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Java Tutorial
Regular Expressions 71 codes
Java Tutorial
Regular Expressions
1 A greedy qualifier
2 A negative behind ahead
3 A negative look ahead
4 A positive look ahead
5 A possessive qualifier
6 A Reluctant qualifier
7 A simple pattern matching demo
8 A simple sub group
9 Control the pattern case
10 Create a Matcher from Pattern
11 Date format consists of one or two digits followed by a hyphen, followed by one or two digits, followed by a hypen, fo
12 Demonstrates the usage of the Matcher reset() method
13 Demonstrates usage of the Pattern split method
14 Escapes characters that have special meaning to regular expressions
15 Find the end point of the first sub group (ond)
16 Find the end point of the second B(ond)
17 Find the starting point of the first Bond
18 Find the starting point of the second Bond
19 Finding all words that start with an a
20 Finding duplication of words
21 Finding Every Occurrence of the Letter A
22 Java Character Class
23 LookingAt vs matches
24 Match a digit
25 Match a particular character a specified number of times
26 Match Duplicate Words
27 Match Java source file and file and class name
28 Matcher appendReplacement method
29 Matcher end(int) method
30 Matcher find method
31 Matcher find(int) method
32 Matcher group() method
33 Matcher LookingAt method
34 Matcher matches method
35 Matcher pattern method
36 Matcher replaceAll method
37 Matcher reset(CharSequence) method
38 Matcher start() method
39 Matching Line Boundaries in a Regular Expression
40 Meta-characters predefined to match specific characters
41 Meta-characters to match against certain string boundaries
42 Name validation
43 Pattern compile method
44 Pattern helper
45 Pattern matches method
46 Phone number validation
47 POSIX character classes and Java character classes
48 Primitive address validation
49 Read regular expression from console
50 REGEX = bdogb
51 Regex for IP v4 Address
52 Regex for IP v6 Address
53 Regex Test Harness
54 Regular expression languages also have character classes
55 Replacing text using regex
56 Reuse Pattern Method
57 Simple validation using the Pattern and Matcher objects
58 Split a string
59 Split by
60 Split by number
61 String manipulation using English synonyms
62 Use a character class
63 Use a quantifier
64 Use find() to find a subsequence
65 Use find() to find multiple subsequences
66 Use Pattern class to match
67 Use the quantifier
68 Use wildcard and quantifier
69 Validate email address
70 Working with simple groups
71 Zip code validation