE Export Device for EMF, WMF and Bitmaps
202 Read a senders address for MailItem (MS Outlook)
203 Read a senders address for mailitem [ms outlook]
204 Read adobe acrobat pdf files from my application
205 Read contact list from MS Outlook
206 Read text from a PDF doc without using ActiveX
207 Register a ocx file
208 Register or unregister a OCXActiveX
209 Register or unregister a ocx-activex
210 Registering an activex for its class
211 Registering an ActiveX for its class (CLSID)
212 Registering an ocx
213 Remove the popup menu from flashs activex
214 Replace text in a word document
215 Replace text in a word document
216 Retrieve a folder list from MS Outlook
217 Retrieve addresses from ms outlook
218 Retrieve the folder list from outlook
219 Retrieve the folder list from Outlook
220 Retrieve the list of animations of a given ms agent
221 Retrieve the RTF text from an open MS Word Instance (without using the Clipboard)
222 Retrieve the rtf-text from an open ms word instance [without using the clipboard]
223 Retrieve the text of all text boxes in a word document
224 Retrieve the Text of all Text Boxes in a Word Document
225 Save a excel file as text file
226 Save a word document as rtf
227 Save a Word Document as Rtf
228 Save the outlook calendar as a website
229 Save the Outlook calendar as a website
230 Send an e mail through Outlook
231 Send an e-mail through outlook
232 Send an email with attachments by shellexecute to outlook express
234 Sending e mail from Delphi with attachment via Outlook
235 Sending e mail with attachment using MS Outlook
236 Sending mail with attachment via Outlook
237 Set page break in Word document
238 Summary info
239 Syntax Highlighted Source Code Export to HTML or RTF
240 Tablodan excele biraz daha geliştirdim
241 tactiveformx declaration missing or incorrect error
242 Tfilestream saving list box data at runtime
243 To check if OLE object is installed
244 To create a message in MS Outlook using OLE
245 To create an appointment in MS Outlook
246 To read a sender address for MailItem (MS Outlook)
247 Tquery de yapılan sorgulamayı excele gönderen procedure
248 Transfer data from excel to word
249 Transfer data from Excel to Word
250 Use a webbrowsers ondocumentcomplete with frames
251 Use mapi to send an email with attachements
252 Use the spell check functionality from word
253 Use the vspell activex component
254 Using Microsofts TextToSpeech ActiveX control
255 Using MS Word as report generator
256 Using MS Word Spell Checker and Suggestion List
257 Using OLE server of Word95 or Word97
258 Veri tabanını excele aktarmanın başka bir yolu
259 Verilen web sitesini internet explorerda acmak
260 View a tdataset in ms excel
261 What directory is the activeform in
262 Word belgesinin içeriğini almak
263 Work with word document
264 Write an Outlook AddIn
265 Write an outlook addin
266 Writing MS outlook style apps