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J2EE 86 codes
1 A durable subscription is active even when the subscriber is not active
2 A Full Struts Application
3 A JMS message listener can use the MessageTransformer utility to convert JMS messages back to SOAP messages
4 A message will not be acknowledged until processing of it is complete
5 A simple implementation of a requestreply message exchange
6 Change Bean Property
7 Common static utility methods that help in implementing JSF tags
8 Contains static methods related to Java and JDO type conversions
9 Converts UISelectMany submitted value to converted value
10 Create the Hello MBean and QueueSampler MXBean, register them in the platform MBean server
11 Creates a Producer and a Consumer objects (Producer and Consumer classes are defined in this file)
12 Creates and reads messages in all supported JMS message formats
13 Creates and then reads a StreamMessage and a BytesMessage
14 Creating Custom Tags
15 Define Result Class
16 Delete By ID
17 Demonstrates a simple end-to-end Hello World JMS example that can be compiled and run with the Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue prod
18 Demonstrates that mutable objects are copied, not passed by reference, when you use them to create message objects
19 Demonstrates the use of transactions in a JMS application
20 Essential Struts Action
21 Exercise 1
22 Exercise 10
23 Exercise 2
24 Exercise 3
25 Exercise 4
26 Exercise 5
27 Exercise 6
28 Exercise 7
29 Exercise 8
30 Exercise 9
31 Fetches one or more messages from a queue using asynchronous message delivery
32 Fetches one or more messages from a queue using synchronous message delivery
33 Gathers all select items from specified components children
34 Get List Of Objects
35 Get Object From iBatis
36 Hard Code Constant In SQL
37 Hello World JSF
38 How failure to supply an appropriate authentication mechanism results in a failure to create an initial context
39 How to use the MessageTransformer utility to convert SOAP message to JMS message
40 How to use the MessageTransformer utility to send SOAP messages with JMS
41 How to write a GUI application that uses a JMS QueueBrowser to browse the contents of a queue
42 IBatis Development Environment Setup
43 IBatis JPetStore 5 0
44 Insert Into Database
45 JavaServer Faces
46 JMX client
47 JMX client that interacts with the JMX agent
48 Jsf Utility
49 Launch Jetty embedded
50 List JMX destination
51 Load Jetty Server
52 MQ Cluster Monitor
53 MQ log
54 Reads a textfile, creates a BytesMessage from it, then reads the message
55 Securing Struts Applications
56 Sends several messages to a queue
57 Set Cache Mode
58 Simple utility class for CSS style formatting
59 String Parameter
60 Struts Creating the View
61 Struts Framework Validator
62 Testing Struts Applications
63 The BrokerMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors the Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker
64 The DestListMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors the destinations on a Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker
65 The DestMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors a destination on a Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker
66 The mqping utility is similar to the Unix ping utility in some regards
67 The simplest form of the publishsubscribe model
68 The Struts and Tags
69 The Struts Tags
70 The TopicSelectors class demonstrates the use of multiple subscribers and message selectors
71 The UniversalClient example is a basic client application that uses the JMS 1 1 APIs
72 The use of a message listener in the publishsubscribe model The producer publishes several messages, and the consumer reads them asyn
73 The use of message header fields
74 The VMMetrics example is a JMS application that monitors the Java VM used by the Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue broker
75 This example demonstrates a hello world example for using JAXM API
76 This example echos the SOAP message received back to the sender
77 This example illustrates how JMS (Java Message Service) API can be used in a Java applet
78 This example illustrates how JMS can be used to create a simple chat application
79 This example is a simple JMS client application
80 This project demonstrates how an EAR archive with an MDB can be created
81 Update Object
82 Use Like in where clause
83 Use Map To Pass In Two String Parameter
84 Use Order By clause
85 User Object As Parameter
86 Web Services and the Validator and Tile Packages