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MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
XML 507 codes
1 -- must never appear in the text used to create the comment
2 A Content Handler to Output a Sorted List
3 A Content Handler to Output a Sorted List as HTML
4 A Method for Inserting a New Entry in a List
5 A Program That Performs XML Transformations
6 A Program to Display the Input from a SAX Parser
7 A simple example to show how to use the DOM API
8 A simple XML parser that builds a tree from SAX events
9 A utility class which provides methods for working with a W3C DOM
10 Access Document type
11 Access elements from document with namespaces
12 Accessing attributes of an element
13 Accessing Attributes Using JDOM
14 Accessing character data (CDATA) of XML element
15 Accessing different types of DOM tree nodes
16 Accessing features of the SAX parser implementation
17 Add a comment at the beginning of the document
18 Add a namespace prefix definition to an element
19 Add a new element to the given parent
20 Add a text node before the last child of the element
21 Add a text node in front of the new item element
22 Add a text node to the beginning of the element
23 Add a text node to the element
24 Add an entity to a specified Element
25 Add another element after the first child of the root element
26 Add elements to root element
27 Add Text object to an Element
28 Adding a CDATA Section to a DOM Document
29 Adding a Processing Instruction to a DOM Document
30 Adding an Attribute Using JDOM
31 Adding an Attribute with DOM
32 Adding an Element Using JDOM
33 Adding an Element with DOM
34 Adding and Removing an Attribute in a DOM Element
35 Adds the child element with the given text
36 An Attributes implementation that can perform more operations than the attribute list helper supplied with the standard SAX2 distribut
37 Append and insert data to CharacterData
38 Applies a stylesheet (that receives parameters) to a given xml document
39 Applies a stylesheet to a given xml document
40 Apply some indentiation to some XML
41 Applying XSLT Stylesheets
42 Attribute with Namespace
43 Build a QName from the element name
44 Build document from a dom
45 Catch TransformerException
46 Catch XMLStreamException
47 Change a particular node in XML
48 Change namespace
49 Changing the Name of a DOM Element
50 Character transcoding
51 Check a vendors DOM implementation
52 Checks whether the supplied String is an NCName (Namespace Classified Name)
53 Clean text from Node
54 Common XML constants
55 Compare two DOM Nodes
56 Compare two DOM Nodes from JBoss
57 Configuring SAX parser factory to produce alternate parser
58 Convenience methods for working with the DOM API
59 Convenience methods for writing XML
60 Convert Element To Stream
61 Convert Hashtable to a Node
62 Convert node element To String
63 Convert NodeList To Node Array
64 Converting an XML Fragment into a DOM Fragment
65 Converting between jdom and dom
66 Converting CDATA Nodes into Text Nodes While Parsing an XML File
67 Copies the source tree into the specified place in a destination tree
68 Copy a Node from one source document
69 Copy an XML document
70 Copy the attribues on one element to the other
71 Copying a Subtree of Nodes from One DOM Document to Another
72 Copying a Subtree of Nodes in a DOM Document
73 Create a concept and publishes it to a registry
74 Create a new element
75 Create a new element and move the middle text node to it
76 Create a StAX Event Tree Viewer
77 Create an organization and publishes it to a registry
78 Create an organization and publishes it to a registry ( The organization has a service binding that includes a WSDL file )
79 Create an XML document and search by XPath
80 Create an XML document with DOM
81 Create an XML file and attach an XSL
82 Create document from jdom
83 Create Document with root QName
84 Create DOM Document out of string
85 Create Element With Text
86 Create Empty DOM Document
87 Create JAXBContext with custom object
88 Create Namespace
89 Create New Container
90 Create new DOM tree with fully qualified element names
91 Create New Element And Set
92 Create New Element And Set Attribute
93 Create SAXParser from SAXParserFactory
94 Create XML Event Writer
95 Create Xml Reader
96 Create XML validator from XML schema
97 Creates a classification scheme and publishes it to a registry
98 Creates a QName instance from the given namespace context for the given qualifiedName
99 Creates an element on the given document
100 Creates element node, attribute node, comment node, processing instruction and a CDATA section
101 Creating a Document Using JDOM
102 Creating a new DOM tree
103 Creating XML Document using DOM
104 Custom complex filters for selecting nodes
105 Debugging utilities for XmlStreamReader
106 Deep print of node list
107 Delete data from CharacterData
108 Demo Tree Walker
109 Determining If an Attribute Was Supplied in a DOM Element
110 Determining validity of characters outside basic 7-bit range of Unicode, for XML 1 0
111 Display the postal addresses for the contacts of the organizations using the user-supplied postal address classification scheme UUID.t
112 Displays a DOM document in a tree control
113 Document To String
114 DocWriter has a static method for writing XML documents with a writer
115 DOM Features
116 DOM helper for root element
117 DOM level 2 Events
118 DOM Node query
119 DOM parser with all its actions displayed
120 Dom reader
121 DOM serializer
122 DOM Tree Walker Tree Model
123 DOM Util
124 DOM Utilities
125 DOM Utils
126 DOM writer
127 Duplicates XML Files
128 Echo document
129 Emitting a DOCTYPE Declaration When Writing an XML File from a DOM Document
130 Encode Xml Attribute
131 Encoder and Decoder for XML element and attribute names
132 Enter every DOM node into a Swing JTree tree The forward and backward mappings between Nodes to TreeNodes are kept
133 Escape unescape special chars according XML specifications
134 Escaping CDATA sections
135 Event count
136 Example XML client
137 Example XML server
138 Extends DefaultHandler to create a XML binding
139 Extends org jdom Element
140 Extract all text children of an element
141 Extract the textual content from a Node
142 Extracting an XML formatted string out of a DOM object
143 Extracting attribute values from XML elements
144 Filter to write an XML document from a SAX event stream
145 Find All Elements By Tag Name
146 Find All Elements By Tag Name Name Space
147 Find all elements with the name entry and add a child PI
148 Find all elements with the name entry and append a comment
149 Find an element by name
150 Find and deletes the classification scheme that the JAXRSaveClassificationScheme program created
151 Find Container Else Create One
152 Find Container With Attribute Value Or Create
153 Find Container With Attribute Value Or Create And Set
154 Find Element And Set Or Create And Set
155 Find Element Or Container
156 Find Element Or Create And Attribute
157 Find Element Or Create And Set
158 Find Element Or Create And Set Attribute
159 Find Node
160 Find the first direct child with a given attribute
161 Find the first text descendent node of an element
162 Finds and deletes the organization that the JAXRPublish program created
163 Finds and returns the first child element node
164 Finds and returns the first child node with the given name
165 Finds and returns the first child node with the given name and attribute name, value pair
166 Finds and returns the first child node with the given qualified name
167 Finds and returns the last child element node
168 Finds and returns the last child node with the given name
169 Finds and returns the last child node with the given name and attribute name, value pair
170 Finds and returns the last child node with the given qualified name
171 Finds and returns the next sibling element node
172 Finds and returns the next sibling node with the given name
173 Finds and returns the next sibling node with the given name and attribute name, value pair
174 Finds and returns the next sibling node with the given qualified name
175 Formatting an XML file using Transformer
176 General XML Utility Functions For JDOM
177 Generates a DOM from scratch Writes the DOM to a String using an LSSerializer
178 Generating SAX Parsing Events by Traversing a DOM Document
179 Get all prefixes defined on this element for the specified namespace
180 Get all prefixes defined, up to the root, for a namespace URI
181 Get all the attributes for an Element
182 Get an Attribute from an Element Returns an empty String if none found
183 Get Attribute
184 Get Attribute by QName
185 Get attributes value
186 Get character data (CDATA) from xml document
187 Get Child Content
188 Get child from an element by name
189 Get child from root
190 Get content from element
191 Get Document Element from a file
192 Get element attribute
193 Get Element Boolean Value
194 Get element by tag from Document
195 Get element by tag from Element
196 Get Element Date Value
197 Get Element Float Value
198 Get Element Int Value
199 Get Element Long Value
200 Get Element QName
201 Get Element String Value
202 Get Element Text
203 Get Elements by parent element
204 Get event type from XMLStreamReader
205 Get First Element
206 Get Next Element
207 Get next from XMLStreamReader
208 Get next tag from XMLStreamReader
209 Get parent
210 Get substring from CharacterData
211 Get Text from Node
212 Get text value by tag name
213 Get text value from Node
214 Get the content of an optional child element
215 Get the content of the given element
216 Get the first child element
217 Get the first child of the specified type
218 Get the first childs content ( ie its included TEXT node )
219 Get the first direct child with a given type
220 Get the first element child
221 Get the first text node associated with this element
222 Get the next sibling element
223 Get the next sibling with the same name and type
224 Get the raw text content of a node or null if there is no text
225 Get the specified text node associated with this element
226 Get the String data associated with the XPath selection supplied
227 Get the trimed text content of a node or null if there is no text
228 Get the W3C Node instance associated with the XPath selection supplied
229 Get the W3C NodeList instance associated with the XPath selection supplied
230 Get this Documents root node
231 Get trimmed text content of a node or null if there is no text
232 Gets the child of the specified element having the specified name If the child with this name doesnt exist then null is returned inste
233 Gets the child of the specified element having the specified unique name
234 Gets the first child element of a node
235 Gets the first element with the specified qualified name that is descendant of e
236 Gets the last child element of a node
237 Gets the next sibling of a node that is an element
238 Gets the owner document of a node
239 Getting a DOM Element by Id
240 Getting a Node Relative to Another Node in a DOM Document
241 Getting and Setting an Attribute in a DOM Element
242 Getting Attributes with DOM
243 Getting Elements with DOM
244 Getting the Declared Entities in a DOM Document
245 Getting the Notations in a DOM Document
246 Getting the Root Element in a DOM Document
247 Getting the Value of an Entity Reference in a DOM Document
248 Handles DOM processing allowing the reading and writing of hierarchical structures as XML files
249 Handling namespaces during parsing
250 Handling SAX errors during parsing
251 Has Attribute
252 How to write an XML file It saves a file describing a modern drawing in SVG format
253 Ignoring Comments While Parsing an XML File
254 Implements EntityResolver
255 Implements NamespaceContext
256 Implements XPathVariableResolver
257 Import Elements
258 Inline Stream Filter
259 Input Object Properties
260 Insert a comment in front of the element node
261 Insert the new element where the middle node used to be
262 Intercepting All Accesses to External Entities During XML SAX Parsing
263 Is SAXParserFactory NamespaceAware
264 It searches a registry for information about organizations using an NAICS classification
265 IterableElement getChildElements(final Element e
266 Iterate through elements
267 Java DOM edit
268 JAXP 1 3 Datatype API
269 JAXR Delete Concept
270 JAXR Publish Postal
271 JDom
272 JDOM Util
273 List an XML document with DOM parser
274 List an XML file after building it into a JDOM Document
275 Listing All the Attributes of a DOM Element
276 Load Document by element
277 Load Document from InputStream
278 Load XML document to a tree with XML stream reader
279 Loading an XML Document using DOM
280 Loads a W3C XML document from a file
281 Macro to get the content of a unique child element
282 Make up and write an XML document, using DOM
283 Make up and write an XML document, using JDOM
284 Makes writing XML much much easier
285 Manipulate w3c DOM trees
286 Mark a POJO with XmlRootElement with name and namespace
287 Mark POJO with XmlRootElement and XmlAttribute
288 Marshal enum
289 Marshal object with JAXB
290 Moves the content of the given element to the given element
291 Namespace Attribute Event Output
292 Namespace Attribute Event Output 1
293 NamespaceTest with JDOM
294 Native XML Data Management with XIS 7
295 New Document From InputStream
296 New Document From String
297 NodeList to ListNode
298 Obtain all the registry objects owned by the user and displays their keys, names, and descriptions
299 Output XML element Attributes
300 Outputting a Document Using XMLOutputter
301 Outputting a DOM with XMLSerializer
302 Outputting Xml using Jdom
303 Parse an XML string
304 Parse and format xs
305 Parse Properties Files
306 Parse with XPath
307 Parsing a Document Using JAXP
308 Parsing with JDOM
309 Parsing XML Files with SAX
310 Parsing XML with SAX
311 Preventing Expansion of Entity References While Parsing an XML File
312 Print DOM out
313 Print Tree node
314 Print XInclude
315 Processing XML Documents Partially
316 Produce a SAX stream from a DOM Document
317 Properties To XML
318 Provides a complete trace of SAX2 events for files parsed
319 Provides a trace of the schema type information for elements and attributes in an XML document
320 Provides HTML and XML entity utilities
321 Read an XML document using JDOM
322 Read an Xml file
323 Read XML as DOM
324 Read Xml from InputStream and return Document
325 Read Xml from Reader and return Document
326 Read Xml from StreamSource
327 Reading a DOM tree from XML document
328 Reading an XML Document and create user-defined object from DOM
329 Reading XML file
330 Recursive method to find a given attribute value
331 Register a SAX2 ContentHandler and receive callbacks to print information about the document
332 Remove all attributes by first making a copy of the attribute names and then using the list to remove the attributes
333 Remove All nodes
334 Remove Attribute
335 Remove this node from its parent
336 Removing a Node from a DOM Document
337 Removing All the Attributes in a DOM Element
338 Replace Data in CharacterData
339 Replaces all XML character entities with the character they represent
340 Resolve relative URIs and SystemID strings into absolute URIs
341 Resolves an entity reference or character reference to its value
342 Resolving entities found in source XML during parsing
343 Return a list of named Elements
344 Return a list of named Elements with a specific attribute value
345 Return a new document, ready to populate
346 Return an XML datatype given a java string describing a java type
347 Return child elements with specified name
348 Return the first element child with the specified qualified name
349 Return the first named Element found Null if none
350 Return the next sibling with a given name and type
351 Return the right attribute node
352 Return the value of the attribute of the given element with the given name
353 Returns a first child DOM Node of type ELEMENT_NODE for the specified Node
354 Returns a list of child elements with the given name
355 Returns a list of value for the given node
356 Returns a Properties object matching the given node
357 Returns an array of text values of a child element
358 Returns an iterator over the children of the given element with the given tag name
359 Returns null, not , for a nonexistent attribute
360 Returns text value of a child element Returns null if there is no child element found
361 Returns the concatenated child text of the specified node
362 Returns the first child element with the given name
363 Returns the first element that has the specified local name
364 Returns the text of the element
365 Returns the value of the attribute of the given element
366 Returns the value of the child node with the given name
367 Returns the value of the given node
368 Returns true if the argument, a UCS-4 character code, is valid in XML documents
369 Returns true if the character is a non-initial character in names according to the XML recommendation
370 Returns true if the character is an XML letter
371 Retutns the value of the named attribute of the given element
372 Saving a DOM tree to XML file javax xml parsers (JAXP)
373 SAX Checker
374 SAX Demo
375 SAX event handler
376 Sax reader
377 Sax to DOM converter
378 SAX Tree Validator
379 SAX Tree Viewer
380 SAX2 writer
381 Search a registry for organizations that offer services based on technical specifications that take the form of WSDL documents
382 Search earlier siblings for a given node
383 Search for a named child of a given node
384 Search our next siblings for a given node
385 Search up the tree for a given node
386 Searches a registry for information about organizations whose names contain a user-supplied string
387 Searching through a document
388 Set a namespaceprefix on an element if it is not set already
389 Set an Attribute in an Element
390 Set Attribute
391 Set Data to Character Data
392 Set or replace the text value
393 Set text in a Node
394 Set the TransformerFactory system property to generate and use translets
395 Shallow print of node list
396 Simple content filters
397 Simple demo of JDOM
398 Simple element filter
399 Simple example of using JDOM
400 Simple lister - extract name and children tags
401 Simple sax handler
402 Simplified implementation of a Node from a Document Object Model (DOM)
403 Sniffed Xml InputStream to find out the declaration and file encoding
404 Sniffed Xml Reader
405 Source To InputSource
406 Source Update to Handle Stylesheet Parameters
407 Start a new XML Document
408 Start element with namespace
409 Starting from a node, find the namespace declaration for a prefix
410 StAX parser
411 Streaming XML
412 String to Dom
413 Strip CDATA
414 SVG Canvas Demo
415 SVG Graphics DDemo
416 SVG to JPEG
417 The program prints all hyperlinks links of an XHTML web page
418 This program displays an XML document as a tree
419 This program evaluates XPath expressions
420 Transformer with parameters
421 Transforming an XML File with XSL into a DOM Document
422 Transforming DOM Node to HTML with JAXP
423 Traverse a DOM tree in order to get information about the document
424 Traverse a DOM tree in order to print a document that is parsed
425 Traverse nodes
426 Traverse the DOM tree as a list
427 Traverse the DOM tree using TreeWalker
428 Unmarshall to JAXB Element
429 Unmarshall with JAXB
430 Use DOM L3 DOMBuilder, DOMBuilderFilter DOMWriter and other DOM L3 functionality to preparse, revalidate and safe document
431 Use DOM parser to deal with XML document with attributes
432 Use JAXP Validation API to create a validator and validate input from a DOM which contains inline schemas and multiple validation root
433 Use JDOM to build a document
434 Use JDOM to change the element text
435 Use Marshal Validation
436 Use SAXBuilder from JDOM
437 Use the Document getElementsByTagName() method to quickly and easily locate elements by name
438 Use the transform TransformerFactory plugability in the JAXP API
439 Use Unchecked JDOM Factory
440 Use XMLEventReader to read XML file
441 Use XPath in servlet
442 Use XPath to select node
443 Using DOM for Syntax Checking
444 Using isEmpty from String class
445 Using ranges in DOM tree
446 Using the DOM Parser to Build a Document Tree
447 Using XML locator to indicate current parser position
448 Utilities to read DOM
449 Utility class for working with xml data
450 Utility class for xmlsax handling
451 Utility class to print out DOM
452 Utility method for parsing the XML with DOM
453 Validate schema
454 Validate Stax
455 Validate xml against the schema
456 Validate xml against XML Schema
457 Validating schema
458 Verbose DOM Parser
459 Verify whether the specified character conforms to the XML 1 0 definition of whitespace
460 Visiting All the Elements in a DOM Document
461 Visiting All the Nodes in a DOM Document
462 W3C DOM utility methods
463 Walking a Document with DOM
464 Whether the given 32 bit character is a valid XML 1 1 character
465 Whether the given character is a valid XML space
466 Wrap Node List to Collection
467 Write DOM out
468 Write element with namespace
469 Write Start Document
470 Write Xml (Node n, OutputStream os)
471 Write Xml DOM Node
472 Writing a DOM Document to an XML File
473 XML and XPath utilities
474 XML character properties
475 XML constants
476 XML Databases and Tools 1
477 XML Databases and Tools 2
478 XML Databases and Tools 3
479 XML Databases DOM
480 XML Document information by DOM
481 XML Document Writer
482 XML DOM Utilities
483 Xml Encoding Sniffer
484 XML input, output and transform utilities
485 Xml Reader To Writer
486 XML stream transform
487 XML transformation
488 XML Tree
489 XML Tree Dumper 2
490 XML Tree View
491 XML User Interface
492 Xml Util
493 XML utility methods that only depend on the JDK
494 Xml Utils for dom4j
495 XML Writer
496 XMLEncoder a bean
497 XML-related tasks and java io Readers
498 XMLStreamConstants START_ELEMENT
499 XMLWriter helper class
500 XMLWriter java - serialize an XML document
501 XPath with JDOM
502 XSDWriter is a helper class to produce xml schemas in Java
503 XSL transformations
504 Xsl Transformer
505 XSLT I18N
506 Your Own XML Reader
507 Your won XML binding