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JavaScript DHTML
Window Browser 172 codes
JavaScript DHTML
Window Browser
1 A Browser History Count
2 A carriage return in alert dialog box
3 A Document with Anchors
4 A Main Window Document
5 Access window properties
6 Accessing the Properties of the navigator Object
7 Alert box (dialog) with line-breaks
8 Alert Dialog
9 Alert Window
10 All details about the clients browser
11 Assign returning value from prompt dialog box to your variable
12 Browser infomation
13 Button click to display dialog
14 Cancelling and Redirecting Events in IE5 5+
15 Cancelling and Redirecting Events in NN6+
16 Capturing Click Events in the Window
17 Change status bar with mouse click
18 Change window location
19 Checking Before Closing a Window
20 Close window and open document in new window
21 Communicating with a New Window
22 Confirm Dialog Box
23 Contents of a Main Window Document That Generates a Second Window
24 Create a pop-up
25 Creating a New Window
26 Creating a Scrolling Banner in status bar
27 Creating an always Raised Window
28 Date in the status bar
29 Detect the clients screen
30 Detects the browser, its version and the operating system of the client
31 Detects the language used by the clients browser
32 DeviceXDPI Example
33 DeviceYDPI Example
34 Dialog Box Demo
35 Dialog in JavaScript
36 Display a confirm box (dialog)
37 Display a prompt box (dialog)
38 Displaying the Associative Properties Area of a Window Object
39 Displaying the Properties of the Screen Object
40 Displays and monitors the most used dialog boxes
41 Displays the time in the status line
42 Document alinkColor
43 Document and Layer Event Capture and Release
44 Document bgColor
45 Document fgColor
46 Document for the Modal Dialog
47 Document for the Modeless Dialog Box
48 Document lastModified
49 Document linkColor
50 Document title
51 Document vlinkColor
52 Escape string in alert dialog box
53 Event Bubbling Demonstration
54 Extracting the Directory of the Current Document
55 Forcing Scrolling to Stay at the Page Top
56 Functions to Examine Browsers
57 Get Browser version
58 Go Back to previous Page
59 Go Back to previous Page using number
60 Go Back to some step
61 Handling onBlur and onFocus in Frames
62 Handling Status Message Changes
63 Height-2 Example
64 History back() Example
65 History forward() Example
66 Hyper link to close window
67 IE4+ Event Coordinate Properties
68 If OK button was clicked
69 Implementing User Preferences
70 Indentify your browser
71 Is cookie Enabled
72 JavaScript display infomation in Status Bar
73 Jump to a new location
74 Links with Custom Statusbar Messages
75 Load image with timer
76 Location property
77 LogicalXDPI Example
78 LogicalYDPI Example
79 Main Page for show Modal Dialog
80 Main Page for show Modeless Dialog
81 Make a new window
82 Maximize Window for different browser
83 Meta http-equiv=refresh content=30 and timer
84 Methods and Properties of the Frame Object
85 Methods and Properties of the History Object
86 Methods and Properties of the Location Object
87 Modifies the properties and the contents of the browsers windows
88 More details about the clients browser
89 Move a window
90 Navigator
91 Navigator Object
92 New line character in alert box
93 New Window Laboratory
94 NN4 Capture, Release, and Route Events
95 NN4 Event Capture and Release 1
96 NN4 Redirecting Events
97 NN6 Event Capture and Bubble
98 Non string parameter for alert()
99 Open a dialog window
100 Open a new link from a button
101 Open a new window and control its appearance
102 Open a new window and load new page
103 Open a new window setting height, width and position
104 Open a new window with your own options
105 Open a window and center it
106 Open multiple windows at one click
107 Opening a New Window
108 Opening and Closing Windows
109 Output tag name from window event to status bar
110 Pass integer value to alert dialog box
111 Pass string parameter to alert dialog box
112 Pop-up Window - centred
113 Popup window animation (fly across screen)
114 Preventing a Page from Scrolling
115 Preventing Bubble and Capture
116 Prompt Input Dialog
117 Properties and Methods of the Window Object
118 References to Window Objects
119 Resize a window
120 Resize a window to a specified size
121 Screen availHeight
122 Screen availLeft
123 Screen availTop
124 Screen availWidth
125 Screen bufferDepth Example
126 Screen colorDepth Example
127 Screen font Smoothing Enabled
128 Screen update Interval
129 Screen width Example
130 Scroll the window
131 Scroll the window to a specified position
132 Scroll Window
133 Scrolling Text in the Status Window
134 Scrolling Title in Browser title bar
135 Set text for windows status bar
136 Setting the Default Status Message
137 Setting Window Height and Width(Firefox)
138 Simple Notification
139 Start a timer and cancel a timer
140 String Objects Length, Document Location Properties, confirm and input dialog
141 Tab key in the alert dialog box
142 The Methods and Properties of the navigator Object
143 The onFocus event Handler
144 The Prompt Dialog Box
145 To hide JavaScript errors from the user
146 Use history back button
147 Use if-else with confirm dialog
148 Use prompt for password checking
149 User input
150 Using document write() on Another Window
151 Using document write() on the Current Window
152 Using Navigator Properties
153 Using Status Messages
154 Using the const Keyword
155 Using the History Object to Navigate
156 Using the self Property in status bar
157 Using the srcElement property
158 Using the window close() Method to Close a Browser Window
159 Verify browser language
160 Viewing the scrollLeft and scrollTop Properties
161 What is the output of a confirm dialog
162 Window focus and blur()
163 Window Property Picker
164 Window Resize Methods
165 Window Resize, motion, maximize
166 Windows timer
167 Working with Status Bar Messages
168 Working with the Alert, Confirm, and Prompt Methods
169 Write text to the windows status bar
170 Writing Different Text to a Page Based on the Browser
171 XY Marks the Spot for a popup window (IE)
172 YesNo Confirmation