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Grid 172 codes
1 Add groups named Area and Revenues
2 Add multiple groups to the control
3 Advanced DataGrid Demo
4 Advanced DataGrid with Model Data
5 AdvancedDataGrid and column grouping
6 AdvancedDataGrid with four columns
7 AdvancedDataGrid with SummaryField
8 AdvancedDataGrid with With Hierarchical Data
9 AdvancedDataGridColumn for the GroupLabel field
10 AdvancedDataGridColumn inside Columns
11 Advanecd DataGrid for NestedGroups
12 Allow Multiple Selection for AdvancedDataGrid
13 An AdvancedDataGrid that displays two summary fields, Min Actual and Max Actual
14 Append new value to DataGrid from Form fields
15 ArrayCollection and AdvancedDataGrid
16 ArrayCollection used as the data source for DataGrid
17 Binding XML to DataGrid
18 Call HTTP server and set result to DataGrid
19 Call invalidateList to refresh and apply the style to the AdvancedDataGrid
20 Cancel the edit action and maintain edit state
21 Change column header for Hierarchical AdvancedDataGrid
22 CheckBox renderer and editor for DataGrid
23 Column Grouping for Hierarchical Data
24 Create the column grouping
25 Creating groups in ActionScript
26 Creating inline item renderer and editor
27 Custom icons for the folder open and closed icons
28 Cut and paste cell for AdvancedDataGrid the TextArea control located at the bottom of the application
29 Data provider contains fields for an artist, album name, and price
30 DataGrid accepting dragging and dropping from another DataGrid
31 DataGrid allows Multiple Selection
32 DataGrid and DataGridColumn
33 DataGrid and mx
34 DataGrid change event
35 DataGrid column with an inline item renderer
36 DataGrid Configuration through ActionScript
37 DataGrid Data
38 DataGrid data with Simple Attributes
39 DataGrid Default Columns
40 DataGrid drag and drop
41 DataGrid drag and drop event
42 DataGrid drag enter event
43 DataGrid Drop In Image Renderer
44 DataGrid Dropin Editor
45 DataGrid Events
46 DataGrid Explicit Columns
47 DataGrid Validate Now
48 DataGrid Validate Now Selected index
49 DataGrid Visible Column
50 DataGrid with DataGridColumn
51 DataGrid with object array collection
52 DataGrid with static string values
53 DataGridColumn editorDataField
54 DataGridColumn Header Text
55 DataGrids take a dataProvider to populate them
56 DateField renderer and editor for DataGrid
57 Default setting for DataGrid
58 Define an event listener for the itemEditEnd event that uses the NumberFormatter class to format cell value
59 Define array with Array collection in ActionScript and use it for DataGrid
60 Disable DataGrid cell renderer
61 Displaying hierarchical XML data and use it in AdvancedDataGrid
62 Drag an Image to DataGrid and do calculation based on new added item
63 Drag and drop between DataGrid
64 Drag and drop from List to DataGrid
65 Drag and drop rows from either DataGrid control to the other
66 Drag and move between DataGrid
67 Drag and move DataGrid items
68 Editable DataGrid
69 Edited Row and column
70 Enabling the user to move many items at once
71 Fill data from DataGrid to Form fields
72 Fill data from XML to AdvancedDataGrid
73 Formatting grid lines with CSS
74 Get cell index in cell onEditEnd event
75 Get data from DataGrid in drag enter event
76 Get data from selected row in DataGrid
77 Get DataGrid data provider
78 Get drag initiator DataGrid from DragEvent
79 Get selected column index and row index
80 Get selected index from DataGrid
81 Get the returning data from Php and feed it into DataGrid
82 Group AdvancedDataGrid with GroupingCollection2
83 Group AdvancedDataGrid with MXML Default Properties
84 Handle dragEnter event for DataGrid
85 Handling a user interaction and passing only data to a function
86 Handling a user interaction by passing the event object to a function
87 Hide DataGridColumn by setting visible to false
88 Hiding and displaying DataGrid columns
89 Hierarchical Advanced DataGrid Column Grouping
90 Hierarchical AdvancedDataGrid Categories
91 Hierarchical AdvancedDataGrid TreeColumn
92 Implements the AdvancedDataGrid control shown in the previous figure
93 Inline CheckBox Editor With Offsets
94 Inline data provider for DataGrid
95 Inline DataGrid Editor
96 Inline DataGrid Image Scope
97 Inline DataGrid Renderer
98 Inline Item Renderers for DataGrid
99 Inline item editor contains a single control that supports the data property
100 Inline item renderer that contains multiple controls
101 Item click event for DataGrid
102 Item Edit Beginning Event
103 Item Edit End Event
104 Item Editor Size and Position
105 Item renderer that renders an image in a column
106 Link Object attribute with DataGridColumn
107 Modifying data in a DataGrid controlThe following example lets you add, remove, or modify data in a DataGrid control
108 Move or copy data from a Spark List control to an MX DataGrid control by drag and drop
109 Multi-line data grid row
110 Multiple column sort when the sortExpertMode property is set to true
111 Navigate to URL from DataGrid as selection changed
112 Nest column group for multiple column groups
113 NumericStepper renderer and editor for DataGrid
114 Passing data to a DataGrid control
115 Print DataGrid out
116 Reference data from ArrayCollection from DataGridColumn
117 Regroup GroupCollection
118 Regrouping AdvancedDataGrid
119 Remove data from DataGrid
120 Remove selected item from DataGrid
121 Resizable DataGridColumn
122 Returning data from an item editor
123 Scroll DataGrid
124 Set an Array element to the mx
125 Set Column width for DataGrid
126 Set DataGridColumn to not editable
127 Set default leaf icon to null to hide it
128 Set editing position for DataGrid
129 Set header text for DataGridColumn
130 Set selected index for DataGrid
131 Setting up the AdvancedDataGrid with dataField and headerText
132 Show an event listener for itemEditEnd event using column index, row index, and value properties
133 Sort a DataGrid
134 Sorting a DataGrid on multiple columns
135 Specify an Array element to the mx
136 Specify Sort Functions for DataGrid Columns
137 Styling columns
138 Styling rows
139 Summary AdvancedDataGrid with SummaryRow and SummaryField2
140 Summary Column with AdvancedDataGrid
141 Summary Group AdvancedDataGrid
142 The grouping property is the default MXML property of the GroupingCollection class
143 To prevent cell editing, call the preventDefault() method from within your event listener
144 Toggle the visibility for a DataGridColumn
145 Update Chart data as DataGrid being updated
146 Update data in DataGrid from Form fields
147 Use an inline item editor, rather than a component
148 Use ComboBox as itemEditor
149 Use Component as itemRenderer for DataGrid
150 Use groupedColumns component to group columns together
151 Use HierarchicalData childrenField to specify the name of the field that defines the hierarchy
152 Use Image control as item renderer
153 Use item editors
154 Use itemEditEnd event to ensure that the user did not enter an empty String
155 Use Labels from ArrayCollection as the column title for DataGrid
156 Use mx
157 Use mx controls NumericStepper as DataGridColumn editor
158 Use Panel to layout controls and hold DataGrid
159 Use styleFunction to apply style to AdvancedDataGrid based on conditions
160 Use two data fields in one itemRenderer
161 Using a DataGrid
162 Using a DateField or ComboBox control as a drop-in item editor
163 Using a label function to support a multicolumn DataGrid
164 Using AdvancedDataGrid to show hierarchical data
165 Using DataGridColumn to control column titles
166 Using grouped columns with hierarchical data
167 Using grouped columns with hierarchical data column groups with hierarchical data
168 Using GroupingCollection2 component
169 Using the default properties of the GroupingField and SummaryRow classes
170 Variable row height DataGrid
171 Variable row heights
172 Variable scope for DataGrid