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String 95 codes
Flash ActionScript
1 A complete listing of all the escape sequences available to you
2 Access string method directly from the String value
3 ActionScript supports the addition (+) operator for text concatenation
4 Add strings together
5 An example of the newline character used in a string
6 Append text to existing strings by using the concatenation assignment += operator
7 Call the toString() method This method returns the string representation of any type of object if available
8 Call the valueOf() method The valueOf() method of any class returns the primitive value if one exists
9 Changing the Case of a String
10 CharAt() takes one parameter, a value for an index within the string This method returns a new one-character string that contains t
11 Concatenate string by adding integers with string
12 Convert string to characters
13 Convert string to lower case then call the lastIndexOf method
14 Convert string to lowercase then compare
15 Converting a Character to a Character Code
16 Converting a String into an Array
17 Converting a String Object to a Primitive
18 Converting Between Strings and Unicode or ASCII
19 Converting Case
20 Converting Strings to Arrays
21 Create a String object by simply invoking a property or method of the String class from a primitive string value
22 Define string variable
23 Determining the Number of Characters
24 Display n literally, instead of a newline, you can add an additional backslash just before it
25 Escaping Characters
26 Find all the occurrences of a substring
27 Finding Substrings
28 Get the length of a string object
29 Getting a Character Code
30 If you use another delimiter in the string, you need to specify it as the argument for the
31 Initial capitalizing the string
32 Inserting Special Whitespace Characters
33 Is indexOf case sensitive
34 Is lastIndexOf case sensitive
35 Joining Strings
36 Joining Strings with +
37 Newline character, n, which is the equivalent of pressing the Enter key
38 Optionally omit the second parameter, substr returns a substring starting at the specified index and going to the end of the origin
39 Parsing a String into Words
40 Pass string variables to a method
41 Passing String Values to and from Applications (escape)
42 Remove characters or words instead of replacing them
43 Remove every instance of a particular character
44 Remove the br tags and replace them with newline characters (n)
45 Removing and Replacing Characters and Words
46 Replace with Regular Expression
47 Replace(reCase, $2, $1)
48 Replacing
49 Retrieving One Character at a Time
50 Returns everything before the last period, if any
51 Reversing a String by Word or by Character
52 Searching
53 Searching for a Substring
54 Specifying a negative value simply counts backward from the end of the string where -1 is the last character
55 Split method returns an array
56 Split() method can be called using a RegExp object instead of a string as the delimiter
57 String concat( ) appends new values to the end of an existing string
58 String search(pattern
59 Substring method returns a substring starting with the starting index specified and containing all the characters up to, but not in
60 The backslash character has a special function when used in a string literal
61 The escape characters for double and single quotes are and respectively
62 The fromCharCode() method is a static method of the String class returns a new string primitive value with the character that corre
63 The toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() methods are particularly useful for comparing strings in a case-insensitive manner
64 To alter the original string, reassign the return value to it, as follows
65 To determine the number of characters a string object contains you can check its length property
66 ToTitleCase( ) converts a string to title case (initial letters capitalized)
67 Trimming Whitespace
68 Unescape() function does not modify the existing string, but returns a new string
69 Use concat method to concatenate two strings
70 Use indexOf and lastIndexOf to locate specific string
71 Use indexOf in while loop to count the instance of a substring
72 Use indexOf to check the existance of an substring
73 Use indexOf( ) in a while statement to get the indices of every occurrence of a substring
74 Use lastIndexOf to get the file name without extension name
75 Use lastIndexOf to search string
76 Use of a for loop to loop through the characters of a string, one at a time
77 Use offset in lastIndexOf method
78 Use offset index in indexOf method to search substring
79 Use plus operator when defining the string variable
80 Use regular expression in split method
81 Use replace with while loop
82 Use slice
83 Use slice method to cut string
84 Use split method to get the file name and its extension name
85 Use split to convert string to string array
86 Use split(String) method to split String to array of strings
87 Use split(String, index) to split String to array of strings
88 Use String frolmCharCode to create a string
89 Use the lastIndexOf method to get the file extension name
90 Use valueOf method to return the value of a string object
91 Using Quotes and Apostrophes in Strings
92 Using toString to convert object to String
93 Using toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() to make sure that two strings are compared without regard to case
94 Within the replacement string (the second parameter), you can use special values $1 to $9 to indicate the first nine remembered sub
95 Working with Substring Values