Mega Code Archive
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MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
XML Tutorial
JavaScript Tutorial
Dojo Toolkit 395 codes
JavaScript Tutorial
Dojo Toolkit
1 A html page structure for using dojo
2 Add action to tag by using dojo byId(id)
3 Add behaviour to tag with dojo behavior add
4 Add DOM event to a tag
5 Add event to a button with dojo connect
6 Add event to a tag with dojo connect
7 Add Icon to ComboButton MenuItem
8 Add icon to button
9 Add MenuItem to DropDownButton
10 Add month to date
11 Add on click event to MenuItem
12 Add style class to tag by using dojo addClass(myDiv, myClass)
13 Add submenu
14 Add toggle button to tool bar
15 Add tool tip to text
16 Add ToolbarSeparator to Toolbar
17 Add tooltip to tag(span)
18 Animate width property
19 Animation
20 Animation easing function
21 Animation with dojox timing Sequence
22 Append node to body with dojo body
23 Append to string builder
24 Array filter
25 Array index of
26 Array index offset
27 Att separator to tool bar
28 Behaviour
29 Behaviour mouse out
30 Blend colors
31 Build group regular expression in dojo
32 Calculate distance for two points
33 Calendar in Chinese
34 Chained animation
35 Change color object to CSS
36 Change margin box
37 Change position animation
38 Change style with dojo style
39 Change tag sequence
40 Check class existance
41 Check descendant by id
42 Check existance for property
43 Check function existance
44 Check node descendant
45 Check number format
46 Check phone number format
47 CheckBox checked state
48 CheckBox onclick event
49 CheckBox preset value
50 Clear a dictionary
51 Clear ArrayList
52 Clear string builder
53 Clone node
54 Close tab event
55 Color from Hex value
56 Color from hex value based on existing value
57 ComboBox on change event
58 ComboBox on change event with dojo event
59 ComboButton click event
60 ComboButton MenuItem click event
61 Compare two dates
62 Connect animation
63 Connect two animations
64 Connect two functions together
65 ContextMenu setup
66 Convert array to JSON
67 Convert array to query string
68 Convert ArrayList to Array
69 Convert date to ISO format string
70 Convert degree to Radians
71 Convert dojo Color object to CSS
72 Convert dojo Color to hex value
73 Convert dojo Color to RGB
74 Convert dojo Color to RGBA
75 Convert object to JSON
76 Convert query string to JSON
77 Convert radian to degree
78 Convert stack to array
79 Create a color picker
80 Create a dialog declaratively
81 Create a dialog with your code
82 Create a dictionary
83 Create a gray color
84 Create a movable tag through code
85 Create Accordian Pane with your code
86 Create Accordion Pane declaratively
87 Create an ArrayList and add elements to it
88 Create color from your array
89 Create currency field
90 Create currency field programmatically
91 Create data input dialog
92 Create dijit ColorPalette from code
93 Create dijit ColorPalette programmatically
94 Create dijit form NumberSpinner and set constraints
95 Create dijit layout AccordionContainer
96 Create disclosure pane(dijit TitlePane)
97 Create dojo Color
98 Create dojo Color from an Array based on existing color
99 Create dojo Color from String
100 Create dojo ComboBox
101 Create dojo ComboBox declaratively
102 Create dojo Date
103 Create dojo date object
104 Create Ellipse
105 Create fish eye list
106 Create inline text editor(dijit InlineEditBox)
107 Create number box(dijit form NumberTextBox) and set value
108 Create number spinner (dijit form NumberSpinner)
109 Create ProgressBar
110 Create rich text editor programmatically
111 Create stack container programmatically
112 Create StringBuilder
113 Create TabContainer
114 Create text editor declaratively
115 Create TextArea
116 Create TextBox
117 Create TimeTextBox
118 Create tool bar and add buttons to it
119 Create validation text field
120 Create vertical slider and set value, minimum, maximum and discreteValues
121 Cross fade
122 Customized function loader
123 Cut, copy and paste icons
124 DateTextBox prompts invalid message
125 Declare a dijit ColorPalette
126 Declare dijit form Button
127 Declare dijit form DateTextBox
128 Define date pattern for dijit form DateTextBox
129 Define pattern for dijit form NumberTextBox
130 Dialog button action
131 Dictionary containsKey
132 Dictionary containsValue
133 Dictionary count
134 Dictionary Entry
135 Dictionary key iterator
136 Dictionary value iterator
137 Dijit ColorPalette on change event
138 Dijit form FilteringSelect
139 Dijit form NumberSpinner
140 Disable, enable button
141 Disclosure pane creation
142 Disconnect function
143 Does ArrayList contain
144 Dojo addOnLoad
145 Dojo animation alert
146 Dojo button label
147 Dojo check box creation
148 Dojo cldr monetary getData
149 Dojo clone
150 Dojo drag and drop reorder
151 Dojo method event
152 Dojo regex escape string
153 Dojo regex group
154 Dojo setObject
155 Dojo string pad(, 5)
156 Dojo string pad(, 5, ) space
157 Dojo string pad(0, 5, 1)
158 Dojo string pad(0, 5, 1, true)
159 Dojo string sprintf
160 Dojo string substitute
161 Dojo string substitute(${0} and ${1} , [Jack, Jill])
162 DOM node from border layout
163 Draw 3D ball
164 Draw line
165 Draw polygon
166 Draw rectangle
167 Draw stroke
168 Draw text
169 Drop to target
170 Email address regex for ValidationTextBox
171 Error toaster
172 Every function
173 Extend class
174 Fade effect for Menu under ComboButton
175 Fade me out
176 Fade out animation demo
177 Fadein animation
178 Fadeout animation
179 File menu
180 Fill text
181 Filter item out
182 Fish eye on text
183 Five spots of BorderLayout
184 For each function with value in dijit form TextBox
185 For each item
186 Force ComboBox to valid
187 Format currency
188 Format numner as currency
189 Format slider value
190 Generate time based UUID
191 Get button text from predefined locale
192 Get check box value
193 Get computed border width
194 Get data from editor
195 Get date difference
196 Get date from dialog
197 Get day in a month
198 Get Element by id
199 Get element in ArrayList by index
200 Get element index in an array
201 Get even-ord numbers with every function
202 Get first week
203 Get gaussian random number
204 Get Iterator from ArrayList
205 Get Iterator from dictionary
206 Get index of an item in ArrayList
207 Get item index
208 Get iterator from Stack
209 Get last index of
210 Get mid point
211 Get range
212 Get style from tag
213 Get tag by ID and change inner html
214 Get tag coordinates
215 Get time zone
216 Get UUID version
217 Get value from dijit form TextBox and do the validation
218 Get variant from UUID
219 Get week end day
220 Hide dialog
221 Highlight animation
222 Horizontal slider bar
223 HTML tags inline editing
224 Inline text box
225 Insert at index
226 Insert element into an ArrayList
227 Integer sprintf
228 Is array like
229 Is checkbox checked
230 Is in range
231 Is it a string
232 Is it an object
233 Is leap year
234 Is object a function
235 Is object an array
236 Is valid UUID
237 Italic icon
238 Layout control
239 Leave space in sprintf
240 Load custom function
241 Load dojo frame
242 Load predefined locale
243 Load tree data
244 Log to firebug console
245 Login dialog
246 Make any tag moveable
247 Make tag not selectable
248 Make tag selectable
249 Make text field moveable
250 Manage history
251 Map each item in an array
252 Math ease function
253 Math standard deviation
254 Maxmin slider value
255 Message toaster
256 Min,max, date pattern for DateTextBox
257 Mix two classes
258 Nested Accordion Pane
259 Null UUID
260 Number spinner
261 NumberSpinner
262 Object to query
263 Output as char
264 Output dijit ColorPalette selected value in on change event
265 Padding string
266 Parse currency
267 Parse ISO Date format string
268 Parse string as number
269 Path animation
270 Pause before
271 Pause one second
272 Peek element
273 Pop element out
274 Popup dialog
275 Precheck checkbox
276 ProgressBar
277 ProgressBar creation
278 ProgressBar dialog
279 ProgressBar Interval
280 Push elements to stack
281 Query dojo icon class with dojo query()
282 Query element id and add action
283 Query style
284 Query style from tag
285 Query to object
286 Random UUID
287 Remove class
288 Remove element from ArrayList
289 Remove entry from Dictionary
290 Remove letter from string
291 Reorder DIV tag
292 Repeat 5 times
293 Replace string in string buffer
294 Replace value in Text Editor
295 Reset spinner
296 Reverse an ArrayList
297 Right click in here to get the contextual menu
298 Round a number
299 Search property with exist function
300 Seed based UUID
301 Sequence pause after and go
302 Set animation rate
303 Set checkbox value
304 Set color to new value
305 Set ComboBox auto-complete to false
306 Set constraints for dijit form DateTextBox
307 Set dijit form TextBox propercase=true
308 Set element by index
309 Set icon class
310 Set intermediateChanges for Slider
311 Set invalide message for dijit form ValidationTextBox
312 Set new style
313 Set prompt message for TextBox
314 Set proper case for ValidateTextBox
315 Set RadioButton group and default selection
316 Set required to true for ValidationTextBox
317 Set slide handle image
318 Set small delta and large delta for dijit form NumberSpinner
319 Set Tab position
320 Set tab title
321 Set title for Accordion Pane
322 Set to lower case for dijit form ValidationTextBox
323 Set up dijit form DateTextBox
324 Set value for ProgressBar
325 Set value for spinner
326 Setup border container
327 Setup min, max and fractional constraints for CurrencyTextBox
328 Setup radio button
329 Setup RichTextEditor
330 Shape rotation
331 Show and hide tooltip
332 Show label off
333 Simple dialog
334 Simple disclosure pane
335 Simple slider
336 Simple TextArea
337 Simple TextBox
338 Simplest dijit form NumberTextBox
339 Slide back to original spot
340 Slide in animation
341 Slider on change dojo event
342 Slider on change event
343 Some function
344 Some function for even-odd numbers
345 Sort an ArrayList
346 Stack container with back and forward actions
347 Stack contains
348 Stop event bubble
349 Subscribe function
350 Subscribe to start
351 Substitute with function
352 Substitute with named parameters
353 Tabbed pane with title
354 TextBox proper case
355 Three tabs
356 Timer interval, onclick, start and stop
357 TitlePane and TextArea
358 Toggle button on change event
359 Toggle tag class with dojo toggleClass(myDiv, myClass)
360 Toggle with true and false
361 Tooltip dialog and dropdown button
362 Trim a string
363 Trim dijit form TextBox
364 Trim ValidationTextBox
365 Two inline editors
366 Use code to border layout tags
367 Use dijit form FilteringSelect to create an auto-complete list
368 Use dojo calendar
369 Use dojo cookie to create a cookie
370 Use dojo require() to load modules
371 Use dojo to create class
372 Use foreach to add action to buttons
373 Use map function to add one to each array item
374 Use package name in function definition
375 Use predefined icons for buttons
376 Use regex to validate a dijit form ValidationTextBox
377 Use splitpane
378 Use splitter content pane
379 Use StackContainer and ContentPane
380 Use time text box
381 Use toggle button and tool bar, add icon to toggle button
382 Use toggler to show and hide tag with wipe in and out
383 Use your own format function to format a dijit form TextBox
384 UUID equals
385 Validate credit card number
386 Validate email
387 Validate email address
388 Validate Isbn
389 Validate Luhn number
390 Validate Max length of TextBox
391 Warning toaster
392 Wipeout animation
393 Wipeout animation easing function
394 Wizard based on stack container
395 Zipcode validation