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Servlets 247 codes
1 A collection of all character entites defined in the HTML4 standard
2 A utility class for parsing HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers
3 A WebAppConfig object is a wrapper around a DOM tree for a web xml file
4 Access an ejb from a servlet
5 Accessing a data source from a servlet
6 Accessing a java mail session from a servlet
7 Accessing servlet jndi environment variables
8 Add headers to prevent browsers and proxies from caching this reply
9 An included servlet
10 Another logger servlet
11 Another Servlet Localization
12 Another servlet to Send PDF
13 Another servlet to Send XML
14 Attachment receiver
15 Background tasks
16 Basic authentication web resource
17 Basic Form processor
18 Bean Parser Servlet
19 Block Filter
20 Break Lines with HTML
21 Browser detection
22 Buffering servlet responses
23 Cache Filter
24 Cached Connection Servlet
25 Checker Filter
26 Client auto refresh
27 Client Post
28 Client Pull
29 Client Pull and Move
30 Compression Filter
31 Compression Response Stream servlets
32 Compression Servlet Response Wrapper
33 Context accessor
34 Context Attributes Servlet
35 Context binder
36 Context log
37 Context logger
38 Convert an integer to an HTML RGB value
39 Convert HTML to text
40 Convert to HTML string
41 Cookie Demo
42 Cookie reader
43 Cookie Util
44 Cookie Utilities
45 Cookie Utility
46 Count total number of live sessions in a web application
47 Create a servlet session
48 Database and Servlet
49 Database transaction
50 Decode an HTML color string like #F567BA; into a Color
51 Dedicated Connection Servlet
52 Define welcome files for web application
53 Definitions of HTML character entities and conversions between unicode characters and HTML character entities
54 Delegate filter
55 Delegate servlet requests to a handler
56 Delete Blob From Servlet
57 Delete Clob From Oracle in a Servlet
58 Delete Clob From Servlet
59 Destroy a servlet session
60 Display Blob Servlet
61 Display Clob Servlet
62 Email Bean
63 Email JNDI Filter
64 Encode special characters and do formatting for HTML output
65 Entity Decoder
66 Error code
67 Escape and unescape string
68 Escape HTML
69 Escapes newlines, tabs, backslashes, and quotes in the specified string
70 Example servlet showing request headers
71 Exceptions in Servlet
72 Fake session
73 Feedback Form
74 Filter message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML
75 Filter that performs filtering based on comparing the appropriate request
76 Filter that wraps an HttpServletRequest to override isUserInRole
77 Filter the specified message string for characters that are sensitive in HTML
78 Filter Using Parameter
79 Filtering page to UTF-8
80 Format a color to HTML RGB color format (e g #FF0000 for Color red)
81 Forward Call from a Servlet
82 Forward to a servlet by name
83 Forward to a servlet by request
84 ForwardException - show forwarding an exception to an error page
85 Gather a username and password, validates the user, then allows the user to access other pages
86 Generate errors
87 Generic filter
88 Get Base Url for servlet
89 Get Column Names From ResultSet
90 Get Cookie from Request
91 Get HTML Color String from Java Color object
92 Get Locale Information from Request
93 Get output stream from HttpServletResponse
94 Get Relative Url for servlet
95 Get Request Parameters in a Servlet
96 Get security information
97 Get servlet session time info
98 Get session from request
99 Get settings from ServletContext
100 Get Users IP Address
101 Getting information regarding the client browser using JSP
102 Guest Book Servlet
103 Handling form content
104 Handling invalid sessions
105 Hello servlet
106 Hello world
107 Hello world in Japanese
108 HTML color and Java Color
109 HTML color names
110 HTML Decoder
111 Html Dimensions
112 HTML filter utility
113 HTML form Utilites
114 HTML Helper
115 Html Parse Servlet
116 HTML Parser
117 Html utilities
118 Http client pull model
119 Include a servlet
120 Init Param Servlet
121 Insert Clob to MySql Servlet
122 Insert HTML block dynamically
123 Internationalization I18n
124 IP Filter
125 Java object representations of the HTML table structure
126 Javax servlet error request_uri
127 Javax servlet request X509Certificate
128 JDBC and Servlet
129 JNDI Filter
130 JSP file response filter
131 JSP Http servlet response wrapper
132 JSP servlet output stream
133 Load servlet at startup
134 Log Filter
135 Log in ServletContext
136 Logger new config
137 Logger Servlet
138 Logger without configure file
139 LoggerSkel for Servlet
140 Logging Filter
141 Login page in jsp
142 Login Servlets
143 Mail Accessor
144 Map adaptor for HttpSession objects
145 Normalize Post Data
146 OCCI Connection Servlet
147 Open a file using a servlet
148 Parameter Filter
149 Parse a Cookie
150 Parse a web xml file using the SAX2 API
151 Parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers
152 Password Servlet
153 Post Handler
154 Print all header information available from the client
155 Print various CGI variables that have been requested by the servlet
156 Prints a conversion table of miles per gallon to kilometers per liter
157 Process a raw SQL query; use ResultSetMetaData to format it
158 Publishing AJMS message from a servlet
159 Query Modifier
160 React to user form input
161 Reading from an abstract resource
162 Receive servlet forward
163 Redirect Servlet Call to Another URL
164 Redirect to New Location
165 Request authorization headers
166 Request binder
167 Request display
168 Request Filter
169 Request handling utility class
170 Request header viewer
171 Request timer filter
172 Restrict User IP
173 Returns any parameters and lists server properties
174 Saaj receiving attachments servlet
175 See Account
176 Send filter
177 Send mp3
178 Send PDF file
179 Send word document
180 Send XML
181 Sending AJMS message from a servlet
182 Sending e-mail by using the JavaMail API and JDBC
183 Sending errors
184 Sending redirects
185 Server information
186 Servlet
187 Servlet and email
188 Servlet context event notifications
189 Servlet counter
190 Servlet destroy callback
191 Servlet error handler
192 Servlet exception handler
193 Servlet for login
194 Servlet include
195 Servlet information
196 Servlet initialisation parameters
197 Servlet JNDI and Bean
198 Servlet Localization
199 Servlet localization display
200 Servlet Logging
201 Servlet Multiple Include
202 Servlet parameter
203 Servlet redirect
204 Servlet Request Listener
205 Servlet session event notifications
206 Servlet Session Example
207 Servlet throws Exceptions
208 Servlet to draw a Graphical Chart in response to a user request
209 Servlets Application Listener
210 Session Events
211 Session Expiration Filter
212 Session logger
213 Session Login JDBC
214 Session Tracker
215 Set content type to charset=ISO-8850-1
216 Set I18N Response Header
217 Set the context parameters in web xml
218 Setting and Reading Cookies
219 Simple download
220 Simple receiver
221 Simple servlet
222 Test Security
223 Text To HTML
224 Transaction Connection Servlet
225 Typical database commands
226 Unescape HTML
227 Update Clob data stored in MySql from a Servlet
228 Updating the client cache
229 URL rewriting through HttpServletResponse
230 Use cookie to save session data
231 Use hidden fields to save session data
232 Use JNDI to get database connection or data source
233 Use RequestDispatcher to forward user to a jsp page
234 Use URL rewrite to save session data
235 Using Contexts Servlet
236 Using path information
237 Utilities for finding and manipulating cookies
238 Utility methods for dealing with HTML
239 Validate email
240 Validation
241 War Util
242 Web Calendar
243 Web JNDI
244 Weblogic database Servlet
245 Wml content type
246 Working with images
247 Write to a temporary file