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Keywords 54 codes
1 And - boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
2 Array - a data type holding indexable collections of data
3 As - used for casting object references
4 Begin - keyword that starts a statement block
5 Case - a mechanism for acting upon different values of an ordinal
6 Class - starts the declaration of a type of object class
7 Const - starts the definition of fixed data values
8 Constructor - defines the method used to create an object from a class
9 Destructor - defines the method used to destroy an object
10 Div - performs integer division, discarding the remainder
11 Do - defines the start of some controlled action
12 Downto - prefixes an decremental for loop target value
13 Else - starts false section of if, case and try statements
14 End - keyword that terminates statement blocks
15 Except - starts the error trapping clause of a try statement
16 File - defines a typed or untyped file
17 Finally - starts the unconditional code section of a try statement
18 For - starts a loop that executes a finite number of times
19 Function - defines a subroutine that returns a value
20 Goto - forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting
21 If - starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next
22 Implementation - starts the implementation [code] section of a unit
23 In - used to test if a value is a member of a set
24 Inherited - used to call the parent class constructor or destructor method
25 Interface - used for unit external definitions, and as a class skeleton
26 Is - tests whether an object is a certain class or ascendant
27 Mod - performs integer division, returning the remainder
28 Not - boolean not or bitwise not of one arguments
29 Object - allows a subroutine data type to refer to an object method
30 Of - linking keyword used in many places
31 On - defines exception handling in a try except clause
32 Or - boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
33 Packed - compacts complex data types into minimal storage
34 Procedure - defines a subroutine that does not return a value
35 Program - defines the start of an application
36 Property - defines controlled access to class fields
37 Raise - raise an exception
38 Record - a structured data type - holding fields of data
39 Repeat - repeat statements until a ternmination condition is met
40 Set - defines a set of up to 255 distinct values
41 Shl - shift an integer value left by a number of bits
42 Shr - shift an integer value right by a number of bits
43 Then - part of an if statement - starts the true clause
44 Threadvar - defines variables that are given separate instances per thread
45 To - prefixes an incremental for loop target value
46 Try - starts code that has error trapping
47 Type - defines a new category of variable or process
48 Unit - defines the start of a unit file - a delphi module
49 Until - ends a repeat control loop
50 Uses - declares a list of units to be imported
51 Var - starts the definition of a section of data variables
52 While - repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met
53 With - a means of simplifying references to structured variables
54 Xor - boolean xor or bitwise xor of two arguments