Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
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C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
VisualBasic Script
Java Book
Java by API
Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
Network Protocol 455 codes
Network Protocol
1 A CGI POST Example
2 A class that encodes URL parameter values for MIDP devices
3 A class that performs some subnet calculations given a network address and a subnet mask
4 A class to represent a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
5 A Client to Send SMTP Mail
6 A collection of File, URL and filename utility methods
7 A convenience class which handles conversions between MIME charset names and Java encoding names
8 A generic framework for a flexible, multi-threaded server
9 A multithreaded server
10 A multithreaded Socket Server
11 A server can use specialized streams to deliver typed data
12 A simple class to load an URL in a browser
13 A simple HTTP server that displays information about all accessible printers on the network
14 A simple Java tftp client
15 A simple network client that establishes a network connection to a specified port on a specified host, send an optional m
16 A simple proxy server
17 A simple single-threaded proxy server
18 A simple TCP server for the daytime service
19 A Simple Web Server
20 A simple, tiny, nicely embeddable HTTP 1 0 server in Java
21 A string input validator for IPs and domains
22 A tcp client, a tcp server, and a Serializable payload object which is sent from the server to the client
23 A Thin SMTP Client
24 A timeout feature on socket connections
25 A tiny version of Ward Christensens MODEM program for UNIX
26 A URL Retrieval Example
27 A utility class, which provides some MIME related application logic
28 A very simple Web server When it receives a HTTP request it sends the request back as the reply
29 A Web Page Source Viewer
30 A web server
31 Accepting a Connection on a ServerSocketChannel
32 Accessing a Password-Protected URL
33 Add Default Port to a URL If Missing
34 Add Parameter to URL
35 Add parameters stored in the Map to the uri string
36 Add two URI path segments
37 Allows easy downloading of files from HTTP sites
38 An echo server using UDP sockets
39 An nslookup clone in Java
40 An updated version of the ListNets program that uses the NetworkInterface enhancements
41 Authenticator setDefault(new Authenticator())
42 Available Port Finder
43 Base class to build multithreaded servers easily
44 Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding from RFC 2045 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One
45 Base64 encoding and decoding with URL and filename safe alphabet as defined by RFC 3548, section 4
46 BufferedReader for ServerSocket
47 Build Relative URL Path
48 Call a servlet from a Java command line application
49 Calls java net URLEncoder encode(String, String) via reflection, if we are running on JRE 1 4 or later, otherwise reverts
50 Certification for HTTPS
51 Check if a file was modified on the server
52 Check if a page exists
53 Check if IP address match pattern
54 Check if the specified address is a valid numeric TCPIP address
55 Check if the specified address is a valid numeric TCPIP address and return as an integer value
56 Check if the specified address is within the required subnet
57 Check the validity of url pattern according to the spec
58 Checks that the protocol
59 Checks, whether the URL points to the same service A service is equal if the protocol, host and port are equal
60 Checks, whether the URL uses a file based protocol
61 Cipher Socket
62 Class for determining a hosts IP address
63 CLChat Client
64 CLChatServer
65 Client and Server Demo
66 Client estimates the speed of the network connection to the server
67 Compressed socket
68 Connect through a Proxy
69 Connect to a daytime server using the UDP protocol
70 Connect to FTP server
71 Connect with a Web server
72 Connects to a server at a specified host and port It reads text from the console and sends it to the server
73 Connects to an rexec server
74 Connects to an rlogin daemon
75 Connects to an rshell daemon
76 Connects to an URL and displays the response header data and the first 10 lines of the requested data
77 Connects to the default chargen service port
78 Connects to the default echo service port
79 Convert a hostname to the equivalent IP address
80 Convert a raw IP address array as a String
81 Convert a URL to a URI
82 Convert an absolute URI to a URL
83 Convert IPv6 presentation level address to network order binary form
84 Convert the absolute URI to a URL object
85 Convert URI to URL
86 Converting Between a Filename Path and a URL
87 Converting Between a URL and a URI
88 Converting x-www-form-urlencoded Data
89 Converts a String SJIS or JIS URL encoded hex encoding to a Unicode String
90 Converts IPv4 address in its textual presentation form into its numeric binary form
91 Create a socket with a timeout
92 Create a socket without a timeout
93 Create and resolve URI
94 Create DatagramPacket from byte array
95 Create PrintWriter from BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter and Socket
96 Create Socket helper
97 Create valid URL from a system id
98 Creates a relative url by stripping the common parts of the the url
99 Creating a Non-Blocking Server Socket
100 Creating a Non-Blocking Socket
101 Creating a URL with a single string
102 Creating a URL With components
103 Creating an SSL Client Socket
104 Creating an SSL Server Socket
105 Data server
106 Datagram Sender
107 DatagramSocket Client
108 DatagramSocket receives DatagramPacket
109 DatagramSocket sends out DatagramPacket
110 DatagramSocket Server
111 DateClient
112 DateServer
113 Declaring MIME types to use for various requests and provide utility manipulation methods
114 Decoding and encoding URLs
115 Delete file from FTP server
116 Deleting messages from a POP3 mailbox based on message size and Subject line
117 Demonstrate Sockets
118 Demonstrate URLConnection
119 Detect Proxy Settings for Internet Connection
120 Determine if the given string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
121 Determine the IP address and hostname of the local machine
122 Disabling Certificate Validation in an HTTPS Connection
123 Display header information
124 Display multiple IP addresses
125 Display request method
126 Display response message
127 Download and display the content
128 Download file from FTP server
129 Download from a URL and save to a file
130 Download from URL
131 Download WWW Page
132 Downloading a web page using URL and URLConnection classes
133 Dump a page using the HTTPS protocol
134 Encode a path as required by the URL specification
135 Encode a URI path
136 Encodedecode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045 N Freed and N Borenstein
137 Enum Http Status
138 Enum Mime Type
139 Escape HTML special characters from a String
140 Establish ftp connection
141 Example of use of Telnet Client
142 Experiment with UDP sockets
143 Extends HTMLEditorKit ParserCallback
144 Extract links from an HTML page
145 Extract network card address with java net NetworkInterface
146 Extract the URL page name from the given path
147 Extract URL File Name
148 Extracts the base URL from the given URL by stripping the query and anchor part
149 Extracts the file name from the URL
150 File size from URL
151 Find and display hyperlinks contained within a web page
152 Finds a local, non-loopback, IPv4 address
153 Finds this computers global IP address
154 Finger client
155 Finger Server
156 Finger Socket
157 Frequently used MIME types
158 Ftp client demonstration
159 Ftp client gets server file size
160 FTPLogin
161 Get address and port from DatagramPacket
162 Get all hyper links from a web page
163 Get all IP addresses
164 Get canonical host name
165 Get Current Environment Network IP
166 Get data from DatagramPacket
167 Get Domain Name
168 Get Email Message Example
169 Get email with Socket
170 Get hostname by a byte array containing the IP address
171 Get IP
172 Get IP address from NetworkInterface and create server socket
173 Get internet address from connected socket client
174 Get list of files from FTP server
175 Get Locale From String
176 Get MAC address of a host
177 Get Parent URI
178 Get parts of a url
179 Get Relative Path To URL
180 Get response code
181 Get response header from HTTP request
182 Get Socket Information
183 Get the Date from server
184 Get the date of a url connection
185 Get the document expiration date
186 Get the document Last-modified date
187 Get the listing of everyone logged on
188 Get the name of the parent of the given URL path
189 Get the parent of the given URL path
190 Get URL Content
191 Get URL Last Modified
192 Get URL Parts
193 Get URLConnection Expiration
194 Getting an Image from a URL
195 Getting Text from a URL
196 Getting the Cookies from an HTTP Connection
197 Getting the Hostname of an IP Address
198 Getting the IP Address and Hostname of the Local Machine
199 Getting the Links in an HTML Document
200 Getting the Response Headers from an HTTP Connection
201 Getting the Text in an HTML Document
202 Given a URL check if its a jar url(jar
203 Grabbing a page using socket
204 Graphical Ftp client
205 Handles TCP and UDP connections and provides exception handling and error logging
206 Has URLContent Changed
207 Hello Java Web start
208 How to change mouse cursor during mouse-over action on hyperlinks
209 HTML parser based on HTMLEditorKit ParserCallback
210 Http authentication header
211 Http connection Utilities
212 Http Constants
213 Http get with CharBuffer and ByteBuffer
214 Http Header Helper
215 HTTP MIME Response
216 Http Parser
217 Identify ourself to a proxy
218 Identify yourself using HTTP Authentification
219 IDN toASCII and IDN toUnicode
220 Implement the finger command in Java
221 Implement the Linux fwhois command in Java
222 Implements a Java FTP client from socket and RFC
223 Implements a multithreaded server that listens to port 8189 and echoes back all client input
224 Implements a TCPIP bounce utility (proxy)
225 Implements HandshakeCompletedListener
226 Implements the www-form-urlencoded encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding
227 InetAddress java net Authenticator getRequestingSite()
228 Install Proxy Selector
229 Int java net Authenticator getRequestingPort()
230 Is Equal URI
231 Is URL a local file
232 Java net Authenticator can be used to send the credentials when needed
233 Java net InetAddress isReachable(int) can be used to check if a server is reachable or not
234 Java net PasswordAuthentication PasswordAuthentication(String userName, char[] password)
235 Java Web Start
236 Java Web Start Demo
237 JModem - simple communications program
238 JNLP-based applet launcher class for deploying applets that use extension libraries containing native code
239 Joining a Multicast Group
240 Known mime types
241 List Network Interfaces
242 Listening for Hyperlink Events from a JEditorPane Component
243 Load content from URL to string
244 Locating files by path or URL
245 Logging Server based on SocketServer
246 Looking for Port
247 Looking for Ports
248 Looking Up the Address of a Host
249 Mailer
250 Make a URL from the given string
251 Makes a socket connection to the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado, and prints the time that the server sends
252 Manage a pool of threads for clients
253 Manages asynchonous HTTP GET downloads and demonstrates non-blocking IO with SocketChannel and Selector
254 Map file extensions to MIME types Based on the Apache mime types file
255 MIME type mappings
256 MIME types to use for various requests
257 Mime Type
258 Mime type map
259 Minimal HTTP Server by using com sun net httpserver HttpServer
260 Multi ClassLoader Demo
261 Multicast Client
262 Multicast Sender
263 Multicast Sniffer
264 Non block server
265 Normalize a uri containing and paths
266 Normalize an URL
267 Normalizes an URL
268 Object server
269 ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream from Socket
270 Parse a x-www-form-urlencoded string
271 Parse Host
272 Parse Port
273 Parse URL
274 Parsing a URL
275 Perform Network Lookup with the InetAddress class
276 Performs broadcast and multicast peer detection
277 Ping a host
278 Ping a server
279 Port Scanner
280 Post data to html form
281 POSTing data to an HTTP server
282 Preventing Automatic Redirects in a HTTP Connection
283 Print MIME header
284 Print stream server
285 Print to a serial port using Java Communications
286 Programmatic Access to Network Parameters
287 Provides a method to encode any string into a URL-safe form
288 Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045
289 Provides encoding of raw bytes to base64-encoded characters, and decoding of base64 characters to raw bytes
290 Quote Server
291 Read a file return mail headers one at a time
292 Read a GIF or CLASS from an URL save it locally
293 Read and write through socket
294 Read and write with DatagramPacket
295 Read and write with ServerSocket
296 Read data from a URL
297 Read download webpage content
298 Read float number from a Socket
299 Read from a URL
300 Read from server
301 Read Object from Socket
302 Reading from a SocketChannel
303 Reading from a URLConnection
304 Reading Text from a Socket
305 Reading URLs Protected with HTTP Authentication
306 Reading Web Pages with Nonblocking Channels
307 Reading Web Pages with Streams
308 Reading Web Pages, with Socket Channels
309 Receive DatagramPacket
310 Receive UDP pockets
311 Receiving a Datagram
312 Receiving from a Multicast Group
313 Redirects incoming TCP connections to other hostsports
314 Reflector
315 Remove any authorisation details from a URI
316 Remove parameters from a uri
317 Report By Address
318 Report By Name
319 Request parsing and encoding utility methods
320 Resolve a relative URL
321 Resolve a relative URL string against an absolute URL string
322 Resolves hostname and returns ip address as a string
323 Resolves ip address and returns host name as a string
324 Resolves string ip address and returns host name as a string
325 Resolves the specified URI, and returns the file represented by the URI
326 ResourceBundle String manager
327 Retrieve the hostname of an IP Address
328 Retrieve the IP address of a hostname
329 Return True if the uri has a scheme
330 Returns the anchor value of the given URL
331 Returns the filename for the specified URI
332 Returns true if the URL represents a path, and false otherwise
333 RMI based Bank system
334 RMI Demo
335 Running the edtFTPj demo
336 Save binary file from web
337 Save URL contents to a file
338 Scan your computer for ports in use
339 Search Crawler
340 Secure Client
341 Secure Communication with JSSE
342 Secure Login based on SSL Server Socket
343 Secure Server
344 Send a Datagram
345 Send back the response in a DatagramPacket
346 Send email out
347 Send Mail Implementation using simple SMTP
348 Send mail using GMAIL
349 Send out UDP pockets
350 Sender -- send an email message
351 Sender -- send an email message with attachment
352 Sending a Cookie to an HTTP Server
353 Sending a Datagram
354 Sending a POST Request Using a Socket
355 Sending a POST Request Using a URL
356 Sending a POST Request with Parameters From a Java Class
357 Sending Mail
358 Sending Mail Using Sockets
359 Sending to a Multicast Group
360 SendMime -- send a multi-part MIME email message
361 Sends e-mail using a mailto
362 Sends the specified text or file as a datagram to the specified port of the specified host
363 Serve entire objects using ObjectOutputStream
364 Server allows connections on socket 6123
365 ServerSocket and Socket for Serializable object
366 ServerSocket per Socket
367 Show the content length
368 Show the content type
369 Simple Client for secure Socket
370 Simple Http Server
371 Simple server for Secure socket
372 SimpleApacheSoapClient
373 SMTP package to send a message to the specified recipients
374 SMTP talker class
375 Socket Address Encoder
376 Socket connection and concurrent package
377 Socket Fetcher
378 SSL Server Demo
379 Start new thread for each client
380 String based communication between Socket
381 String java net Authenticator getRequestingHost()
382 String java net Authenticator getRequestingPrompt()
383 String value based server
384 Subclasses CommPortOpen and adds sendexpect handling for dealing with Hayes-type modems
385 TelnetClient
386 TestOpenMailRelay -- send self-returning SPAM to check for relay sites
387 The client can specify information to control the output of a server
388 This finger client allows you to query a remote host
389 This program demonstrates how to use the URLConnection class for a POST request
390 This program demonstrates the InetAddress class
391 This program implements a simple server that listens to port 8189 and echoes back all client input
392 This program shows how to interrupt a socket channel
393 This program shows how to use sockets to send plain text mail messages
394 This server displays messages to a single client
395 This server retrieves the time using the RFC867 protocol
396 This whois client defaults to the whois internic net server
397 Threaded Server with ServerSocket
398 Transfer a file via Socket
399 Udp Echo Server
400 UDP InputStream
401 UDP OutputStream
402 Upload file to FTP server
403 URI Support
404 URI utilities
405 URL connection and proxy
406 URL Connection Reader
407 URL Constructor Test
408 URL Encode Test
409 URL Encoder
410 URL Equality
411 URL Get
412 URL Parser
413 URL Path
414 URL Reader
415 URL Request
416 URL utilities class that makes it easy to create new URLs based off of old URLs without having to assemble or parse them
417 URLConnection setRequestProperty
418 Use BufferedReader to read content from a URL
419 Use DatagramSocket to send out and receive DatagramPacket
420 Use Javas compression classes to reduce the amount of data sent over a socket
421 Use regular expression to get web page title
422 Use RMI to compute
423 Use Socket to read and write stream
424 Use Socket to read from whois internic net
425 Use the Daytime TCP and Daytime UDP classes
426 Use the FTP Client
427 Use the FTPClient
428 Use the TimeTCPClient and TimeUDPClient
429 User Datagram Protocol Programming
430 Using a Selector to Manage Non-Blocking Server Sockets
431 Using Datagrams to Get the Date
432 Using javax swing text html HTMLEditorKit to parse html document
433 Using Proxy
434 Using the java API URL class, extract the httphttps hostname
435 Using the URL Class (GetURL java)
436 Using URLConnection
437 Utility class for building URLs
438 Utility class for URL decoding
439 Utility class for URL encoding
440 Utility to convert File to URL
441 Validator for Zip code, Email, Phone number
442 Waits to receive datagrams sent the specified port
443 Web crawler
444 Web Crawler from Sun Microsystems
445 Web start and JNLP demo
446 Write Double Using Sockets
447 Write number to client
448 Write Objects From Socket
449 Writing Text to a Socket
450 Writing to a SocketChannel
451 XML based message
452 Zip server socket
453 Zip socket
454 Zip URLConnection
455 Zip URLStream Handler