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Internationalization 195 codes
1 A text format similar to MessageFormat but using string rather than numeric keys
2 Arabic Reshaper
3 ASCII character handling functions
4 ASCII Writer
5 Behaves similiar to BreakIterator getWordInstance() but handles line break delimeters as simple whitespaces
6 Big Demo for I18N
7 BreakIterator Demo
8 BreakIterator for difference locales
9 Builds a Locale instance from the passed string
10 Calculate the postfix to append to a filename to load the correct single filename for that Locale
11 Calculate the postfixes along the search path from the base bundle to the bundle specified by baseName and locale
12 Calendar Manipulation for I18N (Internationalization)
13 Change the default locale
14 Change the default locale is to call Locale setDefault()
15 Character Sets and Unicode
16 Charset encoding test
17 Charset Toolkit
18 Check Equality for two strings with Collator
19 Chinese 2 Spell (pinyin)
20 Choice Format Demo
21 Codec for the Quoted-Printable section of http
22 Collate File
25 Collator getInstance(new Locale(sv, ))
27 Compare accentuated letters
28 Comparing Half-Width and full-width A
29 Component Orientation Bundle
30 Concat postfix to the name Take care of existing filename extension
31 Conversions between IANA encoding names and Java encoding names, and vice versa
32 Convert a string based locale into a Locale Object
33 Convert Class To Resource Path
34 Convert Encoding
35 Convert into Hexadecimal notation of Unicode
36 Convert ResourceBundle to Map
37 Convert ResourceBundle to Properties
38 Converting Between Strings (Unicode) and Other Character Set Encodings
39 Converts a String to a Locale
40 Converts the double value to locale-independent string representation
41 Country Language Codes
42 Create an instance using Japans time zone and set it with the local UTC
43 Create one button, internationalizedly
44 Date Number Sample
45 Defines common charsets supported in all Java platforms
46 Demonstrate Currency
47 Demonstrate number and date internationalization
48 Detect non-ASCII characters in string
49 Determining Potential Line Breaks in a Unicode String
50 Determining the Character Boundaries in a Unicode String
51 Determining the Sentence Boundaries in a Unicode String
52 Determining the Word Boundaries in a Unicode String
53 Disable localization
54 Display special character using Unicode
55 Displaying Formatted Numbers for Alternate Locales
56 Displays Charsets and aliases
57 Encode and Decode
58 Encoder and decoder use a supplied ByteBuffer
59 EncodingMap is a convenience class which handles conversions between IANA encoding names and Java encoding names, and
60 Extends Charset to create Hex Charset
61 Extends CharsetDecoder to create Base64 Decoder
62 Extends CurrencyNameProvider
63 Extends List Resource bundle
64 Format date for a Locale
65 Format some values using the default locale
66 Formatting and Parsing a Date for a Locale
67 Formatting and Parsing a Time for a Locale
68 Formatting and Parsing a Time for a Locale Using Default Formats
69 Formatting Messages
70 Generic unicode text reader
71 Generic Unicode text reader, which uses a BOM (Byte Order Mark) to identify the encoding to be used
72 Generic unicode textreader, which will use BOM mark to identify the encoding to be used If BOM is not found then use
73 Get a list of country names
74 Get Component Orientation for Locale
75 Get Days Of The Week for different locale
76 Get Display Country for default locale
77 Get Display Name for default locale
78 Get Display Variant for default locale
79 Get file encoding
80 Get ISO3 Language for default locale
81 Get localized name suitable for display to the user
82 Get resource bundle for a certain locale
83 Get the 2-letter country code; may be equal to
84 Get the default charset
85 Get the foreign time
86 Given a message and parameters, resolve all messages parameter placeholders with the parameter value
87 Given a time of 10am in Japan, get the local time
88 Helper class for constructing messages from bundles
89 Helper class for format number and currency
90 How to auto-detect a files encoding
91 I18N
92 I18N Sort
93 IANA to Java Mapping
94 International friendly string comparison with case-order
95 Internationalized Graphical User Interfaces
96 ISO 8859-16, Romanian
97 ISO 8859-2, a k a Latin-2
98 ISO 8859-3
99 ISO 8859-4, Latin plus the characters needed for Greenlandic, Icelandic, and Lappish
100 ISO 8859-5, ASCII plus Cyrillic (Russian, Byelorussian, etc )
101 ISO 8859-6, ASCII plus Arabic
102 ISO 8859-7, ASCII plus Greek
103 ISO 8859-8, ASCII plus Hebrew
104 ISO 8859-9 for Turkish
105 ISO 8859-9 for Western Europe Includes the Euro sign and several uncommon French letters
106 Iso3166-country-codes csv
107 Iso639-2-language-code csv
108 ISO-8859-1; a k a Latin-1
109 ISO-8859-10, for Lithuanian, Estonian, Greenlandic, Icelandic, Inuit, Lappish, and other Northern European languages.
110 ISO-8859-13, for Latvian and other Baltic languages
111 ISO-8859-14, for Gaelic, Welsh, and other Celtic languages
112 Isolating Locale-Specific Data with Resource Bundles
113 Java file based resource bundle
114 Java I18N
115 Java Input Method
116 Java Input Method Framework
117 Java Internationalization
118 Java to IANA Mapping
119 Java util Locale and java text NumberFormat
120 List all Locale from SimpleDateFormat
121 List Locale Orientation
122 List Locales from Locale getAvailableLocales()
123 List Resource Bundle Creator
124 List the Charset in your system
125 Load a given resource
126 Load a Resource Bundle
127 Load resource with ResourceBundle getBundle
128 Load resources based upon client environment at startup
129 Load resources via a resources file
130 Locale Constant
131 Locales for Calendar
132 Localized JOptionPane
133 Localizing Messages with a property-file type resource bundle
134 Matching Line Boundaries in a Regular Expression
135 Message Format for sentence
136 Method to convert a ResourceBundle to a Map object
137 Method to convert a ResourceBundle to a Properties object
138 Methods for receving messages from resource bundles
139 Obtains an unmodifiable set of installed locales
140 Obtains the list of languages supported for a given country
141 Obtains the list of locales to search through when performing a locale search
142 Parse the given localeString into a java util Locale
143 Pin Yin table
144 Popup in French
145 Print the default locale
146 Processing SGML into unicode characters
147 Property To List Resource Bundle
148 Provides information about encodings
149 Read ResourceBundles with custom encodings
150 Reader for UCS-2 and UCS-4 encodings (i e , encodings from ISO-10646-UCS-(24))
151 Resource Bundle by Locale
152 Resource Bundle in Java code
153 Resource utils
154 ResourceBundle
155 ResourceBundle with parameter position
156 ResourceBundle with Parameters
157 Returns the parent locale of a given locale
158 Searching, Sorting, and Text Boundary Detection
159 Set a default Locale
160 Set language and country code on the command line
161 Set MessageFormat to Locale US
162 Set of convenience routines for internationalized code
163 Set only language code on the command line
164 Set the default locale to custom locale
165 Set the default locale to pre-defined locale
166 Setting the Default Locale on the command line
167 Show Date
168 Simple Date format
169 Simple Resource Bundle based on Java code
170 Sort Collate
171 Sort Spanish with RuleBasedCollator
172 Sort strings using Collator class
173 Sort With CollationKeys
174 Text Bundle
175 This class represents an encoding
176 This program demonstrates collating strings under various locales
177 This program demonstrates formatting dates under various locales
178 This program demonstrates formatting numbers under various locales
179 TIS-620 does not have the non-breaking space or the C1 controls
180 Transform the class-relative resource name into a global name by appending it to the classes package name
181 Translate Charset
182 UCS Writer
183 Unicode Display
184 Unicode Writer
185 Use ResourceBundle for i18n
186 Use some locales choices
187 Utility class for working with character sets
188 Utility class providing methods to access the Locale of the current thread and to get Localised strings
189 Utility methods for ASCII character checking
190 Whether a character is or is not available in a particular encoding
191 Which Bundle Comes First
192 Wrap multi-line strings (and get the individual lines)
193 Write a 16 bit short as LITTLE_ENDIAN
194 Write a 32 bit int as LITTLE_ENDIAN
195 Your own Resource Bundle based on ListResourceBundle