Mega Code Archive
ASP .Net
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C# Tutorial
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VB.Net Tutorial
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VisualBasic Script
Java Book
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Java Tutorial
Flash ActionScript
JavaScript DHTML
JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Tutorial
MSSQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
C Tutorial
C++ Tutorial
Python Tutorial
MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
JavaScript DHTML
Ext JS 598 codes
JavaScript DHTML
Ext JS
1 A Container with an HBox layout
2 A hbox layout
3 A simple StatusBar with a few standard Toolbar items included
4 Absolute position layout
5 Accordion window
6 Add a button to body
7 Add a menu text item to a menu
8 Add a StatusBar to a window
9 Add a submenu
10 Add a TextField to a window by setting the xtype
11 Add action event listener handler to a button
12 Add action handler to action
13 Add action to form button
14 Add arrow alignment and icon alignment for SplitButton
15 Add bottom Toolbar for Ext Panel
16 Add button a window
17 Add button for a FormPanel and set Label text
18 Add Button to a toolbar on a Ext Panel
19 Add button to FormPanel and add event handler
20 Add buttons to GridPanel
21 Add check boxes to form panel
22 Add checkbox menu item to a menu
23 Add checkbox to FormPanel
24 Add child tag to div tag
25 Add children panel to panel
26 Add click event handler to div tag
27 Add column header to column
28 Add combobox to a window and set width
29 Add combobox to toolbar
30 Add components to a window
31 Add custom event and event handler to a class and fire that event
32 Add date picker field to FormPanel
33 Add dropdown menu to SplitButton
34 Add Ext grid RowNumberer to GridPanel
35 Add Ext Panel to DIV tag
36 Add fields to form panel
37 Add file input form to a form panel
38 Add form controls to center region
39 Add gear and help icon to tab header
40 Add group to Toolbar(Office 2007 style)
41 Add html code to a window
42 Add html editor to tab panel
43 Add icon button to Toolbar
44 Add icon to Button
45 Add icon to menu item
46 Add menu button to Toolbar
47 Add menu buttons with icon classes to a Toolbar
48 Add new line tag to form label
49 Add not blank password to a form
50 Add panel to a form
51 Add panel to window as items
52 Add panel to window items
53 Add plain button to Toolbar
54 Add row to a table
55 Add rowselect event handler to a GridPanel
56 Add separator to Toolbar
57 Add split button to Toolbar
58 Add split buttons with icons to Toolbar
59 Add tab panel to a window
60 Add tab to tab panel
61 Add text box to a window and set the width
62 Add textarea to window
63 Add tool bar to window
64 Add toolbar to Ext Panel
65 Add tooltip to tab
66 Add top Toolbar, bottom Toolbar and button to a window
67 Add two panels to a window
68 Add two TextFields to a window
69 Add viewport to body
70 Advanced Validation Examples Using VTypes
71 Ajax tooltip
72 Alert Dialog MessageBox
73 Alert message dialog
74 Align
75 Align bottons
76 Align buttons all the way to the right
77 Align div tag to another tag
78 Align icon along the button bottom
79 Align icon to right side
80 Align icon to top
81 Align middle hbox layout
82 Align middle vhox layout
83 Align stretch hbox layout
84 Align stretch vhox layout
85 Align stretchmax vbox layout
86 Align top hbox layout
87 Align top vhox layout
88 Align two forms
89 Anchor layout
90 Anchor Layout with Forms
91 Anchor right tooltip
92 Anchor width and height
93 Anchor width by percentage
94 Animated Transitions resizable area
95 Animated window display
96 Animation
97 Apply array data to Ext Panel
98 ArrayReader and Store
99 Auto hide tooltip
100 Autocomplete based on remote Json array
101 AutoExpandColumn
102 Basic tooltip
103 Block and inline frame animation
104 Border layout tab panel
105 Border layout viewport
106 Buffer Grid Example
107 Building new types of fields quickly
108 Button group Demo
109 Button scale
110 Button scale large
111 Button text and handler
112 Button toolbar
113 Button with click handler
114 Buttons overflow
115 By virtue of inheriting from the Ext Container class, an Ext form FormPanel can contain any Ext Component
116 Call close to hide the window
117 Call Cold Fusion Component and pass in parameter
118 Call form submit method
119 Call render method to render to body
120 Call reset method to reset all fields on a form
121 Call show method to display a window
122 Call show to display the window
123 Callout tooltip
124 Cardlayout window
125 Catch event before browser context menu be displayed
126 Change action text
127 Check Tree
128 Checkbox button
129 CheckBox cell editor
130 Child from a config object
131 Closable tab panel
132 Closable tooltip
133 Collapsed fieldset
134 Collapsed Panel
135 CollapseMode in a Viewport
136 Collapsible fieldset
137 Collapsible Panel
138 Collapsible Window
139 Color menu demo
140 Column layout window
141 Column tree
142 Combine Ext ux form SearchField and php script
143 Combine paging, Ext Template and a remote data store to create a live search feature
144 Combo with Templates and Ajax
145 ComboBox cell editor
146 ComboBox selection event
147 Compile template
148 Complex border layout
149 Create a button and add to panel
150 Create a date field and add to window
151 Create a form control, add to a form and then add the form to the window
152 Create a form panel and add to window
153 Create a grid from Array data
154 Create a grid with from an existing, unformatted HTML table
155 Create a grid with paging
156 Create a HTML editor
157 Create a Textarea
158 Create a very simple modal Window with autoTabs from existing markup
159 Create a window and set title, width, height and panel
160 Create and show menu
161 Create and use time field
162 Create ArrayStore, set data and field
163 Create button with text and handler
164 Create Child for Div tag
165 Create child for div tag with html tags
166 Create customized validation function for field
167 Create DropTarget object
168 Create Ext Action
169 Create Ext dd DragSource and Ext dd DropTarget
170 Create Ext form TextField and add to Window
171 Create Ext form TimeField
172 Create form panel and add to window
173 Create instance of Ext util Observable, add event handler and fire event
174 Create MemoryArray from array
175 Create name record and do the mapping
176 Create number field
177 Create Panel with title, width, html and render to body
178 Create Pre-defined mark to define tool bar
179 Create resizable area
180 Create SimpleStore by combining fields and data
181 Create SimpleStore from two-dimensional array
182 Create Store from array reader and name mapping
183 Create tab, add to tab panel and then add tab panel to a FormPanel
184 Create tool bar with two buttons
185 Create Toolbar Fill
186 CSS customized tooltip
187 Custom event with more than one parameters
188 Custom Group Summary Plugin
189 Custom Hybrid Summary Plugin
190 Custom renderer function
191 Custom Spinner Widget
192 Customizable Handles resizable area
193 Customize your own message for validation
194 Customizing the Look and Feel
195 Data Binding Example - Implemented with classes
196 Data Binding Example and Ext data XmlReader
197 DateField
198 DateFormat for Ext data ArrayStore
199 DateMenu and its handler
200 DatePicker field cell editor
201 Declare template with field marker
202 Defer function all for 500 milliseconds
203 Define and use radio button group
204 Define button action in a separate function
205 Define column model and set header, dataIndex and sortable
206 Define custom renderer for table row
207 Define handler for success and failure handler
208 Define handler function for confirm message dialog
209 Define notifyDrop handler
210 Define RowSelectionModel and set single selection
211 Define template and pass in data
212 Define template data in an array
213 Define validation type
214 Define XML reader for read data from xml file
215 Define your own render function for columns in a GridPanel
216 Define your own validation type
217 Define your panel to hold the template
218 Disable a button after clicking
219 Disable a tab
220 Disable action to disable a button
221 Disable days in date picker
222 Disabled tab
223 Display confirm message dialog box
224 Drag and drop between two grids
225 Drop and drop between MultiSelect list box
226 Drop and drop from a table to a form
227 Drop anything into the tree
228 Dropdown menu
229 Dropdown menu button
230 Dynamic Form interacting with an embedded Grid
231 Dynamically add item to a window
232 Embedded Tab Panel
233 Enable tab scroll
234 Ext form ComboBox selectOnFocus
235 Ext form DateField allowBlank
236 Ext getBody() createChild({tag
237 Ext MessageBox alert
238 Ext MessageBox wait
239 Ext MessageBox YESNOCANCEL
240 Ext Msg alert
241 Ext Msg alert(asdf)
242 Ext Msg confirm
243 Ext PagingToolbar
244 Ext util Format usMoney
245 Ext ux grid RowExpander
246 Ext Viewport with tree view and table
247 Extend Ext util Observable to create new class
248 Fade out block and inline tags
249 Fadein block and inline tags
250 Feed SimpleStore to combobox
251 Field to grid drag and drop
252 Fit a panel to a window
253 Flex
254 Flex + Stretch (vbox layout)
255 Fly away ghost
256 Form field
257 Form submit failure event
258 Form submit failure type
259 Form submit success event
260 Forms can be a TabPanel
261 Forms can contain TabPanel(s)
262 Forum SearchView, Forum TopicStore
263 Get button text from button object
264 Get error message for a form submit
265 Get form button by id
266 Get form submit button
267 Get last children
268 Get raw value from form field
269 Get result status text for a form submit
270 Get width and height of a Div tag
271 Google map window
272 Grid Plugins
273 Grid with Numbered Rows and Force Fit
274 GridPanel
275 GridPanel Framed with Checkbox Selection and Horizontal Scrolling
276 Grouping GridPanel
277 Grouping tab
278 Hbox for ButtonGroup layout
279 Hbox layout and pack = start
280 HBox layout with three panels
281 HBox layout, align
282 HBox layout, width and height
283 Hide dialog
284 Hide panel with slidein
285 Highlight block and inline tags
286 Highlight body
287 Highlight Panel body
288 Hold tab panel in a window
289 Horizontal slider
290 Html editor in a window
291 HtmlEditor Example
292 Icon align bottom
293 Icon align left
294 Icon align right
295 Icon align top
296 Indicate active tab index
297 Indicate display field for a ComboBox and SimpleStore
298 Indicate field as local
299 Inline function along with buttons
300 Inline panel creation
301 Insert child as node to a div tag
302 Insert node to an indexed position
303 Layout field controls in a single column
304 Layout fieldset Container as hbox
305 Layout fieldset Container as vbox
306 Layout form, form set and tab panel in a window
307 Layout GridPanel(table) and FormPanel in border layout
308 Layout two fiels in one row
309 Layout vbox, align
310 Load a grid with XML data
311 Load data from server and feed into ComboBox
312 Load JsonStore to GridPanel
313 Load xml data for a Form
314 Load your html file to a Ext Panel
315 Log to firebug console
316 Managing history for multiple components within the page
317 Mark a form field as required
318 Mark changed field
319 Mark one radioButton as checked
320 Mask form afer clicking the submit button
321 Medium icons, arrows to the bottom
322 Medium icons, text and arrows to the left
323 Menu button with dropdown menu
324 Menu click handler
325 Menu hideOnClick = false
326 Menu item on click event
327 Menu separator
328 Minimizable and maximizable Window
329 Minimized to Body
330 MinValue and maxValue for Ext form TimeField
331 Mix and match icon sizes to create a huge unusable toolbar
332 Model window dialog
333 Mouse track tooltip
334 Multi Column Layout
335 Multi columns (No titles, double stack)
336 Multi-Column form control layout
337 Multiline dialog box
338 MultiSelect list box
339 Multi-Spaced vbox layout
340 Nested div tag with border
341 Nested Layouts and Anchoring
342 Nested logic to add panel to a window
343 Nested tab
344 No border
345 Not closable
346 Not closable dialog
347 Not draggable
348 Not resizable
349 Not-allow-blank field
350 Number field cell editor
351 Pack
352 Pageable table
353 Pass data to template
354 Password verification
355 Place elements to five parts of Border layout
356 Place html to Ext Window
357 Place TabPanel in a ViewPort
358 Plain Window
359 Portal window management
360 Preserve Ratio resizable area
361 Preset value on a textbox
362 Progress Bar Pager Extension
363 Progress dialog demo
364 ProgressBar
365 ProgressBar dialog
366 Prompt dialog with multiline
367 Prompt message dialog
368 Property Grid
369 Puff inline and block tags
370 Put Accordion panel to a window
371 Put Ext form ComboBox to a dropdown menu
372 Put mask to a div tag
373 Radio button menu item
374 Radio button type form field
375 Radio Options menu
376 Reference user data and apply to template
377 Reload data to GridPanel
378 Remote Ext data JsonStore
379 Remove a row from a table
380 Remove a tag from html body
381 Remove all data from GridPanel
382 Remove event Listener
383 Render Ext Panel to a DIV tag
384 Render form panel to html body
385 Render Panel to body
386 Render Toolbar to document body
387 Rendered like Windows XP with custom progress text element
388 Reorder MultiSelect list box
389 Replace browser context menu
390 Resizable also supports basic snapping in increments
391 Right-Aligned StatusBar
392 Row editor
393 Scale animation
394 Scrollable tabs with a tabscroller menu
395 Server Json reader based Store
396 Set activeTab for TabPanel
397 Set alert message for empty input
398 Set anchor perentage
399 Set autoExpandColumn for GridPanel
400 Set body style for a window
401 Set border style for form panel
402 Set call back function for dialog
403 Set cell height
404 Set collapsible
405 Set column count for table layout
406 Set column name, width, height, title for Ext grid GridPanel
407 Set column span for table layout
408 Set column to sortable
409 Set columnWidth
410 Set content panel for region
411 Set context menu to div tag
412 Set control xy position
413 Set decimal Precision for number field
414 Set default cell width and height for table layout
415 Set Default Sort for Ext data JsonStore
416 Set defaults
417 Set defaults alert message target and anchor offset
418 Set different renders for columns
419 Set display field from ArrayStore for a field
420 Set Div tag size
421 Set field to typeahead to true
422 Set field vtype
423 Set fieldset height to auto
424 Set form column to 3
425 Set form layout column width
426 Set ICON to Ext MessageBox QUESTION
427 Set icon and button for Ext Msg
428 Set icon class for buttons in a Toolbar
429 Set increment value for time field
430 Set inputValue for radio button
431 Set item for a window
432 Set label width and default control type
433 Set label width for a window
434 Set layout for a window
435 Set layout for Ext Panel to fit
436 Set layout vertical to true
437 Set margin for button bar item
438 Set margin for region
439 Set mask regular expression
440 Set message dialog button options
441 Set message dialog icon
442 Set message target to under
443 Set message target to use tooltip
444 Set min and max length for a field
445 Set min and max value for time value field
446 Set minimum tab width
447 Set monitorValid = true and monitorPoll = 50
448 Set name for radio button
449 Set only height and width for a window
450 Set panel height
451 Set Panel layout to Ext Panel
452 Set progress text for Progress dialog
453 Set reader for form field
454 Set region for border layout
455 Set region height
456 Set region maxHeight
457 Set region minHeight
458 Set row span for table layout
459 Set RowSelectionModel for Ext grid GridPanel
460 Set selected list items in a list box
461 Set sortInfo for Ext data Store
462 Set split
463 Set split to true for east part of the Viewport
464 Set strip character regular expression
465 Set style for created children
466 Set tab resizble to true
467 Set time format for time field
468 Set title for a window
469 Set title, message, width, button, handler function for MessageBox
470 Set title, width and height for Panel
471 Set toolbar height
472 Set type for ArrayStore
473 Set up combobox field
474 Set up data, column for Ext grid GridPanel
475 Set up drag and drop zone
476 Set url for FormPanel
477 Set url for your submit button
478 Set validation type for a textfield
479 Set value for a text field
480 Set Viewport center to a tab panel
481 Set width and height for a window
482 Set width and height for button
483 Set width and height for panel
484 Set width for table cell
485 Set width, height and title for form panel
486 Set width, height, minWidth, minHeight for a window
487 Set Width, title and msg for message dialog
488 Set window animation target
489 Set window autoscroll to true
490 Set Window autoScroll to true and anchor size
491 Set window border style
492 Set window close action to hide
493 Set window default field type
494 Set window label width
495 Set X, Y, height, width for a panel
496 Set xtype to panel for Viewport
497 Set xtype, title and html for a Panel
498 Set, update progress bar dialog
499 Setup Ext data Store and new Ext data ScriptTagProxy
500 Shift a tag
501 Show two date fields acting as a date range
502 Simple SplitButton
503 Simplest message box
504 Single line of Ext Msg prompt
505 Slide in animation
506 Slide out animation
507 Slider with custom tooltip
508 Slider with tooltip
509 Sliding Pager Extension
510 Small icons, text and arrows to the left
511 Snapping slider
512 Sort table by name
513 Spaced hbox layout
514 Spaced vbox layout
515 Spotlight Demo
516 Static data grid
517 Statusbar with validation
518 Stop browser event
519 StripeRows
520 Support for standard Panel features such as framing, buttons and toolbars
521 Switchoff Animation
522 Tab activated event
523 Tab change event
524 Table based portal layout
525 Table layout window
526 Table Selection
527 Tabs with auto height that resize to the content Built from existing markup
528 Tabs with no tab strip and a fixed height that scroll the content Built entirely with javascript
529 TextBox cell editor
530 TextField enter key action listener
531 The Form demonstrates the use of radio buttons grouped by name being set by the value of the derived rating field
532 The Grid demonstrates the use of creation of derived fields in a Record created using a custom convert function, and the use of col
533 Three level Nested Panel
534 TimeField Example
535 Titled border for FormPanel
536 Toggle dropdown menu button
537 Transparent Handles resizable area
538 Two column button group
539 Two trees
540 TypeAhead for Ext form ComboBox
541 Unbind the action to the event handler
542 Unmask a form
543 Update action icon
544 Update progress dialog
545 Update template data
546 Updating the grid data via a button click
547 Use a ScriptTagProxy to fetch cross-domain remote data
548 Use AccordionPanel in a Viewport
549 Use action to construct UI controls
550 Use addButton method to add buttons to a FormPanel
551 Use ArrayStore to create a combobox field
552 Use autoHeight and autoWidth to dynamically size to fit its data and columns
553 Use checkbox group to hold the check boxes
554 Use Ext data ArrayStore with Ext form ComboBox
555 Use Ext data XmlReader to load data from xml file
556 Use Ext extend to create new class
557 Use Ext get() to get a html tag
558 Use Ext grid EditorGridPanel
559 Use Ext menu ColorMenu
560 Use Ext menu DateMenu
561 Use Ext Template to display table detail
562 Use Ext util Format dateRenderer
563 Use Ext ux grid BufferView to hold the data
564 Use extension for PagingToolbar
565 Use form layout to layout the controls on a window
566 Use function as an event handler
567 Use if statement in template
568 Use JsonReader as the Store reader
569 Use JsonStore to hold the table data and column mapping
570 Use menu separator to a menu
571 Use minor anchor value to layout the form
572 Use minor value as the anchor value
573 Use PagingToolbar to display search result
574 Use PagingToolbar with GridPanel
575 Use separate function as the validation function
576 Use String format to format date
577 Use the ProgressBar class
578 Use tpl markup to extract data
579 Use two anchor value to layout form
580 Use update method to set new text for div tag
581 Using a Grid with a Form
582 Validate checkboxesradios as a group
583 Vertical slider
584 Viewport
585 Wait Dialog
586 Wait for a long operation to complete (example will stop after 5 secs)
587 Window
588 Window anchor size
589 Window buttonAlign
590 Window fit layout
591 Window layout
592 Window layout = anchor
593 Window with animated layout
594 Window with auto height
595 Window without border
596 Wrap tag into a resizable area
597 Wrap two forms into a field set container
598 Write template to a Panel and link with data