Mega Code Archive
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Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Data Type 1239 codes
Data Type
1 A class to represent Complex Numbers
2 A custom number formatter that formats numbers as hexadecimal strings
3 A fast way to convert character arrays into Strings
4 A formatter that formats dates to show the elapsed time relative to some base date
5 A method to get the current date as an array of components 0 = year, 1 = month, 2 = day
6 A method to get the last day of a month
7 A method used to build a date for display in line with existing formatting rules
8 A method used to build a date for use Marker XML and KML data
9 A mutable boolean wrapper
10 A mutable byte wrapper
11 A mutable double wrapper
12 A mutable float wrapper
13 A mutable int wrapper
14 A mutable long wrapper
15 A mutable short wrapper
16 A number formatter for logarithmic values This formatter does not support parsing
17 A Program That Uses the Mathematical Methods of the Math Class
18 A Program That Uses the Rounding Methods of the Math Class
19 A reassignable integer usable for counting
20 A simple casting demo
21 A simple XML parser that starts parsing right away and validates along the way
22 A string can be compared with a StringBuffer
23 A utility class for converting a long into a human readable string
24 Abbreviate string
25 Abbreviates a String using ellipses
26 Abbreviates a String using ellipses in both sides
27 Add AM PM to time using SimpleDateFormat
28 Add delimiters to a string
29 Add leading zeroes to a number
30 Add two integers, checking for overflow
31 Add two long integers, checking for overflow
32 Adds a number of days to a date returning a new object
33 Adds a number of hours to a date returning a new object
34 Adds a number of milliseconds to a date returning a new object
35 Adds a number of minutes to a date returning a new object
36 Adds a number of months to a date returning a new object
37 Adds a number of seconds to a date returning a new object
38 Adds a number of weeks to a date returning a new object
39 Adds a number of years to a date returning a new object
40 Adds spaces in suitable locations of the input string
41 Adds zeros to the beginning of a value so that the total length matches the given precision, otherwise trims the right digits.tx
42 Advanced navigation over the underlying string
43 All static information about a character
44 Allow text containing mostly ASCII characters to be decipherable on an ASCII terminal without decoding
45 An alternate way to get week days symbols
46 An error produced by manual unboxing
47 And operation on BigInteger
48 AntNot operation on BigInteger
49 Anywhere, ignore case( regular expressions )
50 Append hex digit
51 Appends a whitespace-normalized form of the specified character sequence into the specified string buffer
52 Are all hex integers negative
53 Arithmetic Demo
54 Autobox Demo
55 Autobox unbox
56 Autobox unbox a Boolean and Character
57 Autobox unbox occurs inside expressions
58 Autobox unbox takes place with method parameters and return values
59 Autoboxingunboxing a Boolean and Character
60 Autoboxingunboxing int
61 Autoboxingunboxing occurs inside expressions
62 Autoboxingunboxing takes place with method parameters and return values
63 Auto-unboxing allows you to mix different types of numeric objects in an expression
64 Basic tab-character handling stuff
65 BigDecimal and BigInteger sqare root
66 BigDecimal quadratic
67 BigInteger bitwise Gcd
68 BigInteger highest numBits
69 BigInteger isProbablePrime
70 BigInteger lowest numBits
71 Binary search
72 Blank string
73 Boolean And Or
74 Boolean class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the boolean data type
75 Boolean Data Type
76 Boolean factory that avoids creating new Boolean objecs all the time
77 Boolean Util
78 Break a string into tokens
79 Break Lines
80 Built in types
81 Byte Array To Hex String
82 Byte class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the byte data type
83 Byte to Double
84 Calculate factorial of integers up to this value
85 Calculate Holidays
86 Calculate the power on a BigInteger
87 Calculation with BigDecimal
88 Capicalizes the first letter of a string
89 Capital and uncapital strings
90 Capitalize and uncapitalize
91 Capitalize the first character of the given string
92 Capitalize the first letter but leave the rest as they are
93 Capitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as Character toTitleCase(char) No other letters are changed
94 Capitalizes the first character of the given string
95 Capitlize each word in a string (journal titles, etc)
96 Case insensitive check if a String ends with a specified suffix
97 Case insensitive check if a String starts with a specified prefix
98 Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
99 Case insensitive removal of a substring if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
100 Cast a float or double to an integral value
101 Cast back to short
102 Cast result of plus operation to byte
103 Casting Demo
104 Center the contents of the string
105 Centers a String in a larger String of size size Uses a supplied character as the value to pad the String with
106 Centers a String in a larger String of size size Uses a supplied String as the value to pad the String with
107 Centers a String in a larger String of size size using the space character ( )
108 Change date formatting symbols
109 Change the decimal separator is set to
110 Char is Int
111 Character array convert and find
112 Character array to String conversion
113 Character class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the char data type
114 Character utilities
115 Check for an empty string
116 Check if a character representing a number
117 Check if a character representing an alphabet
118 Check if a String ends with a specified suffix
119 Check if a String is a valid date
120 Check if a string is a valid number
121 Check if a String starts with a specified prefix
122 Check if number are in a given range
123 Check if String Contains another String
124 Check if the current character is an Hex Char hex
125 Check Number properties and convert from Number
126 Check order of two strings
127 Check order of two strings ignoring case
128 Check string for equality
129 Check whether the given String contains any whitespace characters
130 Check whether the given String has actual text
131 Checking date as String formatted by a date format
132 Checks if a Boolean value is false, handling null by returning false
133 Checks if a Boolean value is not false, handling null by returning true
134 Checks if a Boolean value is not true, handling null by returning true
135 Checks if a Boolean value is true, handling null by returning false
136 Checks if a calendar date is after today and within a number of days in the future
137 Checks if a calendar date is today
138 Checks if a date is after today and within a number of days in the future
139 Checks if a String is not empty (), not null and not whitespace only
140 Checks if a String is whitespace, empty () or null
141 Checks if the first calendar date is after the second calendar date ignoring time
142 Checks if the first calendar date is before the second calendar date ignoring time
143 Checks if the first date is after the second date ignoring time
144 Checks if the first date is before the second date ignoring time
145 Checks if the String contains any character in the given set of characters
146 Checks if the string contains only ASCII printable characters
147 Checks if the String contains only certain characters
148 Checks if the String contains only whitespace
149 Checks if two calendars represent the same day ignoring time
150 Checks if two dates are on the same day ignoring time
151 Checks that the String does not contain certain characters
152 Checks the day, month and year are equal
153 Checks the hour, minute and second are equal
154 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit
155 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic
156 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic lower case
157 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit alphabetic upper case
158 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit control
159 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric
160 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit numeric and character
161 Checks whether the character is ASCII 7 bit printable
162 Checks whether the String a valid Java number
163 Checks whether the String contains only digit characters
164 Chop i characters off the end of a string
165 Class decodes a Base64 encoded string back into the original byte
166 Class for float-point calculations in J2ME applications CLDC
167 Class to represent 16-bit unsigned integers
168 Class with methods for type conversion
169 Cleans strings of illegal characters with respect to the XML specification
170 Clear a bit in a BigInteger
171 Clones a two dimensional array of floats
172 Collection of useful utilities to work with dates
173 Compare Strings
174 Compare two char sequences
175 Compare two dates
176 Compare two double values with Double doubleToLongBits
177 Compare two float values with Float floatToIntBits
178 Compare Two Java boolean Arrays Example
179 Compare Two Java byte Arrays Example
180 Compare Two Java char Arrays
181 Compare two Java Date objects using after method example
182 Compare two Java Date objects using before method example
183 Compare two Java Date objects using compareTo method example
184 Compare Two Java double Arrays
185 Compare Two Java float Arrays
186 Compare Two Java int Arrays
187 Compare Two Java long Arrays Example
188 Compare Two Java short Arrays
189 Compare two String[] for differences, either may be null
190 Compares all Strings in an array and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ
191 Compares all Strings in an array and returns the initial sequence of characters that is common to all of them
192 Compares two floats for order
193 Compares two strings
194 Compares two Strings, and returns the index at which the Strings begin to differ
195 Compares two Strings, and returns the portion where they differ
196 Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal
197 Compares two Strings, returning true if they are equal ignoring the case
198 Comparing Strings
199 Compress 2 adjacent (single or double) quotes into a single (s or d) quote when found in the middle of a String
200 Compute Levenshtein distance
201 Compute prime numbers
202 Compute the Palindrome of a number by adding the number composed of
203 Compute the value of 23 of 5
204 Concatenates two arrays of strings
205 Constructs a method name from elements bean name for a given prefix
206 Contents As CharSequence
207 Control the maximum number of substrings generated by splitting a string
208 Conversion utilities
209 Convert a base16 string into a byte array
210 Convert a byte array to a Hex string
211 Convert a byte array to a human-readable String for debugging purposes
212 Convert a byte array to a String with a hexidecimal format
213 Convert a byte array to base64 string
214 Convert a hexidecimal string generated by toHexString() back into a byte array
215 Convert a list to a delimited string
216 Convert a minute-of-week time to time of day as dd
217 Convert a number using the current Locale()
218 Convert a string into a byte array in hex format
219 Convert a string to a number
220 Convert a String to an int, returning zero if the conversion fails
221 Convert a String to Date
222 Convert an int value to String
223 Convert an UNSIGNED byte to a JAVA type
224 Convert array to collection
225 Convert base64 string to a byte array
226 Convert BigInteger into another radix number
227 Convert binary number to decimal number
228 Convert boolean to integer
229 Convert Boolean to String
230 Convert boolean value to Boolean
231 Convert byte array to Hex String
232 Convert Byte array to Int
233 Convert byte array to Long
234 Convert Byte to numeric primitive data types example
235 Convert byte to String
236 Convert byte[ ] array to String
237 Convert bytes to a base16 string
238 Convert bytes to megabytes
239 Convert Characters to Lower Case
240 Convert Characters to Upper Case
241 Convert date in milliseconds into minute of the day
242 Convert date in milliseconds into the native format of the server - i e minute of the week
243 Convert date in minute of the week format into millisecond format
244 Convert Date into milliseconds example
245 Convert date string from one format to another format using SimpleDateFormat
246 Convert decimal integer to binary number example
247 Convert decimal integer to hexadecimal number
248 Convert decimal integer to octal number
249 Convert Decimal to Binary
250 Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
251 Convert Decimal to Octal
252 Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius back and forth with float
253 Convert from ASCII code to String
254 Convert from Byte array to hexadecimal string
255 Convert from decimal to binary
256 Convert from decimal to hexadecimal
257 Convert from decimal to hexadecimal with leading zeroes and uppercase
258 Convert from double to String
259 Convert from float to String
260 Convert from integer to ASCII code (byte)
261 Convert from integer to String
262 Convert from long to String
263 Convert from String to double
264 Convert from String to float
265 Convert from String to integer
266 Convert from String to long
267 Convert hexadecimal number to decimal number
268 Convert int and short to bytes
269 Convert integer to boolean
270 Convert Java boolean Primitive to Boolean object
271 Convert java Double to numeric primitive data types
272 Convert Java Float to Numeric Primitive Data Types
273 Convert Java Integer object to Numeric primitive types
274 Convert Java String Object to Boolean Object
275 Convert Java String to Byte example
276 Convert Java String to Double
277 Convert Java String to Float Object
278 Convert Java String to Integer object
279 Convert Java String to Long example
280 Convert Java String to Short
281 Convert long primitive to Long object Example
282 Convert long to Bytes
283 Convert Long to numeric primitive data types example
284 Convert milliseconds into a short day of the week string
285 Convert milliseconds into the day of the week string
286 Convert milliseconds into the month of the year string
287 Convert Number To Target Class
288 Convert Object to BigDecimal
289 Convert octal number to decimal number
290 Convert other primitive data type into string
291 Convert passed time into an offset string
292 Convert primitive back and forth
293 Convert Short to numeric primitive data types
294 Convert String array To Comma Delimited
295 Convert string of time to time object
296 Convert string to an integer or number
297 Convert String to Boolean
298 Convert String to byte
299 Convert String to byte array
300 Convert string to char array
301 Convert String to Character Array
302 Convert String to Date object
303 Convert string to integer
304 Convert String to java int Example
305 Convert String to long Example
306 Convert string to multiline
307 Convert String to primitive byte Example
308 Convert String to short primitive
309 Convert string to uppercase
310 Convert the bytes to a hex string representation of the bytes
311 Convert the given array (which may be a primitive array) to an object array
312 Convert the given number into an instance of the given target class
313 Convert time in milliseconds into a display string of the form [h]h
314 Convert time to a sliding window format
315 Convert to $(Dollars) string
316 Convert to hex
317 Convert to numbers
318 Convert tofrom Hex string
319 Converting a Primitive Type Value to a String
320 Converting a string to a boolean
321 Converting a String to a byte Number
322 Converting a String to a double type Number
323 Converting a String to a float type Number
324 Converting a String to a int(integer) Number
325 Converting a String to a long type Number
326 Converting a String to a short Number
327 Converting a String to Upper or Lower Case
328 Converts a Boolean to a boolean handling null
329 Converts a Boolean to a boolean handling null by returning false
330 Converts a Boolean to a Integer using the convention that zero is false
331 Converts a boolean to a String returning on or off
332 Converts a Boolean to a String returning on, off, or null
333 Converts a Boolean to a String returning one of the input Strings
334 Converts a boolean to a String returning true or false
335 Converts a Boolean to a String returning true, false, or null
336 Converts a boolean to a String returning yes or no
337 Converts a Boolean to a String returning yes, no, or null
338 Converts a Boolean to an Integer specifying the conversion values
339 Converts a boolean to an Integer using the convention that zero is false
340 Converts a Boolean to an int specifying the conversion values
341 Converts a boolean to an int using the convention that zero is false
342 Converts a hex string to a byte array
343 Converts a String array to an String, joined by the Seperator
344 Converts a String to a Boolean
345 Converts a String to a boolean (optimised for performance)
346 Converts a String to a Boolean throwing an exception if no match
347 Converts a String to a Boolean throwing an exception if no match found
348 Converts a String to a Locale
349 Converts altitude in meters to pressure in msw
350 Converts an Integer to a Boolean specifying the conversion values
351 Converts an Integer to a Boolean using the convention that zero is false
352 Converts bytes to a hex string
353 Converts the string to the unicode format
354 Copy char array to string
355 Count letters in a String
356 Count match
357 Count Occurrences
358 Count the number of bytes included in the given char[]
359 Count the number of chars included in the given byte[]
360 Count the number of instances of substring within a string
361 Count the number of occurrences of character c in a string
362 Count word occurrences in a string
363 Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String
364 Create a BigDecimal vis string
365 Create a BigInteger using the byte array
366 Create a boolean variable from string
367 Create a Double object using one of the below given constructors
368 Create a Long object
369 Create a table of squares and cubes
370 Create an Boolean object from boolean value
371 Create an Integer object
372 Create Big Decimal Values via a long
373 Create Big Decimal Values via a string
374 Create BigInteger from byte array
375 Create BigInteger via long type variable
376 Create BigInteger via string
377 Create Character objects and compare them
378 Create instance of java sql Date from Calendar getTimeInMillis()
379 Create java Date from specific time example
380 Creating a Date Object for a Particular Date
381 Data type conversion
382 Data type Conversion Util
383 Data Type Print Test
384 Date Era change
385 Date Format
386 Date format and parse Util
387 Date Format Cache
388 Date format for face book
389 Date Format Symbols
390 Date format viewer
391 Date Format with Locale
392 Date Formatting and Localization
393 Date parser for ISO 8601 format
394 Date parser for the ISO 8601 format
395 Date To Iso Date Time
396 Date To String
397 Date utility class
398 Date Utils
399 DateFormat getDateInstance(DateFormat LONG)
400 DateFormat getDateInstance(DateFormat SHORT)
401 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat DEFAULT, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
402 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat FULL, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
403 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat LONG)
404 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat LONG, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
405 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat MEDIUM, Locale CANADA) format(new Date())
406 DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat SHORT)
407 DateFormat SHORT
408 Decimal Format Demo
409 Decimal Format with different Symbols
410 DecimalFormat(###E0) (exponent must be multiple of 3)
411 DecimalFormat(##E0) (exponent must be multiple of 2)
412 DecimalFormat(00 00E0)
413 DecimalFormat(0000000000E0)
414 DecimalFormat(000E00)
415 DecimalFormat(00E00)
416 Declaring Checked Exceptions
417 Decode a Base64 encoded binary
418 Decode hex string to a byte array
419 Decode string to integer
420 Decodes a String with Numeric Character References
421 Decodes Hex data into octects
422 Default rounding mode
423 Deletes all whitespace from a String
424 Demonstrate a type wrapper
425 Demonstrate autobox and unbox
426 Demonstrate some usage patterns and format-code examples of the Formatter
427 Demonstrate the space format specifiers
428 Demonstrates the %n and %% format specifiers
429 Demonstrates the ++ and -- operators
430 Demonstrates the mathematical operators
431 Demonstrates the minimum field-width specifier by applying it to the %f conversion
432 Demonstration of high-precision arithmetic with the BigDouble class
433 Demonstration of high-precision integer arithmetic with the BigInteger class
434 Determine if a String is contained in a String [], ignoring case
435 Determine if a String is contained in a String [], ignoring case or not as specified
436 Determine if a String is contained in a String Collection
437 Determine if a String is contained in a String Collection, ignoring case
438 Determine if a String is contained in a String[]
439 Determine whether a string is a palindrome
440 Determine whether characters may appear in certain roles in XML documents
441 Determines if the specified string contains only Unicode letters or digits as defined by Character#isLetterOrDigit(char)
442 Determining a Characters Unicode Block
443 Determining If a String Is a Legal Java Identifier
444 Determining the validity of various XML names
445 Display a currency value
446 Display a percentage
447 Display complete time and date information
448 Display just hour and minute
449 Display month by name and number
450 Display numbers in scientific notation
451 Display numbers with commas
452 Display numbers with leading zeroes
453 Display standard 12-hour time format
454 Display the amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine
455 Display the maximum amount of memory
456 Display the total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine
457 Displaying numbers with commas
458 Divide one BigDecimal from another BigDecimal
459 Divide one BigInteger from another BigInteger
460 Do math operation for BigDecimal
461 Do math operation for BigInteger
462 Double Array
463 Double class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the double data type
464 Dump an array of bytes in hex form
465 Encapsulates a truck-load of commonly used date functions
466 Encode a byte array to hex string
467 Encode binary data as Base64 string
468 Encodes an integer into up to 4 bytes in network byte order in the supplied buffer
469 Ends With Ignore Case
470 Ends with, ignore case( regular expressions )
471 Escape a string for use inside as XML element content This escapes less-than and ampersand, only
472 Escape a string for use inside as XML single-quoted attributes
473 Escape commas in the string using the default escape char
474 Escape Sequence Characters
475 Escape special character with a
476 Escape string
477 Escapes all necessary characters in the String so that it can be used in an XML doc
478 Escapes all necessary characters in the String so that it can be used in SQL
479 Escapes characters that have special meaning to regular expressions
480 Explode a date in 8 digit format into the three components
481 Extends Formatter
482 Extract Ascii codes from a String
483 Extracts a decimal digit from a number
484 Fast lower case conversion
485 Fast String Search
486 FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version of java text SimpleDateFormat
487 Filters string
488 Find and replace all occurrences of the string
489 Find text between two strings
490 Find the current date format
491 Find the earliest index of any of a set of potential substrings
492 Find the first index of any of a set of potential substrings
493 Find the latest index of any of a set of potential substrings
494 Find the Levenshtein distance between two Strings
495 Find, replace and remove strings
496 Finds the first index within a String, handling null
497 Finds the last index within a String from a start position, handling null
498 Finds the n-th index within a String, handling null
499 Flip a bit in a BigInteger
500 Float class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the float data type
501 Float compare to
502 Float Double Time
503 Floating pioint comparisons
504 Floating-point comparisons
505 Floating-point error diagnostics
506 FloatingPoint Types
507 Fmt - format text (like Berkeley UNIX fmt)
508 Force minimum number of digits to left and right of decimal point
509 Format a number for a locale
510 Format a number our way and the default way
511 Format a number to currency
512 Format a number with DecimalFormat
513 Format a number with leading zeroes
514 Format a percentage for presentation to the user
515 Format a String (JDK1 5)
516 Format As MySQL Datetime
517 Format Calendar with String format()
518 Format Currency
519 Format data to string with specified style
520 Format date in ddmmyyyy format
521 Format date in Default format
522 Format date in Full format
523 Format date in Long format
524 Format date in Medium format
525 Format date in mm-dd-yyyy hh
526 Format Duration
527 Format for GERMAN locale
528 Format for the default locale
529 Format hour in H (0-23) format like 0, 1 23
530 Format hour in h (1-12 in AMPM) format like 1, 2 12
531 Format hour in HH (00-23) format like 00, 01 23
532 Format hour in hh (01-12 in AMPM) format like 01, 02 12
533 Format hour in K (0-11 in AMPM) format like 0, 1 11
534 Format hour in k (1-24) format like 1, 2 24
535 Format hour in KK (00-11) format like 00, 01, 11
536 Format hour in kk (01-24) format like 01, 02 24
537 Format minutes in mm format like 01, 02 etc
538 Format month in M format like 1,2 etc
539 Format Month in MM format like 01, 02 etc
540 Format Month in MMM format like Jan, Feb etc
541 Format Month in MMMM format like January, February etc
542 Format seconds in s format like 1,2 etc
543 Format seconds in ss format like 01, 02 etc
544 Format strings into table
545 Format Time To 2 Digits
546 Format year in yy format like 07, 08 etc
547 Format year in yyyy format like 2007, 2008 etc
548 Formats BigDecimal into a SQL floating-point literal
549 Formatting a Number in Exponential Notation
550 Formatting and Parsing a Locale-Specific Percentage
551 Formatting and Parsing a Number for a Locale
552 Formatting and Parsing Locale-Specific Currency
553 Formatting day in d format like 1,2 etc
554 Formatting day in dd format like 01, 02 etc
555 Formatting day of week in EEEE format like Sunday, Monday etc
556 Formatting day of week using SimpleDateFormat
557 Formatting minute in m format like 1,2 etc
558 Full day name
559 Full length of month name
560 General purpose date utilities
561 Get 7-bit ASCII character array from input String
562 Get a List of Short Month Names
563 Get a List of Short Weekday Names
564 Get a List of Weekday Names
565 Get Age
566 Get Base64 From HEX
567 Get byte array from BigInteger
568 Get byte array from hex string
569 Get currency symbol
570 Get date of last month
571 Get date of last week
572 Get date of yesterday
573 Get Date Suffix
574 Get Digit Number String
575 Get Double Number
576 Get File system Path From Date
577 Get InputStream from a String
578 Get last Date of This Month
579 Get Last day from previous Month
580 Get Local Epoch
581 Get Month, Day of Month, year from a Date
582 Get Next Monday
583 Get next Sunday
584 Get String From Date
585 Get String hash code
586 Get the days difference
587 Get the days passed from the specified date up to the date provided in the constructor
588 Get the hexadecimal value of an int
589 Get the hours difference
590 Get the minimum and maximum value of a primitive data types
591 Get the minutes difference
592 Get the next machine representable number after a number, moving in the direction of another number
593 Get the seconds difference
594 Get the value of a bit
595 Get Time From Date
596 Get todays date
597 Get Truncated String
598 Gets a hex string from byte array
599 Gets a substring from the specified String avoiding exceptions
600 Gets formatted time
601 Gets len characters from the middle of a String
602 Gets the leftmost len characters of a String
603 Gets the maximum of three byte values
604 Gets the maximum of three double values
605 Gets the maximum of three float values
606 Gets the maximum of three int values
607 Gets the maximum of three long values
608 Gets the maximum of three short values
609 Gets the minimum of three byte values
610 Gets the minimum of three double values
611 Gets the minimum of three float values
612 Gets the minimum of three int values
613 Gets the minimum of three long values
614 Gets the minimum of three short values
615 Gets the rightmost len characters of a String
616 Gets the String that is nested in between two instances of the same String
617 Gets the String that is nested in between two Strings Only the first match is returned
618 Gets the substring after the first occurrence of a separator The separator is not returned
619 Gets the substring after the last occurrence of a separator The separator is not returned
620 Gets the substring before the first occurrence of a separator The separator is not returned
621 Gets the substring before the last occurrence of a separator The separator is not returned
622 Getting a substring from a String
623 Getting a Valid Integer
624 Getting Currency Symbols for Locale FRANCE
625 Getting Currency Symbols for Locale UK
626 Getting Currency Symbols for Locale US
627 Given an integer, return a string that is in an approximate, but human readable format
628 Helper function that returns a char from an hex
629 Helper functions to query a strings end portion The comparison is case insensitive
630 Helper functions to query a strings start portion The comparison is case insensitive
631 Hex decimal dump
632 Hex decoder
633 Hex encoder and decoder
634 Hex encoderdecoder implementation borrowed from BouncyCastle
635 Hex String To Byte Array
636 Hex Util
637 How to compare String instances
638 If a character is lowercase
639 If a character is uppercase
640 If a string contains a specific word
641 If a string is empty or not
642 If a String starts with a digit or uppercase letter
643 Immutable Bit
644 Immutable byte list
645 Immutable class for holding a rational number without loss of precision
646 Immutable representation of a date with an optional time and an optional time zone based on RFC 3339
647 Implements a long object wrapper which allows changing the long value
648 Implements an integer object wrapper which allows changing the integer value
649 Implements CharSequence
650 Implode and explode string
651 Int Overflow
652 Int To Long Compressor
653 Integer class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the int data type
654 Integer MIN_VALUE
655 Integer toBinaryString
656 Integer toHexString
657 Is a BigInteger Even
658 Is char a white space character
659 Is character a digit, letter, white space, lower case or upper case character
660 Is one BigInteger Divisible by another BigInteger
661 ISO 8601 BASIC date format
662 ISO 8601 date parsing utility
663 ISO 8601 date parsing utility Designed for parsing the ISO subset used in Dublin Core, RSS 1 0, and Atom
664 Iso Date Time To Date
665 ISO8601 Date Format
666 ISO8601 formatter for date-time with time zone The format used is yyyy-MM-ddTHH
667 ISO8601 formatter for date-time without time zone The format used is yyyy-MM-ddTHH
668 Java Autobox and Unbox
669 Java boolean value
670 Java byte
671 Java Byte Example
672 Java char
673 Java double
674 Java Double compare example
675 Java Double isInfinite
676 Java Double isNaN method
677 Java Float Comparison
678 Java float is 32 bit single precision type and used when fractional precision calculation is required
679 Java Float isInfinite Method
680 Java Float isNaN Method
681 Java Float Wrapper Class
682 Java Hex dump Library
683 Java Implementation of Pythons string replace()
684 Java int
685 Java lets you overflow
686 Java long Example
687 Java Search String
688 Java short
689 Java Short Example
690 Java SimpleDateFormat Class Example(MMddyyyy)
691 Java Sort int Array
692 Java Sort long Array Example
693 Java Sort short Array
694 Java String endsWith
695 Java String startsWith
696 Java String valueOf
697 Java Type Helper
698 Join an array of strings into one delimited string
699 Join String
700 Joins array elements
701 Joins array elements into a single String
702 Joins array elements into a single String without specifying the start index and end index
703 Joins the elements of Collection into a single String with string separator
704 Joins the elements of Iterator into a single with char value as separator
705 Joins the elements of the provided array into a single String containing the provided list of elements
706 Joins the elements of the provided Collection into a single String containing the provided elements
707 Joins the elements of the provided Iterator into a single String containing the provided elements
708 Keep the empty strings
709 Last occurrence of a character
710 Last occurrence of a substring
711 Left justification
712 Left justify the contents of the string, ensuring that the supplied string begins at the first character and that the resulting
713 Left pad a String with a specified character
714 Left pad a String with a specified String
715 Left pad a String with spaces ( )
716 Left pad the given text parameter
717 Left padding
718 Left trim and right trim
719 LengthOf - show length of things
720 Limit the string to a certain number of characters, adding if it was truncated
721 Linear Searching double Arrays
722 Literals
723 Long class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the long data type
724 Longest Starting Match
725 Look for particular sequences in sentences
726 Looping Forever with true value
727 Make Int From Byte
728 Make the date go back of the specified amount of days
729 Make the date go forward of the specified amount of minutes
730 Makes the first letter caps and the rest lowercase
731 Max and Min values of datatype char
732 Max Variable Length Demo
733 Methods for number conversion and parsing
734 Min and Max values of data type double
735 Min and Max values of data type float
736 Min and Max values of datatype byte
737 Min and Max values of datatype int
738 Min and Max values of datatype long
739 Min and Max values of datatype short
740 Minimum and maximum values of a byte
741 Mixed Radix Number
742 Modifiable Integer
743 Money type
744 Multiply a decimal fraction, not using floating point
745 Multiply one BigDecimal to another BigDecimal
746 Multiply one BigInteger to another BigInteger
747 Multiply two integers, checking for overflow
748 Multiply two long integers, checking for overflow
749 Mutable Boolean
750 Mutable double
751 Mutable Int
752 Mutable Integer
753 Mutable Long
754 Negate a BigDecimal
755 Negate a BigInteger
756 New DecimalFormat( ######) (2)
757 New DecimalFormat(# ######) (1)
758 New DecimalFormat(# #)
759 New DecimalFormat(# 000000)
760 New DecimalFormat(##00)
761 New DecimalFormat(#,###,###) (grouping)
762 New DecimalFormat(0 ######E0)
763 New DecimalFormat(0 00)
764 New DecimalFormat(000000E0)
765 New DecimalFormat(abc#)
766 New SimpleDateFormat( EEE MMM d HH
767 New SimpleDateFormat(a)
768 New SimpleDateFormat(H) The hour (0-23)
769 New SimpleDateFormat(hh
770 New SimpleDateFormat(HH mm ss)
771 New SimpleDateFormat(hh)
772 New SimpleDateFormat(m)
773 New SimpleDateFormat(mm)
774 New SimpleDateFormat(s)
775 New SimpleDateFormat(ss)
776 New SimpleDateFormat(z)
777 New SimpleDateFormat(zzzz)
778 Normalize a SQL identifer, up-casing if regular identifer, and handling of delimited identifer (SQL 2003, section 5 2)
779 Normalize(String s, java text Normalizer Form NFD)
780 Not found
781 Not found returns -1
782 Not operation for BigInteger
783 Number Format by locale
784 Number format viewer
785 Number Format with Locale
786 Number in hexadecimal format are used throughout Freenet
787 NumberFormat and locale
788 NumberFormat with Constant Locale Usage
789 Numbers will be equals if enough decimals are equals, without thinking about approximations
790 Obtaining the integer and fractional parts
791 Only replace first occurence
792 Operate with big decimal values
793 Operate with big integer values in code
794 Operating with Big Integer Values
795 Operations on char primitives and Character objects
796 Optimize String operations
797 Or operation for BigInteger
798 Overlays part of a String with another String
799 PackUnpacks date stored in kdb format
800 Pad string
801 Padded String
802 Padding and triming strings
803 Pads the string with 0x and zeros on the left until it has the requested size
804 Pads the string with zeros on the left until it has the requested size
805 Palindrome
806 Parse a date and time
807 Parse a GERMAN number
808 Parse a line whose separator is a comma followed by a space
809 Parse a line with ands and ors
810 Parse a method signature or method call signature
811 Parse a number for a locale
812 Parse a number using a NumberFormat
813 Parse a number with NumberFormat and Locale CANADA
814 Parse and format a number to decimal
815 Parse and format a number to octal
816 Parse and format to arbitrary radix = Character MAX_RADIX
817 Parse and format to hexadecimal
818 Parse basic types
819 Parse BigDecimal
820 Parse binary string
821 Parse Comma Delimited List
822 Parse date string input with DateFormat getTimeInstance(DateFormat DEFAULT, Locale CANADA)
823 Parse decimal string to create BigInteger
824 Parse Fraction
825 Parse hexadecimal string to create BigInteger
826 Parse Number
827 Parse number with format
828 Parse number with NumberFormat and Locale
829 Parse octal string to create BigInteger
830 Parse RSS date format to Date object
831 Parse string date value input with SimpleDateFormat(dd-MMM-yy)
832 Parse string date value input with SimpleDateFormat(E, dd MMM yyyy HH
833 Parse string date value with default format
834 Parse String to array of Strings while treating quoted values as single element
835 Parse W3C Date format
836 Parse with a custom format
837 Parse with a default format
838 Parses a string representing a date by trying a variety of different parsers
839 Parses a time period into a long Translates possible [msecsecminh] suffixes
840 Parsing and Formatting a Big Integer into Binary
841 Parsing and Formatting a Big Integer into decimal
842 Parsing and Formatting a Big Integer into octal
843 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Binary
844 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into decimal
845 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Hexadecimal
846 Parsing and Formatting a Byte Array into Octal
847 Parsing and Formatting a Number into Binary
848 Parsing Character-Separated Data with a Regular Expression
849 Parsing custom formatted date string into Date object using SimpleDateFormat
850 Parsing primitives from Strings without creating any objects
851 Parsing the Time Using a Custom Format
852 Pass a string to the Integer class constructor and call the intValue()
853 Pass an integer by reference
854 Pass floats as string literals to a method
855 Pass value array to String format()
856 Pattern Splitting for space splittor
857 Perform date validations
858 Performing Bitwise Operations with BigInteger
859 Performs an xor on a set of booleans
860 Performs an xor on an array of Booleans
861 Performs continuous matching of a pattern in a given string
862 Plus one to char variable
863 Precision modifier
864 Primitive utilities
865 Print the limits of primitive types (e g byte, short, int ) in Java
866 PrintfFormat allows the formatting of an array of objects embedded within a string
867 Provide hex utility for converting bytes to hex string
868 Provides a number of static methods which interact with java nio charset Charset to analyze and transform the strings identifing
869 Provides IEEE-754r variants of NumberUtils methods
870 Provides preset formatting for Dates All dates are returned as GMT
871 Put quotes around the given String if necessary
872 Quote a string so that it can be used as an identifier or a string literal in SQL statements
873 Quote string
874 Relational Demo
875 Remove a character at a specified position using String substring
876 Remove char from a string
877 Remove leading and trailing space from String
878 Remove leading white space from a string
879 Remove leading whitespace a String using regular expressions
880 Remove the hyphens from the begining of str and return the new String
881 Remove the last character from a String
882 Remove the leading and trailing quotes from str
883 Remove trailing whitespace
884 Remove whitespace from the ends as well as excessive whitespace within the inside of the string between non-whitespace character
885 Removecollapse multiple newline characters
886 Removecollapse multiple spaces
887 Removes a substring only if it is at the begining of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
888 Removes a substring only if it is at the end of a source string, otherwise returns the source string
889 Removes any hypens ( - ) from the given string
890 Removes control characters (char = 32) from both ends returning an empty String () if the String is empty () after the trim or i
891 Removes control characters (char = 32) from both ends returning null if the String is empty () after the trim or if it is null.t
892 Removes newline, carriage return and tab characters from a string
893 Removes separator from the end of str if its there, otherwise leave it alone
894 Removes spaces (char = 32) from both start and ends of this bytes array
895 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this array by index, handling null by returning null
896 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this array ny position, handling null by returning null
897 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this array, handling null by returning null
898 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this String with escape, handling null by returning null
899 Removes spaces (char = 32) from end of this String, handling null by returning null
900 Removes spaces (char = 32) from start of this array, handling null by returning null
901 Removes spaces (char = 32) from start of this String, handling null by returning null
902 Removes specified chars from a string
903 Removes the double quote from the start and end of the supplied string if it starts and ends with this character
904 Repeat String
905 Replace Characters in a String
906 Replace characters in string
907 Replace every occurrences of a string within a string
908 Replace multiple whitespaces between words with single blank
909 Replace New Lines
910 Replace rn with the br tag
911 Replace string
912 Replace String With Escape
913 Replace strings
914 Replace substrings within string
915 Replace, remove, format strings
916 Replaceremove character in a String
917 Replaces all instances of oldString with newString in string
918 Replaces all occurences of a substring inside a string
919 Replaces all occurrences of given character with new one and returns new String object
920 Replaces all occurrences of given String with new one and returns new String object
921 Replaces each substring of this string that matches toReplace
922 Replaces only first occurrences of given String with new one and returns new String object
923 Replaces substrings
924 Replacing Characters in a String
925 Replacing Substrings in a String
926 Retrieve the current bits in a byte array in twos-complement form
927 Return a displayable version of the character sequence, followed by integer positions at various powers of 10
928 Return a slice (substring) of the passed in value, optionally trimmed
929 Return a string padded with the given string for the given count
930 Return a String value of Now() in a specify format
931 Return codetruecode if the two character sequences have the same length and the same characters
932 Return now as a string
933 Return the nth index of the given token occurring in the given string
934 Return the result of adding the specified character to the specified sorted character array
935 Return today as a string
936 Returns a Date set just to Noon, to the closest possible millisecond of the day
937 Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the day, just after midnight
938 Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the month, just after midnight
939 Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the day, just before midnight
940 Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the minute
941 Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the month, just before midnight
942 Returns a default value if the object passed is null
943 Returns a hash code for a character sequence that is equivalent to the hash code generated for a its string yield
944 Returns a java sql Timestamp equal to the current time
945 Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldStr in this string with newStr
946 Returns a new string with all the whitespace removed
947 Returns a String in the format Xhrs, Ymins, Z sec, for the time difference between two times
948 Returns a string that contains all characters of the given string in reverse order
949 Returns a string that contains all given strings concatenated and separated by the specified separator
950 Returns a string that is equivalent to the specified string with its first character converted to uppercase
951 Returns a string with size of count and all characters initialized with ch
952 Returns a title-cased version of the specified word
953 Returns all elements of string array from in a new array from index start up to index end (inclusive)
954 Returns all elements of string array in a new array from index start up to index end (inclusive)
955 Returns an array of strings that contains all strings given by the first and second string array
956 Returns an array of substrings of the specified string, in order, with divisions before and after any instance of the specified
957 Returns an index into arra (or -1) where the character is not in the charset byte array
958 Returns an int[] array of length segments containing the distribution count of the elements in unsorted int[] array with values
959 Returns the first substring that is enclosed by the specified delimiters
960 Returns the given string with all found oldSubStr replaced by newSubStr
961 Returns the hexadecimal value of the supplied byte array
962 Returns the integer represented by up to 4 bytes in network byte order
963 Returns the length of the longest shared prefix of the two input strings
964 Returns the levenshtein distance of two strings
965 Returns the maximum of two dates A null date is treated as being less than any non-null date
966 Returns the next index of a character from the chars string
967 Returns the number of days within the fragment
968 Returns the number of hours within the fragment
969 Returns the number of milliseconds within the fragment
970 Returns the number of minutes within the fragment
971 Returns the number of seconds within the fragment
972 Returns the portion of the given string that comes before the last occurance of the specified separator
973 Returns the portion of the given string that stands after the last occurance of the specified separator
974 Returns the quoted version of the string using the quotechar argument
975 Returns the sign for double precision x
976 Returns the sign for float value x
977 Returns the sign for int value x
978 Returns the sign for long value x
979 Returns the string constructed from the specified character sequence by deaccenting each of its characters
980 Returns true if endDate is after startDate or if startDate equals endDate
981 Returns true if specified character is a punctuation character
982 Returns true if the argument contains a number
983 Reverse a string
984 Reverse a string, words or sentences
985 Reverse the split operation
986 Rewrote the toLowercase method to improve performances
987 Right justify string, ensuring that the string ends at the last character
988 Right pad a String with a specified character
989 Right pad a String with a specified String
990 Right pad a String with spaces ( )
991 Right pad the given text parameter
992 Right padding
993 Right, left justify the string
994 Roll the days forward or backward
995 Roll the java sql Date forward or backward
996 Roll the java util Date forward or backward
997 Roll the java util Time forward or backward
998 Roll the years forward or backward
999 Rolling the Dice
1000 Round a double
1001 Round a double by setting the scale
1002 Round number to fewer decimals
1003 Round the given value to the specified number of decimal places The value is rounded using the BigDecimal ROUND_HALF_UP method.t
1004 Round this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field
1005 RoundingMode CEILING
1006 RoundingMode FLOOR
1007 RoundingMode HALF_DOWN
1008 Search a String to find the first index of any character in the given set of characters
1009 Search a String to find the first index of any character not in the given set of characters
1010 Search a substring Anywhere
1011 Searches a String for substrings delimited by a start and end tag, returning all matching substrings in an array
1012 Searching a String for a Character or a Substring
1013 See if Strings are shared in Java
1014 Set a bit for BigInteger
1015 Set format to two decimal places
1016 Set string length, padding with character if the shorter, or truncating if longer
1017 Sets the day of month field to a date returning a new object
1018 Sets the hours field to a date returning a new object Hours range from 0-23
1019 Sets the miliseconds field to a date returning a new object
1020 Sets the minute field to a date returning a new object
1021 Sets the seconds field to a date returning a new object
1022 Sets the years field to a date returning a new object
1023 Setting the Decimal Place of a Big Decimal Value
1024 Shift right in a BigInteger
1025 Shift the bits in a BigInteger
1026 Short class creates primitives that wrap themselves around data items of the short data type
1027 Short value
1028 Shorts Vs Ints
1029 Show INFINITY and NaN
1030 Show string escapes
1031 Shows default initial values
1032 Significant Figures
1033 Simple Date Format Demo
1034 Simple scanner that allows to navigate over the characters of a string
1035 SimpleDateFormat getAvailableLocales
1036 SimpleDateFormat(dd-MMM-yy)
1037 SimpleDateFormat(E, dd MMM yyyy HH
1038 SimpleDateFormat(MM)
1039 SimpleDateFormat(MMddyy)
1040 SimpleDateFormat(yyyy)
1041 Simply format a date as YYYYMMDD
1042 Sort array values in case insensitive order
1043 Sorting a string List
1044 Special character needs to be escaped with a
1045 Special characters needs to be escaped while providing them as delimeters like and
1046 Specifies sizes of various types in bytes
1047 Specify a regular expression to match one or more spaces
1048 Split a String
1049 Split a string using String split()
1050 Split and join strings
1051 Split and join strings 2
1052 Split by dot
1053 Split on various punctuation and zero or more trailing spaces
1054 Split on word boundaries
1055 Split on word boundaries, but allow embedded periods and @
1056 Split same string on commas and zero or more spaces
1057 Split strings
1058 Split Strings with Patterns
1059 Split the source into two strings at the first occurrence of the splitter Subsequent occurrences are not treated specially, and
1060 Split up a string into multiple strings based on a delimiter
1061 Split with regular expression
1062 split( ) generates a NullPointerException
1063 Splits a string around matches of the given delimiter character
1064 Splits a String by char
1065 Splits a String by Character type as returned by java lang Character getType(char)
1066 Splits the provided text into a list, based on a given separator
1067 Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length, separators specified
1068 Splits the provided text into an array with a maximum length, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty token
1069 Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified
1070 Splits the provided text into an array, separator specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent s
1071 Splits the provided text into an array, separator string specified Returns a maximum of max substrings
1072 Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified This is an alternative to using StringTokenizer p
1073 Splits the provided text into an array, separators specified, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created by adjacent
1074 Splits the provided text into an array, using whitespace as the separator, preserving all tokens, including empty tokens created
1075 Starts With Ignore Case
1076 Starts with, ignore case( regular expressions )
1077 Store unicode in a char variable
1078 StrCharAt - show String charAt()
1079 String
1080 String based on char array
1082 String compareTo
1083 String format()
1084 String Region Match Demo
1085 String Replace
1086 String Replace 2
1087 String replaceAll() can be used with String
1088 String split on multicharacter delimiter
1089 String split()
1090 String split() is based on regular expression
1091 String to word
1092 String toLowerCase example
1093 StringBuffer based on char array
1094 Strings -- extract printable strings from binary file
1095 Strip certain characters from a String
1096 Strip Line Breaks
1097 Strip string
1098 Strips any of a set of characters from the end of a String
1099 Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of a String allowing the characters to be stripped to be controlled
1100 Strips any of a set of characters from the start and end of every String in an array
1101 Strips any of a set of characters from the start of a String
1102 Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String
1103 Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning an empty String if null input
1104 Strips whitespace from the start and end of a String returning null if the String is empty () after the strip
1105 Strips whitespace from the start and end of every String in an array
1106 StrSortCase demonstrates sorting of strings using
1107 Substitute sub-strings in side of a string
1108 SubString Demo
1109 Substrings First occurrence
1110 Subtract from one BigDecimal another BigDecimal
1111 Subtract one BigInteger from another BigInteger
1112 Subtract two integers, checking for overflow
1113 Subtract two long integers, checking for overflow
1114 Swaps the case of a String changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case
1115 Switch with char value
1116 Ternary Numnber
1117 Ternary operator on double value
1118 Test if the character is a digit digit
1119 Test if the current character is a digit digit
1120 Test if the current character is a new line
1121 Test if the current character is a space
1122 Test if the current character is an Alpha character
1123 Test if the current character is an Ident character
1124 Test if the current character is equal to a specific character
1125 Test if the current string is a digit digit
1126 Tests all the operators on all the primitive data types
1127 Thansform an array of ASCII bytes to a string the byte array should contains only values in [0, 127]
1128 The , symbol is used to group numbers
1129 The ; symbol is used to specify an alternate pattern for negative values
1130 The 0 symbol shows a digit or 0 if no digit present
1131 The character array based string
1132 The Circle Area Calculator
1133 The day in week
1134 The day number
1135 The Format Specifiers
1136 The format used is EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH
1137 The Integer class cannot be changed
1138 The month
1139 The number of #s to the left of the decimal point sets the multiple of the exponent
1140 The NumberFormat object is created once when the program starts
1141 The string passed to the split method is a regular expression
1142 The symbol indicates the decimal point
1143 The symbol is used to quote literal symbols
1144 The Time and Date Format Suffixes
1145 The Uppercase Option
1146 The Value of a String with String valueOf method
1147 This class allows a number to be converted to its unsigned value
1148 This class allows a number to be easily formatted as a binary number
1149 This class allows a number to be easily formatted as a hexadecimal number The representation uses 0-f
1150 This class provides methods for working with hexadecimal representations of data
1151 This class represents complex numbers, and defines methods for performing arithmetic on complex numbers
1152 This is same as MEDIUM
1153 This program uses big numbers to compute the odds of winning the grand prize in a lottery
1154 This shows something interesting about addition of byte variables
1155 Three letter-month value
1156 Time format viewer
1157 Time formatting utility
1158 To Bit String
1159 To catch illegal number conversion, try using the trycatch mechanism
1160 To change the case of string to upper case
1161 To convert a byte to its hexadecimal equivalent
1162 To extract Ascii codes from a String
1163 To remove a character
1164 To replace a character at a specified position
1165 To Upper Case First Char
1166 Transforms words to singular, plural, humanized (human readable), underscore, camel case, or ordinal form
1167 Translates between byte arrays and strings of 0s and 1s
1168 Trim any of the characters
1169 Trim off trailing blanks but not leading blanks
1170 Trim specified charcater from end and from of string
1171 Trim specified charcater from end of string
1172 Trim specified charcater from front of string
1173 Trim specified token from both sides of the string
1174 Trim string from left or right
1175 Trims several consecutive characters into one
1176 Trims the quotes
1177 Truncate a String to the given length with no warnings or error raised if it is bigger
1178 Truncate text on a whitespace boundary (near a specified length)
1179 Truncate the supplied string to be no more than the specified length
1180 Truncate this date(Calendar), leaving the field specified as the most significant field
1181 Truncate this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field
1182 Truncates large Strings showing a portion of the Strings head and tail with the center cut out and replaced with
1183 Truncates the big decimal value
1184 Turns a string value into a java lang Number
1185 Two digits day number
1186 Type conversion (JDK1 5 AutoboxingUnboxing)
1187 Unaccent letters
1188 Uncapitalize String
1189 Uncapitalizes a String changing the first letter to title case as per Character toLowerCase(char) No other letters are changed.t
1190 Unescape any C escape sequences (n, r, , ooo, etc) and return the resulting string
1191 Unescape any MySQL escape sequences
1192 UnEscape String
1193 Unquote string
1194 Use Byte constructor to convert byte primitive type to Byte object
1195 Use Character isDigit to check the if a char is a digit
1196 Use Character isLetter to check if a char is a letter
1197 Use Character isLowerCase, Character isUpperCase to check the letter case
1198 Use Double constructor to convert double primitive type to a Double object
1199 Use Float constructor to convert float primitive type to a Float object
1200 Use group separators and show trailing zeroes
1201 Use grouping to display a number
1202 Use Integer constructor to convert int primitive type to Integer object
1203 Use java text DecimalFormat to format integer
1204 Use java text NumberFormat to format a currency value
1205 Use new DecimalFormat(0 #####E0) to format double
1206 Use relative indexes to simplify the creation of a custom time and date format
1207 Use Short constructor to convert short primitive type to Short object
1208 Use split() to extract substrings from a string
1209 Use toString method of Boolean class to convert it into String
1210 Use toString method of Byte class to convert Byte into String
1211 Use toString method of Double class to convert Double into String
1212 Use toString method of Float class to convert Float into String
1213 Use toString method of Integer class to conver Integer into String
1214 Use toString method of Long class to convert Long into String
1215 Use toString method of Short class to convert Short into String
1216 Used to print out a string for error messages, chops is off at 60 chars for historical reasons
1217 Uses substrings to replace all the vowels in a string entered by the user with asterisks
1218 Using an Argument Index
1219 Using only 0s to the left of E forces no decimal point
1220 Using second argument in the String split() method to control the maximum number of substrings generated by splitting a string.t
1221 Using split() with a space can be a problem
1222 Using the Format Flags
1223 Util for digesting and encoding bytesstrings
1224 Utilities for String formatting, manipulation, and queries
1225 Utilities to working with dates java util Date
1226 Utility for setting the time on a date
1227 Utility inserts a space before every caps in a string
1228 Validate if a String contains only numbers
1229 Validate if string is a number
1230 Value is rounded using the given method which is any method defined in BigDecimal
1231 Value Of Demo
1232 Various number-related routines and classes that are frequently used
1233 What is Autoboxing
1234 Word Wrap
1235 Wrapper for arrays of ordered strings This verifies the arrays and supports efficient lookups
1236 Wrapping a Primitive Type in a Wrapper Object
1237 XML utilities that pertain to character handling (markup or character data), without use of any XML libraries
1238 Xor a BigInteger
1239 XSD Date Time