Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
ASP .Net Tutorial
C# Book
C# by API
C# Tutorial
VB.Net by API
VB.Net Tutorial
Visual C++ .Net
VisualBasic Script
Java Book
Java by API
Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
JavaScript DHTML
Development 255 codes
JavaScript DHTML
1 A Basic JavaScript Starter Document
2 A Clock Script
3 A Cookie Example
4 A Cookie Test Program
5 A Countdown Timer
6 A Custom Object Exception
7 A DOM Core Document Analyzer
8 A Dynamic Welcome Message
9 A Generic Number-Formatting Routine
10 A More Fully Scripted Clock
11 A simple sniffer that determines browser version and vendor
12 A Timeout Processing Example
13 A Website Access Counter
14 Accessing a Plug-In
15 Accessing ActiveX Controls
16 Accessing Applets from within JavaScript
17 Accessing Document Contents
18 AddingReplacing DOM Content
19 An Exception Handling Example
20 Basic Signed Script Structure
21 Bill Dortchs Cookie Functions
22 Calculate with Math PI
23 Calling Java Methods
24 Catching an Error
25 Catching the Object Expected Error
26 Check Date format
27 Check DOM Node object whether represents an HTML tag
28 Check whether JavaScript 1 2 is supported
29 Checking document referrer
30 Choose value based on boolean expression
31 ChooseColorDlg() Example
32 Code for the Actual JavaScript Code and Color Selectors
33 Collapse log area(window)
34 Color Sampler
35 Controlling Embedded Sounds with JavaScript
36 Controlling Script Errors
37 Controlling Sounds with JavaScript
38 Convert space to URL encode
39 Convert string to float
40 Convert string to integer
41 Convert true, false to boolean
42 Convert XML to HTML
43 Cookie
44 Cookie install and delete (remove)
45 Cookie set, delete, get value and create
46 Cookie utility function
47 CookieEnabled Example
48 Coordinates of the cursor
49 Coordinates of the cursor relative to the screen
50 Counting Rabbits (Calculating the Fibonacci Series Using a Recursive Function)
51 Create a cookie
52 Creating a Clock Object and Displaying the Results on the Page
53 Creating a Friendly Date String
54 Creating a Table
55 CSS style sheet a window visual effect
56 Customized LogReader Example
57 DataFld Example
58 DataFormatAs Example
59 DataPageSize Example
60 DataSrc Example
61 Date
62 Date difference function
63 Date Format Validator
64 Date Validation in a Form
65 Days Before Next Christmas Xmas
66 Debug function
67 Debug function displays plain-text debugging messages
68 Debugging Using alert() Methods html
69 Default LogReader Example
70 Define a NodeFilter function to accept only img elements
71 Demo all math methods
72 Demo all methods in Date class
73 Determining Whether the LiveVideo Plug-In Is Installed
74 Display current date
75 Display date
76 Display full date
77 Display info in a new page
78 Display PDF using plugin
79 Display the Current Time in status bar
80 Display time
81 Display weekday
82 Display XML content in HTML table
83 Displaying a List of Navigator Plug-Ins
84 Displaying Plug-In Information
85 Displaying the Navigators Associative Array
86 Document last Modified Property in Another Format
87 Embedding a JavaScript Function
88 Embedding JavaScript in HTML
89 Employing the NOSCRIPT Tag
90 Encoding a URL
91 Extending the Date Object to Include Some New Methods
92 FieldDelim Example
93 File Input Element
94 FileCreatedDate Example
95 FileModifiedDate Example
96 FileUpdatedDate Example
97 Find pluin for Midi
98 Finding a substring within a string
99 Formate date in JavaScript
100 Formats the current date and the last modified date of the document
101 Formats the current hour and displays it in a static or dynamic way
102 Function loads the XML document from the specified URL
103 Function to add two dates together
104 Get a specified element using getElementById()
105 Get element by name
106 Get how many days before a date
107 Get IE Version Number
108 Get NN (Netscape Navigator) Version Number
109 Get the current time and then extract the hours, minutes and seconds
110 Get users operating system information
111 GMT Calculator
112 Hand, help and wait cursor
113 Handle error
114 Hide Email Address
115 Hiding Scripts from Older Browsers
116 How many days Between two dates
117 How Many Days Until Christmas
118 HTML comment that hides the script
119 HTML Page with Immediate Script Statements
120 If a DOM Node object is a Text object
121 Infix to Postfix Conversion
122 Inserting Source JavaScript Files
123 Inserts an audio or video medium in the current Web page
124 Is date function
125 Is null function
126 Is number an integer
127 Is the number a float
128 JavaScript 1 2 is supported, extract a new URL from the portion
129 JavaScript Embedded in an HTML File
130 JavaScript log debugger
131 Javascript progress bar
132 JavaScript Template File
133 JavaScript to enumerate and display all installed plug-ins
134 Keeping Track of User Access Time
135 Listing Plug-In Properties
136 Loads a XML file and permits to access to the data it contains
137 Make button (control) visible or invisible
138 Math max(inp1, inp2, inp3)
139 Math min(inp1, inp2, inp3)
140 Math Object Property Summaries
141 Math random()
142 Math Round
143 Math round(rndNum)
144 Max number
145 Methods and Properties of the Date Object
146 Methods and Properties of the Document Object
147 Methods and Properties of the FileUpload Object
148 Min number
149 Morning or Evening
150 Multiple Script Versions
151 Named Recordset
152 Navigating Documents
153 Nested Exception Handling (This script only works with Internet Explorer 5, Navigator 6, or later browsers)
154 Null if function
155 Number format Demo
156 Number format, round and total
157 Open a new document and add some text
158 Opening a New URL
159 OS (Operating system) name
160 Output BR with Javascript
161 Output day
162 Output HTML in JavaScript
163 Parenthesis for math statement
164 Play flash sound
165 Postfix Evaluator
166 Postfix to Infix Conversion
167 Print a page
168 Printing Control
169 Progress Bar 1
170 Properties of the Plugin Object
171 Property Inspector Function
172 Quiz Program base on Cookie
173 Read all cookies
174 Reads, writes and deletes current Web pages cookies
175 Reason Example
176 RecordNumber Example
177 Recordset Example
178 Recursively looks at node n and its descendants
179 Recursively reverse all nodes beneath Node n, and reverse Text nodes
180 Referrer of a document (URL of the document)
181 Regular Expression Match Workshop
182 Regular Expression Switch
183 Regular Expression Tester
184 Regular Expressions
185 Rendering Different Content for Scriptable and Nonscriptable Browsers
186 Return the domain name of the documents server
187 Reverse the order of the children of Node (document)
188 Save name to cookie
189 Scan through each plug-in by provided parameters
190 Searching and Replacing Substrings
191 Secure cookie
192 Set a variable to determine what version of JavaScript we support
193 Set cookie to document and read it back
194 Set date
195 Set the cookie expire date
196 SetInterval() and clearInterval() methods
197 Simple Date Validation
198 Split a string array and get token
199 Split comma number string
200 Standard cookie functions
201 Stopping and Starting an Applet
202 String coalesce
203 String insert function
204 String match pattern
205 String repeat function
206 String replace with regular expression
207 String reverse function
208 String trim function
209 Summer Games Countdown
210 Synchronizing Two Plug-Ins
211 Testing Different JavaScript Versions
212 The Backslash in RegExp
213 The Regular Expression Tester
214 Throwing an Error
215 Throwing an Error Object Exception
216 Throwing String Exceptions
217 Time
218 Time value
219 Timer Events Demo
220 Timer Events Demo 2
221 Times Table
222 Title of a document
223 Todays Date
224 Trim a string with regular expression from both sides
225 Try your regular expression here
226 Update Time per second
227 Use regular expression to validate url
228 Using a Timer
229 Using ActiveX Components with JScript (Note this page requires Internet Explorer 5 0 or later)
230 Using Color Attributes
231 Using Colors in JavaScript
232 Using document write() on Another Window
233 Using document write() on the Current Window
234 Using HTML Comments to Hide JavaScript Code
235 Using JavaScript in an Applet
236 Using JScript to Interact with ActiveX Controls
237 Using Logger to Debug YUI Library Components
238 Using Multiple Versions of JavaScript with the language Attribute
239 Using regular expression (callback function)
240 Using regular expressions to validate an email
241 Using setInterval () to Repeatedly Change the Document Background Color
242 Using the const Keyword (Firefox only)
243 Using the Date Object
244 Using the Head for Definitions
245 Using the Math Object
246 Using the noscript Tag
247 Using the onError Event Handler
248 UTC time
249 Validate an email
250 Variable for Browser version and vendor
251 Viewing File Dates
252 Whether a string contains only numerical data
253 Whether a string is a valid phone number
254 Writing Log Messages From Your Code
255 XML to JavaScript