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Chart 245 codes
1 A bar chart with a vertical axis
2 A simple BarChart control with data from asp net
3 About the LinearAxis subclass
4 Add a CartesianDataCanvas as an annotation element to the ColumnChart control
5 Add a drop shadow filter to a PieChart control, Flex renders that drop shadow filter in addition to the default drop shadow filter o
6 Add a Legend to a chart in ActionScript
7 Add a second mx
8 Add an image to the chart and manipulate its propertiess
9 Add background to chart
10 Add new grid lines as annotation elements to the chart and an image as the background element
11 Add or remove a data point from a series in ActionScript
12 Adding a legend to LineChart
13 Adding axis titles
14 Adding Series to ColumnChart
15 Alternatively, you can set the gutter properties inline
16 Apply a custom drop shadow filter to a ColumnChart control
17 Applying CSS to chart controls
18 Area Chart with Area series
19 Area chart with AreaSeries and CategoryAxis
20 AreaChart
21 Axis for Bubble Chart
22 Axis for Candlestick Chart
23 Axis Renderer for ColumnChart
24 Background Elements for ColumnChart
25 Bar Chart with ArrayCollection
26 BarChart
27 Basic Area One Series for AreaChart
28 Basic AreaChart
29 Basic BarChart Size
30 Basic Line Stroke
31 Bind data provider to a local variable
32 Bubble Chart
33 Candlestick Chart Axis Label Rotation Example
34 Candlestick chart displaying stock prices
35 Candlestick Chart Heigh field and Low field
36 CandlestickChart
37 Cast the HitData object to a Series class
38 Change chart data provider and update data series after clicking
39 Change fields of a series to change chart data at run time
40 Change the label alignment for the vertical and horizontal axes
41 Change the stroke of the vertical line to 2 (the default value is 1) and the color of all the lines to black
42 Chart double click event
43 Chart single Click event
44 Chart With Style
45 Clearing selections
46 Column Chart Axis Label
47 Column Chart Demo and CategoryAxis
48 Column Chart Item click Event
49 Column Chart Item double click Event
50 Column Chart Item mouse down Event
51 Column Chart Item mouse move Event
52 Column Chart Item mouse up Event
53 Column Chart Item roll out Event
54 Column Chart Item roll over Event
55 ColumnChart Demo
56 ColumnChart with Color Gradient
57 ColumnChart with ColumnSeries
58 Combine column chart and pie chart
59 Compare yField in data provider when it fills each chart item
60 Create a CandlestickChart control
61 Create a ColumnChart control with the default axis locations (bottom and left)
62 Create a ColumnChart control with two series
63 Create a custom legend in ActionScript
64 Create a LineChart control
65 Create a LineChart control that displays vertical lines
66 Create a pie chart
67 Create a PieChart control and applies a drop shadow to it
68 Create a PieChart control from the selected columns in the ColumnChart control
69 Create a PlotChart control and records the location of the mouse pointer
70 Create a thick blue line for the LineChart controls line segments, with large red boxes at each data point
71 Create an AreaChart control
72 Create an HLOCChart control
73 Create two functions that access complex data for both the axis and the series
74 Creates a floating ColumnChart control
75 Creates a PieChart that uses a spectrum of reds for the wedges
76 Creates a PieChart that uses only red, white, and blue colors for the wedges
77 Creates data labels for each of the columns in the ColumnChart control
78 Creating a custom Legend control
79 Creating charts in ActionScript
80 CSS for BarSeries and ColumnSeries
81 CSS for LineChart
82 Curve LineChart
83 Customize axisStroke
84 Customize horizontalAxisRenderer and AxisRenderer
85 Data Tip Function for chart
86 Data Update In Real Time
87 Data Update In Real Time Series
88 Date Time Axis Range
89 Define a custom component inline by using the fx
90 Define a custom SolidColor object and a custom SolidColorStroke object, and applies them to the BubbleSeries object in the BubbleCha
91 Define a custom SolidColor object and a custom SolidColorStroke object, and applies them to the ColumnSeries object in the ColumnCha
92 Define a data provider on the chart control
93 Define a new callback function, dtFunc, that returns a formatted value for the DataTip
94 Define an area chart in which each series in the chart uses a solid fill with the same level of transparency
95 Define set of filters, and then applies them to various chart elements
96 Define the grid lines inside each chart controls definition
97 Define the properties of the high-low lines and candlestick borders by using a Stroke class
98 Define the weight and color of the strokes, and then applies those strokes to the charts AxisRenderer class
99 Define three custom SolidColor objects and three custom SolidColorStroke objects, and applies them to the three AreaSeries objects i
100 Define three data series in a PlotChart control
101 Define three SolidColor objects and three custom SolidColorStroke objects, and applies them to the PlotSeries objects in the PlotCha
102 Define two colors and then uses those colors in the axis renderers and in the strokes and fills for the chart items
103 Defines a line width of 2 pixels, with a darklight gray border for BarChart
104 Defines an Array of custom SolidColor objects, and applies it to the PieSeries object in the PieChart control
105 Defines the colors for two series in the ColumnChart control
106 Defining AxisRenderer properties with strokes
107 Describe the properties of the PieCharts PieSeries
108 Disabling axis labels
109 Display data points in each series that are currently selected
110 Display two charts
111 Doughnut PieChart(PieChart with a hole)
112 Draws a BubbleChart control and sets the maximum radius of bubble elements to 50
113 Dynamic chart with Timer
114 Dynamically size Bar chart
115 Exclude August 13, and then the range of days between August 27 and August 31
116 Exploding PieChart
117 Extract the data from the HTML page by using regular expressions
118 Fill column with LinearGradient
119 Formatting grid lines with ActionScript
120 Formatting grid lines with MXML
121 Formatting lines
122 Get selected index from ChartItemEvent
123 Gradient Fills In ActionScript
124 Handle PieChart item click event
125 High Low Open Close Chart
126 HLOCChart Demo
127 Horizontal Axis Renderer for ColumnChart
128 Horizontal LineChart
129 Increments and decrements the seriess selectedIndex property to select each item
130 Legend for AreaChart
131 Legend for Bubble Chart
132 Legend for Candlestick Chart
133 Legend with a border and title bar
134 Line Chart Demo
135 Line Chart with line stroke
136 Line chart with LineSeries and CategoryAxis
137 LinearGradient fill
138 Logs a ChartEvent when you click or double-click the chart control
139 Make Chart From Drag Drop
140 Max radius for Bubble Chart
141 Mixed Chart
142 Multiple Axis Chart
143 Mx
144 Name data series by using the displayName property of the series
145 Overrides the default renderers for the series
146 Pie Chart Demo
147 Pie chart inner radius
148 Pie chart with two series
149 Pie custom Label
150 Pie Explode
151 Pie Label position callout
152 Pie Multiple Series
153 Pie Set Fill Colors
154 PieChart vs ColumnChart
155 PieChart with ActionScript
156 Plot Chart Demo
157 Plot chart used to display two series
158 Plot Chart With Renderers
159 Plot With Custom Renderer
160 Randomly generating chart data
161 Remove grid lines entirely
162 Remove Shadows for ColumnChart
163 Remove tick marks from the horizontal axis
164 Reverse Step LineChart
165 Segment Form LineChart
166 SelectedIndices property lets you select any number of ChartItems in a chart control
167 Series for Bar chart
168 SeriesSlide effect for Pie chart
169 Set Axis label for Column chart
170 Set CategoryAxis for AreaChart
171 Set elementOffset property of SeriesInterpolate to 0
172 Set fill color
173 Set horizonta lAxis and Area Series for Pie Chart
174 Set LinearAxis, and formats the values to include a dollar sign and a thousands separator
175 Set nameField property of a PieChart controls data series to Expense
176 Set renderer for the second series to the CircleItemRenderer and the renderer for the third series to the CrossItemRenderer in Actio
177 Set selection model for PieChart to single selectable
178 Set the lineSegmentRenderer to the ShadowLineRenderer class
179 Set the minimum and maximum values of a LogAxis object
180 Set the size of the bubbles to be relative to each other in the different series
181 Set the value of a ColumnChart controls dataTipMode property to multiple
182 Set TraceTarget filters to log target by using MXML
183 Set up legend for Bar chart
184 Sets the angle property to 90, which specifies that the transition occurs from the top of the chart to the bottom
185 Sets the legend marker of all three series to the DiamondItemRenderer class
186 Sets tick marks to the inside of the axis line, sets the tick marks length to 12 pixels, and hides minor tick marks
187 Setting a value for the minField property creates two values on the axis for each data point in an area
188 Setting fills with CSS for BarChart
189 Setting the direction of legends
190 Setup CandlestickChart
191 Show a BubbleChart control with two independant series
192 Show data tops for Bubble Chart
193 Showing multiple DataTips
194 Shows a parsing method that creates a Date object from String values in the data provider that match the YYYY, MM, DD pattern
195 Specify the font for all BubbleChart controls
196 Specify the x, y, height, and width properties of a rectangular range
197 Stack the Profit and Expenses fields, in which some of the values are negative
198 Stacked Area Chart
199 Step form LineChart
200 Style minorTickStroke
201 Style tickStroke
202 The final result is a chart with multiple axes, but whose series share some of the same properties defined by common axis renderers.
203 The following example defines a PieChart control
204 The following example defines the colors for two series in the ColumnChart control
205 The following example defines the range of the y-axis
206 The following example defines three data series in a PlotChart control
207 The following example mixes a LineSeries and a ColumnSeries
208 The following example removes tick marks from the horizontal axis
209 The fourth data point, the Car expense, is exploded
210 To create a doughnut chart, specify the innerRadius property on the PieChart control
211 To enable DataTips, set the value of the chart controls showDataTips property to true
212 To explode all wedges of a pie chart evenly, you use the explodeRadius property on the PieSeries
213 To hide the axis line, set the value of the showLine property on the AxisRenderer object to false
214 Track totalMemory property in a LineChart control in real time
215 Turns on grid lines in both directions and applies them to the chart
216 Use a LinearGradient class with three colors for a gradient fill of the charts background
217 Use a similar technique to add data series to your charts rather than replacing the existing ones
218 Use a String value for the date that matches the MMDDYYYY pattern and specifies that the dates are displayed in units of days
219 Use ActionScript to set TraceTarget
220 Use chart items in more than one series
221 Use ColumnSet, BarSet, and AreaSet classes to combine groups of chart series
222 Use default DiamondItemRenderer class for the first data series
223 Use fills to set the background of the charts
224 Use gif graphic to represent each data point on the plot chart
225 Use GridLines as background
226 Use SolidColorStoke to paint horizontalStroke
227 Use SolidColorStoke to paint verticalStroke
228 Use the addDataChild() method to add children to the data canvas It adds labels to each of the columns that you select in the Column
229 Use the fill property to set the color for each ColumnSeries object in a ColumnChart control
230 Use the graphic file to represent data points on a PlotChart control
231 Use the secondHorizontalAxisRenderer and secondVerticalAxisRenderer properties to control the appearance of the secondary axis
232 Use these methods to cycle through the data points in a ColumnChart control
233 Uses two series to allow a visual comparison of two stocks that trade in different ranges
234 Using ArrayCollection Of Verbose MXML Objects for ColumnChart
235 Using SeriesInterpolate
236 Using strokes in ActionScript
237 Using XML for LineChart
238 Variable Series for LineChart
239 Vertical Axis as the data series
240 Vertical Axis Renderer for ColumnChart
241 Vertical Form LineChart
242 Waterfall Stacked ColumnChart
243 You can also represent the range of dates in MXML by using the following syntax
244 YValue of the ColumnSeriesItem represents the percentage a series takes up in a 100% chart
245 Zoom in data series from the upper-right corner of the chart