Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
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C# Tutorial
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VB.Net Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
Java Book
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
JDK 194 codes
1 @ConstructorProperties Annotation Usage
2 Add Components to JTabbedPane
3 Add mouse listener to TrayIcon
4 Add Mouse motion listener to TrayIcon
5 Add PropertyChangeListener to TrayIcon
6 Any script have to be compiled into intermediate code
7 Array Reallocation
8 Call a JavaScript function three times
9 Call google web service and deal with the return with SOAPMessage
10 Calling a NET Web Service
11 Catch ScriptException
12 Catch XMLStreamException
13 Compile a Java code
14 Compile a Java file with JavaCompiler
15 Compiling from Memory
16 Compiling with a DiagnosticListener
17 Compresses a String containing JavaScript by removing comments and whitespace
18 Connect to Java DB (Derby) with org apache derby jdbc EmbeddedDriver
19 Console output with format
20 Console read Password
21 Create a file and change its attribute to readonly
22 Create NavigableMap from TreeMap
23 Create SOAP message
24 Create Tray Icon
25 Creates a file and sets it to read-only
26 Customizing Resource Bundle Loading
27 Demonstrating a System Tray That Responds to Selection
28 Demonstrating Modality Types
29 Demonstrating the new GTK look and feel
30 Derby JDBC Connection
31 Desktop Help Applications
32 Diagnostic Demo
33 Dialog ModalityType DOCUMENT_MODAL
34 Displaying Calendar Names
35 Drag and drop between JList and JTextField
36 Drag and drop between JTextArea and JTextField
37 DropMode INSERT
38 DropMode ON
39 DropMode ON_OR_INSERT
40 Escape and unescape javascript code
41 Execute Javascript script in a file
42 Executing Scripts from Java Programs
43 Fetch Cookie with CookieHandler, CookieManager and CookieStore
44 File Class Enhancements
45 Filter table by the text in a TextField
46 From XML Schema to Java Generic List
47 Generate DOM with SOAP message
48 Generate Java Source From XML Schema (XSD)
49 Get a ScriptEngine by MIME type
50 Get ceiling key from NavigableMap
51 Get first key and first entry from NavigableMap
52 Get floor key from NavigableMap
53 Get higher key from NavigableMap
54 Get information as an XMLEvent object when using cursor approach
55 Get last key and last entry from NavigableMap
56 Get lower key from NavigableMap
57 Get navigable key set from NavigableMap
58 Get Script engine by extension name
59 Get the free space
60 Get the total space
61 Get the usable space
62 Get the value in JavaScript from Java Code by reference the variable name
63 Getting a Proper URL from a File Object
64 Have a systray icon (Windows)
65 IDN toASCII(String s)
66 IDN toUnicode(String s)
67 Improved Dialog Modality
68 Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs)
69 Internationalized Resource Identifiers
70 Invoke an function
71 Invoke the default editor to edit a file
72 Japanese Imperial Calendar
73 Java Compiler tools
74 Java Console readLine
75 Java Language Binding with JavaScript
76 JavaScript functions in Java Internally calls Rhinos implementation of the function calls
77 JavaScript Utils
78 JAXB XML Schema Enum and Java Enum
79 JDBC Annotations
80 JDK6 Splash Screen
81 JTable Filtering
82 JTable Sorting
83 JTabPane with TextField in the tab
84 Lightweight HTTP Server
85 List all roots
86 List the script engines
87 Listing All Script Engines
88 Locale Sensitive Services SPI
89 MailcapCommandMap Demo
90 Marshal Java object to a file
91 Marshal Java object to xml and output to console
92 Masking a password with the Console class
93 Math copySign
94 Math getExponent
95 Math nextAfter
96 Math nextUp
97 Math scalb
98 Modeless Dialog
99 NavigableMap Demo
100 New locales in Java 6
101 New Methods in the JTabPane Component (Add component to JTabPane)
102 Open a office word file with Java
103 Open Mail client
104 Output SOAP message with XML transformer
105 Pass or retrieve values from a scripting engine (jdk1 6)
106 Pass parameter to JavaScript through Java code
107 Password Prompting with java io Console
108 Print a JTable out
109 Printing text with the Console class
110 Processing a SOAP Message
111 Producer and consumer based on BlockingQueue
112 Read and execute a script source file
113 Remove Icon from TrayIcon
120 Retrieving Script Engines by Name
121 Retrieving the Metadata of Script Engines
122 Retrieving the Registered Name of a Scripting Engine
123 Retrieving the Supported File Extensions of a Scripting Engine
124 Retrieving the Supported Mime Types of a Scripting Engine
125 Run JavaScript and get the result by using Java
126 Run Javascript function with ScriptEngine
127 Running Scripts with Java Script Engine
128 Save the compiled JavaScript to CompiledScript object
129 Send out email
130 Sending a SOAP Message
131 Set Target Name Space To Be Java Package Name
132 Set tree drag mode to DropMode INSERT
133 Set tree drag mode to DropMode ON
134 Set tree drag mode to DropMode ON_OR_INSERT
135 Set tree DropMode to DropMode USE_SELECTION
136 Sign SOAP message
137 Simple jaxb
138 STAX cursor
139 StAX is a technology similar to SAX
140 Stax XML cursor read
141 Stax XML iterator read
142 Streaming XML Parser
143 Swing Worker from JDK 6 SE
144 Swing worker from org jdesktop swingworker
145 Swing Worker Image Loader
146 System tray icon
147 Text Component Printing
148 The five new fields in java awt RenderingHints class
149 The NavigableMap Interface
150 The NavigableSet Interface
151 The SQL script for creating the Employee Table
152 This program demonstrates the desktop app API
153 This program demonstrates the effect of the various rendering hints
154 This program demonstrates the splash screen API
155 This program demonstrates the system tray API
156 Transfer both Text and Color between JTextField and JTextArea
157 Unmarshall From XML using JAXB
158 Update annotation
159 Use an external file containing the javascript code
160 Use an external file containing the javascript code The JS file is loaded from the classpath
161 Use Console class to read user input
162 Use DSA key pair to generate XML Signature
163 Use Java scripting engine
164 Use Java scripting engine (JDK 1 6)
165 Use JDBC Chained Exception
166 Using activation framework
167 Using Arrays copyOf to copy an array
168 Using BlockingDeque
169 Using CookieHandler in Java 5
170 Using CookieStore
171 Using Deque as a stack
172 Using Java Objects in JavaScript
173 Using modality exclusion
174 Using NetworkInterface
175 Using new methods in TimeUnit
176 Using RowSorter to sort a JTable
177 Using system default printer to print a file out
178 Using system tray
179 Using the Desktop class to launch a URL with default browser
180 Using the JDK 6 ResourceBundle class
181 Using the system default setting to open a file
182 Using thread to run JavaScript by Java
183 Using XMLEventFactory to create xml document
184 Using XMLStreamWriter to create XML file
185 Utility to take xml string and convert it to a javascript based tree within html
186 Variables bound through ScriptEngine
187 Various Javascript code utilities
188 Windows look and feel in Java 6
189 With Compilable interface you store the intermediate code of an entire script
190 Working with Compilable Scripts
191 XML resource bundle
192 XMLEventReader and XMLEventWriter for Stax XML parser
193 XMLEventReader Demo
194 XMLStreamWriter Demo