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JavaScript Tutorial
Event 76 codes
JavaScript Tutorial
1 Add event handler listener to document
2 Add event handler to form
3 Add event listener to elements in a form
4 Add event listener to form
5 Bubble up events (Firefox)
6 Capturing events
7 Create your own event
8 Display current mouse position in status bar (IE)
9 Display key event code in status bar (IE)
10 Event
11 Event ABORT
12 Event Bubbling (Firefox)
13 Event Bubbling Demonstration
14 Event CHANGE
15 Event data
16 Event Handlers and this
17 Event height
18 Event layerX
19 Event layerY
20 Event pageX
21 Event pageY
22 Event screenX
23 Event screenY
24 Event target
25 Event type
26 Event which
27 Event width
28 Fire Timer event
29 Focus lost event
30 Get event Phase
31 Get event source element name and id
32 Get key char
33 Get key code
34 Get key event target element id
35 Get mouse clicked button
36 Get mouse client X and Y
37 Get mouse event target
38 Get mouse event type
39 Get mouse screen X and Y
40 Get XY screen position (IE)
41 Inline DOM Event Registration
42 Is alt key pressed during the mouse click
43 Is Alt pressed during the event
44 Is control key pressed during the mouse click
45 Is Control pressed during the event
46 Is Shift key pressed during the mouse click
47 Is the Shift pressed during the event
48 Key event type
49 Keystroke detector
50 Mouse event from and to elements (IE)
51 Mouse event related element (Firefox)
52 Mouse event target element name
53 Onclick mouse event handler
54 Ondblclick mouse event handler
55 Onkeydown key event handler
56 Onkeypress key event handler
57 Onkeyup key event handler
58 Onmousedown event handler
59 Onmouseout event handler
60 Onmouseover event handler
61 Onmouseup event handler
62 Pass key event as the function parameter
63 Preventing Bubble and Capture
64 Register mouse down event(IE)
65 Set elements pixelTop and pixelLeft to current mouse event (IE)
66 Set event return value to false (IE)
67 Start a timer and cancel a timer
68 The preventDefault() method from zEvent is used to prevent the running flag from being set to true
69 This example uses more complex event handlers and the zEvent object
70 This example uses simple event handlers to alert you when the start() and stop() methods are called
71 Use mouse event as the function parameter
72 Use mouse inout action to trigger the style change
73 Use String fromCharCode to convert key event code to key event char (IE)
74 W3C Event Capture and Bubble
75 Window event srcElement tagName
76 XY Marks the Spot for a popup window (IE)