Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
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C# Tutorial
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VB.Net Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
Java Book
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Ant 173 codes
1 A custom listener
2 A custom logger
3 Add attribute to jar file manifest
4 Ant
5 Ant build script
6 Ant buildin properties
7 Ant call another ant script
8 Ant compile from src folder to build folder, set the class path and java files include
9 Ant copy file
10 Ant copy folder
11 Ant jar file setting the Main-Class
12 Ant javac includes
13 Ant Javac setting
14 Ant Javadoc setting
15 Ant path
16 Ant property set up
17 Ant run
18 Ant script calls another ant script
19 Ant script for xmlgraphics-commons
20 Ant target
21 Ant target depends on other targets
22 Ant task
23 Ant task copy file
24 Ant task delete tree
25 Ant tstamp
26 Ant Write Our Own Task
27 Apache Lenya Build System
28 Apache pivot ant build script
29 Apache solr ant script
30 Apache-log4j-sitebuild xml
31 Apache-roller-src-4 0 1
32 Apply executable
33 Assemble the documentation
34 Build file to fetch maven2 tasks; extracted from (Ants) fetch xml
35 Build file to fetch optional libraries for Apache Ant
36 Build path unix
37 Build properties and build xml
38 Build script for apache-cassandra-0 5 1-src
39 Build script from apache dbutils
40 Build the JSTL from source
41 Call junit ui test with fork=true
42 Check out from CVS
43 Check out source code from cvs
44 Check Properties
45 Check the coding conventions
46 Checking that the documentation is up to date
47 Compile the stand-alone application
48 Compile the web application
49 Condition for file change
50 Convert path format from one os to another
51 Copy todir, fileset, include, exclude
52 Create folder
53 Create tar file
54 Create Timestamp
55 Create your own Ant task
56 Creates the output directories
57 Custom properties
58 CVS update
59 Default target
60 Define and reference property
61 Define custom property based on existing properties
62 Define path with file set
63 Define property file through url
64 Define task with taskdef
65 Delete folder
66 Delete with file set
67 Deploy the web application
68 Deploy to Tomcat
69 Download the servlet JAR
70 Echo message out
71 E-mail the documentation
72 Environment
73 Execute shell command
74 Extend Javadoc Task
75 File Checksum
76 File file with fixcrlf
77 File separator
78 File set includes
79 Fop build script
80 Generate Javadoc from Ant
81 Generate Javadocs for the application
82 Generate Javadocs for the application, using offline package-list files
83 Generates java2s jar
84 Get current location
85 Get environment variables
86 Google guice ant script
87 GWT ant script
88 Hadoop ant build script
89 How to use a Class argument in a custom class attribute
90 In init target set the properties
91 Indicate the init and max memory when compiling
92 Is Tomcat running
93 Jakarta jmeter ant script
94 Jakarta oro ant script
95 Jakarta regexp ant script
96 Jar file
97 Jar file with fileset and exclude
98 Jar with includes and excludes
99 Jar with includes and excludes using filesets
100 Java with classpath
101 Javac include and exclude
102 Javac with classpath
103 Javac with encoding
104 Javac with optimize
105 Jedit build script
106 Jibx ant build script
107 Junit report
108 Junit test
109 Life Cycle Task
110 Load file through URL
111 Lucene ant build script
112 More than one filesets for jar
113 Nutch ant script
114 OFBiz ant build script
115 One ant script calls another antscript and dir setting
116 Package the stand-alone application
117 Path convert
118 Path separator
119 Path with pathelement
120 Place everything on FTP
121 Place the binaries on FTP
122 Place the documentation on FTP
123 Place the source code on FTP
124 Prepare the database by creating it and inserting data
125 Prepare the test directories
126 Print out help message
127 Redefine property in the children target
128 Redefine property in the children target 2
129 Reference ant project name
130 Referrence property
131 Rhino ant build script
132 Run java application based on pre-set argument defaults
133 Separate two values
134 Set debug and optimize for javac
135 Set debuglevel for javac
136 Set failonerror for javac
137 Set link for Javac
138 Set source version in javac
139 Set system properties in Ant build script
140 Set target for javac
141 SmartGWT ant script
142 Specify basedir
143 Specify condition
144 Start Tomcat if it isnt running
145 Tar the binary distribution with the documentation
146 Tar the binary stand-alone distribution with the documentation
147 Tar the binary web distribution with the documentation
148 Tar the documentation
149 Tar the source and documentation together
150 Target based on condition
151 Task depends
152 Tasks that use the zip files to construct tar files
153 Tomcat ant build script
154 UPortal ant script
155 Use a precompiler with Java
156 Use exec executable to call system shell command
157 Use junit with call junit test cases
158 Use main ant build file call sub build file
159 Use separate property file
160 Value in the properties file overwrite the value in the build xml
161 Velocity tools ant script
162 Weka build script
163 Xml bean ant script
164 Xml graphics common ant script
165 Xml security
166 XmlSchema ant script
167 Your ant script to build table
168 Zip the binary distribution with the documentation
169 Zip the binary stand-alone distribution with the documentation
170 Zip the binary web distribution with the documentation
171 Zip the documentation
172 Zip the source and documentation together
173 Zip with zip file set