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JavaScript DHTML
Form Control 289 codes
JavaScript DHTML
Form Control
1 A Checkbox and an onclick Event Handler
2 A Checkbox, an onclick Event Handler and showhide form controls
3 A CSS is used to highlight the fields which failed to validate
4 A Form for Entering a URL
5 A one of everything HTML form
6 A simple form with two passwords that must have the same value
7 Accept Example
8 AcceptCharset Example
9 Access an item in a collection
10 Accessing the Elements of a Form
11 Add an option to select
12 Add event listener to elements in a form
13 Add event listener to form
14 Add or remove options from select form control
15 Add textfield dynamically into HTML
16 Adjusting a CGI Submission Action
17 Adjusting a Server Submission Action
18 Allowing Only Numbers into a Text Box
19 An onClick event Handler for Radio Buttons
20 Animating Buttons with JavaScript
21 Another TextField jump
22 Append text to textarea
23 Assign a default value to a Text object
24 Assign JavaScript function to button onClick event handler
25 Auto focus textfield
26 Auto Linked Option Listbox without button
27 Auto type textarea
28 Block enter textfield
29 Button and Check Box Event Handling
30 Button Click action
31 Button click to display dialog
32 Button default Value Example
33 Button disabled Example
34 Button Objects
35 Button On Click Action
36 Button on click event
37 Button parent Element
38 Button parentNode Example
39 Button Redirect
40 Button set Textfield value
41 Button sourceIndex Example
42 Button timeout
43 Button to display the name of the form
44 Button to display the names of all the elements in a form
45 Buttons value
46 Call blur method from text field
47 Call click() to triger event
48 Call select method to highlight the text field
49 Can be empty
50 Change background
51 Change string to big, bold, fixed with form control
52 Change string to italics, small, strike with form control
53 Change string to subscript and superscript with form control
54 Change the option text
55 Change the size of a dropdown list (ComboBox)
56 Change the text value in text box into upper case
57 Changing Select Element Content (two Combobox)
58 Check a CheckBox
59 Check a Radio Button
60 Check and uncheck a checkbox
61 Check form input value and alert user by change the control background
62 Check if a text field is empty
63 Check if text field input is a number
64 Check status Example
65 Checkbox Action
66 CheckBox check action
67 Checkbox in a form
68 Checkboxes in a form
69 Checking Elements on a Form
70 Click button to navigate to selected url from form select control
71 Client-Side JavaScript Objects and HTML Tags That Create Instances of Them
72 Collapsing Forms
73 ComboBox set value to TextField
74 ComboBox(list box)
75 Compound Interest Calculator
76 Comprehensive form validation
77 Computes the french VAT and amounts including all taxes, and converts a currency into Euro
78 Controlling the tab Index Property
79 Convert a passed form reference to a string formatted like a JavaScript array of objects
80 Count forms in a document
81 Create a button
82 Create a link with value in form controls
83 Creating an Example Form for User Feedback
84 Creating Context-Sensitive Help
85 Creating Reusable Validation Code
86 Credit Card Validation
87 Cycle the selected radio buttons
88 Cycling through a Multiple-Selection List
89 Data Validation via an onChange event Handler
90 DefaultChecked Example
91 Demo
92 Demonstrates password field and hiden field
93 Demonstrates select object used as a multi-line list box
94 Determining the Size of the List
95 Determining the Value of the Selected Radio Button
96 Determining the Value or Text of the Selected Option
97 Determining the Values of Multiselection Lists
98 Determining Whether a Checkbox Object Is Checked
99 Disable a Button
100 Disable and enable a dropdown list (combobox)
101 Disable or enable an option
102 Display textfield value in new page
103 Dropdown list (combobox) in a form
104 Dropdown list (combobox) in form 2
105 Drop-down Redirect - No Submit button
106 Drop-down Redirect - Submit
107 Email Address Validate
108 Email form validation
109 Enctype Example
110 Feed value from array to text box
111 File Input Element
112 Finding the Selected Button in a Radio Group
113 Firing the onSame Event (FireFox)
114 Focus an input field
115 Focus lost event
116 Focus Next Control
117 Form button on click event
118 Form Button type
119 Form encoding Example
120 Form length
121 Form on submit event
122 Form reset() and form submit() Methods
123 Form Submit action
124 Form valiation for empty data, file name
125 Form Validate
126 Form validation
127 Form Validator
128 Form value validation and onsubmit action
129 Formats, verifies and recover the contents of HTML forms
130 Get changed selection from form select
131 Get form element infomation
132 Get form from form control (Button)
133 Get input value from form control
134 Get text input max Length
135 Get textfield value
136 Get the radio button selection
137 Get the select radio button and its value
138 Get value from check box
139 Get vcard name
140 Getting and Setting a Text Objects Value
141 Getting and Setting a Text Objects value Property
142 Greeting card genertor
143 Grouped selection control on change event
144 Hidden form section (toggle)
145 HTML Form with onClick Code
146 HtmlFor Example
147 If the textfield has been changed
148 Illegal sub string validation
149 Indeterminate Example
150 Index Example
151 InputBox
152 Is checked
153 Is Select a select-multiple
154 Is Text Editable
155 Is TextArea Multiline
156 JavaScript Button action event
157 JavaScript Loan Calculator
158 Jump to the next field
159 Last-Minute Checking Before Form Submission
160 Letter only, yes no only textfield
161 Linked ComboBox (option) Country =- province
162 Log in email validation
163 Log in form validation
164 Menu(Option) Generator
165 Methods and Properties of the Button Object
166 Methods and Properties of the Checkbox Object
167 Methods and Properties of the Form Object
168 Methods and Properties of the Password Object
169 Methods and Properties of the Radio Object
170 Methods and Properties of the Reset Object
171 Methods and Properties of the Select Object
172 Methods and Properties of the Submit Object
173 Methods and Properties of the Text Object
174 Methods and Properties of the Textarea Object
175 Modifying OPTGROUP Element Labels
176 Modifying SELECT Options
177 Modifying SELECT Options (IE4+)
178 Modifying SELECT Options (NN6+)
179 Money Format
180 Must be a valid email address
181 Must be at least 3 characters and not more than 8
182 Navigating with a SELECT Object
183 Need to select a file
184 Not empty TextArea
185 Not stop when the first failed validation is encountered
186 Number of options in the dropdown list(Combobox)
187 Numerals Only
188 On focus event
189 On focus lost event
190 Only characters are allowed
191 Open a new window with button
192 Option default Selected Example
193 Option label
194 Option selected
195 Option selected Index Example
196 Option selected index
197 Options in select
198 Passing a Form Object and Form Element to Functions
199 Passing a Text Object (as this) to the Function
200 Passing the form Object as a Parameter
201 Password field size
202 Password field validator
203 Password Protecting a Page
204 Phone Number Validation
205 Properties of the Hidden Object
206 Properties of the Option Object
207 Putting Script Directly in the onclick Event Handler
208 Radio action
209 Radio Button status Example
210 Radio buttons in a form
211 Remove an option from a dropdown list (combobox)
212 Request focus for text field
213 Reset the fields in a form
214 Resetting a Text Object to Default Value
215 Return the method used when sending form data
216 Return the name of the form that contains dropdown list (combobox)
217 Return the selected option as a number
218 Return the selected option as text in option
219 Roll over one of our images
220 Running a Script from User Action
221 Scripting a Group of Radio Objects
222 Select multiple options in a dropdown list (option)
223 Select the text in text area
224 Select the textfield and focus
225 Selecting an Option Using JavaScript
226 Selecting Text Upon Focus
227 Selection List Event Handling
228 Set font color with form control
229 Set font size with form control
230 Set select to multiple selected
231 Set TextArea to be Active
232 Set the select control value
233 Show Selected Option items
234 Show TextField value in Dialog
235 Shows the usage of callback functions for checking a field
236 Storing the last value using a Hidden object
237 Submit a form by sending out an email
238 Submit a form Via Enter
239 Submitting Forms to the Server
240 Text Example
241 Text Field autocomplete Example
242 Text field tab Index
243 Text Object Select and Focus
244 TextArea Columns Example
245 TextArea on change event
246 TextArea on key down event
247 TextArea on key press event
248 TextArea on key up event
249 Textarea rows
250 TextArea type
251 TextArea value
252 TextArea wrap
253 TextField focus and select all
254 TextField focus, blur, and click action
255 TextField get Focus and clear content
256 TextField input length validator
257 TextField validator
258 The Checkbox Objects checked Property
259 The checked Property as a Conditional
260 The onreset and onsubmit Event Handlers
261 Three Buttons Sharing One Function
262 Time Validate
263 Toggle button with hand cursor and image
264 Triggering a Color Change from a Pop-Up Menu
265 Triggering a Value Change from a Pop-Up Menu
266 Upload file field and button
267 URL Option ComboBox
268 URL Validate
269 Use form select control to trigger the action
270 Use hidden field to store data
271 Use Image to trigger submit and reset actions
272 Use JavaScript to check the password input
273 Using a Summary Form to Support Local Processing
274 Using the document forms Property
275 Using the form elements Array
276 Using the HTML Form Elements Array
277 Using the Location object to change another frames URL
278 Using the onPropertyChange Property
279 Using the onSubmit Event to Cancel a Form Submission (Internet Explorer)
280 Using the options[index] text Property
281 Using the options[index] value Property
282 Using the selectedIndex Property
283 Validate a number
284 Validate an field with a maximum number of characters
285 Validate an input field with minimum and maximum values
286 Validate email address
287 Validating User Input
288 Value Example
289 Variables in Hidden form