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Container 411 codes
1 A group container uses the VerticalLayout class to lay out four Button controls
2 A Group container with four Button controls as its children
3 A handler for the itemClick event for this TabBar control
4 A NavigatorContent must be the child of an MX navigator container
5 A opaque panel
6 A simple docked ApplicationControlBar that includes a MenuBar
7 A single constraint column that occupies 20% of the Canvas width; 80% of the container is unallocated
8 A Tile Container with draggable children
9 A transparent panel
10 A vertical Box container by using the mx
11 Absolute layout controls
12 Absolute layout for Application
13 Absolute layout with Panel
14 Add a graphic element to the container to define a background for the buttons
15 Add a VBox to overlap
16 Add border to HBox
17 Add Button control as the first child of an HBox container
18 Add Button to a HBox as child
19 Add button to window through ActionScript
20 Add Canvas to ViewStack
21 Add child component to TabNavigator
22 Add child to HBox
23 Add close event listener for TitleWindow
24 Add close handler to TitleWindow
25 Add control to TitleWindow
26 Add ControlBar container dynamically to a Panel container
27 Add element to Group with ActionScript
28 Add event handler for application
29 Add Event handler for VBox
30 Add Label and Button to a Panel with absolute layout
31 Add Label to Panel
32 Add Labels to Application
33 Add labels to your Panels
34 Add Mouse Down listener to TitleWindow
35 Add multiple child components, or a container that contains multiple child components
36 Add padding to Application
37 Add Panel as Child in State
38 Add Panel to TabNavigator
39 Add scroll bars to the Spark Group container by wrapping the container in the Scroller component
40 Add solid border to ViewStack
41 Add Sprite object as a child of UIComponent before adding it to Panel
42 Add three Canvas containers to a Panel container, each Canvas having a different color
43 Adding and removing components relativeTo another control
44 Adding Label to Panel
45 Adding mouse event to Panel and TitleWindow
46 Adding padding by direction to HBox
47 Adding some contact data to your ContactManager application
48 Advanced Constraints with constraintRows
49 Align application to the left, removes margins, and sets the background image to be empty
50 Alignment to center
51 An HBox container lays out its children horizontally
52 An HBox container with a Button control
53 Application absolute layout
54 Application click event
55 Application complete event
56 Application container with no padding lets its child VBox container fill the entire window
57 Application creationComplete event
58 Application default layout
59 Application initialize event
60 Application style aligns application to left
61 Application style removes margins
62 Application style sets background image to be empty
63 Application with two namespaces
64 ApplicationControlBar and MenuBar
65 Applications URL and parameters
66 ArrayCollection as dataProvider for TabBar
67 Background fill for BorderContainer
68 Bind the Selected Index of a ViewStack to a Variable
69 Build Form with Panel
70 Building within the main container
71 Call a function when application is created completed
72 Change child index
73 Change percentage values to 50% and 40%, respectively
74 Change SpanElement color whenever the user clicks on any location within that SpanElements paragraph
75 Change the layout attribute to vertical
76 Change TitleWindow position and size in state
77 Change URL as TabNavigator changed
78 Child VBox container fills the entire application container
79 Children of Panel are not instantiated when the application is first loaded, but only after the user clicks the button
80 Children of panel containers are hidden while the containers resize
81 Children of VBox are not be instantiated when the application is first loaded, but only after the user clicks the button
82 Color property for a VGroup control is blue
83 Communicating with the host application
84 Complex MultiPanel
85 Components can resize as your application resizes
86 Constraint Sizing
87 Contain a Spark List control and an TabNavigator container
88 Contain an HGroup (horizontal group) container
89 Container Inheritance
90 Containers Viewport Set
91 Control a ViewStack via a LinkBar
92 Control the Visibility and Layout of Children
93 ControlBar for a Panel
94 ControlBar for Panel
95 Controlling layout using view states groups
96 Corresponding controls on the right remain a fixed size because their container is fixed
97 Create a Box container with a vertical layout
98 Create a Button control and adds it to a container
99 Create a Group container with an Button control
100 Create a LinkBar control to navigate the ViewStack container
101 Create a VGroup container so the container for the buttons appears above the ViewStack container
102 Create an HBox that is 400 pixels wide, with a Button inside set to a width of 50 percent
103 Create and Control Resizable Containers
104 Create constraints for the right edge and the bottom edge, using the properties right and bottom
105 Create horizontal Tile container
106 Create the horizontal Tile container
107 Creates a Button control inside the HGroup container
108 Creates a TitleWindow container inside a Panel container
109 Creating a Box container with a vertical layout
110 Creating a DividedBox, HDividedBox, and VDividedBox container
111 Creating a view stack using a Canvas for each layer
112 Creating and removing a child of a container
113 Creating and removing a child of an VBox container
114 Creation Policy in a Single View container
115 CreationPolicy
116 Define a Panel container that contains a form as the top-level container in your application
117 Define a view state that adds a Button control to application
118 Define the constraint rows and columns by using percentages
119 Define the top and bottom margins for all Box containers
120 Define the ViewStack and the three child containers
121 Define top and bottom margins for all BorderContainer containers
122 Defines a vertical Box container by using the mx
123 Disable layout updates for a VBox container
124 Disable TabControls Within a TabNavigator
125 Dynamically Add and Remove Children
126 Dynamically Change the Child Depth in the Layout
127 Embed gif file into the application at compile time
128 Embed swf file into application
129 Empty Application
130 Enable child of TabNavigator
131 Enable Scrolling in a Container
132 Enlarge panel to 100% width and 100% height
133 Example
134 Explicit sizing Application
135 Fill GridItem with Button
136 Five buttons across the top row, you modify the first mx
137 Fixed size container
138 Flex application calls a ColdFusion page with POST method
139 Flex application calls a PHP page with the POST method
140 Flex Application Container
141 Floating panel
142 Force the VGroup containers to be included in the test scripts hierarchy
143 Four parts of a form, you define each child panel by using the Form container
144 Get child count in TabNavigator
145 Get children
146 Get number of element count for a container
147 Get reference to last child in a Tile
148 Get the number of direct child components in a container
149 Get time used by renderer the application
150 Grid container with three rows and three columns
151 Grid Row Span
152 Grid with column span and row span
153 Group Buttons
154 Group container myGroup is the viewport for this scroller
155 Group element add event
156 Grouping Graphic objects together
157 HBox container and resizing
158 HBox container with scroll bars
159 HBox percentage-value layout
160 HBox Size Percentage
161 HBox with border and padding
162 HBox with vertical top alignment and horizontal left alignment
163 HDivBox Simple Demo
164 Hidden while the Panel containers resize
165 HorizontalCenter and horizontalAlign
166 Image is centered in the HBox container
167 Image might extend past the boundaries of the HBox
168 In absolute layout, the container doesnt arranging its children
169 Include five buttons across the top row
170 IncludeInLayout and visible properties
171 IncludeInLayout=false
172 Insert element at location
173 Interacting with a loaded Flex application
174 ItemClick event for TabBar
175 Layout Buttons with Both Vertical box and horizontal box
176 Layout controls with HBox
177 Layout controls with VBox
178 Layout DataGrid, TextArea and LinkButton in VBox
179 Left and right contraints
180 LinkBar and ViewStack
181 Load gif file into the application at run time
182 Load modules when the user navigates to the appropriate tabs in TabNavigator
183 Load the module when the application first starts
184 Load the modules when navigating to tabs in TabNavigator
185 Logs the change event to flashlog txt each time the user changes panels
186 Make Group container the child of the Scroller component
187 Make TitleWindow to show Close button
188 Making a dashboard with DividedBox
189 Minimum and Maximum Sizes and percent
190 Mixing and matching containers in a view stack
191 Move a Button control from one VBox container to another
192 Moves second BorderContainer container so that it partially overlaps the first
193 Moving through the application with the Navigation containers
194 Mx
195 NavigatorContent inside a TabNavigator
196 Nest HBox into VBox
197 Not to autoLayout for HBox
198 Override layout to use TileLayout
199 Override the Default Application Style
200 Overrides the default vertical alignment of top for the HorizontalLayout to use justify
201 Padding Container
202 Padding setting for Panel
203 Panel container
204 Panel container provides you with a mechanism for including a title bar, as in a standard GUI window
205 Panel controlBarContent defines the controls that appear in the control bar area
206 Panel Corners
207 Panel creationComplete and initialize
208 Panel drag and drop
209 Panel inside ViewStack
210 Panel mouse down effect
211 Panel rollOver and rollOut events
212 Panel Scroll Policy
213 Panel Transparency
214 Panel with 3 Children
215 Panel with Padding
216 Panel with status
217 Panel with title
218 Places a Button in an Application with an absolute layout
219 Populate a TabBar control from a variable
220 Position Children by Using Layout Management
221 Positioning a button 5 pixels from the bottom-right corner of a window
222 Preinitialize, initialize, creationComplete events for Application
223 Put both VBox and HBox to Canvas
224 Put control into a Panel
225 Put controls onto a Panel
226 Put Form into TabNavigator
227 Put HBox to VBox
228 Put TextArea and Button into VBox
229 Put VBox into TabNavigator
230 Reference Application application parameters
231 Reference application parameters
232 Reference top level application
233 Register a Server-Side Data Type Within a Flex Application
234 Register an event handler for the Panel container
235 Remove all elements
236 Remove button from application after adding
237 Remove child from Panel
238 Remove control from parent
239 Remove element at location
240 Remove item from Tile
241 Remove references to button instances from the MX myVBox and Spark myGroup containers
242 Reorder controls
243 Replace the Panel containers with Form and FormItem containers
244 Repositioning children at run time
245 Resize Panel with animation
246 Resize TitleWindow with Transition
247 Responding to tab changes in a tab navigator
248 Retrieve last child index in a Tile, child indices are zero-based
249 Rotate a VBox
250 S
251 Scale Children of a Container
252 Scroll HBox
253 Scroll to a Specific Child in a Container
254 Scrolling Spark containers
255 Select the last row in a Grid
256 Set application background
257 Set application domain
258 Set Application style name to plain
259 Set background image for VBox
260 Set background size for VBox
261 Set backgroundColor, borderStyle, borderWeight, and cornerRadius styles of BorderContainer container to control appearance
262 Set backgroundFill and borderStroke properties
263 Set border style to solid for Application
264 Set BorderContainer Style
265 Set BorderContainer style with ActionScript
266 Set clipAndEnableScrolling property to true to clip the containers children to the container boundaries
267 Set data for a TileList control
268 Set default vertical alignment of top for HorizontalLayout to align the children of a Group container to container bottom
269 Set height and width for GridRow and GridItem
270 Set horizontal alignment for application
271 Set horizontal Alignment for GridRow
272 Set min width and height of Application
273 Set paddingTop, paddingBottom, paddingLeft, paddingRight for Panel
274 Set Panel layout to horizontal
275 Set Panel width and height to 100%
276 Set Panels creationPolicy property to auto, the default value
277 Set percentage-based sizes for the first two of three buttons in a BorderContainer container
278 Set rowHeight property to a pixel value large enough for all the children
279 Set scale grid for VBox
280 Set scroll policy consistently for all scroll bars in the application
281 Set selectedIndex property to 4 to select California by default when the application starts
282 Set styles of a BorderContainer container and its contents by using the borderStyle and borderColor properties
283 Set tab index for controls
284 Set the Application container size by using the mx
285 Set the component sizes to 300 by 40 pixels
286 Set the padding to 10 pixels, and the gap to 5 pixels, for the children of a Panel container
287 Set the size of the Application container to one-half of the width and height of the browser window
288 Set the viewSourceURL property by using MXML, not ActionScript
289 Set Title for Panel
290 Set view source url for application
291 Set width and height for Application
292 Sets the scriptTimeLimit property to 30
293 Setting container size and its child
294 Show a Spark Group container that contains a child Image control
295 Show Application Initialization Time
296 Show setting the sizes of a container and its child
297 Show the percentage-based sizing behavior with absolute positioning
298 Size and position of each component is carefully calculated to ensure that none of the components overlap
299 Sliding a panel in and out when the button is clicked
300 Solid border style for VBox
301 Spacer placed inside an HBox can separate the controls to its left and right
302 Spark Group Container Row Height
303 Spark HGroup Container
304 Spark SkinnableContainer
305 Spark TabBar
306 Specify mx
307 Style for application
308 Surround each of the VBox tags with a Panel tag
309 Surround the first two labels with an opening and closing VBox tag
310 Switching from List to HorizontalList
311 Tab navigator with VBox
312 TabBar Label
313 TabBar Object
314 TabNavigator container
315 TabNavigator creation Policy
316 TabNavigator Effect
317 The application logs the component sizes to flashlog txt, so you can confirm the sizing effect
318 The following s
319 The rows occupy 80% and 20% of the Canvas containers height from top to bottom, respectively
320 Three images in an HGroup container
321 Three Panel Groups
322 Tile Demo
323 Tile List Custom Effect and Default Effect
324 TileList DataProvider
325 TitleWindow Title, close button, position, border color and border alpha
326 To anchor the Panel perfectly in the center, set both fields to 0
327 To view all the flashVars properties, you can iterate over the FlexGlobals topLevelApplication parameters properties, as the fol
328 Toggle includeInLayout
329 Top level TitleWindow tag
330 Turns on verticalScrollPolicy for HBox
331 Two Creation Policies
332 Two GridRows
333 Use a Button control inside the HBox
334 Use a Spark Group container with three child controls, where the Group container lays out its children vertically
335 Use absolute positioning to place a VBox control inside a Canvas control
336 Use absolute positioning to place two Spark BorderContainer containers inside a SkinnableContainer
337 Use an HBox container to let users scroll an image
338 Use an HBox container to let users scroll an image, rather than rendering the complete image at its full size
339 Use an inline item renderer with the SkinnableDataContainer container
340 Use Application controls initialize event
341 Use ApplicationControlBar to hold Buttons
342 Use Button to select Tab
343 Use Constraint-Based Layout for Containers
344 Use constraint-based layout to position an HBox horizontally, and explicit sizing and positioning
345 Use default sizing for Button children of an HBox container
346 Use DividedBox
347 Use embedded fontFamily as a type selector for VBox controls
348 Use explicit pixel values to size the application container
349 Use fx
350 Use Grid to layout controls
351 Use HDividedBox
352 Use HGroup to layout Label, CheckBoxes
353 Use labelField property of TabBar control to specify the property name containing the tab text
354 Use LinkBar to control the ViewStack
355 Use minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, and maxHeight properties with a percentage-based component to constrain its size
356 Use mx
357 Use Panel to hold controls
358 Use percentage to control the width and height of a Panel
359 Use removeChild() method to remove a control from a container
360 Use SetProperty to change panel property value
361 Use SetStyle to change panel style value
362 Use SWFLoader control to load it into another Flex application
363 Use Tile controls tileWidth to specify the width of the tiles
364 Use typicalLayoutElement property to tell container to use the third button to determine height of all container children
365 Use VBox to wrap two buttons
366 Use VDividedBox
367 Use VDividedBox to hold List
368 Use VerticalLayout to layout application
369 Use VerticalLayout to layout Panel
370 Use VGroup container
371 Uses the layout property of the container to set its layout to the HorizontalLayout class
372 Using a component as a container in a view stack
373 Using a negative value in the x property to hide a component off screen
374 Using a tab navigator to created tabbed navigation
375 Using a TileList
376 Using addElement() method to add Button to Panel
377 Using an event object to pass information about selected tab
378 Using an HGroup inside of a panel to add a margin from edge
379 Using BasicLayout to do the layout for Application
380 Using constraint-based layout to position an HBox horizontally, and uses absolute values to specify the vertical width and posit
381 Using minimum or maximum dimensions
382 Using multiple containers for more complex layouts
383 Using percentage-based children of an HBox container
384 Using percentage-based children with absolute positioning
385 Using Scroll bars
386 Using the clipContent property
387 Using the TileLayout class to form a grid of items
388 Using Tile controls tileWidth property to specify the width of the tiles
389 Using two constraint columns to align a pair of buttons
390 VBox border style outset
391 VBox Children
392 VBox container expands to fill all the available space
393 VBox container is larger than the available space within the Application container
394 VBox creationCompleteEffect
395 VBox CSS style
396 VBox css style for background image and size
397 VBox drag events
398 VBox Gap And Padding
399 VBox with border style and padding
400 VBox with scroll bars
401 VerticalLayout Group
402 VerticalLayout horizontal Align
403 View all flashVars properties, iterate over the parameters object
404 ViewStack is ususlly connected with LinkBar
405 ViewStack with three child containers
406 When Flex finishes initializing the Label control, and before the application appears, Flex calls the initDate() function
407 White application background
408 Width and height percentage values can resize as your application resizes
409 Wrap a Spark SkinnableContainer container in an MX Box container
410 Wrap Scroller control inside the BorderContainer container to add scroll bars
411 Wrap the Spark container in an MX container on in a Spark Navigator