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XML Tutorial
Data Model 485 codes
Data Model
1 A custom function to convert new data items to the format required by the data provider
2 A fault event for WebService
3 A Flex data model that contains two values
4 A load event for WebService
5 A PhoneNumberValidator validator is assigned to arg1(first argument tag)
6 A single bindable property inside curly braces
7 A sorted view of a collection
8 A StringValidator ensures text has been entered
9 A url property on the HTTPService component
10 Access a SharedObject Between Multiple Flash Applications
11 Access returning value from a HTTPService
12 Add an XMLList to an XML Object
13 Add area code for PhoneFormatter
14 Add element to ArrayCollection and bind to DataGrid
15 Add filter to ArrayCollection
16 Add ItemResponder for HTTPService
17 Add item to ArrayCollection
18 Add, Remove, or Retrieve Data from an ArrayList
19 Adding a child XML node at the end
20 Adding a web service to process form input data
21 Adding and removing leaf nodes at run time
22 An Array of Objects specifies a label and icon for each button
23 An ArrayCollection object that is populated from a remote data source
24 An employee model declared in an fx
25 An error handler function for DateFormatter
26 An mx
27 Applying behaviors in MXML using data binding
28 Array of strings data provider
29 ArrayCollection collectionChange event
30 ArrayCollection data provider
31 ArrayCollection is initialized with ActionScript
32 ArrayList Versus ArrayCollection
33 As with Arrays, you can use MXML to define the contents of a collection
34 Assigning a new message string to the wrongLengthError property
35 Associating a DataGroup containers dataProvider with an array of strings
36 Atom service
37 Bind ArrayCollection to List and update ArrayCollection to change List
38 Bind arrays to the dataProvider property of Flex controls
39 Bind controls data to Model and use model data in another control
40 Bind Data To Model
41 Bind DateValidator to more than one controls
42 Bind field in Model to a Text control
43 Bind model to Text
44 Bind Model with BindingUtils bindProperty
45 Bind Setter using setter method
46 Bind to a Function
47 Bind to a Property
48 Bind to a Property with Binding tag
49 Bind to an XMLList or an E4X Query
50 Bind to Properties on XML by Using E4X
51 Bind whole expression from Model to a Text control
52 Bind with Binding tag
53 Bind with BindingUtils bindSetter
54 Bindable event
55 Bindable event and property
56 Binding a source property to more than one destination property
57 Binding control property to a property of another control
58 Binding Curly
59 Binding to array elements
60 Binding to arrays
61 Binding With Curly Braces
62 Binding XML data to Label
63 Binding XML to List
64 Both source and destination properties must resolve to a bindable property or property chain at compile time
65 Build Expression from data bind in Model
66 Button is repeated for every element in an Array object
67 Call a web service
68 Call a web service and assign returning value to form controls
69 Call a web service that queries a SQL database and returns data to Flex
70 Call Asp net asmx web service
71 Call Asp net web service and pass parameters
72 Call method in WSDL file
73 Call service with WebService
74 Call web service with operation defined
75 Call web service wsdl with WebService and operation in MXML
76 Call WebService with ActionScript
77 Call WebService with operation names
78 Call WSDL service
79 Calling HTTP services in ActionScript
80 Change event we can validate in real time
81 Change Service DataProvider
82 Check integer value range with NumberValidator
83 Checking if the phone number entered is a valid format
84 CollectionEventKind ADD
85 CollectionEventKind ADD, CollectionEventKind REMOVE, CollectionEventKind REPLACE, CollectionEventKind UPDATE
86 CollectionEventKind REMOVE
87 CollectionEventKind REPLACE
88 Combine binded data from Data Model
89 Concatenate and manipulate the information inside the curly braces
90 Config NumberValidator With data Binding
91 Construct SwitchSymbolFormatter
92 Construct XML data from returning result from service call
93 Control DataGroup width
94 Convert Array to String
95 Convert returning value from HTTPService to ArrayCollection
96 Convert returning value from WebService to ArrayCollection
97 Converting an MXML data model in an ActionScript object
98 Converting an MXML data model into an ArrayCollection
99 Converting text to upper with Binding
100 Create a Bidirectional Binding
101 Create a Bidirectional Binding with Binding tag
102 Create a Custom 3D Layout
103 Create a Legend control is to bind a chart to it by using the dataProvider property
104 Create a namespace object for soap
105 Create a SharedObject
106 Create a String variable for binding
107 Create an Array, and then converts it to an ArrayCollection
108 Create an instance of a PhoneFormatter using ActionScript
109 Create Array using mx
110 Create ArrayCollection from Array
111 Create ArrayCollection from Model with ActionScript
112 Create cursor from ArrayCollection and Move cursor
113 Create Customized Bindable Properties
114 Create IViewCursor from ArrayCollection
115 Creating a TabBar control, use mx
116 Creating an XMLList component to drive a List component
117 CreditCardValidator demo
118 Curly braces syntax and fx
119 Currency formatter cell renderer
120 CurrencyFormatter decimalSeparatorTo
121 CurrencyFormatter precision
122 CurrencyFormatter thousandsSeparatorTo
123 CurrencyFormatter used to display a price
124 CurrencyFormatter useNegativeSign
125 CurrencyFormatter useThousandsSeparator
126 Custom formatting function accepts a formatting pattern
127 Data binding and credit card
128 Data binding between Model and Form controls
129 Data binding examplesUsing data binding with data models
130 Data Binding Through ActionScript Expressions
131 Data Binding Through the ActionScript BindingUtils Class
132 Data Binding Using Curly Braces Syntax
133 Data Binding Using the mx
134 Data Formatting Using MXML Formatters
135 Data Formatting with DateFormatter
136 Data source for EmailValidator
137 Data Validation Through Data Bindings
138 Databinding Effects
139 Databinding syntax escaped
140 DataGroup item added event
141 DataGroup item removed event
142 DataGroup with Data provider
143 DataProvider and DataGrid
144 DateField Formatter
145 DateFormatter and parameters
146 DateFormatter format string MMDDYY
147 DateFormatter format string MMM DD, YY
148 DateFormatter format string MMMM DD, YYYY
149 DateValidator and form input boxes
150 Declare a DateFormatter component with an MMDDYYYY date format, and binds the formatted version of a Date object
151 Declare a DateFormatter with an MMDDYYYY date format
152 Declare bindings outside of component tags
153 Declare the standard PhoneNumberValidator validator with mx
154 Declare XML variable
155 Declares a DateFormatter component with an MMDDYYYY date format
156 Default Proxy Destination
157 Define a Flex data model that contains two values
158 Define and reference Model
159 Define Array in ActionScript by a comma-separated list of values surrounded by braces
160 Define Array object and use it as source for ArrayCollection
161 Define ArrayCollection Of Objects
162 Define data Model structure with xml
163 Define name space for WebService
164 Define the Array in ActionScript by using a comma-separated list of values surrounded by braces
165 Define XML file as a URL for an HTTPService component, and bind HTTPService result directly to the charts data provider
166 Defines data providers as ArrayCollections
167 Defines two Arrays of SolidColor objects
168 Defining bidirectional bindings
169 Disable submit button if it is not valid
170 Dispatch Bindable event
171 Displaying hierarchical XML data
172 Do calculation with binded Model data
173 Edit Event Formatter
174 Email address validation
175 Encode an ActionScript Data Object as XML
176 End Edit Event Formatter
177 Example Date Formatter
178 Example of Currency Formatter
179 Excludes Saturdays and Sundays from the chart by setting the value of the disabledDays property to an Array that contains 0 and
180 Explicit parameter passing with RemoteObject and WebService components
181 External XML File
182 Feed returning value from HTTPService to a DataGrid
183 Feed returning value from WebService to a DataGrid
184 Feeding the Tree XML data
185 Fill in data for Model
186 Filter and refresh function for ArrayCollection
187 Filter and Sort an XMLListCollection
188 Find first item through a cursor
189 Find item through cursor
190 Fire bindable event during value setting
191 For each variable from xml data
192 Format input with ZipCodeFormatter
193 Formats an eight-digit number to be split by a dash
194 Formatter Error
195 Formatting data with the formatter classes
196 Formatting dates using the DateFormatter
197 Formatting the Date as a Date object
198 Formatting the Date as a String
199 Fx
200 Get bookmark from Cursor
201 Get current cursor value
202 Get cursor position after removing an item from cursor
203 Get data frolm ArrayCollection by using index and property name
204 Get data from ArrayCollection by label field
205 Get data from Model
206 Get DataSet from ASP net web service
207 Get Item index at fourth position
208 Get result for WebService call
209 Get value from XML data by using namespace
210 Get XML from Php
211 HTTPService fault event and result event
212 Implementing Two-Way Bindings
213 Implementing Two-Way Bindings with mx
214 Import ZipCodeValidatorDomainType
215 Include ActionScript code and E4X expressions as part of the data binding expressions
216 Initializing an ArrayCollection using MXML with embedded data
217 Inserting a node after an existing one
218 Insertion on the Array and ArrayCollection
219 Item renderer for DataGroup
220 LayOut Children Using Rows and Columns
221 Lazily Create and Recycle Children
222 Load Date range data from XML
223 Load XML data from server with URLLoader
224 Loop through a Model
225 Looping over an XML fragment
226 Looping over an XML structure using its index
227 Looping over nodes as keys
228 Make maxFontSize and minFontSize properties that you defined as variables usable as the sources for data bindings expressions.t
229 Making your own bindable variable and bind to TextInput
230 Method declared as public as it is exposed as a method to a local connection
231 Method to create an Array-based menu
232 Model and binding
233 Model Tag Empty String
234 Model with a simple XML structure
235 Model With Validator
236 Modify Label text through data binding
237 More Uses for Curly Braces
238 Move cursor to next
239 Multilevel Bindings
240 Multiple Destinations binding
241 MultipleDataProviders mxml
242 Mx
243 MXML binding
244 MXML code that uses the standard ZipCodeValidator component
245 Named Proxy Destination Complete
246 Namespace variable
247 Navigate an XML Document in E4X
248 Number based array
249 NumberValidator used to check a value and if the number is an integer
250 Optimize a Runtime Shared Library
251 Override default error message for a specific PhoneNumberValidator
252 Pass parameter to HTTPService
253 PhoneFormatter and formatting parameters
254 PhoneFormatter for formatting unformatted phone digits
255 PhoneNumberValidator allowedFormatChars and error messages
256 PhoneNumberValidator Custom Event Listener
257 PhoneNumberValidator in ActionScript
258 Populate a Component with Complex XML Data
259 Populating dataProvider by using the mx
260 Populating XML by binding external data
261 Property Binding
262 Put random value to ArrayCollection
263 Read binary resource from HTTPService
264 Real Time ArrayCollection
265 Reference attribute value in XML model
266 Reference Nested Components
267 Reference Repeated Components
268 Referencing repeated data in Model
269 Referene Repeated Child Components
270 RegExpValidator matches text against a RegEx pattern
271 Remove filters by setting the filters Array to an empty Array
272 Remove item from ArrayCollection by index
273 Remove shadows by setting the chart controls seriesFilters property to an empty Array
274 Request response data communication with HTTPService
275 Result of using insert() and remove() on the current property
276 Reusable ZipCodeValidator
277 RSS feed client
278 Rss reader
279 Save Popup into Array and reference it later
280 Script section and dataProvider section
281 Script-based models
282 Seek last cursor position
283 Seek the last cursor position
284 Set area code format for PhoneFormatter
285 Set data for TabBar using mx
286 Set decimalSeparatorFrom for NumberFormatter
287 Set domain of value to check to int for NumberValidator
288 Set enabled property of Validator using data binding
289 Set format string for DateFormatter
290 Set format string for PhoneFormatter
291 Set format string for ZipCodeFormatter
292 Set item at third position to new value
293 Set listener to ZipCodeValidator
294 Set minimum and maximum values of a NumberValidator
295 Set precision for NumberFormatter
296 Set result format of HTTPService to E4X
297 Set rounding for NumberFormatter
298 Set source and input format for DateValidator
299 Set StringValidator to validate required field
300 Set style value with Array in MXML and apply those values inline
301 Set the alpha property on each entry in the Array of mx
302 Set the enabled property by using data binding
303 Set the properties that use Arrays inline
304 Set the value of the format attribute of the mx
305 Set thousandsSeparatorFrom for NumberFormatter
306 Set trigger event for DateValidator
307 Set up ArrayList datasoure for DataGrid
308 Set up input format for DateValidator
309 Set up the formatters
310 Set validPatternChars for PhoneFormatter
311 Set value of the CategoryAxis objects dataProvider property to a custom Array of labels
312 Setting Arrays of scalar values
313 Shows a DataGroup container where all its children are Flex components
314 Shows a SkinnableDataContainer displaying an Array of Strings as children
315 Simple ArrayCollection
316 Simple Binding Test
317 SocialSecurityValidator for SSN (Social Security Validator)
318 Sort ArrayCollection
319 Sort Collections
320 Sort on Multiple Fields in a Collection
321 Spark DropDownList with Static String ArrayCollection
322 Specify a Flex user-interface control as the value of the source property
323 Stock data wrapped in XML and referenced by XMLListCollection
324 String value array collection
325 StringValidator for Form text input
326 Switch format string for SwitchSymbolFormatter
327 TextModel Example
328 The attribute must correspond to a property of type Object or Array
329 The curly braces syntax and the mx
330 The mx
331 Time format
332 TitleLayout for DataGroup
333 To explode one or more wedges of pie, use an Array of explodeRadius values
334 Too long error and too short error messages for StringValidator
335 Two ways to call an HTTP service using the send() method with a parameter
336 Update Array Via ICollectionView
337 Update item in ArrayCollection
338 Use [Bindable] metadata tag to specify to Flex to invoke the isEnabled()function in response to the event myFlagChanged
339 Use a DateFormatter object to do the formatting
340 Use a single Array of fills to specify how Flex should draw the individual wedges
341 Use a static constant as the source for a data-binding expression
342 Use a web service to process form input data
343 Use ActionScript to declare and create the ArrayCollection object
344 Use an Array of Objects to specify a label and icon for each button
345 Use an ArrayCollection, convert the HTTPService result to an ArrayCollection
346 Use an s
347 Use an XMLListCollection object
348 Use ArrayCollection to store controls
349 Use AsyncMessage class to send out message
350 Use Bindable Property Chains
351 Use BindingUtils to bind property
352 Use CallLater function to Add Item to DataGrid
353 Use callLater to invoke a method
354 Use CreditCardValidator
355 Use CurrencyFormatter and NumberFormatter to format label for Chart
356 Use CurrencyValidator to validate money values
357 Use custom function during data binding
358 Use data binding to make your chart reflect data changes in real time
359 Use data binding to specify information to the value property
360 Use DateFormatter to format Date value
361 Use DateValidator to validate and use DateForamtter to format
362 Use dot-delimited Strings with a nesting structure of elements
363 Use EmailValidator to validate email cell editor
364 Use error property to check if a problem occurred during formatting
365 Use filter function and sort
366 Use HierarchicalData as data Provider
367 Use HTTPService to access php
368 Use HTTPService to call a jsp page
369 Use HTTPService to call Php page and pass parameter with request
370 Use HTTPService to load an image file
371 Use IList
372 Use individual ArrayCollection elements as the source or a binding expression
373 Use LocalConnections
374 Use Model as the source for ArrayCollection
375 Use mx
376 Use new line character to error message
377 Use notation during XML binding
378 Use NumberFormatter to format number
379 Use NumberValidator to check negative value
380 Use NumberValidator to validate and CurrencyFormatter to format
381 Use PhoneNumberValidator to validate and PhoneFormatter to format
382 Use reference XML data element and attribute
383 Use regular expression ABCd to match a pattern consisting of the letters A, B, and C in sequence followed by any digit
384 Use Regular Expressions in E4X Queries
385 Use SharedObject to transfer data
386 Use Submit button to trigger validation
387 Use the DefaultItemRenderer with a DataGroup container
388 Use the standard ZipCodeValidator component, represented by the mx
389 Use Timer to add data to ArrayCollection
390 Use URLLoader to load XML data from server
391 Use validate() method to validate a Model object
392 Use validator with data binding to validate either the source or destination of the data binding
393 Use Web service to validate input
394 Use XMListCollection removeItemAt() method to remove the item
395 Use XPath to get data
396 Use ZipCodeFormatter component to format the value of a variable
397 Use ZipCodeFormatter to format variable
398 Use ZipCodeValidator and PhoneNumberValidator along with Form
399 Uses event handlers to add and remove container children by calling addItem()removeItemAt() on dataProvider property
400 Uses the callLater() method to open multiple browser windows with the navigateToURL() method
401 Using (or) notation
402 Using a NumberFormatter to format a number to two decimal places
403 Using a static Array of objects for the data provider
404 Using a submit button to validate form fields
405 Using ActionScript to declare and create an ArrayList object
406 Using ActionScript to format based on data length
407 Using ActionScript to validate Email
408 Using ActionScript to validate min length text input
409 Using an array of components to dispaly Buttons
410 Using an ArrayCollection to feed the DataGrids dataProvider
411 Using an XMLList component to configure menu data
412 Using Array Of MXML Objects as DataProvider
413 Using Array Of Verbose MXML Objects as DataProvider
414 Using ArrayCollection to handle complex data
415 Using Binding Tag
416 Using binding to do an automatic copy to a target
417 Using CurrencyValidator class to validate a currency value entered in U S dollars and in Euros
418 Using data binding with data models
419 Using declared PhoneFormatter defined in mxml
420 Using EmailValidator
421 Using functions that take bindable properties as arguments
422 Using more than one set of curly braces
423 Using multiple mx
424 Using nested data in an ArrayCollection to display hierarchically
425 Using NumberValidator class to ensure that an integer is between 1 and 10
426 Using PhoneNumberValidator
427 Using RegExpValidator to find all the matches on the pattern
428 Using StringValidator to check if the character count is within range
429 Using the CurrencyFormatter class
430 Using the CurrencyValidator to validate European-formatted price
431 Using the CurrencyValidator to validate US currency
432 Using the DateFormatter class
433 Using the EmailValidator class
434 Using the NumberFormatter class
435 Using the NumberValidator class
436 Using the PhoneFormatter class
437 Using the PhoneNumberValidator class
438 Using the SocialSecurityValidator class
439 Using the source property to filter and bind to XML data
440 Using the StringValidator class
441 Using the XML class to embed XML
442 Using the XML component to embed XML
443 Using the ZipCodeFormatter
444 Using the ZipCodeFormatter with format
445 Using the ZipCodeValidator class
446 Using Timer to fire data binding event
447 Using two PhoneNumberValidator tags to ensure that the home and mobile phone numbers are entered correctly
448 Using XML classs static properties
449 Using XMLList
450 Using ZipCodeFormatter to format a 5+4 ZIP Code
451 Using ZipCodeValidator and PhoneNumberValidator to perform validation
452 Validate a Date object
453 Validate a Social Security Number
454 Validate Email With ActionScript
455 Validate Model Data
456 Validate phone number with PhoneNumberValidator
457 Validating a data model using the validate() method
458 Validating data using ActionScript 3 0
459 Validating required fields
460 Value Trigger With Data Binding for Complex Model
461 Value Trigger With Data Binding On Model
462 Value Triggered Result
463 Value With Data Binding
464 Web Service Bounded Params
465 Web Service Fault Event
466 Web Service Multiple Operations
467 Web Service Operation
468 Web Service Result Event
469 Web Service With Bindings
470 WebService error event
471 When bindable property changes, the function executes, and the result is written to the destination property
472 Wrap the whole string with {} during Binding
473 Wrapping an XMLListCollection around an XMLList
474 XML Binding
475 XML data
476 XML used for E4X examples
477 XMLListCollection component sourcing XML
478 XMLListCollection component wrapped around an XMLList
479 XMLListCollection With List
480 ZipCodeValidator and U S ZIP Code
481 ZipCodeValidator Event
482 ZipCodeValidator event Listener
483 ZipCodeValidator source and property
484 ZipCodeValidator to validate TextInput when losing focus
485 ZipCodeValidator Trigger Event