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Java Tutorial
File 650 codes
Java Tutorial
1 A ByteBuffer is a fixed-capacity buffer that holds byte values
2 A channel for a physical file
3 A class to find resources in the classpath by their mime-type specified in the MANIFEST
4 A filesystem filter
5 A null output stream All data written to this stream is ignored
6 A prefix based filename filter
7 A PrintWriter that also sends its output to a log stream
8 A PrintWriter that ends lines with a carriage return-line feed (CRLF)
9 A single checksum calculation for multiple files
10 A speedy implementation of ByteArrayOutputStream
11 A string writer that is able to write large amounts of data
12 A suffix based file filter
13 A trace of the data that is being retrieved from an input stream
14 Absolute and Relative Paths
15 Absolute path and relative path
16 Add jar contents to the deployment archive under the given prefix
17 Adds extra dot if dot occurs in message body at beginning of line (according to RFC1939)
18 Allocation automatically zeroes the ByteBuffer
19 An InputStream backed by a Reader
20 An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a particular byte sequence
21 An limited-data-size input stream
22 An optimized reader for reading byte streams that only contain 7-bit ASCII characters
23 Append or add some contents to the file
24 Append output to file using FileOutputStream
25 Append string to a text file
26 Appending data to existing file
27 Appending to a File
28 Apply a ASCII Hex encoding to the stream
29 Avoiding Overwriting a File
30 Buffer Equality
31 Buffer slice
32 Buffered copying
33 Buffered copying between source(InputStream, Reader, String and byte[]) and destinations (OutputStream, Writer, String and byte[]).tx
34 Buffered Stream Copier
35 BufferedInputStream
36 BufferedOutputStream
37 BufferedReader
38 BufferedWriter
39 Build a path- but do not create it
40 Build a relative path to the given base path
41 Builds a bracketed CSV list from the array
42 Builds a CSV list from the specified String[], separator string and quote string
43 Builds a CSV list from the specified two dimensional String[][], separator string and quote string
44 Byte Counting OutputStream
45 ByteArrayOutputStream Demo
46 ByteBuffer hasRemaining()
47 Calculate directory size
48 Calculating the Checksum of a Byte Array (Compute Adler-32 checksum)
49 Calculating the Checksum of a File
50 Call the static method PressAnykey to keep to DOS window open
51 CanRead()
52 CanWrite()
53 Capture System out into a JFrame
54 Change a file attribute to read only
55 Change a file attribute to writable
56 Change last modified time of a file or directory
57 CharBuffer warps a ByteBuffer
58 CharSet alias list
59 CharSet Lister
60 Check if a directory is not empty
61 Check sum for an InputStream
62 Check the class version
63 Checks, whether the child directory is a subdirectory of the base directory
64 Class combination Serialization
65 Combine FilenameFilter and Pattern match to create a dir command
66 Compare binary files
67 Compare text file line by line
68 Compare the contents of two Readers to determine if they are equal or not
69 Compare the contents of two Streams to determine if they are equal or not
70 Compare two file paths
71 Compare two InputStream
72 Compare two zip files
73 Compress a Byte Array
74 Compress Java objects
75 Compress string(byte array) by Deflater
76 Compressing Streams
77 Compute CRC-32 checksum
78 Conditions for Serialization
79 Construct file path
80 Constructing FileInputStream to read from a Text File
81 Controlling serialization by adding your own
82 Convert a base16 string into a byte array
83 Convert a byte array to a human-readable String for debugging purposes
84 Convert a file path into a File object with an absolute path relative to a passed in root
85 Convert a list of path elements to a platform-specific path
86 Convert Byte array to Int
87 Convert byte array to string
88 Convert ByteBuffer to a CharBuffer
89 Convert ByteBuffer to a FloatBuffer
90 Convert ByteBuffer to a LongBuffer
91 Convert ByteBuffer to a ShortBuffer
92 Convert ByteBuffer to an IntBuffer
93 Convert ByteBuffer to CharBuffer
94 Convert ByteBuffer to DoubleBuffer
95 Convert InputStream to String
96 Convert Reader to InputStream
97 Convert string into InputStream using ByteArrayInputStream class
98 Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer in the given radix
99 Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a String
100 Converting Between a ByteBuffer an a Byte Array
101 Converting text to and from ByteBuffers
102 Converting text to and from ByteBuffers with UTF-16BE
103 Converts a byte array into a hexadecimal string
104 Converts a byte array into hexadecimal characters which are written as ASCII to the given output stream
105 Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream
106 Copies the contents of the Reader into the Writer, until the end of the stream has been reached
107 Copy a directory and all of its contents
108 Copy a file and user buffer
109 Copy a file with FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
110 Copy a file with read(byte[] data) and write(byte[] data)
111 Copy chars from a Reader to a Writer
112 Copy Completely (InputStream input, OutputStream output)
113 Copy Completely (Reader input, Writer output)
114 Copy Completely(URI input, URI output)
115 Copy file and directory
116 Copy the source file system structure into the supplied target location
117 Copying a Directory
118 Copying a file using channels and buffers
119 Copying Files using FileChannel
120 Count files in a directory (including files in all subdirectories)
121 Count the number of bytes written to the output stream
122 Counts down from a specified value the number of bytes actually read from the wrapped InputStream
123 Create a ByteBuffer using a byte array
124 Create a CharBuffer and put in some string
125 Create a compressed data file by using a DeflaterOutputStream and then read that data through an InflaterInputStream
126 Create a direct (memory-mapped) ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
127 Create a directories recursively
128 Create a directory (or several directories)
129 Create a directory; all ancestor directories must exist
130 Create a directory; all non-existent ancestor directories are automatically created
131 Create a DoubleBuffer
132 Create a file and change its attribute to readonly
133 Create a file output stream directly from the file name
134 Create a human-readable file size
135 Create a long ByteBuffer
136 Create a non-direct ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
137 Create a read-only memory-mapped file
138 Create a read-write memory-mapped file
139 Create a serialized output file
140 Create a simple ZIP File
141 Create a temporary file
142 Create a zip file
143 Create BufferedReader from FileReader
144 Create BufferedReader from InputStreamReader
145 Create BufferedReader from StringReader
146 Create BufferedWriter from FileWriter
147 Create BufferReader from InputStreamReader
148 Create checksum for a zip file
149 Create custom File filter
150 Create DataInputStream from BufferedInputStream and FileInputStream
151 Create DataInputStream from ByteArrayInputStream
152 Create DataInputStream from FileInputStream
153 Create DataInputStream out of BufferedInputStream
154 Create DataOutputStream from BufferedOutputStream
155 Create DataOutputStream from ByteArrayOutputStream
156 Create DataOutputStream from FileOutputStream
157 Create DataOutputStream out of BufferedOutputStream
158 Create DeflaterOutputStream from FileOutputStream
159 Create directory
160 Create directory along with required nonexistent parent directories
161 Create FileInputStream and read, display data
162 Create FileOutputStream object from File object
163 Create FileOutputStream object from String file path
164 Create GZIPInputStream from FileInputStream
165 Create JarFile and use Pack200 Packer
166 Create JarOutputStream from FileOutputStream
167 Create MappedByteBuffer from FileInputStream
168 Create ObjectInputStream from FileInputStream
169 Create ObjectOutputStream out of FileOutputStream
170 Create print stream for error logger
171 Create PrintWriter from BufferedWriter
172 Create Read only buffer
173 Create StringReader from a string
174 Create temporary file in specified directory
175 Create temporary file with specified extension suffix
176 Create ZipInputStream from FileInputStream
177 Create ZipOutputStream from FileOutputStream
178 CreateNewFile()
179 Creates a file and sets it to read-only
180 Creates a new and empty directory in the default temp directory using the given prefix
181 CreateTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)
182 Creating a File Lock on a File
183 Creating a JAR File
184 Creating a Manifest for a JAR File
185 Creating a Scanner
186 Creating a Scanner to read from a string
187 Creating a Shared File Lock on a File
188 Creating a very large file using mapping
189 Creating an input or output stream on a ByteBuffer
190 Creating File Input Streams from file name
191 Creating FileInputStream from File object
192 CRLF Terminated Reader
193 Custom File Filter
194 CVS reader
195 DataOutputStream and DataInputStream
196 Deal with Keyboard Input with BufferedReader
197 Deal with transient in Object Serialization
198 Decode hex string to a byte array
199 Decompress a Byte Array
200 Decompress a zip file using ZipFile
201 Decompress a zip file using ZipInputStream
202 Decompress Java objects
203 Delete all files under this file and including this file
204 Delete directory recursively
205 Delete file or directory
206 Delete file or directory when virtual machine terminates
207 Delete the file or non-empty directory at the supplied path
208 Delete()
209 DeleteOnExit()
210 Deletes a directory
211 Deletes all files and subdirectories
212 Deletes the diretory and any files and directories in it recursively
213 Deleting a Directory (an empty directory)
214 Demonstrates standard IO redirection
215 Determine File or Directory
216 Determine if file or directory exists
217 Determine if File or Directory is hidden
218 Determine number of bytes written to DataOutputStream
219 Determining If Two Filename Paths Refer to the Same File
220 Display directory tree
221 Display File class constants and test some methods
222 Display file contents in hexadecimal
223 Displays Available Charsets and aliases
224 Dump a String to a text file with encoding
225 Employs RandomAccessFile to store ints and changes the value of the third int
226 Empty and delete a folder (and subfolders)
227 Encode a byte array to hex string
228 Endian differences and data storage
229 Ensuring a File Exists
230 EOLConvertingInputStream
231 Exists()
232 Extends FilterOutputStream
233 Extends FilterOutputStream for printable characters
234 Extract File Extension
235 Extract filefiles from a zip file
236 File Class Enhancements
237 File concatenation based on new IO
238 File copier
239 File filter
240 File getCanonicalFile() converts a filename path to a unique canonical form suitable for comparisons
241 File Inflater
242 File IO
243 File Objects
244 File typer
245 FileInputStream
246 FileOutputStream
247 FileReader
248 Files filter that filters files by their suffix (or extension)
249 FileWriter
250 Fill String to CharBuffer
251 Filter by file
252 Filter files by name
253 Filtered Directory Tree
254 Filtering a File List
255 Filters files based on the extension (what the filename ends with)
256 Flip a CharBuffer
257 Flush output stream
258 Forcing Updates to a File to the Disk
259 Format Size
260 Generic File Filter
261 Get a class of an object
262 Get all files and folders under a certain folder and save them to a set
263 Get all xml files by file extension
264 Get array out of CharBuffer
265 Get bytes from InputStream
266 Get comment for a zipped file
267 Get CRC code for a zipped file
268 Get CRC code for each file in a Jar file
269 Get default byte ordering
270 Get Entry from a zip file
271 Get file comment
272 Get file date and time
273 Get file extension name
274 Get File Name Suffix
275 Get file separator using System class
276 Get file time for all zipped files
277 Get FileChannel from FileInputStream
278 Get FileChannel from FileOutputStream
279 Get icon for file type
280 Get jar file Attribute
281 Get MappedByteBuffer from FileChannel
282 Get name of parent directory
283 Get name of specified file or directory
284 Get parent directory as a File object
285 Get relative path
286 Get remaining byte count in a ByteBuffer
287 Get resource from Jar file
288 Get the ByteBuffers capacity
289 Get the content of a directory
290 Get the default charset
291 Get the default encoding of your computer
292 Get the free space
293 Get the jar entry
294 Get the jar file
295 Get the total space
296 Get the usable space
297 Get uncompressed and compressed file size in a Jar file
298 Get uncompressed and compressed Size
299 Get zip method
300 GetAbsoluteFile()
301 GetAbsolutePath()
302 GetParent()
303 GetParentFile()
304 Gets an array of bytes corresponding to the given object
305 Gets the content from a File as String Array List
306 Getting a Proper URL from a File Object
307 Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename parent Path
308 Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename Path
309 Getting an Absolute Filename Path from a Relative Filename with Path
310 Getting FileChannel from FileInputStream
311 Getting FileChannel from RandomAccessFile
312 Getting the Current Working Directory
313 GZIP compress by GZIPOutputStream
314 Gzip
315 Helper class to write table data to a csv-file (comma separated values)
316 If a file or directory readable
317 Illustrates serialization and deserialization
318 Implementation of a fast Writer
319 Implements Externalizable
320 Import a file of exported preference data
321 In general, to use Scanner, follow this procedure
322 InflaterInputStream to unzip
323 Input Output
324 InputStreamReader
325 Introduce a protocol for reading arbitrary length data in a uniform way
326 Inverted File Filter
327 IsAbsolute()
328 IsDirectory()
329 IsFile()
330 IsHidden()
331 ISO-8859-1
332 JAR Archives
333 Jar Entry OutputStream
334 LastModified()
335 Length()
336 List all file names in a jar file
337 List all roots
338 List file with file filter
339 List()
340 ListFiles()
341 Listing the Entries of a JAR File Manifest
342 Listing the Main Attributes in a JAR File Manifest
343 Load a text file contents as a String
344 Load File as byte array
345 Load File As Text
346 Load file content to List
347 Load file line by line
348 Load file to byte array
349 Load resource from Jar file
350 Loading text from a file
351 Lock a FileChannel and release the lock
352 Locking Copier
353 Locking portions of a mapped file
354 Loop through a LongBuffer with a while loop
355 Make Temp Jar
356 Making a zip file of directory including its subdirectories recursively
357 Manifest Writer
358 Manipulating ints in a ByteBuffer with an IntBuffer
359 Map FileChannel to an IntBuffer and read from the IntBuffer
360 Mapping an entire file into memory for reading
361 Mark file or directory Read Only
362 Match a path which may contain a wildcard
363 Memory Byte Array OutputStream
364 Memory-Mapped Files
365 Merges the two paths to create a valid version of the second path
366 Minimal InputStream subclass to fetch bytes form a String
367 Mkdir()
368 Mkdirs()
369 Monitor files for changes
370 Monitoring a File for changes
371 Move File
372 Moving a File or Directory to Another Directory
373 Nested creation of FileWriter, BufferedWriter and PrintWriter
374 New IO Copier
375 New IO Duplicator
376 New IO Transfer
377 New IO Unzipper
378 Null Writer
379 Object IO
380 Object serialization with Serializable interface, ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
381 Only parent class is Serializable
382 Open Stream from URL
383 OutputStream
384 OutputStreamWriter
385 Piped IO
386 Portable Path Considerations
387 Preventing multiple instances of an application
388 PrintWriter
389 PrintWriter is more convenient to work with than OutputStreamWriter
390 Provide a debug trace of the stuff thats being written out into the DataOutputStream
391 Provides Closable semantics ordinarily missing in a {@link java io CharArrayWriter}
392 Provides true Closable semantics ordinarily missing in a {@link java io ByteArrayOutputStream}
393 Providing a URI for a remote file
394 Put file To Zip File
395 Put integers to a mapped IntBuffer
396 Putting Bytes into a ByteBuffer
397 RandomAccessFile Introduction
398 Read a file of objects sequentially and displays each record
399 Read a zip file checksum value
400 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied File
401 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream
402 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied InputStream This method always closes the stream when finished reading
403 Read and return the entire contents of the supplied Reader This method always closes the reader when finished reading
404 Read boolean from file using DataInputStream
405 Read byte array from file using DataInputStream
406 Read byte data into a byte buffer and convert byte data into character data
407 Read byte from file using DataInputStream
408 Read ByteArrayInputStream to String
409 Read bytes and display their hexadecimal values
410 Read char from file using DataInputStream
411 Read content of a file
412 Read double and UTF from DataInputStream with BufferedInputStream backended
413 Read double from DataInputStream
414 Read file character by character
415 Read File in String Using Java BufferedInputStream Example
416 Read file upside down
417 Read file upsidedown with RandomAccessFile
418 Read File Using Java BufferedInputStream Example
419 Read float from file using DataInputStream
420 Read from a channel with a ByteBuffer
421 Read from file with BufferedInputStream
422 Read from Reader and write to Writer until there is no more input from reader
423 Read Input From User and Write to File
424 Read int from DataInputStream
425 Read long from file using DataInputStream
426 Read one byte from a file
427 Read short from file using DataInputStream
428 Read string from InputStream and Reader
429 Read the contents of a file and place them in a string object
430 Read the file one buffer at a time
431 Read unsigned byte from file using DataInputStream
432 Read zip file
433 Read zip file with ZipInputStream
434 Reader
435 Reading a Binary File
436 Reading a File into a Byte Array
437 Reading an Object From a File
438 Reading Basic Data From an Object Stream
439 Reading Binary Data
440 Reading ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data
441 Reading into a Large Buffer through FileChannel
442 Reading Mixed Data from a File
443 Reading objects from file using ObjectInputStream
444 Reading Text from a File
445 Reading UTF-8 Encoded Data
446 ReadLines
447 Reads a text file and displays it line by line
448 Reads at most certain bytes from input stream and returns them as a byte array
449 Reads bytes available from one InputStream and returns these bytes in a byte array
450 Reads characters available from the Reader and returns these characters as a String object
451 Reads from an underlying InputStream up to a defined number of bytes or the end of the underlying stream
452 Reconstructing an externalizable object
453 Recursive directory deletion
454 Recursively delete a file and all its contents
455 Recursively search a directory tree
456 Recursivly delete directory
457 Redirect standard error
458 Redirect standard output
459 Redirect standard output to a file
460 Redirecting Standard Output, and Error
461 Remove a directory and all of its contents
462 Remove file information from a filename returning only its path component
463 Remove File Name Suffix
464 Remove file or directory
465 Remove path and file information from a filename returning only its extension component
466 Remove path information from a filename returning only its file component
467 Rename file or directory
468 Rename To Temporary Name
469 RenameTo(File path)
470 Replace standard output and error with a print stream, output to both the console and to a file
471 Resettable File InputStream
472 Retrieve a compressed file from a ZIP file
473 Retrieve all bytes in the buffer
474 Retrieve bytes between the position and limit
475 Retrieves the manifest from a JAR file and writes the manifest contents to a file
476 Return a file with the given filename creating the necessary directories if not present
477 Return readable file size with selected value measure
478 Return the page type extracting it from the path
479 Return the specified class Checks the ThreadContext classloader first, then uses the System classloader
480 Reversing a File
481 Rewind a ByteBuffer
482 Rollover FileOutputStream
483 Save and read text using FileChannel with CharBuffer
484 Save and read text using FileChannel with UTF-16BE encoding
485 Save and read text using FileChannel without encoding
486 Save keyboard input with BufferedInputStream
487 Saving and restoring the state of classes
488 Search class in class path and Jar files
489 Search for files recursively
490 Searches case sensitively in a file
491 Searches through the directory tree
492 Searching for the specified pattern within the next line of text
493 Seek in RandomAccessFile
494 Sequence IO
495 SequenceInputStream
496 Serialization Utilities
497 Serialization with ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream
498 Serializes an object to an output stream
499 Serializing an Object (JButton)
500 Serializing Variations on an Object
501 Set file attributes
502 Set the limit for ByteBuffer
503 Set the position
504 Set to little endian
505 SetReadOnly()
506 Setting Delimiters for Scanner
507 Simple use of Externalizable
508 Skip n bytes while reading the file using FileInputStream
509 Standard Err and Output Windows
510 Store and read a char array
511 Store and read a double
512 Store and read a float
513 Store and read a long
514 Store and read a short
515 Store and read an int
516 Store objects in file
517 Storing Objects in a File
518 Stream Copier
519 Strip a filename of its last extension (the portion immediately following the last dot character, if any)
520 Strip Extension name
521 Strip File Extension
522 Test buffer duplication
523 Test file pointer manipulation between FileChannel and RandomAccessFile objects
524 Test overlapping locks on different file channels
525 Test the effects of buffer flipping
526 Test views of long elements in a ByteBuffer
527 Testing and Checking File Objects
528 Testing for end of file while reading a byte at a time
529 The csv tokenizer class allows an application to break a Comma Separated Value format into tokens
530 The CSVQuoter is a helper class to encode a string for the CSV file format
531 The File Class
532 The Gathering Write
533 The java util zip package can be used to create a checksum
534 This class is an part implementation of DataInput It wraps a Reader object
535 This convenience method sets the position to 0
536 This filter accepts Files that are directories
537 To find within the next count characters
538 To obtain the current delimiter pattern
539 Tokenizing Java Source Code
540 ToString()
541 Transfers all bytes that can be read from one stream to another stream
542 Transfers all characters that can be read from one Reader to another Reader
543 Translates between byte arrays and strings of 0s and 1s
544 Traversing all files and directories under dir
545 Traversing only directories under dir
546 Traversing only files under dir
547 Try to recover a serialized file without the class of object thats stored in that file
548 Turn System out into a PrintWriter
549 Ugzip using GZIPInputStream
550 Understanding Streams
551 Universal Naming Convention
552 Unpack a segment from a zip
553 Unpack an archive from a URL
554 Unzip
555 Unzip a file with GZIPInputStream
556 Unzip File Into Directory
557 Unzip using the ZipInputStream
559 Use a BufferedReader and a BufferedWriter to copy a text file, inverting the case of letters in the process
560 Use a FileReader to display a text file
561 Use buffered streams to copy a file
562 Use CharBuffer
563 Use DataInputStream to create double
564 Use DeflaterOutputStream to zip
565 Use FileChannel and ByteBuffer to Copy File
566 Use FileOutputStream to read integers
567 Use FileOutputStream to write the bytes to a file
568 Use FileWriter to write an array of strings to a file
569 Use LineNumberReader class to read file
570 Use RandomAccessFile to reverse a file
571 Use RandomAccessFile to save and read
572 Use the absolute get()
573 Use the relative get()
574 Use while loop to read a ByteBuffer
575 Use while loop to read a CharBuffer
576 Use While loop to read a DoubleBuffer
577 Use while loop to read a FloatBuffer
578 Use while loop to read a ShortBuffer
579 Use while loop to read an IntBuffer
580 Use ZipFile to list all entries
581 Uses a PrintWriter to write two Chinese characters and read them back
582 Uses Zip compression to compress any number of files given on the command line
583 Using a Channel to Write a String to a File
584 Using a FileDescriptor from getFD() and creating a FileInputStream from FileDescriptor
585 Using a Formatter Object to Load a Buffer
586 Using a Reader and a Writer, returns a String from an InputStream
587 Using BufferedReader to read input number from user
588 Using double slash to escape
589 Using FileChannel to random access to a File
590 Using FileChannel to read text file
591 Using PrintWriter
592 Using Scanner
593 Using Scanner to read several different unknown types of data
594 Using Scanner to receive user input
595 Using StreamTokenizer to count words and numbers in a file
596 Using the FileSystemView Class
597 Using the LineNumberReader to read a text file line by line
598 Using the second constructor
599 Using the StringReader class
600 Using transferTo() between channels
601 UTF-16BE
602 UTF-16LE
603 UTF-8
604 UTF8 Reader
605 Utility class for synchronizing filesdirectories
606 What happens when the entire file isnt in your mapping region
607 Wrap a char array to a CharBuffer
608 Wrap FileReader with BufferedReader
609 Wrap FileWriter with BufferedWriter
610 Write boolean to a file using DataOutputStream
611 Write byte array to a file using FileOutputStream
612 Write byte array to file using BufferedOutputStream
613 Write byte to a file using DataOutputStream
614 Write byte to file using BufferedOutputStream
615 Write char to a file using DataOutputStream
616 Write double and UTF string using DataOutputStream with BufferedOutputStream backended
617 Write double to a file using DataOutputStream
618 Write file using FileOutputStream
619 Write float to a file using DataOutputStream
620 Write int to a file using DataOutputStream
621 Write int to RandomAccessFile using FileChannel
622 Write integers using DataOutputStream
623 Write lines of text to file using a PrintWriter
624 Write long to a file using DataOutputStream
625 Write short to a file using DataOutputStream
626 Write String as bytes to a file using DataOutputStream
627 Write String as characters to a file using DataOutputStream
628 Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given stream This method always flushes and closes the stream when finished.t
629 Write the entire contents of the supplied string to the given writer This method always flushes and closes the writer when finished.t
630 Write to file using a BufferedWriter
631 Write to file using BufferedOutputStream
632 Write UTF String, integer and double with DataOutputStream
633 Write Zip file
634 Writer
635 Writes all characters from a Reader to a file using the default character encoding
636 Writing a String as Bytes
637 Writing and Appending a ByteBuffer to a File
638 Writing Binary Data
639 Writing ISO Latin-1 Encoded Data
640 Writing Mixed Data to a File
641 Writing Numerical Data to a File
642 Writing objects sequentially to a file with class ObjectOutputStream
643 Writing objects to file with ObjectOutputStream
644 Writing to a File
645 Writing UTF-8 Encoded Data
646 Writing Varying Length Strings to a File
647 Zip a file with GZIPOutputStream
648 Zip a list of file into one zip file
649 Zip files
650 Zip up a directory