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Style 160 codes
1 A class and a type selector in the fx
2 A CSSStyleDeclaration object for the Spark and MX Button controls
3 A skin class
4 A SkinnableContainer container with four Button controls as its children
5 A SkinnableContainer with a Line component between two Button components
6 Add CSS for Application
7 Adding global CSS styles
8 Adding global CSS styles with StyleManager
9 Alternate WipeRight and WipeLeft effects for the mouseDownEffect style of a Button control
10 An id selector
11 Apply axisTitleStyleName property without specifying it
12 Apply color and font style to a Button with CSS
13 Apply dropShadowEnabled to CSS
14 Apply effects with ActionScript and not use styles
15 Apply style to global
16 Apply style with CSS
17 Applying behaviors in ActionScript using styles
18 Applying behaviors in MXML using styles
19 Applying behaviors in MXML using styles type selector
20 Applying graphical overSkin, upSkin, downSkin inline
21 Applying skins by using the Style Manager
22 Applying styles by binding tag definitions
23 Assign color value to Number type variable
24 Assign graphic or programmatic skin to two or more skins
25 Basic Inheritance for style
26 Call a method when the style sheet finishes loading
27 CamelCase vs hyphen
28 Cast target to a UIComponent before calling the setStyle() method
29 Change CSS style at runtime
30 Changing CSS Selectors
31 Class selector names must start with a period when using getStyleDeclaration()
32 Class selector names must start with a period when you access them with the getStyleDeclaration() method
33 Click to change style
34 Color Format Inline
35 Color Format with StyleManager
36 ColorFormat StyleManager
37 Compare Color value after convert color value to string value with Color toString()
38 Compare the style of controls
39 Compiled styles
40 Component styles
41 Compound Selectors
42 Convert color style to String
43 Create a new CSSStyleDeclaration object
44 Creating graphical skins
45 CSS class with namespace and without namespace
46 CSS hexadecimal format for CSS style definitions and mx
47 CSS Inline
48 CSS like Styles
49 CSS over write
50 CSS style by ID
51 CSS style definitions and the fx
52 CSS Style Tag
53 CSS style vs Control property style setting
54 CSS Type Selector
55 Customize Styles at Runtime
56 Data Tip Styles
57 Default unit is pixels
58 Define a class and a type selector in the mx
59 Define a class selector
60 Define a class selector and a type selector in the fx
61 Define custom color and line style for the bubbles
62 Define multiple style properties in each selector by separating each property with a semicolon
63 Define MyStyle style and applies that style to the elements on the horizontal axis
64 Define textDecoration, a noninheriting property, to the global selector
65 Define the mySize variable and uses it in the CSS
66 Defines colors for each of the series by setting the value of the fill style property in the custom class selectors
67 Draw a border around a VGroup that contains Button controls without using a custom skin class
68 Embed Styles by Using CSS
69 Embeds an image in CSS
70 Extensible style properties
71 Flex CSS
72 Flex Style with namespace
73 Flex supports both camel-case and hyphenated syntax in style sheets
74 Four selectors
75 Get color
76 Get style and convert style value to string
77 Get style declaration for control
78 Global Type Selector
79 Inheritable Style
80 Inline styles
81 Load and unload a style SWF when you toggle the check box
82 Load and unload style with StyleManager
83 Load style from swf file
84 Load three style SWF files
85 Load three style SWF files, but does not apply them until the third one is loaded
86 Loading style sheets defined in CSS at run time
87 Loadng a style sheet when you click the button
88 Local style definitions
89 Mx
90 Numeric Format Color Value
91 Override Base Style Properties
92 Replace MX Button controls up, over, and down skins with individual symbols from a SWF file
93 Selector precedence between style name and style name with namespace
94 Set a style property inline, and then reads that property with the getStyle() method
95 Set all styles in MXML as tag attributes
96 Set Button skins with overSkin, upSkin, and downSkin style properties
97 Set color, font family, theme color, font size with CSSStyleDeclaration
98 Set new class selectors on different targets
99 Set skins for a Button control by using the overSkin, upSkin, and downSkin style properties
100 Set style declaration for multiple component
101 Set the fontSize style to 15 and the color to 0x9933FF on all Button controls in the Spark namespace
102 Set various styles on the text
103 Setting And Getting Styles
104 Setting the values of the gutterLeft, gutterRight, and gutterBottom style properties It also sets the paddingTop property to 20
105 Show how to use CSS class selectors to set the labelPosition and other properties that affect the appearance of data labels in a cha
106 Skinning a Button component using inline styles
107 Skinning subcomponents
108 Store selectorss names that are registered with the StyleManager in an Array
109 Style class selector on different targets
110 Style complete event handler
111 Style error event handler
112 Styled Link Element
113 Styles Event
114 Styles SubComponents
115 Styles with Namespace
116 SubComponent Styles Selector
117 TextInput CSS style
118 The following example sets styles by using CSS on the Legend control
119 To make development easier, however, Flex supports both the camel-case and hyphenated syntax in style sheets
120 To remove a CSSStyleDeclaration object, use StyleManager clearStyleDeclaration()
121 To specify an Array for the fills property in CSS, you use a comma-separated list
122 Two Spark Button controls inherit the styles of the Group descendant selector
123 Type Selector Inheritance
124 Unload style declaration
125 Use ActionScript to set Styles
126 Use CSS to Style Components
127 Use getStyle() with behaviors defined in MXML
128 Use getStyle() with effects defined in MXML
129 Use getStyleDeclaration() method to apply the styles with the global selector example shows
130 Use getStyleDeclaration() to apply the styles with the global selector
131 Use graphical skins for the up, over, and down states of the Button control
132 Use hexadecimal format or the VGA color name
133 Use mx
134 Use setStyle to change font size
135 Use setStyle to change font style
136 Use setStyle() method
137 Use setStyle() method, set it inline, or use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
138 Use style from style option
139 Use StyleEvent to monitor style event
140 Use StyleManager loadStyleDeclarations() to load CSS-based SWF file at run time
141 Use StyleManager to apply styles to all classes or specified classes
142 Use the errorTip style to change the color
143 Use the setStyle() method to apply the custom class to the item renderer
144 Using 9-slice properties
145 Using a local stylesheet to decouple the style implementation
146 Using class selectors for axis styles
147 Using compound selectors
148 Using CSS to apply graphical skins
149 Using Embedded gif image with StyleManager
150 Using graphical skins for the up, over, and down states of the Button control
151 Using inline styles
152 Using setStyle to programmatically manipulate a style property
153 Using setStyle() method with a trigger
154 Using Spark namespace for the Button components and the MX namespace for the Box containers
155 Using static SWF assets as skins
156 Using the plain style
157 Using the setStyle() method from event target to change style for controls
158 Using the setStyle() method to apply graphical skins
159 VGA color name for CSS style definitions and mx
160 When you use the fx